Going to Paris for filming, Link needs to explain the things at hand, including movies, music, boxing, concerts, investments, etc.

But with Ivaca, Ms. Mandy, Catherine, Franco, and Cathie Wood around, apart from practicing boxing, writing songs, and reading books, he actually doesn't have much important things to do now.

The only one who gave him a hard time was Alexandra Daddario.

After running a few times together and kissing a few times, the other person seemed to have fallen in love with him.

After meeting, she would approach him affectionately, not refusing his passionate kiss, nor refusing him to put his dirty hands on her perky buttocks and slender waist.

I would send him "good morning" and "good night" in the morning and night.

During the day, she would sometimes send him messages to ask if he was busy. If he said no, she would immediately call him and ask him if he was tired from training, ask him to take a rest, care about his diet, and chat with him about his mood, movies, and Happy or unhappy, just like a little girl in love.

When speaking, her voice was as sweet and soft as possible, as if she wanted to show him all the beautiful things about her, which were pure and beautiful.

Link thought that if he didn't have a girlfriend and didn't have so many complicated relationships, he might accept her and her love, but he was a playboy and couldn't give her what she wanted. If he continued to be entangled, he would be disappointed and hurt.

Although Link didn't want to be a good man, the bottom line of being a human being was still there. He didn't want to hurt an innocent girl.

In addition, while chatting with Daddario, I accidentally learned that her family is not simple.

Daddario's family is one of the first Italians to immigrate to New York. His grandfather is a senior member of the U.S. House of Representatives, his father is the director of the New York City Police Department's anti-terrorism department, and his mother is an elite lawyer at the New York Law Firm. What's even more worrying is that, Her great-uncle seemed to have some connections to the Italian Mafia.

When dating a girl like this, unless you are sincerely nice to her, you will be in big trouble if you are even a little bit worse.

So during a phone call, he told Daddario that he would no longer be able to accompany her on her morning runs.

Daddario quickly asked why, will it be very busy next?

Link told her that he was a playboy and a bad person, while she was a beautiful, kind, and excellent good girl. Good girls should date good boys, not bad men like him.

Daddario said that he was not a bad person, that he was gentle and considerate, a gentleman, and the best man she had ever seen.

Link reluctantly told her that the reports in the news were all true. He was a playboy and had dated many girls. He had a girlfriend and often couldn't control his desires. He was flirting with women outside. He was really not a good man. .

Daddario was silent for a while and asked him if he loved her?

Link said love.

A beautiful and innocent girl like her should be disliked by everyone, but her family has both black and white.

Daddario also said that he loves him, likes to kiss him, likes the smell of him, likes to run behind him, likes to listen to him singing in the rain, and also likes his hot touch.

Link said that he also likes her very much, but he is a scumbag and cannot make a promise to her. This is not good for her. If they continue to get along with each other, it will hurt her.

Daddario said she didn't care and didn't want his commitment, as long as she could be with him.

Link was very touched and told her that he was going to Paris to film a movie and would bring her a gift when he came back.

Daddario asked him when he would be back?

Link tells the other person the time.

After hanging up the phone, Link looked at himself in the mirror.

Different from the previous life, and different from Link Baker, this face is becoming more and more handsome, with fair and delicate skin, sharp-edged bones, deep eyes, and a trace of constant melancholy between the eyebrows, handsome and elegant.

But it seems to be getting worse.

I used to hate scumbags the most, but now I have become the person I hate the most.

Is this the fate of everyone?

Jingle Bell!

The phone rang and he answered the call. A husky and sexy voice came from the receiver. The other party called him honey and asked him in French when he would come to Paris.

Hearing the other party's sexy pronunciation of French, Link couldn't help but think of the time when he was filming in Paris.

The two of them were lying on the bed, wearing nothing but a towel. The other person spoke a sentence in French, and he imitated it. When he heard him speak French, the woman would tilt her head back and burst out laughing, until her chest was covered with flowers. Trembling.

In this way, the woman teaches one sentence, and he learns one sentence, ML, and continues to teach and learn during the break.

In more than a month, he was able to understand French and speak some simple sentences.

"Marion, I have a flight at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. I'll arrive at about four or five o'clock in the afternoon."

Link said in French.

"The plane is an avion, not an aéroplane, and I like to hear you call me honey."

The woman laughed on the phone.

"My dear, I will be in Paris tomorrow afternoon."

"I know, I'll pick you up at the airport."

