Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 319: Night Tour with Beauty

After Ivaca made the call, she returned to the small living room. Tiffany was mumbling something next to Link. When she saw her coming in, she quickly sat back in her seat, picked up a "vogue" magazine and covered her face, only revealing A pair of bright eyes, flexibly spying on the surrounding activities.

Ivaca was not interested in asking what the two were talking about. She looked at her watch and asked Link if he wanted to go for a walk outside. Woolworth was not far from Broadway and there were many fun places there at night.

Link was reading a movie magazine and didn't have much interest in shopping. But when Tiffany next to him heard that he was going shopping, he immediately jumped up and shouted gogogo. She even came close to him and told him in a low voice that if he wanted to hook up with Ivaca, this is the time. It's a good opportunity, don't miss it.

Link shook his head. Although Ivaca was a great woman, she was also a very troublesome woman. Before he understood her thoughts, he did not intend to invest too much emotion in her.

But it’s also a good idea to take a stroll around the surrounding neighborhoods after dinner.

Woolworth's is located on 47th Street, Eighth Avenue, in Midtown, less than one kilometer away from the World Trade Center and just one stop away from Wall Street. It is nearby Broadway, New York City Hall Park, Hudson River Park, and the City Police Department. wait.

At night, all the neon lights on the surrounding streets light up, the music is loud and noisy, and people come and go on the sidewalks. Many people choose this time to come to crowded places to experience the charm of this city that never sleeps.

Previously, Link had enjoyed the night view of Manhattan from the terrace of his apartment, which was more than 200 meters high. From the crowded downtown area to the bustling center of Manhattan, from the lively Broadway district to the deserted Hudson River, the stars were dotted and thousands of lights were on. , connected into patches of deep or shallow light spots, also like a satellite cloud image.

Walking on the street at this time is like entering a map and using your eyes to see clearly the clusters of lights of different colors.

No one can tell which perspective of Manhattan is more beautiful, but only those who live on the upper floors of the building can enjoy double the beautiful scenery and enjoy double the happiness at the same time.

"what's on your mind?"

On Broadway 52nd Street, Ivaca walked side by side with him. She saw that he was silent in front of the lights, his eyes became deep and blurred, and even his handsome face became elusive in the neon lights. She couldn't help but speak out. asked.

Link came back to his senses and turned to look at her. When Evaca came out, she had changed into a red knee-length dress. Her blond hair was draped over her shoulders. Her hanging sapphire earrings complemented her snow-white skin. It has a different fragrance than during the day.

This woman seems even more beautiful at night.

"Can I hold your hand?"

Link stretched out his palm and said, "According to the agreement, we should be more intimate in public and let others know that we are a couple. This is what you said."

Iwaka's eyes swept across his face, Qiongbi snorted softly, and put her white palm on his palm.

Link took her finger and squeezed it gently. It was neither fat nor thin, soft and smooth. Even though it was not the first time he held her hand, it still felt wonderful.

"You hurt me!"

Ivaca rolled her eyes at him.

Link said sorry, stopped squeezing his hands, and smiled: "Do you know what the American Dream is?"

Ivaca blinked her blue-gray eyes and did not answer, then she heard him continue, "In the eyes of others, the American dream is that the poor become rich, the orphans from the slums are admitted to Harvard University, and the descendants of immigrants become political stars. An ordinary-looking girl becomes a Hollywood star.

But for me, my American dream is to walk side by side with you on the streets of Broadway, looking at the charming night view of Manhattan, with an even more charming you next to me. This feels like a dream, so I need to hold your hand. Hands to make sure this is not a dream. "

"Confirmed now?"

"Yes, the woman in the dream won't cry out in pain, nor will she smell as good as you."

Link rubbed the tip of his nose and smiled.

Ivaca said: "Many people who become rich or suddenly successful have an unreal sense of trance afterwards, which leads them to be depressed and lose their mind. But you are different. Everything you have now is what you deserve. No need to be confused.”

"Including holding your hand?"

"Of course not. Holding your hand is the reward I deserve for my recent hard work, not your reward."

Ivaca held him back and said.

Link smiled softly. This woman was very interesting. She could always tease him when he wasn't paying attention. She was much better than Doutzenkoros, who would only sway her plump buttocks in front of him.

"Yes, you have worked very hard during this period and your achievements have been very remarkable. How about I reward you more, like a passionate kiss?"

Link held her waist and smiled.

Ivaca looked up at his bright eyes and said calmly: "I brought a tube of new anti-wolf spray when I came out. I don't know how effective it is. Do you want to try it for me?"

