Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 300 Taylor, do you have a heart?

When Link left the bar, there were many news reports about him dating his new girlfriend.

This news first appeared on Twitter.

A fan tweeted that he was drinking at a bar on Hollywood Boulevard and suddenly found the big star Link sitting next to him. He was very excited and said that he looked at Link up close and felt that he was more handsome than in the MV. He also said that he wanted to go up and say hello, but was worried about offending him.

The fan secretly took a few photos of Link from the side. It was not known whether it was intentional or unintentional, but he happened to take pictures of him and Jennifer laughing.

These photos were then forwarded by many media outlets.

The title was that Link was chatting with a young beauty in the bar. The two looked very close, and it was suspected that he was his new girlfriend.

Pictures speak the truth.

According to media investigations, his new girlfriend was Jennifer Lawrence, the heroine of "The Burning Plain" and "Winter's Bone".

Then many people criticized him in the comment area.

They said that he had chosen his next target before officially breaking up with Taylor, and he was a real playboy.

Some people also commented that his "new girlfriend" was far worse than Taylor, and complained that he had no vision.

Link has seen a lot of this kind of comments recently, but he doesn't care much about them. He didn't even bother to send a tweet to clarify.

He just sent a message to Taylor, telling her that the other party was the heroine of Midnight in Paris, and that director Woody Allen had arranged for them to discuss the script, not a private date.

After waiting for a few minutes without seeing a response, he forwarded it to Emily.

Ding Dong!

Not long after sending it, he unexpectedly received a reply from Taylor.

Taylor said: "No need to explain, who you date has nothing to do with me."

Link said: "We haven't broken up yet, you are still my girlfriend, I think it is necessary to clarify with you."

Taylor said: "Don't you think it's ridiculous? Every time you come back from messing around outside, why don't you think of telling me actively? When you encounter this kind of scandal that can be easily clarified, you quickly send me a message to tell me. Do you want to prove that you are a good boyfriend, or do you think you are competent and self-touched?"

Link covered his forehead. When you are in love, sweet words can make people sick to death. After the breakup, Taylor's words become more and more sharp, and sometimes the words he says can choke people to death.

"I didn't mean that. I just didn't want you to misunderstand me."

"Whatever, I don't care."

Taylor said.

Link sighed, "Honey, can we put aside the dispute for now and not talk about the unpleasant things? We have lived together for more than a year and have had many happy times, right?

We wrote songs in the apartment, played the piano, and watched the heavy rain in New York. We played and played in the bathroom, cooked in the kitchen, made cakes, played tennis and practiced yoga together, had sex on the balcony, on the floor, in the recording studio, in the bathroom, on the lawn, everywhere.

We went to see Andrea Bocelli's concert together. Remember that time you drank too much and the police fined me to walk in a straight line? We have experienced so many wonderful things. Do you remember those things?

I miss all the days I spent with you and the things we did together. These are the best times I have ever experienced. I believe it is the same for you, so please forgive me once. We can have more beautiful stories."

Taylor: "I remember, of course I I remember, but you messed it all up, Linkbeck. You messed it all up. We could have had a very beautiful love, even a marriage, but you messed it up. Now it's broken and irreversible. Don't you think it's too late to cherish it? "

Link: "Will you be sentenced to death for making a mistake only once? I've heard that true love can withstand the test of storms and rainstorms. For us, we can't even withstand a small setback. What kind of love is that?

I've also heard that true lovers will subconsciously approach each other even if they are thousands of miles apart.

And you give me the feeling that you are running away from me, and you have never cherished or tried to save our relationship. So is it really because you found out that I cheated that you decided to leave me, rather than because you have never loved me seriously and don't cherish this relationship? "

It took Taylor three or four minutes to reply to his message.

Taylor: "The time I lived in the villa with you was the best time of my life. I miss it very much, but living there often makes me feel depressed, as if I can't breathe. Do you know why?"

Link: "Did I buy the villa? This villa is not a luxury house. With your wealth, you can buy ten villas. I don't understand why you feel depressed."

Taylor: "Because of you."

Link: "Me?"

Link was a little surprised. Although he was a little dogmatic and conservative, he usually liked to joke and was not serious. How could he make Taylor feel depressed?

Taylor: "Link, you are so good, your musical talent is so good, every album is so good, every song is so classic, I often need to think for days and nights to write a good song, but you only need to think for a while, you can come up with a song that I can't write in a year. Compared with you, I am too ordinary.

In the past, when we attended the award ceremony, some fans called my name, and some called you, but this year when we attended the red carpet, all the fans called you.

Even when others introduced me, they would say I am your girlfriend, instead of introducing my name directly. I don't know when, I gradually became your foil and became your vassal. I began to become confused. Is this the life I want? Becoming the girlfriend of a big shot, is this what I pursue?


I have a musical dream. I want to stand on the world's biggest stage and sing for everyone.

But when I was by your side, you protected me like a big tree, but also shielded me.

I gradually felt my inspiration dried up, and I became lazy and unmotivated. You were like a quagmire, swallowing me up little by little. I hated that state, so I wanted to leave there, leave you.

I mustered up the courage several times, but I couldn't speak to you until that video came out, giving me a chance to leave you openly.

When I left the villa, I was very reluctant, but I also knew that if I continued to stay there, I would be further and further away from my dream.

So, sorry, let's break up!"

