Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 310 I am such a warm man

"I'm really impressed by you."

In the early morning, when the sky was dark, Link was wearing a yellow mosaic sports suit on Fifth Avenue outside New York's Central Park. He hurriedly ran under the bus stop sign on the roadside and looked up at the sky. It was raining again in New York.

The heavy rain pounded on the poncho, and the water mist on the street was hazy, completely submerging the Museum of the City of New York building opposite in the misty rain.

Although June is the rainy season in New York, it often rains.

But when I looked at the weather forecast last night, the beautiful host named Evelin twisted her sexy hips and said that there would be only light rain in Manhattan, New York today.

But the amount of rain in front of us was at least 10 millimeters per hour of heavy rain, not light rain at all.

Link shook the rain off his hair, sat on the bench at the bus stop, took out a lollipop and put it in his mouth, looked left and right, and found no homeless man.

Because it was still early in the morning, there were no pedestrians on the road. There were only cars going north and south, speeding towards the central area of ​​Manhattan to the south or the Bronx to the north against the thin curtain of rain.

Link leaned on the bench and listened quietly to the sound of rain, the sound of horns, and the sound of tires sticking to the wet road. The world was noisy, but at this moment he was rarely quiet.

In the past few days, he has been busy attending court hearings, holding press conferences, establishing the Link Charitable Foundation, holding donation ceremonies, and holding cocktail parties to celebrate victory in the case.

Traveling to various cocktail parties day and night, accompanying Ivaca to deal with all kinds of people.

Every day is extremely busy.

It was rare that I got up early today and prepared to run around Central Park. Unfortunately, the late emperor had not even started his business when it started to rain in the middle of the road.

Today's morning run plan is going to be ruined.

He was teasing himself in the face of the heavy rain. A tall and agile figure stepped on the wet street, covering his forehead with his palm, and quickly rushed under the awning of the bus stop.

Link saw that the other party was a girl with a good figure, so he took a second look. She was wearing Nike running shoes. She was over 170cm tall, with a slim waist and long legs. Although her figure was not as plump and plump as Iwaka's, she was still bumpy, as if she was exercising regularly. .

She has fair skin and chestnut brown hair tied into a refreshing ponytail. She is in her early twenties and has obvious features of mixed Italian descent.

The girl also noticed him, put down her hand, looked at her with a pair of big blue eyes, blinked, and there was some unexpected look on her face.

Link was also surprised to see those big eyes. These eyes were very recognizable. He had only seen them in movies before. Then his eyes dropped and fell on the other person's chest. The thin branches were bearing fruit.

Basically, it can be confirmed that the other party is the heroine of the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D" and "Baywatch" movies, and the famous actress Alexandra Daddario who performed naked in the hit TV series "True Detective Season 1" .

She is also one of the famous Hollywood actors and actresses, and was rated by netizens as the "most beautiful breasts" in Hollywood.

However, the other party had only just debuted at this time, and several representative works had not yet been released.

At this stage, she is just a budding third-tier actor, and there is still a big gap compared to Anne Hathaway, Jessica Alba, and Megan Fox, some of the world's most famous actors.

"Are you, are you Mr. Linkbacker?"

The girl asked, blinking her characteristic big eyes.

"Hello, Miss Daddario, I've seen your movie too."

Link took out the lollipop in his mouth and reached out to shake it.

"Mr. Baker, you know me? This is surprising."

Daddario covered his lips and said in surprise.

"Your eyes are beautiful. Once you take one look at them, you will never forget them."

Link praised.


Daddario smiled slightly, raised his hand to brush the wet hair around his ears, looked at the rain curtain outside and said, "Mr. Baker, why are you here? I mean, why are you here on Fifth Avenue so early? superior?"

Link shrugged his shoulders and told the other party that he lived in the Yorkville Apartments on East 80th Street and came here for a morning run. Unfortunately, it rained heavily and he was sealed under the bus stop sign.

Daddario smiled slightly and said what a coincidence. She lived in the Brisbane Apartment Center on East 103rd Street and came here for a run. She was also driven here by the heavy rain.

