Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 312 The Girl in the Bedroom


The bus slowly stopped at the 80th Street stop.

Link got off the bus. It was still raining, but it was much lighter.

He went to the Costco supermarket on the corner and bought a bunch of tulips, a box of freshly baked cheese pizza, and some fresh vegetables and fruits, and returned to the Yorkville apartment.

After confirming his relationship with Evaka, the two talked about accommodation several times.

The first was whether to live together.

The two agreed that they should live together.

Link likes to be lively. With more people at home, he will not be so lonely. In addition, living with Evaka, even if they cannot sleep in the same bed, it is pleasing to watch every day.

Evaka's opinion is that it is convenient for the two to talk about work and get to know each other if they live together.

The second question is where to live?

He and Evaka both have houses in New York.

Her apartment is in the Woolworth Building, also known as the Billionaire Building, facing the busiest commercial district in Manhattan. Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the apartment, you can overlook Wall Street and the Hudson River. The most prosperous area in New York is your backyard. The location and scenery are top-notch.

This apartment was sold for 22 million US dollars in 2003, and you can't buy it now even if you have money.

Link went to the apartment to see that the decoration inside was very luxurious, with many artworks on display, like an art palace.

There are supporting housekeepers, cleaners, chefs, security guards, florists, etc.

The conditions are very good, and living there is like living in a noble castle.

But for Link, living in such a place would feel restrained. This restraint has nothing to do with his net worth, but a living habit that cannot be changed for the time being.

He also wanted Eva Ka to move to Yorkville Apartment, but the apartment room here is too small to hold so many of her clothes, shoes, bags, and accessories.

After discussion, Link proposed to buy a villa in the wealthy area of ​​Central Park as a place for the two to live together. Of course, he would pay for it, and he had no shortage of money to buy a property.

Evaka agreed and wanted to help him look at houses in person and choose a top luxury house for him.

He is still looking for a suitable property.

Before the villa is bought, he will live here first, or he can live with Evaka, all up to his will.

When he opened the door of the apartment, the crystal chandelier in the living room lit up, and the whole apartment became brighter. In fact, the decoration of his apartment can also be called luxurious.

There are all kinds of Italian luxury furniture, solid wood floors, Swarovski crystal lamps, high-end custom wallpapers with a price of 500 US dollars per square meter on the walls, Turkish handmade wool carpets, and many oil paintings and sculptures in the study and living room. Although they are not antiques, they are all genuine products with a price of more than several thousand US dollars.

When he got this apartment, he planned to use it as a love nest with Taylor. He spent more than 800,000 US dollars on decoration and reserved a baby room, but there was nothing in it.

Just thinking about it makes me angry.

Link came to the kitchen with a yellow paper bag, sorted the new things he bought into the refrigerator, filled the empty fruit bowl, and separated the tulips into several vases on the counter.

Ding Ding Dong~ Ding Ding Dong~

The phone on the counter rang. It was Evaka calling.

"Eva, what's the matter?"

Link held the phone and wiped the water stains on the counter with a rag.

"Is Emma Watson still here?"

Evaka asked in a faint voice.

"No, she will go back to the crew to film in the afternoon and will probably leave before noon."

"Come to Woolworth Apartments in the afternoon. I bought some seafood and plan to cook in the apartment. What do you think?"

"Do you want to cook it yourself?"

"Yes, I have also learned to cook, but I don't cook it often. I want to give it a try."

"It sounds good."

Link smiled lightly and told Evaka that he would also go to the company in the afternoon and the two would meet there.

Evaka agreed and asked him to be careful when sending Emma away so as not to be photographed by paparazzi.

Link pulled the corner of his mouth to show that he knew.

Emma Watson was recently filming "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1)" in the United States.

The filming of this movie started in February, and the production location was in the UK and the United States. It was filmed in the UK in March and April. In May, Emma moved to the United States with the crew. In the middle, she went to Paris to hang out with him for two days.

