Early June, Palm Bay Gold Coast, Miami.

Fat James often says that Miami Beach is the most beautiful in June.

The endless blue sky above our heads and the golden sun.

In front of you is the blue sea and white sandy beach.

Waves of warm sea breeze blew through the lush palm trees on the shore, and the sound of rustling leaves mixed with the sound of sea water lapping against the sand bank, which was beautiful and charming.

Even more charming are the bikini girls who occasionally appear on the beach.

Because this is Miami, it is also the place with the most Latina beauties. Latina beauties are famous for their hot bodies, which makes most of the bikini girls on the beach have big breasts and fat buttocks, which are hot and charming.

James' favorite thing to do in the past was to set up a bench, grab a bottle of iced Coke, and sit under the awning in front of Baker's store, squinting his eyes and looking at the bikini girls passing by, like Watching the Victoria's Secret lingerie show.

But since Daniel got married in April and Michael went out to wander, he no longer had the leisure to sit in front of the door and look at beautiful women. Every time he sat alone in the store, he often felt inexplicably irritable and couldn't calm down.

Until Link came back from Paris the day before yesterday and said he wanted to stay in a small shop temporarily, his heart suddenly became quiet again, which was also inexplicable.

"Link, how many days are you going to stay at home?"

James asked as he stood at the door of the shop, looking at Link who was reading a magazine under the awning.

This guy had a bare back and was wearing sweatpants and big slippers.

I don’t know if it’s because he has lived in Paris, but James always feels that he has become a lot more fashionable. He has long black hair, which is messy and stylish. He wears a platinum shield-shaped pendant around his neck, which shines in the sun. .

His face seems to be much more handsome than before, with fair skin and sharp edges. He looks even more handsome than Keanu Reeves, Tom Cruise, Orlando Bloom and others.

This made James have to suspect that this guy might have had plastic surgery.

"I don't know, four or five days, or seven or eight days, it could be possible."

Link said as he lay on the bench and flipped through the latest issue of Billboard magazine.

"Only for eight days?"

James was a little disappointed. After Link left, he was the only one left here.

"Can't you stay a few more days? You are a billionaire now, so there is no need to be so busy."

Link glanced at him, feeling very helpless. He thought that if Daniel and Michael left, James would also leave and join him in the city or Los Angeles.

But no, he still stayed in Baker's shop, going to work on time and leaving get off work on time, like a Robinson Crusoe trapped on an isolated island.

Link once invited him to be his assistant.

James was worried that he would not do well and did not agree.

Link was planning to buy a cafe in Miami and leave it to him to run, but James refused and said he couldn't do it well.

This guy couldn't hold up the wall with mud, so Link had no choice but to let him go.

"I heard that your mother is looking for a girlfriend for you. Why don't you learn from Daniel and get married and have children early? It's better than staying here alone."


Hearing him talk about this, James immediately wrinkled his fleshy face, gestured and said, "Do you know what the girls my mother introduced to me are like, they are all fat girls weighing more than 160 pounds, God, Although I am fat, my aesthetics are fine, and I also like girls with long legs that are bulging forward and backward, not fat girls, never have been.”

Link smiled softly, "Liking is one thing, getting married is another. With your personality, if you marry a hot girl, you will probably be unhappy after the marriage, so I think your mother is right."

James' expression became wrinkled when he heard his words.

"Hey, Link!"

"Daniel, why are you here?"

Link shouted to Daniel, who was walking across from him.

Shortly after his marriage, Daniel sold the beach shop to others and opened a delicatessen with Lina in West Palm County. They heard that the business was doing well.

"James said you were back, I came over to see you."

Daniel laughed.

Link invited Daniel to sit down and gave him a bottle of cold beer from the ice bucket.

"How does it feel to be married?"

"Haha, it's great, you can try it."

Daniel winked and smiled.

"I'll try again in a few years."

Link smiled softly and asked about Michael.

Daniel said that Michael called him last week and told him that he worked as a waiter at a bar in Queens, New York, and sometimes as a part-time guitarist. He also told him that New York was too cool and had so many fun places, and that he regretted not coming to New York earlier.

Daniel also said that Lina was pregnant and that he would be a father by this time next year.

Link and James quickly congratulated him.

In the group of four on the beach, Daniel is the oldest at twenty-six, Michael is twenty-four, James is twenty-three, and Link is the youngest.

Now Daniel is the first to get married and the first to become a father.

While they were chatting, Reggie the Golden Retriever drove over in a pickup truck, followed by six teenage boxing apprentices, and said he would bring them to see what the super boxing champion looked like.

Reggie the Golden Retriever turned to professional boxing after winning the super heavyweight championship at the National Amateur Boxing Championships.

