Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 316 Beauty's Scheme

After seeing off Scooter, Link stood in front of the French window with his arms folded, looking at the people coming and going on William Street downstairs.

Occasionally, one or two tourists can be seen pointing at the Link Music logo, as if saying that the famous Link Music is there, and Link, Lana Del Rey, Mars, and Wiz Khalifa are all there.

While looking at the scenery, Link was also thinking about the suggestions Scooter made before leaving.

Scooter told him that he is currently very popular in the entertainment industry, but as the album promotion and scandals decrease, his popularity will slowly decrease.

In order to maintain a high popularity in the music industry, publicity and hype are indispensable. At the beginning, he chose to bundle hype with East Coast Rap, which was a clever trick that could be continued to be implemented, so that both parties were in a state of disharmony, the topic would be higher, and mutual benefit and win-win.

Link did not object, nor did he care much.

When fame reaches a certain stage, if you want to break through the bottleneck and reach a higher level, hype alone is useless. It requires years of accumulation, and quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, just like his punches.

At this stage, it is of limited use to him to promote with East Coast rappers.

In addition, Scooter also mentioned the issue of developing a personal brand.

Link is a famous athlete and singer with a very high reputation worldwide and a lot of fans. He can completely follow the example of Jordan, Kobe, Kanye and others, cooperate with brands such as Adidas and Nike, and create a personal sports brand or casual clothing brand. This is also a good way to make money.

Link thought about it and it was a good suggestion.

Kanye was initially worth only hundreds of millions of dollars. Through cooperation with Adidas and Nike, he founded Air Yeezy and will be worth more than 1 billion US dollars in the future. The same is true for Jordan and others.

If you want to become a billionaire or a trillionaire, it is not enough to just speculate in stocks. You should also find a way to make some real investment.

Dong Dong Dong!

"Link, are you busy?"

Graham, the head of Link's music production department, walked in, wearing a baseball shirt. His figure was a little rounder than in 2008, but he still didn't care much about his personal image. His hair was messy and his shirt was wrinkled.

"Not busy, what's up?"

Link sat back in his office chair, invited Graeme to sit across from him, and asked his secretary to bring him a cup of coffee.

"No, I drank five cups of coffee today, and I smell like coffee. I heard your tea is good, please give me a cup of tea."

Graeme waved his hand and said.

Link smiled lightly and asked his secretary to make a cup of black tea.

"Have you been busy these days?"

"The busiest time has passed. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, Link Music released three albums in a row. That was the busiest time. It's not busy now, but I can't relax."

Graeme shrugged and told him about making the fourth album.

"Is it a little too fast?"

Link asked, touching his chin.

"No, you are very popular now, and your album is very popular. The more popular it is, the more you have to work hard on the new album. If the quality of the new album is too poor, it will affect your reputation. The company plans to release your fourth album early next year, so you should prepare now, determine the theme, write songs, and collect songs. The more songs the better, keep improving, so that the quality of the album produced will not be bad."

Graeme said.

Link nodded and agreed with his opinion.

Before he became famous, he did a lot of exaggerated and coquettish operations to become famous, such as publicly provoking the heavyweight boxing champion, claiming that he would solve all opponents within 100 seconds, and accusing Washington of racial discrimination outside the Grammy Awards.

At that time, he was not famous and did things without scruples.

After becoming famous, his personal influence became greater, and he became cautious in doing things and speaking. He often walked on thin ice.

The same is true for releasing albums. When he first debuted, there was no pressure. It took only more than two months from production to release of the first album.

The second and third albums were not the most serious. As the album sales got better and better, and the number of fans increased, in order to live up to the trust and expectations of the fans, he dared not mess around and would be more careful when making the album.

If the fourth album is released at the beginning of next year, it is indeed necessary to prepare in advance.

Link and Graeme began to discuss the theme of the fourth album. Since the two songs "sorry" and "Love Is Gone" received good responses, the theme can be set as "broken love" first, and the songs in the album are mainly sad love songs.

"Graeme, I have written six songs of this type for the time being. You should also start collecting related songs. The more the better."

Link said.

When the first and second albums were released, the quality of the songs collected was average, and none of them made it to the singles chart, which made him look down on the works collected by the company.

When it came to the third album, the company spent a lot of money to invite famous singers to write songs for him. The quality of the songs collected this time was good and all entered the singles chart.

This also made him look forward to the songs collected by the company. Maybe he would be lucky in the future and collect a few champion singles that were popular in his previous life.

At the same time, Link also planned to invite songs from Lady Gaga, Adele, Kesha and others.

