Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 309 Red Rose White Rose

"Lana, Link is my boyfriend now."

After leaving Baker's shop, Evaka took out her phone and called her best friend Lana Del Rey, with a charming smile on her lips.

"Really? Did you confess to him?"

Lana asked on the phone.


Evaka glanced at the people on the beach, nodded at James, stepped on high heels, swayed her charming figure, and walked towards the sports car on the side of the road while talking on the phone.


"Miss Evaka is gone."

Everyone on the beach looked at her figure going away, and continued to discuss her relationship with Link. Some said Link was her lover, some said it was a boyfriend and girlfriend, and some said it was a work relationship, and the argument continued.

Everyone asked James if he knew.

James shook his fat face. After seeing Evaka get in the car, he put down the garbage bag in his hand and trotted into the store.

"Link Link, I saw Miss Evaka leave."

"I know."

"Aren't you going to see her off?"

"She drove here, so I don't need to see her off."

Link sat on the sofa, hugged his arms, still thinking about becoming Evaka's boyfriend.

Originally, after breaking up with Taylor, he vowed that he would never look for a girl with an IQ over 100 in the future.

But not long after that, he found a woman who was on the list of "30 Outstanding Female CEOs Under 30" of "Business Weekly" and "Outstanding Post-80s Business Leaders of the Year" of "Forbes Magazine" as his girlfriend.

This is really forgetting the pain after the wound has healed, digging a hole for himself.

James picked up a can of Coke and gulped down a few mouthfuls, then burped. "Everyone is guessing what your relationship with Miss Ivaka is. Some guys said you were Miss Ivaka's lover, but I told them no, you're just colleagues, right?"

"Why are you talking about this?"

Link shook his head, "She's my girlfriend."


"How is that possible? She's Miss Ivaka, how could she be your girlfriend? Are you kidding?"

James said in shock.

Link raised his eyebrows, somewhat offended by his shock.

"Is it incredible that she is my girlfriend? Don't forget that I am also a billionaire."

"It's different, not at all. Miss Eva Ka comes from a wealthy family. I heard that her family has tens of billions or even hundreds of billions. The tallest building in Palm Beach, the Thompson International Hotel, is hers, and the fourth tallest building in New York is also hers. Her family is truly rich.

Although you are also rich, you are only a billionaire and cannot be compared with those wealthy nobles in New York, but now she has become your girlfriend. This is incredible, just like in the movie, a commoner marries a princess."

James gestured and said excitedly.

"I am an Olympic champion, a world boxing champion, a top singer, and the most handsome man in the world. Isn't it more than enough to match her?"

"It sounds like it, but she is the eldest daughter of the Thompson family and has the right of inheritance. You said before that when you save enough money, you will go to their hotel to stay for a night, but now you have become her boyfriend."

James pinched his arm and grinned in pain, confirming that this was true.

Link shook his head, and had nothing to say to this guy, and continued to think about becoming a couple with Ivaka.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

According to Ivaka, after the two became a couple, he could mess around without restrictions, but she couldn't.

So what was her purpose in doing this?

Just to help him create a good public image?

Let Link Music grow and develop?

If so, it seems unnecessary for her, the president, to personally get involved.

Is there any conspiracy here?

He thought about it and sent a message to Ivaka on his mobile phone.

"Do you like me?"

This question was first raised by Taylor, who said that Ivaka was also interested in him, and he expressed doubts about it.

He wanted to ask in front of Ivaka just now, but he didn't know how to start. Now asking on the phone would be less embarrassing.

"I don't hate you, and my father is urging me to get married. I also need a boyfriend, and you are suitable."

"Okay, I understand."

Hearing Ivaka say this, Link breathed a sigh of relief. He found a regular girlfriend to restore his public image, and Ivaka found a boyfriend to deal with Mr. TP.

Both sides help each other and get what they need, so there is no problem.

"Do you like me?"

Two minutes later, Evaka sent a message.

Link was a little surprised that she would ask this question, and at the same time he was thinking about this question, do you like Evaka?