"Wait a minute, there will definitely be a lot of paparazzi watching us when I come to Paris. Aren't you worried about scandals?"

"Well, are you worried?"

"Of course not, I'm a playboy."

"Parisian women never worry about scandals."

The woman said calmly.

"The news said that you and Guillaume had a fight because of me?"

"Yes, one time I was having sex with him and I accidentally called your name. He was very angry and thought I loved you more. He was such a fool. Of course I loved him more, except when you were in Paris. "

the woman said frankly.

"If I stay in Paris, will you love me forever?"

"Haha, maybe, you are my lover. When you are in Paris, I will not think of other men, but you can't stay in Paris forever."

"I love Paris and I love you. If it were two hundred years ago, I would take the army to snatch you and Paris back from France, so that I can have both Paris and you."

"Haha, dear, if it were in the past, you would definitely be a tyrant."

"Yes, I am a tyrant. Tomorrow I will cross half the world to conquer you."

After saying a few sweet words to Marion, Link hung up the phone and thought of another woman, Jennifer Lawrence.

The two lived together for a while while filming in Paris.

He is a big star, and the other is a new actor. During the cohabitation period, everything was centered on him. Usually, she never said much, nor asked much, and didn't care about him and Marion. She just filmed quietly. After returning from Paris, she didn't disturb him and behaved very soberly and calmly.

There was no part for her in this reshoot, so she didn't have to go again.

Link sent a message to ask where she was.

Jennifer replied that she was in Los Angeles and was auditioning for a new role recently. He asked him what was going on.

Link asked if it was going well.

Jennifer said it wasn't going well. She auditioned for "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" last week. The initial audition was good, but because the male lead Daniel Craig was 178 cm tall and she was 175 cm tall, she didn't pass.

This week she auditioned for "X-Men: First Class". There were more than 30 actresses auditioning. The competition was also fierce and the possibility of passing was not high.

Hearing about "X-Men", Link thought that she should be auditioning for Mystique. In the end, she succeeded, but the role was very ordinary, with blue skin and makeup on her face, which didn't help her much.

Link sent a message to ask her if she wanted to change her agency. He had an agency and a production company. The upcoming "The Scandal" and the currently filming "Bridesmaids" were also produced by this company. There are also two film projects this year.

If she is willing to join, they can help her pay the penalty for breach of contract, and the signing fee is not less than 1 million US dollars. The artist contract is similar to that of other agencies.

Her current salary is less than 100,000 US dollars.

Jennifer said she would consider it.

After hanging up the phone, Link called Wendy Deng and asked her if she knew about the casting of "X-Men: First Class".

"X-Men: First Class" is a movie produced by 20th Century Fox. Fox Film is a subsidiary of News Corporation under Murdoch. Wendy Deng also works for News Corporation. In the past two years, she wanted to enter the film industry, so she served as the producer of "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan".

Wendy Deng is a person who is good at dancing with long sleeves. Although she does not work in Fox Film, she has a strong network of relationships, from politics to business to entertainment, and her network covers Europe, America and Asia.

Because of Eva Ka, Link became friends with her. It was not presumptuous to call her to ask her about this matter. On the contrary, with his current fame and worth, Wendy Deng would not refuse to maintain a good relationship with him.

Wendy Deng said she had heard of it but didn't know much about it. She asked him what was going on. She had talked to Fox Films CEO Paul Honeyman yesterday and asked him if he could ask.

Link told her that his friend Jennifer Lawrence was auditioning for Mystique and asked her if she had a chance to get the role.

Wendy Deng said wait a minute.

Five minutes later, Wendy Deng told him that Jennifer's acting was very good. "The Burning Plain" and "Winter's Bone" also brought her a lot of popularity. She performed well in the audition and Fox was considering giving her the role.

Link thanked her.

Wendy Deng told him that "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" would start filming next month and asked him when he would have time to go to China.

Link said that he would go on tour in Asia in July and August and would take time to join the crew.

Wendy Deng said welcome and she would do her best to be a good host at that time.

After talking to Wendy Deng, he sent a message to Jennifer, telling her that he had just contacted Fox Films and would give her the role of Mystique.

Without waiting for Jennifer's reply, he left his phone behind and went to the boxing gym for training.

After the afternoon training, he received a reply from Jennifer, who wanted to talk to him about the contract.

Link said he didn't have time recently and sent her Catherine's phone number.

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