There is no air conditioning in the M86 bus, but the temperature is more than ten degrees higher than outside. You can feel a warm breath coming in after entering the bus.

Because it was an early bus, there were not many people. Link wore a peaked cap and sat in the empty seat in the front row on the second floor of the bus. The view was the best here, and he could see the heavy rain outside the window and the buildings lost in the rain.

Daddario sat down next to him, shoulder to shoulder. Link's shoulders seemed always hot, while hers were as cold as stone.

Daddario heard that strong people have fast blood flow and a higher body temperature than normal people. People like Link must be very strong.

"Thank you! I'll buy you coffee next time."

Daddario said she came out with only her music player and nothing else. When she got on the bus, Link bought the ticket for her.

"Don't you check the weather forecast when you go out for a run?"

Link said looking at the girl next to him.

Daddario smoothed the wet hair in front of his forehead and said with a smile: "I don't go out for running often. I woke up early today and saw the fog outside the window, as if it was going to rain. I felt that running in the light rain should be... It was going to be fun, so I came out with just my music player. I didn’t expect it would rain so heavily during the trip.”

"I read the weather forecast and it said there would be light to moderate rain today, but the result was not accurate at all."

Link lazily sat back on the seat, looking at the city soaked by the rain. It was cooler, but cleaner.

"It would be better if it rained heavily in Paris. I was in Paris last month to shoot a new movie directed by Woody Allen. He said that Paris is the most beautiful after the rain. I planned to shoot several scenes in rainy days, but it was a pity that It didn’t rain for more than a month. Director Woody Allen was very disappointed and had to modify the script.”

"Is it "Midnight in Paris"? I've seen the news about that film project. It's a companion piece to "Midnight in Barcelona" and it must be a great movie."

Daddario said.

"Yes, it is a very artistic film. In order to play the leading role well, I practiced for a long time and almost couldn't get out of the film."

"You are so amazing. You are a world boxing champion. You sing so beautifully and your acting skills are so great. But I can't do well as an actor. Sometimes I feel like I'm so stupid."

Daddario pouted slightly and said annoyed.

Link smiled slightly and found that when she puffed out her face, she was somewhat similar to Selena, except that her face shape was more mature, unlike Selena's eternal baby face, which was so cute.

"Then are you satisfied with your current life?"

".not bad."

Daddario thought for a moment and said, "My family supports my acting career. Every time they see me play a small role, they will cheer and celebrate happily, as if I won the Olympic gold medal. They are very happy." Love me, I love them too, yes, I'm satisfied."

Link said: "It sounds really good, and I am luckier than me. Although I have a lot of halo and honors, no matter where I go, I will be pursued by the media and fans, like the focus of the world, but when I return home, in the room Apart from me, there is no one else to share my happiness with, and I feel like I have been abandoned by the whole world, so the life you have now is truly enviable.”

Daddario turned her head to look at him, and found that the melancholy between his eyebrows was getting stronger. Her heart couldn't help but tremble, and she wanted to reach out and give him a hug to help him get rid of the sadness in his heart. cold.

But she didn't have the courage. She reached out and brushed the hair around her ears, shrugged her shoulders and said, "I'm not that enviable. I really want to make a literary film. I have auditioned many times, but the casting directors said that I My eyes are too big, which makes it easy for me to get into trouble when acting in literary movies. They also say that my acting skills are average.

Well, I have never acted in a stage play, nor have I received professional acting training. My acting skills are indeed not as good as those of Broadway actors.

But I also worked very hard. Every time I received a role, I would study the script carefully. In my spare time, I would go to a nearby acting school to recharge. But when I went to audition, they still were unwilling to give me the role, which made me mad. "

Link smiled softly and heard the girl continue, "And my parents. Although they support me becoming an actor, they often urge me to fall in love and get married early. They say that it is not contradictory to get married first and then become an actor, but I know that is not the case at all. That way, once a woman gets married and has children, her time is no longer hers, and it’s almost impossible to continue acting, so my life is in a mess.”

"It does sound a bit annoying, so are we comparing ourselves to each other?"

"Well, it seems so."

Daddario covered his mouth and smiled, wondering how he could express his true feelings to a boy he had known for less than half an hour, but it felt good to say it.

While we were chatting, Link's song "Someone You Loved" came from the bus speakers.

I'm going under and this time

I want to sink and fall

I fear there's no one to save me

I'm worried that no one will rescue me

This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy

This love that is either success or failure makes me gradually lose my mind

I need somebody to heal

i need someone to heal

Somebody to know

someone to talk to

Somebody to have

Someone to accompany you

Somebody to hold

"You sing so well. I also have this song in my music player. It's perfect for listening to on rainy days."

Daddario exclaimed as he listened to the music.

Link also listened to the singing on the stereo. In the past, listening to his own songs was like watching his own movie in a cinema. He would unconsciously compare it with the original singers, and feel like he was detached from the world.

Later, I gradually got used to it. When I listened to my own songs from a professional perspective, I found that my singing was indeed very good. No matter the breath, voice, or emotional expression, it was no less than the original one.

"Someone You Loved" is a song released by British singer Lewis Capaldi in 2018. It was nominated for the Grammy Award for "Song of the Year".

It is also the only sad love song in Link's third album. It topped the top 40 of the British singles chart in the first week of its release. It also reached the second or third place on the Billboard singles chart, second only to " Everything You Need” and “Girls Like You”.

Later, he and Taylor broke up. Due to the media's hype, the song ranked in the top three of the singles chart for five consecutive weeks. It is still in the top ten and its popularity remains high.

Some media ridiculed him that he released this song too early, and if it is released in the next album, it will definitely be a champion single.