Evaka is smart, beautiful, sexy, knowledgeable, and has a good family background. She will be rich and noble in the future. She can be called a rich and noble woman, a real princess.

I have known Evaka for nearly two years and found that her conduct and personality are good. She has no scandals and no bad habits. She is a very good woman.

Link appreciates her, admires her ability, and covets her body.

As for liking.

Because we don't spend much time together, when I am with Evaka, I don't have the same intimate feeling as when I am with Taylor.

"Of course."

"I see, there is one thing I forgot to tell you. The verdict of the private video leak case will be announced on Wednesday this week. As a party, you need to attend and accept media interviews. If you have nothing else to do in Miami, we can go back to New York together tomorrow."

"Okay, you really came to arrange work for me."

Link replied and put away his phone. James was still mumbling beside him.

"Link, I've seen some articles in magazines saying that most girls from rich families have bad tempers. I think you should be more careful when you get along with Miss Evaka, be nicer to her, and don't make her angry. If you can marry her in the future, the entire TP real estate will be yours, and that big hotel will also be yours. Wow, it's incredible to think about it."

Link patted his fleshy shoulders and came to the door of the small shop. The garbage left on the beach was almost cleaned up.

The messy beach was left. Just wait for the tide to rise at night, and the beach will be flat again.

Link walked on the beach with his hands in his pockets, letting the sea water cover his instep, looking at the sunset on the sea, and suddenly the scene of practicing guitar with Taylor on the beach that year popped up in his mind.

For some reason, he took out his phone and took a photo of the beach and sent it to Taylor.

After two minutes, he didn't receive a reply from Taylor. He took off his clothes and put them on the dock, jumped into the deep blue sea, and swam a circle.

After landing, I received a message from Taylor eighteen minutes ago.

Taylor: Are you in Miami?

Link: Yes, I just swam in the sea and it felt great. Where are you?

Taylor: Nashville

Link: Is it in the villa in the suburbs? Have the irises in the garden withered? Can I take a photo and show it to you?

Taylor: No, I bought another apartment in the city

Link remembered that Taylor is also a famous real estate agent in the entertainment industry. She owns more than ten luxury houses, most of which are priced at more than 10 million.

Link: Have you finished recording the third album?

Taylor: Finished.

Link: When will it be released?

Taylor: The time is yet to be determined.

Link: Last time you said that the sales of this album would be higher than my "The Woman I Love". Do you still think so now?

Taylor: Of course, my album can sell better than yours without hype.

Link: You are such an arrogant woman.

Taylor: This is confidence.

Link smiled and wrote a message: Today Evaka proposed to become my boyfriend and girlfriend to help me get rid of the stigma of a playboy, and I agreed.

After more than ten seconds, Taylor: What does it have to do with me? Why tell me this?

Link: I think you should know that she said she would not interfere with my private life, would tolerate me to the greatest extent, and would love me wholeheartedly, and would never break up with me because of a small conflict.

Taylor: Haha, congratulations on finding a woman who allows you to fool around outside, then you can fool around outside forever, I have to practice the piano, goodbye!

Link: Are you angry?

Link sent the message, but the MSN chat interface showed that they were not friends.

He was so angry that he almost crushed his phone.

This woman is so hateful.

When they broke up, he wrote a song to apologize, admitted his mistakes and asked for peace again and again, and promised to quit the music scene for her in advance, playing the emotional card loudly.

Taylor was indifferent.

Before breaking up, the two were alone in the villa for three days, having sex every day, often from morning to night, from night to morning.

With his strong physical strength and endurance, he defeated Taylor again and again, and felt countless times that he had conquered Taylor physically and made her unable to leave him.

But in the end, he left.

Link had defeated those powerful opponents again and again in the boxing ring and on the Billboard album chart, and was called the most powerful man in the world.

But in the end, he could not conquer a woman.

This sense of frustration made it difficult for him to let go.

Link sighed and jumped into the sea again to swim until he was exhausted.


After sleeping in the store for a night, he told James the next day that he had received a temporary job and needed to leave Miami in advance.

