Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 325 Emma's sense of crisis

It was still Los Angeles, and the sun was still shining brightly on the city.

When Catherine received a call from Jennifer Lawrence, she was in an Italian cafe on Sunset Boulevard, discussing the company's next film project "The Help".

The story of "The Help" takes place in Mississippi in the southern United States in 1962. When the black equal rights movement was launched across the United States, the society here was still deeply influenced by black slavery. In white families, many black maids still suffered many unequal treatments.

The heroine of the script is a white girl who grew up with a black nanny. After learning about the injustices suffered by black maids, she decided to interview black maids working in white families and write a book about their sufferings, using this method to help black maids fight for equal status.

This script is adapted from the novel of the same name "The Help" published last year.

Catherine is more interested in female-themed movies. After seeing this script at the beginning of the year, she called Link to ask what he thought, and Link said that she would decide.

After thinking about it, she decided to take it down and make it into a movie.

Today she invited the original author of the novel, Katherine Stockett, and director and screenwriter Tate Taylor to discuss the film here.

She planned to start this film project after the release of "The Scandal Project" and the completion of the filming of "Bridesmaids". With the production capacity of Palm Beach Pictures, it is temporarily impossible to start two projects at the same time.

Tate Taylor is a new director and naturally has no objection.

While chatting, Katherine received a call from Jennifer. The other party greeted her politely, introduced herself, and asked if she had time to chat.

Katherine said yes, leaving the location of Palm Bay Pictures and the time to meet.

She had received a call from Link before. Link said that Jennifer Lawrence agreed to join Palm Bay and asked her to come forward to talk to Jennifer to solve the contract problem.

Katherine agreed.

After director Woody Allen decided to use her as the heroine at the end of last year, Katherine arranged for someone to contact the other party, but the other party had no intention of changing jobs.

Now that the other party agreed to change jobs, it was a pleasant surprise for Palm Bay Pictures.

Another thing that made her happy was that Link was serious about signing actors.

At first, Link proposed to set up an agency to sign Gal Gadot. She and Mandy thought that Link wanted to pick up girls in this way and sign a group of beautiful vases to the company.

Later, they found that it was not the case. Link was very serious about the work of the agency. Emma Stone and Jennifer Lawrence, who were recommended successively, were both excellent and were actors who really had the ability to help the company make money.

After understanding Link's ideas, Catherine was very relieved. Although Link was a little bit of a playboy, he never messed around in serious matters and kept a clear distinction between public and private affairs. This was very good, much better than many rich second-generation and third-generation rich people.


At about 3 pm, in a Blue Mountain Cafe opposite the Palm Bay Agency on Hollywood Boulevard, Catherine met Jennifer Lawrence, who had arrived earlier, and her agent Ms. Clauson.

After meeting, she got straight to the point and told the other party directly that the terms promised by Link could be fulfilled and asked her if she had any other requirements.

Jennifer thought about it and made two requests.

First, she wanted to bring her agent Clauson to work at Palm Bay.

Catherine said that there was no problem. After she joined Palm Bay, Ms. Clauson would continue to be her agent.

The second request was to ask Catherine to be her general agent.

Catherine smiled gently and agreed to her proposal.

At the same time, she could feel that the other party was a smart girl like Emma Stone.

Emma Stone respected her very much at work, was very considerate to her, and behaved very well, like her half daughter.

Now there is another Jennifer, who also looks like a smart girl.

Catherine likes to work with smart people, which will save a lot of time at work.

After the discussion, Catherine invited Jennifer and Clauson to visit the Palm Bay Agency.

Jennifer readily agreed and followed Catherine into the company.

Palm Bay Agency is located in an office building on the west section of Hollywood Boulevard, occupying the 8th to 10th floors of the office building, with a total area of ​​nearly 1,000 square meters. Although there are not many employees, including actors, agents, assistants, and administrative staff, less than 60 people, the decoration is very good.

In the corridor of the company's office area, Jennifer met Emma Stone and took the initiative to greet her.

When Emma Stone saw her, her pine green eyes suddenly lit up, with a gossipy expression.

"Lucy, why is Jennifer Lawrence here? Go and find out what she is doing in our company?"

Emma Stone looked at Jennifer's back and said to the assistant beside her.

Shortly after the assistant left, he brought a message that Jennifer Lawrence would join Palm Bay and was now discussing the contract.

Hearing this news, Emma Stone felt bad.

She was the only actress in the company before, and Link and Catherine would consider her first when investing in a new movie.

Now we have Jennifer Lawrence, who is also an actress with good acting skills. If the company has a role in the future, there will be one more person to choose from, and she will no longer be the only candidate.

