When I woke up from a room more than 200 meters high, the sky outside the window was already bright. The rays of the golden sun passed through the white clouds and misty mist and were projected onto the floor-to-ceiling windows. The whole room was lit up and the windows were bright and clean.

The clock showed less than six o'clock.

When he put on his sports suit and ran downstairs of the building, the sky in Manhattan was still shrouded in night and the light was dim. There were almost no pedestrians on the street and no shops were open. The dawn here was quiet.

Just when I looked up at the top floors of several skyscrapers, they were all lit up. The light refracted from the glass exterior walls was beautiful, like a castle in the sky.

Link took the subway to the Central Park area, got off at the corner of 59th Street, and ran along the sidewalk outside Central Park.

Central Park is three kilometers long and 0.8 kilometers wide. It takes less than 40 minutes to run a lap. Last year, a marathon was held in New York. All contestants ran 4.5 laps around Central Park. The fastest record was 2 hours and 23 minutes. Link felt that he had a chance. You can challenge it.

When I ran around and arrived at the Museum of the City of New York bus stop, I saw a tall girl under the stop sign from a distance. She was wearing fruit green tight elastic pants and a fragrant orange sports T-shirt, revealing the full curves of her chest and her slender, round eyes. Legs, and a slender white waist.

Like Link, he wears a baseball cap on his head and a maroon ponytail. Paired with his rosy and delicate oval face, he looks fresh, beautiful and full of energy.


The girl waved happily when she saw him.

The big blue eyes under the brim of the hat also brightened.

In terms of facial appearance, people with big and bright eyes have simple and kind minds and cannot hide their thoughts, while people with small and cloudy eyes mostly have deep and dark thoughts.

Alexandra Daddario has big eyes, and you can tell whether she is happy or not just by looking at her eyes. She is a relatively simple girl.

After getting along with Taylor and Ivaca for a long time, he now likes chatting with girls like Daddario, and there is no pressure.

"Yani, good morning!"

Link called her nickname and strode to the platform.

"How far did you run after sweating so much?"

Daddario saw that he was sweating a lot. There were obvious sweat stains on the collar and chest of his T-shirt, and the strong muscle lines on his body became clearer. He blinked his big eyes and asked.

"Just ran around Central Park."

Link said pointing to the opposite side.

"So soon, what time did you get up?"

As Daddario spoke, he took out a wet wipe and wiped the sweat from his face. When she raised her fair and slender jade arms, she also stood on her toes slightly, sending the good fragrance from her body to her. In his nasal cavity.

Link looked at the face so close, with her big clear eyes, straight tip of nose, jelly-like red lips, and cheeks as pink as peach petals, and couldn't help but reach out and wrap his arms around her waist.

Daddario took a step forward, his chest hit his solid chest muscles, his soft waist bent into a C, and his hands climbed up to his neck.

The two kissed for a long time on the platform until they heard a few people next to them say.

‘Look, someone is kissing’

‘Hey, it seems to be the couple on the M86 bus yesterday. Why are they kissing again? ’

'God, why did you let me see them kissing here again, do you want anyone to live?'

Hearing the comments of several people, Link and Daddario couldn't help but laugh out loud as they kissed. Before the people on the platform could see their faces clearly, the two of them started running hand in hand on the sidewalk.

Watching their retreating figures, the singles were secretly envious. The guy was tall and handsome, lived near Central Park, and had a hot and beautiful girlfriend. His life was so stimulating.

‘That person just now seemed to be Link! ’

‘It looks like the same to me! ’

‘That girl also looks like an actress, with big breasts’

Hearing the comments from the people next to him, single Bob was stunned for a moment. He recalled the boy's side face, with sharp edges and corners, as if it was indeed Link. He rolled his eyes and took out his cell phone to call his paparazzi friend.

I just saw the news. It was confirmed that Link is dating Miss Ivaca. This guy already has a girlfriend as beautiful, outstanding, and from a top family as Ivaca. He also runs out early in the morning to harm other girls. A The same beautiful woman with an explosive figure.

This is too greedy.

For this kind of person, he must be exposed so that all singles in the world can be punished.

After running twice around the lake in Central Park, he kissed the girl goodbye near Daddario's house at nearly eight o'clock, then drove back to his Yorkville apartment to pick up a few things, and then drove to Woolworth's building.

When I returned to the apartment in the building, the light inside was bright, and I could see the decorations in the room more clearly than in the evening. Some were grand and luxurious, some were exquisite and elegant, and everything was full of design, like an art palace.

"Where have you been?"

Ivaca came down from the spiral staircase on the second floor. She was finishing her yoga practice. She was wearing white chest-wrapped yoga pants, a thermal blanket draped over her shoulders, and there were beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Running in Central Park and stopping by my Yorkville apartment."

“Why do you want to run there?”

"air is fresh!"

Link said with a shrug.

