Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 320 Writing Songs in Dreams

Link is not interested in musicals.

But it was night now, and he couldn't leave these two beauties, Ivaca and Tiffany, alone on the street.

After entering the theater, the classic musical "Phantom of the Opera" was performed on the stage.

It tells the story of an opera house in Paris at the beginning of the 20th century. A 'phantom' living in the underground labyrinth of the theater fell in love with Christine, an actress in the theater, and secretly taught her to sing through dreams. Help her get the heroine position and try to win Christine's heart.

But Christine fell in love with Viscount Raoul, the patron of the theater, which made the "Phantom" furious, which triggered a series of murders, chases, and jealousies.

Leslie Cheung's version of "Midnight Song" is based on this musical.

Link was too tired from training during the day, and the chairs in the theater were relatively comfortable. He barely finished watching the opening auction scene, then leaned on the chair and fell asleep gorgeously. He slept for an unknown amount of time. When he woke up, he heard Eva stuck in the Talk to someone.

"That's enough! Stop talking!" Ivaca said.

"Eva, we are not talking nonsense. Look at this guy. He can fall asleep watching such a wonderful musical and still snores. People like him don't understand art at all, and they are not at the same level as us. Even if It’s not like he’s a billionaire, right Ryan?” Person A said.

"I won't comment, but snoring here is a bit...different!" Person B said, and his voice sounded like Ryan Kunas Jr.

"Link's snoring is very quiet and won't affect others," Tiffany said.

"Haha, Tiffany, don't you think it's weird to snore in this situation, no matter how loud or loud it is?" Someone C said.

"What's weird? I heard that when you were in school, you often fell asleep in class and were called a sleepyhead."

"Ahem, beautiful Tiffany, let's not talk about the past, let's continue watching the show." Someone C interrupted Tiffany.

Tiffany smiled proudly.

"Eva, can you imagine taking him to other elegant places in the future and him sleeping soundly like he is now? Aren't you worried about becoming a laughing stock in the circle? I heard that this guy is very carefree, haha, no matter what In terms of knowledge, conversation, and knowledge, this guy is far inferior to Ryan. I really don’t understand why you like him? Do you like the fishy smell on his body?" Person A said.


There were a few playful laughs all around.

"Peter, don't say that, Link is pretty good as a male singer." Little Kunas said.

"Ryan, haven't you read the news in the newspaper? His fame is all due to hype. Without hype, he is at best a third-rate little singer, far from a truly capable singer." Someone Ding said.

"Indeed! I heard that for stars in the entertainment industry, the faster they become famous, the faster they become famous. Link only took two years to become a popular singer. I don't think he can continue to be popular."

"Today's singers are not considered musicians at all, they can only be regarded as big Internet celebrities. They are far behind John Lennon, MJ, and Bob Dylan."

"That's right."

People around were talking a lot.

"That's it!"

Ivaca said aloud, "Do you know what you are doing? You are laughing at a world champion, a musician who has created dozens of best-selling songs, and a billionaire who is only 21 years old. , an outstanding entrepreneur, a major philanthropist who has donated more than 10 million for two consecutive years. Is it really pleasurable to laugh at such a peer?”


Tiffany laughed twice, quickly covered her mouth, and lowered her voice and said, "Eva, is this too harsh? Look at their faces, but we are all friends anyway."

"Yes, Eva, Peter and David are also caring about you and thinking about you when they say that." Little Kunas said.

"Peter David Luther, I know you are not bad people, and I understand why you are hostile to Link, but as a friend, I want to advise you. You are in your twenties and still living on the dividends of the family trust fund. You Never thought of doing something?

Look at Ryan, he has a Ph.D., controls a newspaper, is the vice president of Atlantic Records Distribution Company, and the vice president of Kunas Real Estate. You are no worse than him, why don't you learn from him and get a Ph.D.? "

Ivaca said softly.

"Ahem, beautiful Eva, please stop talking, let's continue watching the show." Someone C said.

"Eva, are you defending Link like this because you think you can marry him in the future? Don't forget that this guy is a playboy. As friends, we really don't want to see you hanging out with such a guy. You are so good and he deserves it. Not with you." Someone A said.

"Peter, thank you for the reminder, but even if he is a playboy, I still like him. In my eyes, there is no better man than him in the world." Ivaca said in a smooth and firm voice.


There were several sounds of inhaling, grinding teeth, and kicking the chair.

After the noise, the surroundings fell into silence, leaving only the Phantom singing "Learn To Be Lonely" alone on the stage, with an ethereal and lonely voice, gentle and mysterious.

‘Learn to be lonely, Learn to find your way in darkness, Who will be there for you, Comfort and care for you’

Link opened his eyes and looked around. On the right was Ivaca, who was still wearing a red dress and had blonde hair. She crossed her long legs and looked elegantly at the musical on the stage. On the left was Tiffany, who was playing with her mobile phone.

They were located in the VIP box on the second floor of the Broadway theater lobby. There were not many people here. There were only more than 20 sofas, tables, and toilets with fruit drinks.

When I first arrived, there were only seven or eight people in the VIP box, but now there are more than ten people.