Link read Taylor's reply and was stunned for more than ten seconds before he came back to his senses.

Is Taylor determined to break up because she is too good?

So that day, in order to win Taylor back, I copied a song on the spot, but it backfired and made her go faster?

Link: "Taylor, are you serious? Do you know why I am working so hard? It's because you are so good. I am worried that I will be dumped by you because I am too bad. That's why I keep practicing boxing to become a boxing champion, keep practicing guitar and piano to become a singer, and invest madly to make money. All of this is to be worthy of you.

Now you tell me that I am too good and make you feel pressured? ! You negate all my efforts with one sentence. "

Taylor: "You do this for me? ! Nonsense, I don't believe it. You do it for yourself. You want to be a big star and a billionaire. This is what you said. "

Link: "If I were just an ordinary boxer, would you agree to be my girlfriend?"

Taylor: "When we were dating, you were not an Olympic champion."

Link: "Yes, but before that, you didn't pay attention to me, and we didn't even kiss or hug. We occasionally talked on the phone, and you excitedly told me where you were performing today and tomorrow, who you met, and what your favorite male singer was called, but you never told me when you would be back.

I've heard that the entertainment industry is very chaotic. When I became your boyfriend, the thing I was most worried about was that one day I would see a rumor about you and a male singer in the newspaper. I hate that happening to me.

In order to protect myself, I took the initiative to break up with you shortly after the American qualifiers.

You didn't agree at that time, but you didn't try to keep me.

At that time, you gave me a feeling of being hot and cold, sometimes far and sometimes close.

Until I went to New York, we met again, our relationship went further, and we confirmed our relationship.

But I know that people in the entertainment industry don't take relationships seriously, regardless of gender.

In order to keep you and prevent you from being snatched away by others, I also joined the music industry. We practiced piano and wrote songs together, and had more common topics. Then when my first album was released, I became a new star in the music industry, and we were together openly.

Do you think I like singing? I don't like it. I'm a boxer and I only love boxing. If I could, I would rather stay in the boxing gym 24 hours a day and not care about anything, but I know I can't do that.

If I was only a boxer, didn't understand music, and didn't know how to chat with you, the differences between us would become bigger and bigger, and we would have fewer and fewer common topics, and then you would kick me out without hesitation and choose to live with a man who has common topics with you.

In order to keep you, I continued to make music and release records, becoming the most dazzling man in the music industry. Other men saw how good I was and dared not to hit on you again. We thought we could keep you in this way, but now you tell me that you are leaving me because I am too good and make you feel pressured?

Taylor Swift, do you have a heart? "

After the text message was sent, Taylor was silent for four or five minutes and did not reply.

Link: "I'm sorry, my words may be a little serious, but I love you too much and don't want you to leave.

There is one more thing I forgot to tell you. It's too tiring to sing and practice boxing at the same time. I often feel mentally exhausted after living like this for more than a year. My original plan was to discuss with you about quitting the music industry after releasing four albums.

But I didn't expect you to feel pressured by my popularity in the music industry. Sorry, I should have quit earlier. "

Taylor: "You want to quit the music industry? ”

Link: “Do you think I am a person who loves music?”

Taylor: “I don’t know, but you are very talented, your singing skills are getting stronger and stronger, and your songwriting level is top-notch. How can you quit the music industry? !”

Link: “I don’t love music, I love you who love music.”

Taylor did not respond for three minutes.

Link: “Come back, okay? If you feel pressured, I will immediately announce my retirement from the music industry and concentrate on being a boxer.”

Taylor: “Link, don’t be like this. You sing so well, write such good songs, and have so many fans who like you. How can you just quit the music industry? You are too irresponsible to do this.”

Link: “If you leave me, it will be meaningless for me to stay in the music industry.”

Taylor: “You can’t quit the music industry. I won’t agree.”

Link: “Come back, okay? I can pick you up at the recording studio. If you don’t like living in the Bay Villa, we can live with you. I like your small mountain villa very much.”

Three minutes later, Taylor responded.

Taylor: "But you cheated on me, more than once. If you love me, you won't touch other women."

Link: "Those two women came to me on their own, just like reproductive health technicians. What I did with them had nothing to do with love, and I never loved them at all. I swear."

Taylor: "I need time to think about it. Give me some time."

Link: "Is ten minutes enough? We have been apart for six days. I miss you very much now and want to have crazy sex with you in bed."

Taylor: "Can you please stop being so lustful?"

Link: "I miss you."

Taylor: "Give me a day, please, give me a day, I need to think seriously, I am very confused now."

"Okay, think about it slowly, don't rush."

Link put away his phone, thought for a while, and asked Bob to drive to Link Music's recording studio in Los Angeles.

He and several producers in the recording studio were busy until after nine o'clock in the evening, and finally finished recording "Sorry".

The original version of "Sorry" was released by Justin Bieber in 2015 and won the Billboard singles chart. Although Justin's version of the song is good, the electronic music reverberation is too serious, resulting in distortion of the sound. I feel tired of it after listening to it twice.

The new version only uses a few simple instruments for accompaniment, coupled with Link's affectionate performance, the song has become more listenable and infectious.

Although it won't make people cry, the emotions contained in the lyrics and music are very sincere and touching.

The studio uploaded the song to iTunes the next morning, and Link also tweeted "sorry" and attached a link to the song.

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