Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 306: Falling and showing off wealth

Block out the noise and the whole room becomes quiet.

Link took off his hat, took out a bottle of ice-cold orange soda from the refrigerator, drank half of it, and most of the heat in his body was relieved.

He drank a soda and stood in front of the window and took a look outside. The sun was still shining brightly. The front of Baker's store was full of people. From the door of the Mexican restaurant on the east side to the hot dog shop next door, there were all the people on the public beach more than 500 meters away. People who come over for the party.

Everyone was listening to music, drinking beer and soda, some were singing, some were dancing, some were surfing, and playing beach volleyball, it was very lively.

Ding dong!

A message was received on the phone, from Selena.

"You just came back from Paris, why did you go to Miami again? I've been running around all day, and I can't find you even if I try to find you."

"Come here and rest for two days, what do you want?"

Link slumped on the sofa, typing on his phone.

"I have the latest updates on Taylor, do you want to know?"

"We broke up, don't you know."

"I know, but I think your breakup was too hasty. It's a pity. I think you should try harder to get Taylor back."

Selena said.

"That's it. If you're worried that I don't have a girlfriend, you can introduce me to the sisters and best friends around you, preferably the pretty ones."

"No, you are a scumbag. Introducing you to them is harming them."

"So you and Taylor have a feud?"

"Of course not. Taylor and I are good friends, but I think Taylor is very powerful and she can control you, so I hope you can continue to date."

"Don't you think there's something wrong with what you said? Taylor can control me. If I pursue her, am I looking for a caretaker for myself?"

"Oh, I won't lie to you. After Taylor finished recording her third album, she went back to her hometown in Nashville for a vacation. If you want to get her back, now is a good time, go ahead."

Selina encouraged actively.

Link shook his head. In order to get Taylor back and seek her forgiveness, he released two songs in a row and said a lot of soft words. He was scolded by fans as a bitch, but he still couldn't win Taylor back.

Taylor's behavior has seriously affected his self-confidence and self-esteem.

He would no longer have any hope in this hard-hearted woman.

Link didn't want to talk about Taylor anymore, so he changed the subject and asked her how the recording of her second album went?

Selena said she was recording and asked him if he had any good songs. She felt that the songs picked up by the record company were not as good as the ones he wrote.

Selena is a signed artist under the Disney Entertainment Group. Her acting agency contract is signed with Disney Pictures, and her recording contract is signed with Disney's Hollywood Records. It is the same company as Miley Cyrus, and it is also a very powerful record company.

Disney is very capable of creating stars and is also very good at cultivating singers. The songs they collected are all suitable for Selena's voice and style.

Link had no intention of intervening in Selena's new album. He just told her that he had a song with a male and female chorus, and the female vocal part suited her, and he would pass the score to her later.

Selena quickly said yes and asked him when he would come back and if he wanted to drop by Nashville to see Taylor.

Link asked her how she was preparing for the SAT exam and was she confident that she could do better than him?

Selina said that Catherine was calling her and she would talk next time, and she gave three pink pig heads as a gift.

Link smiled softly. He still had many ways to deal with Selena.

The party outside was still going on. Because there were reporters, he couldn't go out to join in the fun, so he just lay on the sofa and continued reading Billboard magazine.

The third album "The Woman I Love" was released on March 22, and this week marks its 10th week.

In the first week of release, the album sold 1.74 million copies in the United States, ranking first on the album chart.

In the second week, 810,000 copies were sold, ranking first on the album chart.

The third week.

News of his breakup with Taylor made waves and attracted media attention around the world.

The album has relatively high exposure in the media and has a lot of topics.

429,000 copies sold.

Champion for three consecutive weeks.

the fourth week.

Link joined the cast, breakup news faded, and album sales dropped.

Sales of 147,000 copies, runner-up.

The champion is Drake's first studio album "Thank Me Later", which sold 387,000 copies in its first week.

fifth week.

75,000, fourth place.

The champion is "The Remix", a collection of remixed songs by Lady Gaga's latest hairstyle, which sold 324,000 copies in the first week.

Drake's "Thank Me Later" sold 213,000 copies in its second week.

Usher's "The Showdown" ranked third with 79,000 copies.

Week six.

With 127,000 copies, it ranks second on the album chart.

The reason why sales rose against the trend this week is that during the fifth week, Ivaca and the publicity department launched the hype plan he proposed in March.

The hype plan is simple.

In early May, Evaka's sister Tiffany broke out a photo on Twitter.

