The Woolvo Building is a classic Gothic building on 47th Street in Midtown Manhattan.

It was originally the headquarters of Woolworth Trading Company. In the 1990s, it was converted into a five-star hotel, Park Hyatt International Hotel. It operates hotel business below the 45th floor, and the 46th to 70th floors were converted into high-rise apartments with a total of 23 units.

In the early 1990s, each set sold for US$8 million, and now the price per set is more than 15 million.

Ivaca's apartment is located 212 meters above New York City. It occupies the 64th-66th floors of the building and has a total area of ​​860 square meters. It has two floors, with a ceiling above 4 meters. There are 8 bedrooms and a fitness room inside. Center, library, large and small restaurant kitchens, collection rooms, small home theaters, cloakrooms, etc.

It also includes four open-air viewing platforms of more than 20 square meters, 46 windows facing the surrounding blocks, 32 doors, etc.

Paintings and sculptures can be found everywhere in your home.

Every time Link comes to Iwaka's apartment, he will be impacted and baptized by the rich life. He feels that although he is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he is still a poor person in terms of life style, taste and way, and there is still huge improvement. space.

"Sit wherever you want, I'll go change some clothes."

Ivaca greeted, stepped on high heels, and walked into the cloakroom with a click.

Link walked around the small living room and saw a vinyl record player on the reading shelf. There were many vinyl records stacked up there. He picked a song "Stairway to Heaven" released by Led Zeppelin in 1971.

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters are gold

There's a woman who believes that everything that glitters is gold

And she's buying a stairway to heaven

She wants to buy a stairway to heaven

When she gets there she knows if the stores are all closed

"You like Led Zeppelin?"

After a while, Ivaca changed into a cotton dress and walked out. She tied up her long blond hair, revealing her white swan neck. She also wore a custom-made apron. Even with the apron, she could not hide her plump breasts. Breasts, and heavy hips.

Originally, when she wore professional clothes, she looked noble and cool, but when she put on an apron, she had some charm and gentleness of a housewife.

“I learned this song when I was practicing guitar.”

"Then you continue to listen to music here, and I'll make seafood."

"Do you need help?"

"Oh, no, I hired help."

Just as he was talking, the helpers invited by Ivaca arrived, including a seafood chef, a pastry chef, a cold cuts chef, three assistants, and four waiters. A group of ten people walked into the apartment.

They are all chefs from the hotel in the building, and they came with various cooking tools.

The ingredients are also prepared in advance, including ten portions of Alaskan king crab, ten portions of Canadian geoduck, ten portions of Australian blue lobster, twenty portions of French Peron oysters, twenty portions of Southern California red abalone, etc. When opening the package, all Lively and in good condition.

While cooking, Ivaca stood in the center of the kitchen with a recipe book, constantly giving instructions to several chefs, telling them what to cook first and what flavor, just like giving orders to the employees in a company.

When Link saw her look, he didn't know how to complain. He had heard her talk about cooking by herself before, so he thought she would cook with a kitchen knife and shovel, but in reality, a group of chefs were hired as assistants, and she was in the middle to coordinate and direct.

But strictly speaking, she did cook and did what she was good at. For a wealthy lady, it was not bad to be able to do this. She couldn't ask for too much.

The chef in the building was very good at cooking and very fast. In less than two hours, he prepared eight seafood delicacies, four pastries and four cold dishes, and filled the table.

One of the lobster sashimi dishes was made by Ivaca herself, well, she just cut a lemon.

"Try it, this plate is made by me."

At the dinner table, Iwaka pointed to the plate of lobster sashimi and said excitedly.

Link smiled softly, picked up a piece of crystal clear blue lobster meat, dipped it in the lemon juice, and put it into his mouth.

The lobster is very fresh, and the chefs have processed the shrimp meat very cleanly. The meat is smooth and tender, as if it is alive on the tongue. When paired with the sauce, the taste is refreshing and sweet.

"How about it?"

Ivaca crossed her fingers and asked expectantly.


"This is my first time cooking seafood. If you like it, how about I cook it for you more often in the future?"

Ivaca smiled slightly.

Link nodded repeatedly, regardless of whether it was for work or emotional reasons, as long as it was not harmful to him, he would accept it completely.

During the meal, the two chatted about the company.

Ivaca told him that after the sales of his new album and the albums of three of his singers, the five major records and a number of Wall Street financial investment institutions once again proposed a financing plan to Link Music. Wall Street also pushed the market value of Link Music to 4 It reached a height of US$420 million, nearly double the level at the end of last year.

When she mentioned this number, Ivaca held up the wine glass, her cold cheeks flushed, and her voice trembled slightly with excitement.

Link was also a little excited after hearing this. He and Evaka owned 85% of Link Music's shares, and K Music's market value reached 400 million US dollars. With this part of the shares alone, the two of them could become billionaires.

In 2008, the two invested only 10 million in Link Music, which increased 40 times in two years, and will be higher in the future.

This is indeed an exciting achievement.

Link asked her if she wanted to accept financing.