These days, the verdict of the "private video infringement case" was announced, and Emma also took leave to come to New York to attend press conferences, celebrations, etc. After the cocktail party, she quietly came to his apartment with him.

Evaka also knew about this matter, but never paid attention to it.

Now that she mentioned it, he felt some unspeakable weirdness in his heart.

Putting down the phone, Link came to the bedroom and turned on the corner lamp at the head of the bed. Under the blanket of the big bed, a petite figure curled up.

"Emma, ​​do you want to get up? If you get up later, I will cook later."

Link shouted.

Emma Watson blinked her eyelashes, stared at him for two seconds, and suddenly pulled up the blanket to cover half of her face.

"Don't look, I'm not wearing any makeup."

"It's okay, I've seen you without makeup, very beautiful."

Link pinched her cheek.

Emma Watson is only twenty years old, with fair and tender skin and a delicate face, but a few brown freckles on both sides of her nose, which makes her look less perfect, but the rest is pretty good.

She has a petite figure and tender skin, which matches her British lady temperament, revealing a different type of beauty from American actresses such as Anne Hathaway and Megan Fox, which is also her characteristic.

"Then you go out first, I need to get dressed."

Emma said, hiding in the blanket.


After making breakfast, Emma also finished washing and walked into the restaurant from outside.

She wore a blue dress, revealing her delicate collarbone and white arms. Her long golden brown hair had just been washed, which was a little fluffy, and also made her cheeks smaller, only the size of a palm.

"It smells so good, did you make all of this?"

Emma asked, looking at the breakfast on the table.

There were cheese and ham pizza, fruit salad, two servings of seafood soup, as well as bread and fried eggs, all exuding a wonderful aroma.

"Except for pizza, I made them all, try it!"

Link put down the plate and said.

Emma tasted a mouthful of seafood soup, nodded her chin, and said it was delicious.

Link handed her a piece of bread and fruit paste.

The two chatted while eating.

Emma asked if he and Taylor really broke up?

Link said it was true.

Emma asked if he would blame her for kissing him in the locker room, which led to their breakup.

Link said no, the fault for breaking up with Taylor was that he couldn't control his lower body, it had nothing to do with Emma, ​​the video was at most the trigger.

Emma asked him what his relationship with Evaka was.

Link told her directly that they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

During the trial these days, he and Evaka often went in and out together. Although it has not been officially announced, the media have speculated that the two are in a relationship.

Emma felt a little disappointed after hearing this.

Link did not comfort her and asked about her recent work arrangements.

Emma said that after filming "Harry Potter", she was ready to enter Hollywood and develop in the United States in the future.

Recently, she also took on a script for an art film called "The Perks of Being a Wallflower", directed by Stephen Chbosky, the director of "Rent".

One of the roles was very suitable for him, and asked him if he wanted to try and work together.

Link thought about it and didn't have much impression of the script, but he didn't refuse, saying that he would make a decision after reading the script.

While eating breakfast, Emma's assistant called and said that he would come to pick her up in an hour and asked her to prepare in advance.

Emma was very reluctant to leave when she heard that she was leaving soon, and said that she wanted to come again.

Link did not let her down.

He held her to do an aerobic exercise in the restaurant.

He also released the firepower accumulated on the bus.

During the exercise, he told Emma that he was not a good man. He had a girlfriend but kept cheating. He was a real playboy.

And she was a good girl and should have her own life. It would not be good for her to continue to entangle with him.

Emma leaned in his arms and said she didn't care.

Last year, she also tried to date other boys.

But when getting along with those people, she couldn't help but compare them with him.

She found that the gap between those people and him was greater than the gap between humans and apes. They were boring and tedious.

She wanted to continue dating him, and being a lover was fine.

Link was a little proud when he heard her words.

Just thinking of that other woman, that bit of pride instantly disappeared, and the anger in his body was about to burst out.

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