James' mood was visibly depressed after hearing this.

Link did not comfort him. No one can accompany anyone all the time in life, and separation is the norm.

When he was about to leave, Evaka called and told him to ride his motorcycle to the street in front of the main entrance of the Temple International Hotel and wait for her there.

Link asked why.

Evaka did not explain, but just said that she hoped he would do so.

Link could only follow her wishes and rode James's scooter through the streets and alleys, rumbling to the towering Temple International Hotel.

Just as he was about to call Evaka, he saw her coming down the stairs, wearing handsome sunglasses, a sky blue waisted silk shirt on the upper body, and a black knee-length straight skirt on the lower body, which made her figure convex and curvy, and her chest and buttocks were heavy and tiring.

"Miss Evaka, here are your car keys."

A waiter in a red shirt brushed past his shoulder, holding a pair of car keys in both hands, and walked to Evaka.

Link was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that the scene in front of him was somewhat familiar, as if Evaka was dressed like this when they first met in 2008, and even the plot was the same.

"Hey, Miss Evaka, I'm your fan, can you sign an autograph for me?"

Link said with a smile.

Evaka took off her sunglasses, revealing her curved eyelashes and blue-gray eyes, and looked at him with a smile.

"You are my fan? What do you like about me?"

"A lot, smart and beautiful, exquisite and dignified, you are also a very visionary business elite, a great partner."

Link looked at her and said.

"Then are you willing to be her boyfriend?"

Evaka walked to his side and asked with her white palm.

"It's my honor!"

Link held her hand and kissed it on the back of her hand.

The two took the TP Group's private plane back to New York that day and attended the final trial and sentencing of several lawsuits on Wednesday.

Since the computer engineer did not post the video online and did not intentionally violate Link's privacy, he was finally sentenced to 14 months of probation by the Manhattan District Court for the crime of stealing important information.

The computer engineer's friend was sentenced to two years in prison, returned all illegal income, and publicly apologized to Link and Emma Watson.

The case of YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Entertainment Online and other platforms spreading unauthorized video recordings, infringing Link and Emma Watson's privacy and reputation.

Since the lawyer teams of several companies are also relatively strong, it will cost more to continue the fight.

After several rounds of negotiations, the two sides reached a settlement, and several companies compensated Link and Emma Watson with 13.5 million US dollars, including the subscription service fees for private videos on several platforms.

The British police also caught the paparazzi who filmed the video.

During the game, the other party secretly hid in the locker room, wanting to see if Link was dating other women backstage. As a result, he really waited for it and filmed the video of Link and Emma Watson kissing.

Originally, he planned to expose this video, but the spread of the secretly filmed video would cause a series of legal problems, and the money earned was not enough for compensation.

Later, at the suggestion of his companions, he filmed a passionate video and sold it to Kent, an entertainment reporter of The Sun, for 100,000 pounds. He didn't know why the video was later circulated in the United States.

After more than a month of investigation and trial, the British court sentenced the paparazzi to 60 days in prison, a fine of 100,000 pounds, and a public apology for violating the privacy rights of celebrities and defamation.

The Sun reporter Kent was sentenced to 14 months in prison for commercial fraud and was ordered to pay a fine of 1.2 million pounds within a certain period of time.

The "Private Video" series of cases ended, and Link and Emma Watson received a total of 18.6 million US dollars in compensation. In a public interview outside the court, Link publicly announced that all the compensation would be donated to the newly established Link Global Charity Foundation.

The foundation aims to help all professional athletes who have retired due to injuries and returned to poverty. Regardless of nationality, gender, or sports, all eligible retired athletes can enjoy funding from the Link Global Charity Foundation after their applications are approved.

The funding includes treatment of injuries, living allowances, and help in finding jobs.

Emma Watson also announced in the interview that all compensation would be donated to the Link Global Charity Foundation.

Link and Emma's generous donations attracted media reports from all over the world, and the reputation of the two, which was damaged by the private video, was restored to some extent.

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