Link looked at the album sales of other singers in the same period.

The new album "Need You Now" by Goddess Antebellum has sold 2.43 million copies in the United States, ranking second among the albums released in 2010.

Justin Bieber's "My World 2.0" has sold 1.86 million copies in the United States, ranking third.

Kesha's new album "Animal" ranks fourth with 920,000 copies.

Usher's "Raymond vs. Raymond" has sold 900,000 copies in the United States, ranking fifth.

Wiz Khalifa's "Deal Or No Deal" ranks sixth with 880,000 copies.

The new albums of Lady Gaga and Drake are also approaching Wiz Khalifa at a very fast speed, and are expected to surpass it next week.

There is another good news this week.

Eight months after the release of the first album "Young and Beautiful" by Link Music singer Lana Del Rey in the United States, sales exceeded 1 million copies, becoming a true platinum record, and the cumulative global sales have reached 3.26 million copies.

The first album performed very well.

Bruno Mars' first album "It's Better If You Don't Understand" sold 920,000 copies in the United States and is expected to break the platinum sales in October.

Selena's first album "Come and Get It" has sold 940,000 copies in the United States and is expected to reach platinum by the end of the year.

But in addition to the good news, Link also saw some bad news in newspapers and magazines.

First of all, his reputation was ruined.

Before the private video was exposed, he was considered the most perfect man in the European and American music scene, a white lotus that was unstained by the mud, "the cleanest and healthiest male star in the entertainment industry", and "the best teenage idol".

After the private video was exposed, he broke up with Taylor, stayed with supermodel Doutzen Kroes, and dated Marion Cotillard, Emma Watson, and Jennifer Lawrence in Paris, his reputation was gradually ruined by the media.

European and American media called him a playboy, "the fallen Link", a big player in the entertainment industry, etc.

Now, whenever he talks to a female star, the media will assume that he has an affair with her.

Link defended himself by saying no, he is innocent.

The media didn't believe him at all.

After being labeled a "scumbag", decent girls in the entertainment industry began to guard against him.

For example, Kristen, Link once joked on the phone and asked her if she wanted to be his girlfriend. Kristen directly refused and said she didn't want to date a scumbag.

And Emma Roberts said that she was warned by her parents and aunt to stay away from him.

And the less decent girls in the entertainment industry are actively approaching him.

Amanda Seyfried, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and others often call to harass him, send some strange photos, and ask him to comment on which set of underwear is sexier.

This situation makes Link a little helpless. As a decent person, he prefers to make friends with good girls, but now his reputation has been ruined by the media, and it is not easy to find a good girl as a girlfriend.


"Link, everyone wants to hear you sing, why don't you come out and sing a song?"

James pushed open the door and walked in and asked.

"There are too many reporters, it's not convenient."

"It's okay, we will block those reporters."

Daniel and Reggie also squeezed in and said.

Link thought about it and thought it would be nice to go out and sing a song.

There are thousands of people outside, all of whom are his fans or potential fans. Singing here is also a way to pamper fans. After being reported by the media, it is also positive news.

Since he was entangled in scandals, he also needs some positive news to reshape his public image.

Link agreed, stood up and took the guitar off the wall, but suddenly remembered that this was the guitar given by Taylor. He felt uncomfortable for no reason. If he hadn't broken up with Taylor.

"Link! Link! Link!"

When he stood at the door with his guitar, more than a thousand tourists on the beach shouted loudly, and dozens of reporters and paparazzi took pictures outside the crowd.

Link waved his hand, carrying his guitar and plugging in the speakers, walked into the crowd, and sang three songs on the beach pier surrounded by Wallace, James, Reggie and others.

The first song is "Despacito", which is an indispensable song for performances in Miami Beach. Since Link sang it in 2008, it quickly became the best-selling and most popular dance music in the local area, and can be heard in the streets and alleys of Miami.

The second song is "Girls Like You", a song released by the former American pop band Maroon 5 in 2018. After its release in March, it topped the Billboard Singles Chart for three consecutive weeks and also won the singles chart in 12 countries including the UK, Belgium, and Australia.

The third song "Here With You" is also a song with a cheerful rhythm. It is considered to be a happy version of "Young And Beautiful" and topped the Billboard Singles Chart in the first week of May.

It is also the third champion single in the album "The Woman I Love".

Some fans want to hear him sing "Legends Never Die" and "Give Me Reason".

Naturally, Link didn't agree. Singing such songs would be too taxing on his voice, and he would only sing at concerts with more than 50,000 spectators.

To all my friends

To all my friends

The night is young

Ye Weiyang

The music's loud

happy yet sad

They play our song

When Link was singing and dancing in the crowd with his guitar on his shoulder, a large number of fans drove over from afar in cars. Within half an hour, the promenade was filled with cars.

The Palm Beach County Police Department had to send personnel to divert traffic and maintain order at the scene.

"Frankie, come on!"

On the promenade, a petite girl with a long ponytail jumped out of the car, looked at the lively crowd on the beach and Link singing in the crowd, and said excitedly, "It's true, Link is really here. ”

"Ellie, slow down, don't run so fast, and you forgot your album."

