Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 324 Jennifer's Choice

Los Angeles, metropolitan area, the sun is shining brightly.

In an ordinary apartment on Seventh Street, Jennifer Lawrence was wearing suspender hot pants, sitting barefoot on a hammock, looking at the phone number on her mobile phone, and hesitated for a moment.

She had planned to find Link and talk face to face about signing the contract.

During the filming in Paris, she lived with Link for more than 20 days and got to know him quite well. Although he was a bit of a playboy, he had a very good character.

She would feel more at ease if she discussed this matter with Link face to face and got his promise.

But Link was too busy, so he asked her to contact Ms. Catherine, the head of Palm Bay Brokerage.

This made her hesitate, wondering whether to wait until he came back to talk, or contact the woman named Catherine first.


Her cousin and agent Clausen strode in with a document in his hand and an excited smile on his sunburned face, "The contract is signed, the role is yours, and the basic salary is 200,000 US dollars." ”

"So fast?"

Jennifer took the acting contract and looked at it.

It also comes with a thick stack of scripts for "X-Men: First Class", which contains the responsibilities and obligations of the producers and actors, followed by terms such as the amount of remuneration.

With this contract, as long as she does not violate the provisions of the contract during the filming period, the role is hers and no one can take it away.

"Yes, when I went to sign the contract, people from Fox Pictures said that you and the two leading actors, Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy, were the first people to get the roles. They also I’m surprised that the production team decided to give the role to you so quickly.”

Clawson said excitedly.

Jennifer looked at the contract.

Link had previously sent a message saying that Fox Pictures had decided to give her the role. She didn't pay attention at the time. Just over two hours later, the staff of the "X-Men" audition team called and congratulated her on passing the audition and getting the role of "The Magic Shape". Female's role.

At that time, she guessed that it might be related to Link, but she was not sure. She felt that she performed well in the audition. Now after hearing Clausen's words, she was sure that she could successfully get the role. Link should be helping her.

Thinking of Link, Jennifer felt a little helpless.

Link is twenty-one years old this year, only one year older than him. He is already worth hundreds of millions of dollars, owns many companies such as Link Music, and has many connections in the entertainment industry.

Because she wanted to understand this, she seriously considered signing with the Palm Bay agency after receiving Link's invitation.

But this kind of thing is related to her future, maybe even her whole life, so she has to be cautious.

"Jennifer, what's wrong? Is there something wrong with the contract?"

Clawson asked.

Jennifer shook her head.

Tell her about Link’s invitation to join the Palm Bay Brokerage Company.

Clausen is her cousin, ten years older than her. After graduating from college, he worked as a model assistant and agent in Hollywood. He is familiar with the entertainment industry and is her leader in the entertainment industry.

"Palm Bay Agency? Link promised to help you pay the liquidated damages? There is also a 1 million signing bonus? Really?"

Clawson asked in surprise.

Jennifer nodded and said it was true.

"Sounds great, what are you hesitating about?"

Clawson said.

"Do you really think it's okay? I haven't heard of Palm Bay Brokerage. It should be a newly established brokerage company. Would it be better to go to a new brokerage company than the current one?"

Jennifer stood barefoot, poured two glasses of ice soda, and handed one to Clausen.

"It's normal for you as an actor not to have heard of Palm Bay Agency, but I know this company."

Clawson sat down on a wicker chair and introduced the Palm Bay Brokerage Company.

This is a brokerage company established in 2008. Its main business is actor brokerage. Currently, it only has two artists, Link and Emma Stone.

"Emma Stone?"

Jennifer knew Emma Stone, who was one year older than her and a non-academic grassroots actor. In the 2007 comedy "Too Bad", the two competed for a role called 'Jules'. She Lost to Emma Stone.

Before last year, Emma Stone had only played supporting actresses in a few low-budget campus comedy movies, and she was equally unknown.

But starting from the second half of last year, Emma Stone first played the leading role in the campus comedy movie "Scandal Project" produced by Warner's subsidiary Screen Treasure Pictures.

Then she partnered with A-list movie stars Steve Carell and Ryan Gosling to play the heroine in the movie "Crazy, Stupid, Love", and is one of the starring roles in the female-themed movie "Bridesmaids". I heard that she still has There are several scripts and there is no shortage of scenes to film.

"Scandal Project" is currently undergoing pre-release publicity work. Emma Stone appears more frequently in the media and was named "one of the most noteworthy actresses of the year" by Vanity Fair.

In this regard, Link's Palm Bay agency is indeed good.

"Emma Stone is an actress that is highly recommended by Palm Bay's agent. She has a clear upward trend. There is another thing you may not have noticed."

Clawson continued.

The reason why Emma Stone can become the heroine of "Scandal Project" is because this movie is invested and produced by Palm Beach Pictures. It is said that this film company was also invested and founded by Link.

"Link is a billionaire. He earns hundreds of millions from a record and tens of millions from a few minutes in the boxing ring. He is not short of money at all. This also means that Palm Beach Pictures is not short of money. Because of this, many actors want to join the Palm Bay agency, especially actresses, who want to get in touch with Link through this line, but Palm Bay does not accept submitted resumes. It is mainly based on invitations, so no one has succeeded yet."

Clausen looked at her, "Jennifer, Link personally invited you to join Palm Bay, which means he values ​​you. I think this is a good opportunity."

Jennifer thought about it and felt that joining Palm Bay was not bad. With her relationship with Link, it would be better than being in IMG Model Agency.

IMG Agency is her current agency. When she was 14 years old and came to New York for a trip with her mother, she was discovered by a scout from IMG Agency. At that time, she was in her teens, 170 cm tall, with a beautiful appearance, suitable for modeling.

After convincing her parents and completing all high school courses in two years, she joined IMG Agency and worked as a model for a few months, but she was more interested in acting. Through the company's channels, she played several roles one after another. This year, she became famous for two low-cost art films, "The Burning Plain" and "Winter's Bone".

However, the main business of IMG Agency is model agency, and its resources in the entertainment industry are limited, and the support she gave her is also limited. This also led to her losing to Kristen Stewart, whose acting skills were not as good as hers, in the third round of the audition for the heroine of "Twilight" in 2008.

Last year, Kristen became a global idol and a first-line actress with "Twilight".

It is impossible to say that she is not envious.

She has also considered changing an agency, such as CAA, William Morris WME, United Elite UTA and other top agencies, but because she is not famous enough, it is difficult to join a large agency, and other small agencies are not as good as IMG.

And Palm Bay Agency seems to be better than IMG in the film industry.

After figuring this out, Jennifer told Clausen that Link had sent her a message asking her to contact a woman named Catherine. She was hesitating whether to wait a few days to talk to Link or to meet this Catherine now.

"Catherine? Is it Catherine Baker?" Clausen asked.

"Link didn't say, he just said she was the head of the Palm Bay agency." Jennifer looked at the message on her phone and said.

"That's right, Catherine is Link's mother, and there's no difference between talking to her and talking to Link."

"Catherine is Link's mother?" Jennifer asked in surprise.

She looked at the number on her phone and was a little undecided for a while.

If Catherine was just the general manager of Palm Bay, it would be okay for her to call directly, but the other party was Link's mother.

And she and Link had a scandal and had an intimate relationship.

When facing Catherine, she would feel like meeting her boyfriend's parents, even though she and Link were not in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, she would have some psychological burden.

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