Ding Dong Dong!

While chatting, there was a doorbell outside. Evaka picked up the remote control on the table, and the LCD screen in the restaurant lit up, showing the scene outside the apartment.

A person in a blue dress stood in the aisle, with long golden hair, a slightly fat figure, and a white ghost mask from the movie "Scream" on his face, waving in the direction of the video.

"Take off the mask!"

Evaka said with the remote control.

"It's me, Tiffany, can't you see it?"

The person in the surveillance shouted, the voice was very crisp, and it was obviously a young girl.

"Take off the mask, otherwise I won't open the door."

Evaka said lightly.


The person in the surveillance stomped his feet angrily, turned around and left, and after a few seconds, he reappeared at the door, no longer wearing a ghost mask, revealing a slightly fat round face, and pouted at the monitor. Although not as cute as Selena, she is also a beautiful girl.

It was Evaka's sister Tiffany, 16 years old this year, who was the first to post a photo of "falling and showing off wealth" on the Internet. Later, the incident of showing off wealth became more and more serious, and she also became an Internet celebrity.

The elevator door of the apartment slowly opened, and Tiffany disappeared from the surveillance.

More than ten seconds later, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and Tiffany rushed into the restaurant wearing a white ghost mask, waving her teeth and claws, and making a strange "ga ga" laugh.

Just after a few gestures, she suddenly stopped, took off the mask and asked in surprise:

"Link? Why are you here?"

"Hi, Tiffany, I'm here for dinner."

Link raised his glass and greeted.

"Are you the only two?"

Tiffany looked left and right, but didn't see anyone else, "Wow, I see, you are dating, right?"

"Yes, do you want to step aside?"

Evaka asked, flapping her curled eyelashes.

"No, I'm just hungry. You guys continue chatting. I'll eat something here. I promise I won't disturb you."

Tiffany dragged a chair over and sat between the two of them. She picked up a fork and ate fruit. She looked at Link for a while, then looked at Evaka, who had a blank expression, with her ears perked up.

Evaka glanced at her and continued to talk about work.

Now that the company has money, it can acquire another recording studio and sign a few new singers to train. Now Link Music has a professional production team, it is easier to train newcomers. She also said that Link has a good eye for people and asked him to recommend a few.

Link thought for a while and mentioned two names.

The first one was Ariana Grande, who he met in Miami. She was 17 years old and had debuted as an actress. She called him and said that she would return to New York after the exam in August.

The second one is Charlie Puth, the 19-year-old "Broken Eyebrow". He is a student at Berklee College of Music. He founded his own channel on YouTube last year and learned from Justin Bieber to cover celebrity songs. He also covered the song "See You Again" and became famous on the Internet.

Link has seen his cover videos online. His singing skills are a bit immature and he has not yet shown his creative talent, so he has not been noticed by the record company.

If he is willing to sign with Link Music, Link can give him a big contract as compensation for copying his songs.

Another one is Ed Sheeran, the "Yellow Boss". He has already debuted and released two singles. He is currently in the Los Angeles music circle. Link doesn't know whether he has signed a record company, so he didn't bring it up.

Evaka listened and nodded, indicating that she knew and would send someone to contact Charlie Puth.


Tiffany coughed twice and looked at the two of them with dissatisfaction. She sat here quietly. She wanted to listen to the two talking about love, but after listening for a while, she found that they were always talking about work and were almost bored to death.

"What's your problem?"

Ivaka looked at her and asked calmly.

"Don't pretend. You two were definitely not talking about work just now. You saw me coming and deliberately talked about work, right? Don't do that. Keep talking about love and don't let me affect you."

Tiffany said.

"If you want to eat seafood, eat it here quietly. If you don't want to eat, go out and play."

Ivaka said.

Seeing her cold face, Tiffany didn't dare to provoke her. She just moved her chair a little towards Link. She picked up a napkin to cover her face and whispered, "Link, do you want to flirt with Eva? If you want to flirt with her, take the initiative. She is a workaholic and can talk about work for a whole day."

"How to take the initiative?"

Link looked at Evaka and smiled.

"Don't you know?"

Tiffany was stunned for a moment, blinked and said, "To actively pick up girls, you just need to be more active, take the initiative to talk to her about your life experience, brag about how great you are, etc. You are a famous playboy, how can you not pick up girls?"

"It's true. The girls I have dated all took the initiative to pursue me, not me pursuing them, so I really can't pick up girls."

"It seems to make sense."

Tiffany nodded, holding her face and thinking for a while, "I suggest you ask Eva out shopping and watching a movie. No, no, this trick works for ordinary girls, but not for Eva. She is a workaholic and asexual. Ordinary tricks don't work on her. I suggest you just force her, you are strong!"

As she was talking, Tiffany screamed in pain and found that her ear was twisted in Eva's hand.

"Don't do that. I'm just kidding. You're my sister. How could I let him force himself on you? It's absolutely impossible."

Tiffany covered her ears and begged for mercy.

Evaka snorted: "I'll give you two choices. Shut up or go out. Which one do you choose?"

"I'll shut up!"

Tiffany snorted and closed her mouth reluctantly. It was too boring to listen to the two people continue to talk about work. She kept winking at Link, asking Link to take the initiative to change the topic, but Link didn't understand at all and continued to talk about work.

Tiffany shook her head and felt that Link must have no chance. Evaka wouldn't like such a boring person.

But after dinner, she was surprised to hear that Evaka actually took the initiative to ask Link to stay here and said that she had prepared ten sets of clothes for him.

Hearing this news, Tiffany couldn't believe her ears. After Evaka moved into this apartment, she never brought the opposite sex back. Now she actually took the initiative to let Link stay here?

This is definitely a big event.

As her father's best friend, Tiffany immediately passed the news to Mr. Thompson, telling him that Evaka and Link were dating, no, they were already living together.

In addition, Evaka was very concerned about Link. She never went into the kitchen before, but today she took the initiative to cook a seafood dinner to entertain Link.

This was too abnormal.

Mr. Thompson was very upset when he heard the news.

He had raised his daughter so big, but he had never eaten her food, nor had he heard that she could cook, but now she was cooking for Link herself.

It was too outrageous.

Mr. Thompson immediately called Evaka and asked her what her relationship with Link was.

Evaka said they were boyfriend and girlfriend, and they would get married and have many children in the future.

Mr. Thompson loudly objected, saying that Link was younger than her and was a playboy. There would be no good results if he dated such a person.

Evaka said that even if Link was a playboy, she would date him, marry him and have children.

Mr. Thompson was almost angry to the point of having a heart attack when he heard her words.

"Eva, wake up. Although Link is very good, he is not serious about relationships. You will only hurt yourself if you associate with him."

Mr. Thompson persuaded.

"Dad, you were also a playboy when you were young, and you cheated on your wife many times. You and Link are the same kind of people. How can you not like him?"

"I, Eva, I am doing this for your own good."

Mr. Thompson was almost choked to death by her words.

"Dad! I am fine, and I know what I am doing. You don't need to worry."

Eva hung up the phone and looked down at Manhattan, which was about to fall at night. A faint smile appeared at the corners of her plump lips, confident and calm.

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