2nd Lawrence

"I heard that you were kicked by Taylor, haha, you must be in a bad mood, right?"

On Hollywood Boulevard, in a white wine tasting bar run by an Italian, there were not many customers during the day. Except for Link and the old director Woody Allen in the corner booth, there were only seven or eight drinkers scattered in the surrounding booths.

Because the consumption level here is not low, the people who come to have fun are also wealthy people. The drinkers are fashionable in clothes, elegant in conversation, and the volume of their speech is not too loud, so as not to affect the people around them.

Link put down the drink order and glanced at the old man opposite, who had a thin cheek, wore big-framed glasses, and looked gentle.

Logically speaking, this kind of person should speak very politely, but when he talked about the news that he was kicked, he had a happy smile on his face, and the corners of his dry mouth were raised high, as if he was talking about a happy thing.

"Director Allen, the French say that you are the last intellectual in the American film industry. People like you also read superficial entertainment news online?"

"Of course, even though I'm older than you, I still know how to keep up with trends. I've also signed up for Twitter. Come and follow each other."

Director Woody Allen took out the fruit phone and said.

Link smiled softly and took out his mobile phone to communicate with him. Director Woody Allen was the latest registered account and currently only has 340,000 followers, which is not bad.

"Link, to be honest, you must be in a bad mood lately, right?"

Woody Allen said seriously.

"A little bit, but not as serious as you think."

"One thing is true. The crew's preparatory work has been completed and is scheduled to start shooting at the end of the month. Your current situation is the same as that of the male protagonist. You had a disagreement with your girlfriend and was broken up. Many things can be shown without acting. I suggest you to do it in advance. How about joining the team and filming the story of your breakup with your girlfriend?"

Woody Allen said.

Link raised his eyebrows, feeling that this old man was quite a loser and liked to rub salt into people's wounds.

"How long will the shoot take?"

"It depends on the performance of you and Jennifer. If you perform well enough, the filming can be completed in less than a month. If your performance is not good, the filming may not be completed in two months, because I have very high requirements for actors. The acting is too high." Shit, I won’t shout pass.”

Woody Allen said.

Link thought for a while, and according to the original plan, after the album was released, he would lead the band to continue to tour and promote the new album while singing. However, due to the influence of the private video, his reputation was somewhat damaged, especially in some conservative circles. country or region, the negative impact will be greater.

The company's plan is to delay it for a month, use legal means to clarify the video issues, and restore reputational damage before continuing with the world tour.

In addition, Taylor was having a breakup recently, and he didn't have the heart to run around until the problem was resolved.

"Okay! I'll go back and adjust my schedule."

Link said.

"Jennifer, here!"

Director Allen suddenly waved in the direction of the door, and a girl with a round face and an obvious baby bump came over.

She has golden brown hair and a tall figure. She wears a grass green waist dress and black wedge shoes. When she walks, she holds her waist high and puts her hands in front of her body, which makes her a little reserved.

Jennifer Lawrence, nicknamed "Big Cousin", has acted in "The Burning Plain" and "Winter's Bone". Later, she became a global hit with the "Hunger Games" series of movies. She is good at playing heroines with strong personalities.

Her acting skills are great and she is the first Oscar-winning actress born in the 1990s.

It was also the first time for Link to see the woman in person. He felt that she was taller than in the movie, with a net height of over 175 centimeters, a slim waist, long legs, and fleshy arms, and she looked relatively green.

"Hi, Director Allen, hello Mr. Baker, nice to meet you."

Jennifer Lawrence stood at the table and said hello politely.

"Hello, Miss Lawrence, just call me Link. We are colleagues next, so it is easier to communicate by calling me by name."

Link stood up and shook hands with the other party.


Jennifer brushed her hair from her ears and sat down in the empty seat next to Link.

The three of them chatted about the script and shooting plans for a while.

This movie is about an American couple going on vacation to Paris, France. Because of their different concepts, in the eyes of women, Paris is the city of fashion. The main purpose of coming to Paris is to go shopping, buy luxury goods, and eat French meals.

The male protagonist played by Link is a writer. He prefers the cultural atmosphere of Paris, the Renaissance movement, Impressionist painters, Louvre collections, Picasso, etc.

The two had disagreements during their trip. During a night trip to Paris, the hero took an antique car and traveled back to the Paris of the last century. He met a French beauty, who was the painter Amedeo and the sculptor Georges Boucher. The lover of Lak, painter Picasso and others.

The male protagonist follows each other to participate in celebrity parties in Paris and gets to know historical celebrities such as Picasso, Hemingway, Buñuel, and Stein.

After several time travels, the male protagonist secretly fell in love with the French beauty Adrianna, gradually drifted away from his fiancée, and eventually broke up.

"Director Allen, who do you want to play Adrianna?"

Link asked. He had a kissing scene with the second female lead, so he was more concerned about this.

"Marion Cotillard, I talked to her about the script and she was very interested in the role."

Woody Allen pushed up his glasses frame and said.

Marion Cotillard is a famous French actress. She won the Oscar for Best Actress in 2008 for "La Vie en Rose". She is also the troublemaking wife of the male protagonist in "Inception". She is very beautiful. , known as the 'French Rose' after Sophie Marceau, and her acting skills are also very good.

It's just that another movie queen has arrived, doubling the pressure on Link.

"Link, there are still two weeks before filming starts. I hope you will spend more time studying the script and reading the books on the list. At least you must know what Hemingway, Picasso, Buñuel, Dali and others do. , life experiences, any representative works, etc.”

Link nodded.

While they were chatting, Woody Allen's cell phone rang. He picked up the phone and listened. He said that if something happened, he had to take the first step. He wanted the two of them to chat more and get to know each other, because they would be in the play next. Playing a couple, they were too unfamiliar and had no tacit understanding.

After seeing Director Allen off, Link sat down opposite Jennifer, making it easier to talk.

"Jennifer, I heard that your home is in Louisville, Kentucky? I went there last year. Louisville is a very beautiful city."

Link picked up the wine bottle and poured the other party a glass of wine.


Jennifer Lawrence glanced at him and smiled slightly, "Last April at the National Amateur Boxing Championships, you were the award presenter there. I saw the news."

"What a coincidence."

Link smiled softly and chatted with the other party about some acting matters. He said that he had watched the other party's performance of "The Burning Plain" and praised the other party for his excellent acting skills.

Jennifer Lawrence also said that she had seen his performance in "The Fighter" and praised him for his good performance.

The two of them became familiar with each other little by little.

Jennifer is one year younger than him, has a cheerful personality, is smart and precocious, and is good at observing people's movements. It is not difficult to get along with such a person.

While the two were chatting, he felt as if someone was taking secret photos around him. He took a look, but did not find out who the photographer was and did not pursue the case.

But when he came out of the bar, a large group of paparazzi blocked him on the street.

Ask him if he is dating his new girlfriend? Ask him if he broke up with Taylor? He also asked if he often cheated on Taylor during their relationship?

Link casually said a few words and returned to the car under the escort of Wallace and others.

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