Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 308 Agreement on Couple Relationship


The setting sun dyes the sea red.

The beach party is over too.

After everyone left, the beach in front of the shop turned into a mess.

James, Daniel and the surrounding neighbors began to clean up, and Link also picked up the peel and confetti with tongs and a basket.

While picking up trash, everyone talked about how lively the party was today and hoped there would be another one.

While they were chatting, the people in front suddenly became quiet, stopped what they were doing, and looked up at the beach ahead.

At the edge of the palm grove, a tall and plump woman walked over on the white sandy beach. She was wearing a white Chanel business dress, silver high heels, and was 180cm tall.

The suit and straight skirt hugged her body curves tightly, revealing her plump half-moon mound, plump breasts, and a pair of sexy and slender long legs.

Apart from a platinum necklace and a diamond-encrusted watch, there were no other accessories on her body.

The whole person looks noble, elegant, capable and fashionable.

Compared with the casually dressed beach dwellers around, it looks like a tulip blooming among wild flowers.

She held up her long blond hair, her slender eyebrows were raised, her expression was indifferent, but her blue-gray eyes were looking directly at Link, as if she and Link were the only two people on the beach.

"Link, Miss Ivaca is here."

Next to him, James lowered his voice and shouted softly.

Link looked at him helplessly. He was not her younger brother. Is it necessary to speak so cautiously?

At this time, not only James, but others also stopped what they were doing unconsciously and looked at Ivaca the way a long-term worker looks at a landowner.

"Hey Eva, why are you in Miami too?"

Link put down the basket, clapped his hands and went to greet him.

Ivaca walked in front of him and looked him up and down, "You seem to be adjusting well."

"What, come and arrange work for me?"

"It's Mandy's business to assign you a job, not mine."

Ivaca brushed her golden hair that was blown away by the sea breeze by her ears, looked at his handsome face and said, "I have sand in my shoes. Can we go in and talk again?"


Link took her into the Baker's shop.

When the others saw the two leaving, they unconsciously relaxed and continued cleaning, while whispering about their relationship.

After entering the Baker's store, Ivaca took a look, brushed her skirt and sat down on the sofa in the middle.

Link took out a bottle of soda from the refrigerator and handed it to her.

"Can I take off my shoes?"

Ivaca asked, moving her slender white calves.

"Does it stink?"

Ivaca looked at him coldly, and her aura became fierce.

"Okay, just kidding."

Link smiled softly, picked up a pair of slippers and put them at her feet, then sat down on the sofa opposite her.

I saw her taking off her high heels, revealing her fair and slender feet without stockings, pink toes, and beautiful feet.

Even if Link is not a foot control, he can't help but take a few more glances.

Link also secretly lamented that this woman lived such a delicate life and even took good care of her feet.

"Let's talk about work."

Ivaca crossed her knees, stepped on his big slippers, and said elegantly, "How was your time in Paris some time ago?"


Link raised his eyebrows, put his arms on the sofa, crossed his legs and said, "While in Paris, I trained every day, read books, and spent a lot of time studying the characters. During the filming, I had to endure the blows and blows from that bad old man Woody Allen. Persecuted, busy from morning to night, often exhausted, how could you think I was playing in Paris?"

"I'm talking about women, don't tell me you didn't sleep with Marion Cotillard or Jennifer Lawrence."

Ivaca said shaking her white calves.

Link felt a little embarrassed.

"Anna told you?"

"No one needs to tell me, I know you and how attractive you are to women. When I saw your scandal in the newspaper, I knew it was true."

Ivaca said calmly.

"Okay, you guessed it right, I slept with them, but it wasn't just for fun."

Link explained.

In the drama "Midnight in Paris", he and Jennifer played an unmarried couple. In the first half of the movie, the two had a very close relationship.

After going to bed, the relationship between the two will become closer, and they will have a better understanding during the performance, so once during the scene, the two couldn't help hugging each other, kissing and having sex.

There is also Marion Cotillard, an Oscar-winning actress with superb acting skills. Link likes her movies very much, and Marion Cotillard also likes his songs.

The two became good friends after chatting several times on the set.

Later, going to bed was also related, and it happened naturally.

It doesn't count as playing.

Ivaca heard his excuse and raised the corners of her beautiful lips noncommittally.

"Are you going to keep playing like this or messing around?"

"Why are you asking? You just said you wanted to talk about work. Is this work?"


Iwaka blinked her curved eyelashes, looked into his deep blue eyes and said, "You are the backbone of link music. The development of link music has a lot to do with you, and the development of link music has a lot to do with you. reputation has a lot to do with it.

It turns out that you are a top singer, a high-quality teen idol, a representative of the American dream, and the best date in the hearts of girls around the world.

But after you became a playboy, your reputation was greatly damaged. The media's reputation for you plummeted. An investigation by the Universal Music Marketing Department found that your negative news also seriously affected album sales.

I have discussed with my colleagues in the public relations department and believe that it would be more beneficial for you and Link Music’s development to find a regular girlfriend, get rid of the playboy label, and reshape your public image. "

"Looking for a girlfriend?"

Link rubbed his chin and thought carefully about her proposal.

There are good things and bad things about being a playboy.

The advantage is that you can have sex with the opposite sex without caring about public opinion, and at the same time, you can also increase your exposure through scandals.

The bad thing is that he is a representative of the American dream, a teen idol, and many of his fans are underage.

His poor public image will arouse resentment among many parents, who are worried that their children will imitate him and refuse to buy his albums.

Many female fans also expressed disappointment with his scumbag behavior and thought he was toying with women.

Another disadvantage is that the good girls around him will be wary of him because he is a playboy and prevent him from being scumbag.

Therefore, it is necessary to restore the public image.