The current record is 8 fights, 5 wins, 2 losses and 1 draw. His performance is acceptable, but he is still far away from the intercontinental boxing championship.

Now, in addition to preparing for competitions, he spends the rest of his time at the West Boxing Gym as an assistant coach. He is a down-to-earth boxing prospect, much better than that unfocused guy like Mario.

After Reggie arrived, the neighbors saw that there were so many people here and they all gathered around to join in the fun.

Seeing the crowd, James proposed a beach party to celebrate his return.

Link didn't refuse, and asked someone to bring a cart of beer, drinks and fruits from the Mexican restaurant next door, moved out the stereo from the store, and everyone had a party on the beach.

At first, there were only thirty or forty people. Later, when I heard that this big star was here, everyone spread the word. Neighbors and tourists on the beach all ran here, and the number gradually approached a thousand people.

Among them were many reporters and paparazzi who came after hearing the news.

Link gets a headache when he sees the paparazzi.

When the breakup between him and Taylor broke out, in order to avoid harassment from reporters, he left Los Angeles early to film in Paris.

During the filming in Paris, he had a good chat with the second female lead, Marion Cotillard, and had a relatively close relationship. Immediately, the French media speculated that the two had an affair because of the drama.

Marion Cotillard had a boyfriend of two years, the famous French actor Guillaume Canet.

Those unscrupulous media also hyped up his involvement as a third party, causing a stir in the French entertainment industry.

Every time we shoot, there are hundreds of paparazzi snooping around in various ways, and some people sneak into the crew to play minor roles.

The paparazzi were so crazy that they directly affected the crew's filming many times.

Director Woody Allen was often so angry that he cursed. He couldn't stop the crazy paparazzi, so he took out his anger on Link, blaming him for attracting paparazzi by messing around on the set, so he had extremely high requirements for him during filming. strict.

For a scene that others could pass in one or two takes, Director Woody Allen asked him to take it one or twenty times, making all kinds of nitpicks. Sometimes he would even tease him on the set and scold him for his poor acting skills, which seriously delayed the progress of the crew.

He also complained about his goal of winning an Oscar, saying that with his acting skills, he would never get an Oscar nomination for Best Actor even if he spent a lifetime making movies.

All kinds of sarcasm, all kinds of PUA, and no face given to him at all.

Even though Link had a good temper, there were times when he couldn't help but clench his fists, wanting to punch out Woody Allen, a bad old man.

Fortunately, Marion Cotillard and Jennifer Lawrence were there to comfort him, so he suppressed the urge to hit and finished the scene.

Just filming like this every day for more than a month, even if he is energetic and resilient, he will feel mentally exhausted in the end.

Not to mention having to deal with paparazzi harassment every day, which makes me even more exhausted.

This is also the reason why he chose to go back to Miami to rest after filming "Midnight in Paris".

But just after a relaxing day, the media came again.

"Mr. Baker, the French newspaper "Le Figaro" reported that you and Marion Cotillard fell in love during the filming of "Midnight in Paris", and the sparks of love sparked. Some reporters also filmed you going to Marion Cotillard. Photos from the stay at home, are you dating Ms. Marion Cotillard?”

"Mr. Baker, The Times broke the news that while you were filming in Paris, Emma Watson visited the crew and stayed in Paris for a few days. What is your relationship? Are you still dating?"

"Mr. Baker, some media took photos of you and Jennifer Lawrence, the heroine of "Midnight in Paris," shopping in Paris. Is Jennifer Lawrence also your girlfriend?"

"Mr. Baker, the new issue of Vanity Fair uses your photo as the cover and calls you a playboy. What do you think about this?"

A group of entertainment reporters blocked the entrance of Baker's store and shouted.

Link escaped from the crowd, came to the steps, looked at the dozens of reporters and paparazzi waiting for food below, and said: "Marion is an excellent actress and one of my favorite actresses. Filmed in Paris During this period, she helped me a lot. We are good friends. Other than that, we have no other relationship. Please don’t make random guesses.”

"Mr. Baker, Vanity Fair described you as a playboy. Do you accept this title?"

shouted a reporter from "American Express".

"This is slander! Vanity Fair is slandering me. I am not a playboy."

"Mr. Baker, Tiffany Thompson, Paris Hilton, Amanda Hearst, Georgia Bloomberg and other celebrities have taken the initiative to help you promote your new album. The New York Post called you the new favorite of New York celebrities. , what do you think of this title?”

yelled a USA Today reporter.

"Welcome to Palm Bay Beach as a guest. Please feel free to use the beer and drinks there. I have something else to do today and can only answer a few questions. If you have any other questions, please make an appointment first. I look forward to being interviewed by you. Goodbye!"

Link walked into Baker's shop and closed the door.

"Mr. Baker."

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