Link smiled helplessly and released her soft waist.

"Sometimes I really don't understand you. You say you don't like me, but you treat me like a lover, considerate and tolerant. But when you say you like me, you often reject me thousands of miles away, sometimes cold, sometimes hot, sometimes far away. Come on, do you women like to use this trick against boys?"

Ivaka said in a light voice: "When you are blaming others, why don't you try to find the problem in yourself? When women date men, what they need most is a sense of security. They will use various methods to confirm that they will not be hurt or abandoned after falling in love with each other, and the love and time they invest will not be wasted.

When they meet a good man and confirm that the other party is the one they want, they will put down the temptation and love him with all their strength.

When they meet a scumbag, even though they love him very much, in order to protect themselves and not be hurt and abandoned, they will become cautious and try a little bit, just like touching the flame with their hands, sometimes far and sometimes close. Isn't this a trick, but a means of self-protection for girls?"

Link was stunned for a moment and wanted to refute. Suddenly, he remembered that it was not only Ivaka who treated him like this, but also Taylor in the past. Could it be that Taylor broke up with him because he was too fickle and broke up decisively for self-protection without leaving any room?

But when he was dating Taylor, he never thought of giving up Taylor because of other women. He treated Taylor wholeheartedly, except for occasional physical cheating.

In the matter of breaking up with Taylor, he didn't think it was all his fault, but Taylor herself had problems, she was a scumbag.

Link got angry when he thought of Taylor, and looked into Evaka's eyes, "If I promise you that I will no longer cheat from now on and concentrate on my career and family, will you treat me wholeheartedly?"

Evaka looked at him with her beautiful eyes without blinking, her palm on his chest, "I have also seen many scumbags, including my father, so I am not unfamiliar with scumbags. When a scumbag is really willing to settle down, it is when he is tired of everything outside and is willing to return to the family and take on family responsibilities. It is also the time when a man is truly mature, not a casual promise.

Just like at this moment, Jessica Alba stripped naked and stood in front of you, wanting to have sex with you, Anne Hathaway stripped naked, revealing a white body, and got into your quilt, Megan Fox knelt on the ground to give you KJ, will you refuse them?"


"Needless to say, your heartbeat is fast."

Evaka put down her hand and shook her head, and continued to move forward.

Link touched his chest and smiled helplessly. Any normal man would have his heartbeat quickened after hearing the three possibilities she just mentioned, not to mention that those words were spoken by Miss Evaka, the peach on earth, and the effect was doubled.

"Do you dare to let me test it?"

Link followed her and held her hand, but seeing her exaggerated pectoralis major muscles, he felt that he might not be able to feel his heartbeat even if he put his hand on it, so he said directly, "What does a disordered heartbeat mean? If Tom Cruise, Pierre de Pitt, or Sean Penn took off their clothes to seduce you, would you refuse?"

Evaka rolled her eyes at him coquettishly, "The youngest, most handsome, and strongest man in the world wanted to kiss me just now, but I decisively refused. Do you think there are any other men who can seduce me?"


Link was a little numb. She was too right. Compared with himself, Tom Cruise's three old leeks really had no temptation.

If I had known earlier, I should have said that the woman standing in front of me was the most beautiful, sexiest and smartest woman in the world. What other woman could seduce me?

Let's flirt with Evaka.

Unfortunately, I didn't think of it just now.

"Besides, a man's sexiest time is not when he takes off his clothes. That's when a man is the ugliest, becoming like an animal. A man's real sexiness is when he wears decent clothes, stands at the top of all walks of life in the world, and has wealth, power, wisdom and talent.

Just like when you stand on the highest podium of the Olympics, stand on the boxing ring and hold up the gold belt, are named "King of Music" by Rolling Stone Magazine, and are named the youngest self-made billionaire by Forbes Magazine. At that time, you are the sexiest man in the world, so dear, don't use any naked man to test me casually, this trick doesn't work on me."

Evaka looked at his handsome cheek, kissed him gently, and then stepped over him with sexy steps.

Link touched the kissed cheek and looked at her peach-like buttocks, but he didn't have any romantic thoughts in his mind. At this moment, he just wanted to stay away from this woman, the farther the better. This woman was too high-level, and he couldn't be her opponent. Even if he lived two more lives, he couldn't beat her.

"Hey, hurry up, the show is about to start."

Tiffany waved three tickets and shouted crisply in front of the Broadway Theater.

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