In addition, if you have a regular girlfriend, you won't be too lonely at home alone.

"Okay, I will consider your suggestion and find a regular girlfriend."

"Is there a suitable candidate?"

Ivaca asked.

Link thought carefully and combed through the girls around him, but found no suitable candidates.

First of all, he is an actor. Being an actor requires you to film kissing scenes, intimate scenes, etc. He is not very able to accept his real girlfriend filming such scenes.

Also, most actors are busy and often stay on set for months or even half a year, but he would rather have a companion girlfriend.

Secondly, singers. The singers around me include Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Adele, etc. It’s not bad to make friends with them, but it would be troublesome to be a couple. Besides, he and a few of them don’t even call. .

There are also models, most of whom have sexy figures, a lot of free time, and not very shrewd minds, and have few common languages.

It is more suitable to find them as lovers, but it will be boring to be a regular girlfriend for a long time.

"Would you like me to recommend someone to you?"

Ivaca said suddenly.

"Oh, who?"

Link asked curiously.

"Lana. First, she has a good family background, is a famous singer, and has a good image and personality. Second, she admires you very much and will not refuse to date you. Third, she is a singer under Link Music and is dating you. , and it can also increase some visibility.”

Ivaca said calmly.

Link was a little disappointed, he thought she would recommend herself.

"Lana is not suitable. She is a singer under Link Music. Dating with her is like I have unspoken rules for her. In addition, I am not an exclusive boyfriend. If we have conflicts in life, it will also affect our cooperation. ”

Link thought for a moment and shook his head.

Ivaca frowned her pretty brows, "What about Amanda Hearst and Georgia Bloomberg? They are both from wealthy families. They have good images, accomplishments, and knowledge. They have few scandals and will have opportunities in the future. Inherit the family business, and they have a good impression of you. If you are willing, I can help you connect. "

"It's even more inappropriate. They come from a wealthy family, are pampered, and have many differences from me in personality and living habits. I'm afraid it will be very unpleasant to associate with them."

"You seem to be biased against girls from wealthy families?"

Ivaca pursed her rose-colored lips, her expression somewhat unhappy.

"It's not prejudice, it's a generation gap. Because I was born in Miami Beach, and they were born in the Upper East Side of New York. They have different living environments and different levels of education. There must be a generation gap between us. This is an undeniable fact."

Link shrugged and smiled.

"How about Kim Kardashian, she has a plump and sexy figure and is doing well in the hosting and fashion world."


Link thought of the meat-bullet type woman and shook his head. Kim Kardashian did not fit his taste.

Her sister Kendall Kardashian is pretty much the same, except that Kendall is not yet an adult and is obviously not suitable.

"Forget it, I don't need your recommendation. I'll do this myself."

"You are too picky. What kind of girlfriend do you want?"

Ivaca looked into his eyes and asked dissatisfiedly.

Link smiled helplessly, "I don't know. I have been dating Taylor for more than a year. Apart from cheating, I think I have done a good job in other aspects, but in the end we ended up having an unhappy relationship. I am a little tired. I am temporarily I have never thought about finding a girlfriend, and I don’t know what kind of woman is more suitable for me.”

"But continuing to maintain the stigma of being a playboy will not be good for you or Link Music. What do you think of me?"

Ivaca suddenly asked.


"I'll be your regular girlfriend."

"Are you joking?"

Link sat up straight and his eyes fell on her cold face.

"I'm serious!"

Ivaca raised her white wrist, looked at the diamond-encrusted watch and said, "Out of admiration for you, I take the initiative to make this suggestion to you, but my pride does not allow me to delay it for too long. You have ten Think about it for a few seconds. If you don’t agree, I will help you find another candidate, 10, 9.”


Link stared at her for a few seconds and smiled, "Don't you think it's too sudden? Although we have known each other for a long time, I don't know you very well. Suddenly, we have changed from partners to lovers. I don't know how to deal with our relationship."

"If you don't know each other, you can slowly get to know each other. After we are dating, we will declare to be boyfriend and girlfriend, but in fact, we are still partners. As for whether we can become a real couple, it depends on whether we are compatible."

"Do you mean a couple?"

"Yes, after becoming a couple, I will not interfere with your private life, nor will I care if you cheat, but you must also be careful not to be photographed by paparazzi, which will affect my reputation, your own reputation, and the stock price of Link Music."

Ivaka said seriously.

"Sounds interesting."

Link looked at her and smiled, "I also have a request. If you can accept it, I will agree to be a couple with you by agreement."

"Say it!"

"During our nominal relationship, you can't have an ambiguous relationship with other opposite sex, you can't date other opposite sex, and you can't cheat mentally, because I am a man with a strong possessiveness. Can you do it?"

"No problem."

Ivaka said without hesitation, "I value my career more now and I am not interested in men. After becoming your girlfriend, I will never be alone with the opposite sex other than you. I will fully guarantee your face. If you have any other requirements, you can raise them."

Link thought about it. After becoming a couple with an agreement, Ivaka would not interfere with his private life, but she herself could not date others. This agreement seemed to have no harm to him.

"If you have no objection, from now on, we are a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship."

Ivaka said.

Link looked at her in doubt. He just chatted with her for a while, how could he become her boyfriend?

Ivaka TP's boyfriend?

It sounds even more unreliable than being Taylor Swift's boyfriend.

"Then it's settled. I have something else to do. I'm leaving first."

Evaka stood up and said.

"Wait! We just became boyfriend and girlfriend. You want to leave now?"

"Of course, we are just a couple by agreement. I have no obligation to sleep with you. Goodbye!"

Evaka put on her high heels and left the store without looking back, leaving only a pleasant fragrance.

Link looked at her seductive back and suddenly felt like he had fallen into a pit.

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