Ivaca looked at him deeply, said "Let's eat", turned around and walked into the breakfast room.

Link felt a little guilty when she glanced at him, feeling as if nothing could be hidden from her eyes.

Living with such a woman was too stressful, and Link began to wonder if moving in together was a good idea.

At the dinner table, the two talked about today's work schedule. Link read at home in the morning, went to the boxing ring to train at noon, and then went to the company in the afternoon to chat with Lana about the new song "Dancing with Your Ghost."

This song is suitable for a girl to sing. If she can sing that feeling, give the song to her.

Ivaca said that she also worked out at home and did skin care in the morning, went to the company to deal with work matters at noon, and needed to go back to the Thompson family villa in the afternoon. Her stepmother, Ms. Mena, just called and said that Mr. Thompson was sick. My heart feels uncomfortable, I hope she can go back and take a look.

"is it serious?"

"It's okay, it's the same old problem."

Ivaca moved her lips and said nonchalantly.

Didi didi!

While she was talking, an alarm sounded in the living room. Ivaca picked up the remote control and turned on the LCD screen in the dining room. She saw Tiffany standing at the door with her bag and shoes. She looked at the monitor angrily and asked, "Door Why can’t it be opened?”

"You haven't had breakfast yet, where are you going?"

Ivaca asked calmly.

"I won't eat, I'll go back and eat!"

Tiffany shouted.

"Stop making trouble! Come over and eat."

Iwaka turns off the monitor.

After a while, Tiffany pouted and walked into the restaurant with an unhappy look on her face. She had originally planned to get up earlier in the morning, sneak out before Link and Ivaca got up, and then show up again when the incident was over.

But when she opened her eyes, it was already past nine o'clock. She wanted to sneak out quietly while they were eating, but the door couldn't be opened, so she had no choice but to face the scary old lady.

In order to prevent her ears from being twisted by Evaca, she wisely sat next to Link and found a protective umbrella for herself.

"Tell me! What bad things did you do?"

Ivaca spread her bread with caviar and looked at her and asked.

"No, I'm so good, how could I do bad things?"

Tiffany shook her head repeatedly, took the milk handed over by Link and drank it in big gulps.

"Did you wet the bed?"


"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm sixteen years old. I'm half an adult. How can I still wet the bed? Don't talk nonsense. There are boys here."

Tiffany retorted with a blush.

"You're so excited, does that mean I guessed it right? It's okay to wet the bed. Just ask the waiter to clean it up later. You don't have to be shy."

"That's not the case at all! I didn't wet the bed, I didn't wet the bed, I didn't wet the bed!"

Tiffany held the dining table and shouted in embarrassment.

Ivaca shrugged her shoulders and ate her breakfast gracefully.

"Don't be anxious, sit down and talk slowly."

Link persuaded her by holding her arm.

Tiffany snorted softly, looked at the two of them, and said pretentiously: "Okay, I confess, I accidentally exposed your relationship last night."

Tiffany told the two that after she posted the video last night, someone asked her what her relationship was with Link and why she watched a musical with him at night. She suspected that they were dating. She had no choice but to tell netizens that the two of them were together. Communicate.

After finishing speaking, Tiffany lowered her head, waiting for her ears to be pulled by Eva, but after waiting for a while, she raised her head and saw Eva eating, as if she hadn't heard, and Link also had a clear smile on his face.

"Don't you blame me?"

"We had no intention of hiding it, and it doesn't matter if we tell it."

Link said as he ate the sweet blueberries with his fork.

"So that's it. It made me worry for nothing."

Tiffany breathed a big sigh of relief, her shoulders relaxed, and she started to show off her rice, telling the two of them excitedly while showing off.

The video she posted last night was so popular that it was viewed more than 5 million times in one night. Her YouTube followers increased by 1.02 million, and her Twitter followers increased by 850,000. She is still increasing her followers. It feels great.

Link smiled softly. When he opened Twitter last year, he saw the number of followers increasing continuously, from hundreds of thousands to over one million, and then to ten million. It felt great. Later, the number of followers dropped, and the number of followers exceeded 4,000. Wan Ye has no fluctuations.

In addition, Tiffany also told him that there were four news related to him on the hot search lists of Yahoo and MySpace today.

First, the new song he released has a sad tone, and netizens said that he has not recovered from his breakup.

Second, he fell asleep while watching "Phantom of the Opera" and was photographed by netizens.

The third is that he heard the "Female Ghost" singing in his dream, which was linked to the dream of "Phantom of the Opera". Netizens are discussing whether it is true or false?

The fourth is that he changed his girlfriend again.

The four news items are very popular and can be found on various news websites, causing discussions among many netizens.

Link was still unmoved after hearing this. Since April, his news has been trending frequently. On the day he broke up with Taylor, there were nine trending searches for him and Taylor. Four today is not too many.

After breakfast, a new day of life began, and the three of them were busy with their own affairs.

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