Frankie Grande stopped the car and saw his sister running down impatiently, so he had to catch up from behind with the album.

The Grande brothers and sisters are also from Miami. After hearing about Link's party on the beach, they immediately drove over. However, they arrived a little late. There were too many people on the beach, ten floors inside and ten floors outside. They could only stand on the periphery and watch Link singing from a distance.

And Ariana was too petite. She could only see a little bit while standing on the outside with her feet on her feet. She rolled her eyes, took the album from her brother's hand, squeezed the crowd and walked inside, shouting "Everyone, please let me go" as she walked. let'.

She sweated a lot and managed to squeeze into the front row, but the show was over.

Everyone was clapping and cheering.

Link waved, thanked everyone, and prepared to leave.

"Link, can you give me an autograph?"

Ariana ran forward with the album, but before she could reach Link, she was accidentally knocked to the ground by an audience member. Her face and hands were covered with sand, and the album box was stepped on.

"Hey! Everyone spread out, someone fell down here, don't step on anyone."

Before Ariana could get up, she was gently pulled up by a pair of strong hands, and she smelled a nice fragrance.

"Are you OK?"

Hearing the person in front of her ask, Ariana blinked in surprise and saw a handsome face, deep and bright eyes, a tall and straight nose, and a gentle and humble curve at the corners of her beautiful lips.

It's Link.

Seeing the big star Link so close at hand, Ariana couldn't help but her heart was pounding. She originally had a lot to say to Link, but she couldn't say it for a while.

"Can you move your legs and feet to see if they are injured?"

After hearing Link's words, Ariana moved her legs and feet stupidly without any problem.

"Are you my fan?"

Link asked as he picked up the album from the ground.

"Yes Mr. Baker, my name is Ariana Grande and I really like your song."

Ariana said excitedly.

She is also a native of Miami, Florida. She is 17 years old this year. Because her family has good financial conditions and she likes music, she has been performing on stage since she was seven or eight years old. When she was 14 or 15 years old, she went to Broadway in New York to develop her career. She also played an important role in the Broadway musical "13" .

When Link released his album in March, she attended a performance in New York. Because she was too busy with work, she went to buy Link's album a day late. She found out that it was sold out. The store owner lent her the album. She didn't buy it until three days later. arrive.

She really likes the songs on this album and also likes Link very much.

I saw the news about Link in Miami today on the Internet, and immediately came to Palm Bay Beach to visit him.

"Miss Ariana Grande?"

Link was about to sign an autograph for the other party when he was a little surprised when he heard the name. When he first saw the other party, he thought she looked like Sister A. When he heard the name, he realized that it was indeed the other party, the future European and American music queen Ariana Grande, but Her image is greener and sweeter, with baby fat on her face.

"Yes, Ariana Grande!"

Ariana spelled her name.

Link smiled softly and signed the album box, 'To Miss Grande who fell on the beach - Link Baker'.

Ariana couldn't help but smile when she saw it.

"Mr. Baker, I also like singing. My dream is to become a singer."

"Really? How about singing one here?"

Link said as he handed the album to the other person.

"it's here?"

Ariana said in surprise.

"Yes! Let me see how you sing."

With Link's encouragement, Ariana took over the guitar and came to the pier to sing "Unstoppable" by Link.

This song has a relatively high melody, which tests the singer's ability to sing. However, Ariana's singing skills are good. With her traditional vocal skills and Broadway-style singing, sometimes sweet and sometimes high-pitched, she gives this song a different flavor. .

After finishing singing, Link clapped his hands. He was worthy of being a singer at the level of a future music diva. He was indeed very capable.

The surrounding audience also clapped and cheered, and many people shouted for an encore.

Ariana sang "Everything You Need" again, which also drew cheers from the audience.

After the performance, Link told Ariana that she had good singing skills and excellent performance ability. If she wanted to be a singer, she could try Link Music. He also gave her a business card.

Ariana excitedly agreed.

You should know that Link is considered to be a Midas Touch in the music industry. All singers who are favored by him have platinum qualifications.

For someone who dreams of becoming a singer, being recognized by him is the best compliment and the greatest encouragement.

Ariana looked at Link with almost obsessive eyes.

"Hey, Ellie, why did Link let you sing?"

Ellie's brother Frankie walked over from the crowd and asked in surprise at Link's back.

"Of course it's because I sing very well."

Ariana kissed Link's business card and carefully put it in her wallet.

"Ellie, I think you should be careful. Link is a playboy."

Ellie's brother Frankie reminded.

Ellie rolled her eyes at him, "Link is my idol, just like Nicole Kidman and Anne Hathaway that you guys like. If they praise your acting skills, give you business cards, and ask you to work as an artist in their company, will you be careful of them?"


Frankie said without hesitation.

Ariana rolled her eyes, then she remembered that her brother didn't like girls.

Cause girls like you

Run round with guys like me

Til sundown when I come through

I need a girl like you

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