Next to Ivaca sat a pale, thin young man, about thirty years old, with a long face, wearing a suit and neatly combed hair. It was little Kunas. There were others on the side and behind the seats. Several young men and women of the same age.

Without listening to the voices, he would not be able to tell who is A, B, B, D, Wu, Ji, Geng and Xin.

"Link, you're awake. You've been asleep for almost an hour, did you know that?"

Tiffany saw him waking up, grabbed his arm and shook it.

"So long?"

Link looked at his watch. It was almost nine o'clock, and it was almost time for him to go to bed.

"Yes, I just shook you, patted you, and beat you, but you didn't wake up. You were sleeping deeper than a vegetative state."

Tiffany shook her fist and said exaggeratedly.

Link glanced at her, you are really good at using metaphors.

"Link, do you still want to sleep? If you want to sleep, we will go back now."

Ivaca said.

Link shook his head. After taking a nap, he was no longer so sleepy. He noticed that little Kunas and several young men next to him were all looking over, with obvious hostility and jealousy in their eyes, like the layers in a Picasso oil painting. Diedie's face.

Thinking of the ridicule of a few people just now, he curled up his lips, leaned closer to Ivaca and said: "I just encountered a strange thing. After I fell asleep, there seemed to be a woman singing in my dream, and the voice was intermittent, very, very beautiful. "


"Haha, is this guy asleep? He can even tell such a lie."

"Hey, Mr. Link Baker, is the woman in your dream beautiful? Is she wearing clothes?"


Someone A, C, D, E and Ji laughed.

"Be quiet!"

Ivaca glanced at a few people impatiently, looked at Link and asked, "Are you serious?"

"I don't believe it either. There are no ghosts in Broadway theaters."

Tiffany said.

"Really, I still remember some of the lyrics and melody of that song. I just recalled it and I haven't heard it."

"Impossible, don't talk nonsense, this is New York, there are absolutely no ghosts."

Tiffany hugged her shoulders and leaned towards Link.


Person A's voice came from behind, "It doesn't matter if you fell asleep while watching the musical. It's ridiculous to make up such a ridiculous excuse to cover up your embarrassment."

"Yes, I don't believe it either." Someone said.

"Do you remember that song?"

Ivaca asked.

Link nodded, thought about it for a moment, and sang the chorus of the song softly.

I stay up all night

I can't sleep all night

Tell myself I'm alright

Lie to yourself that everything is fine

Baby, you're just harder to see than most

You are so unpredictable

I put the record on

I put on the record

Wait’til I hear our song

Waiting to hear our song

Every night I'm dancing with your ghost

I dance with your ghost every night

Every night I'm dancing with your ghost

I dance with your ghost every night


Hearing Link sing the words 'I dance with your ghost every night', everyone around them shuddered. Tiffany let out a frightened cry, grabbed Link's arm and put it on her shoulder, nervously He looked around.

"Phantom of the Opera" is about a ghost hiding in the basement of the theater. Because he falls in love with the heroine Christine, he often teaches the heroine to sing in dreams.

Just now, Link was sitting here watching "Phantom of the Opera". He suddenly fell asleep in the middle and couldn't wake up no matter how much he screamed. When he woke up, he said that a woman was singing in his ears. The song was very beautiful and very sad. Could it be? Could it be that a female ghost also fell in love with Link and taught him to sing in this way?

Thinking of this, Tiffany became even more nervous.

"There can't really be a female ghost in the theater, right? She saw that Link was handsome and fell in love with him?"

"Do not make jokes."

Although the little Kunas are religious and believe in God, they don’t believe there are ghosts here. They just heard Link’s song. The lyrics seemed to be sung by a woman, and the melody was also very beautiful. It was impossible for Link to make it up on the spot. With such a good song, could there really be a 'female ghost' who took a fancy to Link and taught him how to sing in his dream?

"I understand, this is the new song your company prepared for Lana, right?"

Someone A said.

Iwaka looked at Link, took his hand and said, "Ignore them, this song is great, let's go back and record the song."

"All right!"

Link shrugged his shoulders. Originally, he wanted to continue slapping her in the face, but Ivaca seemed to have no interest in slapping him in the face.

"Wait for me, Eva, you are worried that Link will be taken away by the female ghost, right? You are right, I feel a little cold here."

Tiffany jumped up and caught up with the two of them with her small bag.

Little Kunas looked at each other in bewilderment.

At this time, the stage was performing a scene where the male protagonist Raoul led people to chase the ghost and wanted to take back the female protagonist. The ghost's ethereal and gloomy voice rang out in the entire theater, on and off the stage, and in all directions.

When the ghost said in a strange voice, 'Hey, I'm here! ' 'Hey, I'm here! '

Boom! The big chandelier on the roof suddenly fell on the stage, and the theater suddenly became dark.

This is a scene where the ghost scares people.

It's just that the prop master designed it too cleverly, the chandelier fell too fast, and the lights in the theater went dark too quickly.

The audience was too absorbed in watching it, and they were not prepared for a moment, and many people were scared and screamed.

Little Kunas and the others were also frightened and trembled. Thinking of what Link said about hearing ghosts singing in his dreams, or "dancing with ghosts every night", everyone felt that the temperature in the box was a bit cold.

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