They are all talented singer-songwriters, and the songs they write should be good.

After seeing Graeme off, Link looked at his watch. It was already 5:10 pm, but Evaka hadn't come to call him home for dinner.

Thinking that this woman was a workaholic, he turned off the computer, told his secretary, and went to the president's office in the east. Evaka's assistants and secretaries were still there, which meant she was there too.

Link knocked on the door, and a voice of "Come in" came from the door. The voice was cold and indifferent, giving people a feeling that he was not easy to mess with.

Opening the door, Evaka was sitting behind a large desk, wearing a white Prada OL female work suit, with long golden hair tied up, holding a pen in her hand, and a pile of documents on the table, concentrating on work.

Seeing her like this, Link wanted to ask her about the pit she had set for him, but the words were taken back when they came to his lips. Anyway, he didn't suffer any loss, and it was not bad to be a couple with an agreement for the time being.

"Link, is there anything?"

Seeing him come in, Evaka stopped the work in her hands, looked up at him, and her expression was very serious.

"Nothing, I came to see you."

Link shrugged his shoulders, sat down on the opposite chair, picked up a folder and looked at it. There were financial documents, legal issues, and information submitted by dealers. There were a lot of work.

"Will you help me share the work? These documents can be handed over to you for approval."

"No, I'm a technician and don't understand company management. The only thing I can do is applaud you."

Link clapped his hands and smiled.

Evaka rolled her eyes charmingly, drew on the document, and suddenly frowned, staring at him blankly, "Did I say I would treat you to seafood? Oops, I forgot."

Evaka looked at her watch and saw that it was past five o'clock. She quickly put down the pen and documents and called her assistant to prepare the car.

"Don't worry, it's too late, and it's the same another day."

"No, I promised to cook for you, and I must do it."

Evaka turned off the computer, stepped on her high heels, and came out with her bag, urging him to get up quickly, because it would be time for supper later.

Link shook his head. Seeing her like this, he didn't have any expectations for the seafood she made.

"What kind of seafood dinner did you prepare?"

"I heard that you like seafood. I don't know which kind you like, so I ordered all the top seafood ingredients online, including king crab, blue lobster, Belon oysters, and Australian prawns. I guarantee you will be satisfied."

Evaka said as she walked.

"It sounds great."

Link looked at the woman beside him and chuckled, "Eva, we are just a couple by agreement. You are so nice to me. Are you in love with me?"

Evaka stopped, looked at him, and smiled, "Don't be too narcissistic. This is just a work meal. I just want to talk to you about work at the table. I don't mean anything else. If I really fall in love with you, I won't just treat you to seafood. I will give you all the best things in the world."

"Really? In other words, if I can make you fall in love with me, I can get the best things in the world?"

"Yes, but I will never fall in love with you."


"Don't you have any self-awareness, scumbag!"

Evaka glanced at him, leaving an indifferent back.

Seeing her expression, Link couldn't help but doubt his previous judgment. Does this woman really like him?

In Baker's shop, she suggested that he find a regular girlfriend, and finally the two of them became a couple by agreement. Was it really to help him restore his reputation instead of having other intentions?

Did he misunderstand?

Link didn't quite understand. He was originally slow to understand feelings. After experiencing Taylor's incident, he was even more unsure whether a woman had feelings for him or how much feelings she had.

"What are you doing standing there?"

Walking to the work area immediately, Ivaka stopped, looked back at him and said, "According to Article 6 of the agreement, in public, we need to act like a couple, let everyone know that we are a couple, so as not to arouse my father's suspicion. At this time, we should go together."

Link shook his head, walked over, put his arm around her waist, and pinched the plump part. This woman is so annoying. When he is with her, he can't guess her thoughts with three brains. He can't be too gentle to such a woman.

Ivaka twisted him, took his arm, and walked out of the Link Music office area side by side.

When the company's employees saw the two bosses going out hand in hand, they all cast their eyes in concern. They saw that one of them was wearing a casual suit, handsome and strong, and the other was wearing a suit skirt, sexy and dignified. They looked very well matched.

"Link and Evaka are so well matched."

"I'm so envious. Not only do they have the world's top looks and wealth, but they also have the most perfect couple. This world is so unfair."

"I used to think that Link and Taylor were a good match. I was disappointed to see them break up. Now I think Link and President Evaka are more well matched. I decided to support them and hope they can go on."

The employees talked a lot, and one of them took out his mobile phone and told his employer that President Evaka and Mr. Baker left work hand in hand today. The two looked very close.

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