Evaka thought that it was not necessary for the time being. First of all, Link Music is not short of funds at present. After several albums of him and Lana sold well, Link Music has sufficient liquidity on its books and does not need to accept investment from others.

Secondly, the company is not short of talents. At the beginning of the year, the company recruited more than a dozen management and top musicians through competitive recruitment. After in-depth cooperation with SB Entertainment, the company is full of talents and is currently developing smoothly.

Accepting external investment will affect the development of the company.

Link nodded, and also remembered the Dynasty Promotion Financing Plan mentioned by Franco.

Unlike Link Music, Dynasty Promotion only has him as a profitable boxer, and the funds are very scarce in all aspects. In terms of management ability, Franco is also worse than Evaka, and the company has fewer talents and its development is not stable enough.

This is also one of the reasons why Dynasty Promotion needs financing, but Link Music does not.

Evaka also told him one thing. Yesterday, the total sales of "The Woman I Love" in the United States officially exceeded 4 million copies. After eleven weeks of release, the sales in the United States reached 4 million copies. This is the fastest record to exceed 4 million sales in the United States in the past eight years.

This is an amazing achievement.

The company is preparing to hold a celebration cocktail party.

Invite the company's partners, distributors from all over the country, as well as Paris Hilton, Amanda Hearst, Georgia Bloomberg, Kim Kardashian and others to participate. These people have participated in the "Falling and Showing Wealth" hype and have also contributed to the sales of this album.

Evaka asked him who he wanted to invite, and he could draw up a list and the company would send out invitations.

Link mentioned that he was going to Paris to film and would not have time to attend the cocktail party this week.

Evaka said it could be put on next week.

Link agreed and talked to her about the "falling and showing off wealth" incident.

His original plan was to find a few supermodels to pose, which would cost less and also cause controversy.

But Evaka persuaded her sister Tiffany, Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian and other celebrities to participate, which increased the influence of the show-off event by a hundred times, and it was not easy to get several top celebrities to take the initiative to participate in the publicity.

Link praised Evaka's organizational and scheduling ability.

Evaka told him that at first she only wanted to ask Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian sisters for help.

Her sister Tiffany thought it was very interesting when she heard about it, and jumped out to post the first photo, followed by Paris, Kardashian sisters, Amanda Hearst, Georgia Bloomberg and others.

The people who posted photos later were all actively imitating, not the people she found.

"In fact, Paris, Amanda and others agreed to help, which also has something to do with you."

Evaka took a sip of the wine glass.


"Yes, they are very interested in you. When they heard that they would help you promote your album, they took the initiative to join without me saying anything."

"So, I have to thank them too?"

Link ate Belon oysters, one by one, his mouth full of fragrance.

This kind of oyster lives in the deep sea waters of France. It has plump meat and a crisp taste. It has a unique metallic taste when it enters the mouth, and the tip of the tongue is accompanied by a tingling sensation of electric shock. After the metallic taste, there will be a strong hazelnut flavor, which is very rich.

"Not necessary. The incident of falling down and showing off wealth not only helped us sell more records, but also made them gain enough public attention in recent news reports and become the leader of the trend. This way of becoming famous is more advanced than relying on exposing nude photos and leaking private videotapes. It is mutually beneficial."

Evaka smiled faintly.

"This is not bad. The debt of favor is the hardest to repay."

While he spoke, he did not stop his hands. He took a bite of oysters and a bite of red abalone. It felt great.

In the past, in order to save money, he would cook when he wanted to eat delicious food, but no matter how good he cooked, it was not as good as the skills of the chefs in the star-rated hotels, and the ingredients he bought were not as high-end as those bought by Evaka.

He suddenly felt that living here was not bad.

There were chefs cooking, waiters doing laundry, shopping, cleaning, walking the dog and playing with the cat, etc., and he could save more time for training.

And living in a building hundreds of meters high every day, looking at the people below, running around like ants.

After a long time, maybe you can cultivate a sense of righteousness.

"Are there any vacant apartments for sale in the building? I want to buy one too."

Link said while eating crab legs.

"Isn't it good to live here?"

Evaka put down her fork and wiped the corners of her lips elegantly with a napkin.

Link smiled lightly, threw the crab shell on the plate, drank a sip of pure water and said: "We are a couple with an agreement. If others know that I live here, they will think that I am kept by you."

"A man's self-esteem? I understand. If I live here for free, it will hurt your self-esteem. Then you can pay the rent. How about 100,000 US dollars a month?"

Ivaka smiled while blinking her eyelashes.

"100,000 US dollars? Why don't you rob it? Five thousand!"

"No, for $5,000 you can only stay in the Park Hyatt Hotel downstairs for three days, and for a minimum of $80,000, you can use all the items in the apartment."

"$10,000, that's my bottom line."

Link said seriously.

"$50,000, that's my bottom line."

Evaka smiled, shaking her glass.

After several rounds of bargaining, the two sides agreed on $25,000. Link paid $25,000 in rent per month and obtained the right to live here.

Equivalent to $800 a day, it's really too expensive.

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