In the photo, she was lying on the ground in a falling position, wearing a haute couture dress, with one foot on the door of the McLaren, and all the contents of her small satchel spilled out and spread all over the floor.

There are limited edition LV high heels, commemorative edition Chanel perfume, Dior's latest lipstick, Hermès limited edition bags, Gucci high-end custom sunglasses, Patek Philippe limited edition watches, McLaren 720S sports car keys, the latest fruit mobile phones, etc.

There are 28 luxury goods in total, each of which costs more than 500 US dollars, and the McLaren 720S sports car is worth more than 5 million US dollars.

After the photos were exposed, some netizens calculated that the total value of these things is about 6.8 million US dollars.

Too rich.

Among these luxury goods, there is a record of Link's "The Woman I Love", which is worth 29.5 US dollars and is the cheapest of these things.

This record also attracted a lot of attention.

But considering that Tiffany's sister is the president of Link Music, there is nothing wrong with Link's new album in her bag.

So everyone's attention is still on the luxury goods on the ground.

Many netizens left messages saying that she was showing off her wealth in this way, some criticized, some ridiculed, and some envied and jealous.

Tiffany did not respond to this.

Only one day later, socialite Paris Hilton followed Tiffany's example and posted a photo of herself falling down and showing off her wealth on Twitter.

The photo was taken on the top floor of the Hilton Hotel in New York.

She had one foot on a private helicopter, and there were a bunch of luxury goods on the ground, worth more than several million US dollars, including a copy of Link's album "The Woman I Love".

Netizens complained that Paris Hilton was imitating Tiffany's showing off her wealth, criticizing, mocking, and expressing envy, jealousy and hatred.

The New York Post, USA Today, Vanity Fair and other media also began to report on the news of Tiffany and Paris Hilton showing off their wealth, discussing whether this high-profile way of showing off wealth is appropriate.

Some media think it is inappropriate.

Showing off wealth can easily provoke confrontation between the rich and the poor and cause anxiety among low-income groups.

The New York Post strongly criticized the two's approach, believing that this approach is very harmful.

First, it will cause many social problems, aggravate the confrontation between the rich and the poor in society, and have a bad role model for young people, inducing young people to consume irrationally, causing waste of resources, and putting many low-income families into an economic crisis.

Secondly, it will cause a series of psychological problems. Blind comparison will increase anxiety and induce crime.

The New York Post also named Tiffany's father and asked him to take care of his daughter.

Tiffany's father, Mr. TP, was dismissive of this, claiming that this is a kind of performance art, highlighting the unique character of young people, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Some media also support Mr. TP's statement, believing that this is a kind of performance art, and there is no need to rise to the height of class confrontation.

As more and more controversies on the Internet, the popularity of this news is getting higher and higher.

Then Amanda Hearst, Georgia Bloomberg, Kim Kardashian sisters, movie star Lindsay Lohan, supermodel Candice Swanepoel and others followed suit, falling down in various ways and exploding equipment in various ways.

For a time, a trend of "falling down to show off wealth" was set off on the Internet.

Many people are imitating them to fall down.

Soon, someone with a discerning eye noticed that no matter how or where these people fell, 80% of the things they revealed contained a copy of Link's new album, The Woman I Love.

This also caused many people to speculate that the so-called "falling down to show off wealth" trend was to help Link sell his album.

In an interview, the host asked Paris Hilton.

Why was Link's record placed among so many luxury goods? Was it to help Link promote his new album?

Paris Hilton denied this, saying that the reason why Link's new album was revealed was because the album was expensive enough, of high quality, and of extremely high artistic level.

For them, Link's album is also a luxury item with collection value.

Kim Kardashian, Lindsay Lohan and others also recognized this in the interview, claiming that they could not afford Dior's limited edition lipstick, Hermès handbags, or Ferrari sports cars, but they must afford a copy of Link's record.

After these people's advocacy, Link's new album became a luxury item equivalent to Dior lipstick, Chanel perfume, and Hermès handbags.

Buying "The Woman I Love" is not just buying an album, but also buying a luxury item, a lifestyle, and a fashion culture.

Influenced by these celebrities, the trend of "falling down and showing off wealth" spread from the United States to all over the world. From celebrities to Internet celebrities, and then to ordinary people, tens of thousands of people have exposed such photos through various social platforms.

Sixty percent of the things exposed contained a record of Link, like a tacit understanding.

Influenced by the "falling down and showing off wealth" incident, "The Woman I Love" has greatly increased its exposure and sales worldwide.