Brisbane Apartment Center and Yorkville Apartments are both in the Upper East Side, separated by three blocks. There are more wealthy people living there than in Yorkville. From this point of view, the other family's conditions are good.

Link invited the other party to sit down and asked her what movies she was filming recently.

Daddario talked about starring in a low-budget horror film called "Shadow of Death."

Link looked at her big eyes and thought that when she was filming a horror movie, as long as she opened them slightly, she would have a frightened expression, which was indeed very suitable for a thriller.

Daddario also said that he saw the news on TV that "private video leak case was closed" and congratulated him on winning the lawsuit.

Link said thank you. Although he won the case and received a large amount of compensation, his reputation was greatly affected and he also lost a Taylor. It was not worth the loss.

"Alex, do you like the rain?"

Link suddenly asked while looking at the rain curtain.

Daddario turned to look outside the awning, blinked his big eyes, then looked back at him and smiled: "It depends on your mood, the rain looks good today."

Link smiled softly, "I don't like the rain in Miami. It rains in Miami. It often storms violently. Sometimes it rains for many days. The air becomes hot and humid. It will be uncomfortable to stay at home. Rain in Los Angeles is not good either. It rains too much." Small, almost equal to nothing.

Rainy days in New York are great. The streets are wet and the high-rise buildings are looming in the rain, just like Gotham City in the movie. If you stay at home or on the street at this time, with someone to watch the rain and chat with you, it will feel even better. "

"It does sound great."

Daddario looked at him unexpectedly, and saw his handsome and fair profile, with a hint of melancholy hidden between his eyebrows, like a male protagonist in an art movie, and she couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Want some candy?"

Link asked as he pulled out a lollipop.

Seeing him as a big star, Daddario took out a lollipop from his pocket. He felt it was very interesting. She didn't refuse, took it and held it in her hand, and continued to look outside the awning.

I heard Link say that he likes to write songs on rainy days. Sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and watching the heavy rain outside will make him more inspired.

Listening to his description, Daddario thought of him sitting in front of the piano, looking at the heavy rain outside the window, playing "Everything You Need" and "Someone You Loved". That scene must be beautiful.


Daddario covered her nose and went out for a run early in the morning. She was only wearing a sports vest. After being soaked by the rain, her body temperature dropped. After sitting in the awning for a while, she felt a little cold.

"Sorry, I only have one piece of clothing on, so I can't help you."

"It's okay, it's just a little cold."

Daddario said, stroking his white arms.

She only wore a white sports bra, and half of her lower body was soaked by the rain, revealing the heavy outline of her chest, and her two slender arms and delicate collarbones were also exposed to the air.

Probably because it was too cold, the fair skin turned cold white, as smooth as marble, and you could feel the coolness on your skin without touching it.


There was a muffled thunder in the foggy sky. After only more than ten seconds, the rain outside became more intense. A gust of wind blew from the south, mixed with some cold rain and blew under the awning, falling on Link and Daddario's faces. body.

Daddario shuddered, crossed his arms and rubbed his shoulders.

"Would you be offended if I put my arm around your shoulders?"

Link said, spreading his hands.

Daddario was stunned for a moment and said subconsciously: "No!"

"Then I can lend you some warmth."

Link smiled slightly and put his arm around her shoulders.

Her skin is cool, smooth and delicate to the touch, and her fragrance smells very good.

But Link just put his palm on her shoulder and didn't move it casually.

And Daddario was leaning in his arms, feeling a little dizzy. His palms were very warm, and his arms were also warm. With his shoulders against his chest, he could feel his strong muscles, which made him feel very safe.

The aura emanating from him is also very charming.

Daddario did not resist the embrace.

It's just that the two of them had only known each other for less than ten minutes. They had exchanged a few words and it felt strange to have their arms around each other like this.

Fortunately, Link just held her shoulders and let her lean into his arms without any rude actions. Daddario also breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that Link was very gentlemanly.

Link looked at the heavy rain and asked her what sports she liked.

Daddario practices yoga and occasionally plays tennis.

Link said that he also likes to play tennis and asked her to play tennis at the Central Park Open Air Court another day.

Daddario agreed.


After waiting for more than ten minutes, the M86 bus finally arrived.

Link pulled Daddario and rushed to the car.

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