"Link, I also like your song Love Is Gone. I've watched that video ten times."

Daddario said, gesturing with his slender fingers.

"Are you my fan?"

"I was a boxing fan at first. My father and brother are both boxing fans. They said you are very, very good. They have watched all your boxing matches live and also watched your matches live at Madison Garden Arena. I also watched it. After two times, I heard you sing and found that your songs are also very good. I became your fan again, so idol, can you sign your name?”

Daddario stretched out his white palm and handed it to him.

Link smiled slightly, wrote his name on her palm with his index finger, and wrote it to the beautiful Alexandra.

Daddario took his hands back and clenched them into fists to thank him.

After playing his song on the bus stereo, Taylor's "Love Story" was played next.

Although both songs are about love, one is sad and low-spirited, while the other is cheerful and positive, like ice and fire.

"Taylor's songs are also great. I think you two are very talented and a perfect match. It would be a shame to separate."

Daddario said.

"I think so too, but she doesn't think so."

Link said as he spread his hands.

"I heard it's because you are too busy, is that true?"

Daddario blinked his big blue eyes, and there was curiosity on his small round face that was somewhat similar to Selena.

Link smiled helplessly, "It's true. Do you think I'm a bad man?"

Daddario thought for a moment, "I like your boxing, your songs, and I admire you very much. Although your efforts are a bit disappointing, I think you are more real like this. If you are so powerful and so dedicated, , there are no flaws, it feels like it’s fake.”

"You fans are so difficult to deal with. I don't care, and you think I'm pretending. I care and you call me a scumbag. So what should I do?"

Link held his forehead, as if he had a headache.

Ha ha!

Daddario covered his lips and smiled, looked sideways at his face and said, "Link, actually I still can't believe it now. I just went out for a run in the morning, and I didn't expect to meet you on the road. It was incredible to sit together and chat.”

Link smiled slightly, and the girl became more lively after becoming familiar with her.

"I also find it incredible. Last time I took shelter from the rain and met a homeless man, but today I met a beautiful girl like you. It feels very strange. This may be a kind of fate."

Link looked at Daddario and explained the meaning of fate.

Daddario met his eyes, looked at his deep and clean blue eyes, his handsome fair face, and the good smell of his body, and his heartbeat couldn't help but beat a few times.

She blinked her long eyelashes, crossed her arms, and looked out the window at the heavy rain again.

The bus drove onto the straight lane, speeding a little faster, and the rain outside seemed to be getting heavier.

"Is it still cold? Do you want me to lend you some more warmth?"

Link asked.

"Then I'll buy you coffee twice."

Daddario leaned his shoulder against him.

"make a deal!"

Link put his hand around her shoulders, and gently rubbed his hands up and down along the outside of the shoulders. It still felt cold and smooth, and he could feel the tenderness and elasticity of the skin while rubbing it.

Daddario felt a surge of electricity surge from his shoulders to his whole body, and his body unconsciously moved closer to his arms.

Link held the girl's shoulders and looked out the window at the thick rain, the cars speeding in the rain, the hazy neon lights, and the humid city, and suddenly thought of a song.

"Alex, I recently wrote a new song, would you like to hear it?"

"I am glad to."

Daddario nodded.

Link recalled the lyrics and gently hummed the more famous sad love song "Let her go"

Well you only need the light when it's burning low

Only when it is dim and dim do you think of the bright lights

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

I miss the warmth of the sun only when it's freezing and snowing

Only know you love her when you let her go

Only after letting go do you understand true love

Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

Daddario listened to him singing quietly, hearing his gentle and magnetic voice and touching lyrics, it was like having a brush tickling his ears, so comfortable that it made people addicted.

She looked up at him and saw the melancholy and sadness on his face. She couldn't help but hug his arms, trying to comfort him in this way.

Cause love comes slow and it goes so fast

Love comes tenderly but ends cruelly

Well you see her when you fall asleep

Now I can only meet her in my dreams

But never to touch and never to keep

Link sang it once and looked down at the girl next to him, "Does it sound good?"

"It sounds good, but it's too sad."

Daddario was infected, with a hint of sentimentality in her big blue eyes, making her eyes even more charming.

"Probably because of my mood, I can only write songs like this recently."

Link shrugged.

"Are they all songs for Taylor?"

Daddario asked softly.

"A few of them are now."

"Then you must love her very much."

"Yes, blame me for being too carefree and accidentally losing her."

"Don't be sad. An outstanding boy like you will definitely find a better and more suitable girl for you in the future."

Daddario looked at him and said seriously.

Link also looked into her intoxicating blue eyes.

Daddario also looked at him without blinking, his pink lips pursed.

Link lowered his head and approached her, looked at the face so close, and asked gently: "Alex, you are so beautiful, can I kiss you?"

Daddario's eyelashes trembled, he closed his big eyes, raised his beautiful face and leaned into his arms.

Link hugged the girl and kissed her soft lips deeply.

It was still raining outside the window, and the fine rain strands dazzled the glass.

Several passengers sitting in the back row on the second floor looked enviously when they saw the young man and woman kissing passionately in front of them.

The men were more envious of the boy who was kissing. Although they couldn't see the girl's face clearly, they could see her slender and round thighs, slender white waist, rapidly expanding breasts, and her long brown chestnut hair, which were vaguely visible under the light. Her profile is also fair and delicate.

No matter where you look at it, she's a great girl.

It's a pity that the person who kissed her was not herself.

The men all stared at Link, who was wearing a hat, and some took out their mobile phones to secretly take pictures.

Dang Dang Dang!

"We've arrived at the 103rd Street Station. Passengers who want to get off the bus should be prepared to get off in advance."

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