In the seventh week, the album sales actually curbed the downward trend and miraculously rushed to more than 200,000 copies, reaching 219,000 copies, regaining the album chart champion and suppressing a number of newly released albums.

In the eighth week, the influence of the "falling down and showing off wealth" trend is still there, with sales of 154,000 copies this week, winning the sales champion again.

In the ninth week, 122,000 copies, winning the sales champion again.

In the tenth week, 108,000 copies, runner-up.

The Woman I Love has sold 3.93 million copies in the United States in its tenth week of release. It is expected to break four million copies next week, becoming the fastest album to break four million sales in the United States in the past eight years.

Billboard commented that The Woman I Love has achieved an "incredible" result in the United States.

Link, a new singer who has only debuted for two years, has sold more than 3.9 million copies of his third album in the United States in ten weeks, which is more appealing than several superstars in the current music scene.

Billboard Editor-in-Chief Steven Knopp analyzed the reasons for the album's popularity in the article. In addition to factors such as the quality of the album and Link's popularity, he believes that there is another point that cannot be ignored - this album has been very successful in marketing and promotion.

Before the album was just released, East Coast rappers 50 Cent and Justin Bieber challenged Link to compete with him on the album chart.

Link publicly expressed his willingness to accept the challenge, which attracted a lot of attention and won the support of many fans.

At this stage, the main direction of Link Music's publicity was that the East Coast rap gang + Justin Bieber + Usher + Drake were ready to join forces to deal with Link, put Link in a weak position, and arouse the empathy and indignation of fans.

In the first week of Link's new album, because of its good quality and fans' support, it sold an amazing 1.74 million copies in the first week.

In the second week, the privacy video broke out.

In the third week, the news of Link and Taylor's breakup remained hot.

In the fifth week, the "fall and show off wealth" incident began to become popular on the Internet, and Link's new album became more exposed.

In the sixth week, the "fall and show off wealth" incident continued to ferment, causing heated discussions in the media, and Link's new album also became one of the focuses of the incident.

In the following weeks, the show-off incident continued to affect the sales of this album.

These hot news events, whether intentional or unintentional, greatly increased the sales of this album.

Billboard Editor-in-Chief Steven Knopp also expressed admiration for Link Music's marketing methods at the end of the article.

At the same time, they also expressed concerns that other record companies would follow this marketing method, and the competition in the record market would become more intense in the future. The winner would take all, and it would be more difficult for low-level singers to gain a foothold in the music industry.

In the tenth week after its release, the overseas sales of this album were also summarized.

In the past ten weeks, "The Woman I Love" has sold a total of 9.69 million copies overseas.

4.03 million copies in Europe and the United States.

Among them, 1.12 million copies were sold in Canada, and it has been the sales champion of the album chart for three consecutive weeks.

1.07 million copies were sold in the UK, and it has been the sales champion of the album chart for two consecutive weeks.

About 1.53 million copies were sold in France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain and other places, and it has won the weekly sales champion at least once in Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

About 300,000 copies were sold in Latin America, and it has won the sales champion at least once in Brazil, Argentina and other places.

In addition, seven songs including "Girls Like You", "Everything You Need", "Someone You Loved", "Stay With Me", "All Of Me", "Here With You" and "The Woman I Love" have successively topped the singles charts in the UK, Canada, Belgium and other countries, becoming popular songs.

5.66 million copies were sold in Asia, Oceania, Africa and other regions.

Among them, 1.32 million copies were sold in Australia, 1.07 million copies were sold in Japan, 940,000 copies were sold in South Korea, 860,000 copies were sold in China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan), and about 1.47 million copies were sold in New Zealand, Indonesia, Singapore, India and other places.

Twelve songs including "Girls Like You", "Stay With Me", "All Of Me" and "Here With You" have successively entered the top ten singles charts in various countries.

In the ten weeks since Link's album was released, the global sales totaled 13.62 million copies.

Although this number is not in the top 50 in the "best-selling albums of all time", it is also the first English album in the world to exceed 10 million copies in sales in the 10s.

It is also Link's second diamond record with global sales exceeding 10 million.

Link is a new artist. He released three albums in two years, two of which were sold out in diamond records. He also became the best-selling solo male singer in the music industry after Elvis, Garth Bruce, MJ, Justin Timberlake and others.

Billboard, Rolling Stone Magazine, Newsweek and others began to call Link the "King of Pop". The Asian media even called him the "King of Pop" and the "Emperor Superstar", and listed him and Lady Gaga as the king and queen of the European and American music scene.

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