In addition, Jennifer and Link have been rumored to have an improper relationship. If the company has a new project in the future, Jennifer only needs to sleep with Link once to get the role.

Thinking of this, Emma Stone suddenly felt a sense of crisis in her heart.

Last year, she originally wanted to have a good relationship with Link and hold him on his lap.

But at that time, Link had Taylor, and there was no chance for outsiders to interfere.

After the two broke up, Link often filmed outside, and she had no chance to get close to Link. However, Jennifer Lawrence climbed into Link's bed through filming opportunities, and is now signed by Link to the company, obviously to flatter her.

"Now how to do?"

Emma Stone sat back on the office chair, holding her chin with her fingers as she thought about countermeasures, and stared at Catherine's office diagonally opposite.

She has been working as an agent in Palm Bay for nearly a year, and she is living a good life here. She is filming movies and making money. She has received several good roles from last year to this year. The new movie has not been released yet, and she has become a new star in Hollywood. It feels very good. good.

In terms of interpersonal relationships, she and Catherine got along well. She respected Catherine, and Catherine took good care of her, almost raising her as her own daughter.

But Catherine is the manager of the company. If the company wants to develop, it is impossible to sign only her. It will be a matter of time before other actors are signed.

Emma Stone understands this and understands Catherine.

She blames Link. She blames this guy for being too carefree. He just wants to have fun outside and signs actresses he has played with into the company. Does she want to treat Palm Bay as her harem?

"Okay, bye!"

The door to the office opposite opened and Jennifer Lawrence walked out.

Emma Stone blinked her turquoise eyes, brushed her skirt and blond hair, straightened her expression, and walked out.

"Hi Jennifer!"

"Hi Emma!"

In the aisle, the two greeted each other face to face.

One has blond hair and green eyes, one has brown hair and brown eyes, one is petite and slender, one is taller, one is wearing a dress, and the other is wearing a T-shirt and jeans.

Although they are not top beauties, they are very good-looking, very young, and can be regarded as good-looking and capable actors in the current entertainment industry.

The two looked at each other.

Emma Stone wonders how close Jennifer and Link's relationship is, are they lovers?

Jennifer Lawrence is also wondering, did Link ever sleep with Emma Stone? I haven't heard of any scandals in this area.

"Jennifer, I saw you in "Winter's Bone," and your acting was great."

Emma Stone laughed.

"Thank you, your acting skills are also great, and your comedy effect is very good."

Jennifer Lawrence said.

"My office is here, would you like to come in and have a cold drink?"

Emma invited.

"I don't have time today. I have some work to deal with. I'll treat you to another day."

Jennifer politely declined.

"Okay, it's settled."

Emma reached out and shook Jennifer's hand, then personally walked her to the elevator.

After sending Jennifer away, Emma Stone thought for a while, walked to the door of Catherine's office, knocked on the door lightly a few times, and heard Catherine shouting to come in.

In addition to Catherine, there were also Mr. Mihaš Fess, head of the artist department, and Mr. Colin Coleman of the legal department in the office. Catherine talked about the situation of Jennifer Lawrence and handed over the signing work to these two people.

After the two left, Emma Stone diligently poured a cup of herbal tea and placed it on Catherine's desk.

"You are so diligent and want to know about Jennifer Lawrence?"

Catherine laughed.

"No, I just met Jennifer and I've known her before. She's a very good actress."

Emma Stone said.

Catherine smiled slightly, "Yes, we will sign her because she is good, but you don't have to worry about her competing with you. You are on the path of a comedian. She is the main heroine. There is no conflict between the two of you for the time being."

"Yes, I understand. I'm just curious about her relationship with Link. Are they still dating?"

Emma Stone asked with a gossipy face while lying on the desk opposite.

"I don't know either. His current real girlfriend is Ivaca. I haven't asked how many hidden girlfriends he has."

"I saw seven or eight in the newspaper. He has so many girlfriends. He is such a scumbag. Do you want to leave him alone?"

Emma Stone laughed.

"No matter! The more girlfriends he has, the more trouble he will have in the future, and he will get bored over time. Then he will consider returning to the family, getting married and having children. It is the same for men, so just let nature take its course and don't worry about him."

Catherine said as she looked through the papers.

Emma Stone nodded thoughtfully.


"Jennifer, how are you?"

Outside the Palm Bay agency, Jennifer Lawrence walked into the car wearing sunglasses and heard her agent Clawson ask.

"Everything goes well. Palm Bay will help us handle all legal issues. Liquidated damages will also be paid in accordance with the contract. There is no problem with the signing."

Jennifer said.

Clawson nodded, hesitated, and told her something. She just received a call from the company, saying that Weinstein International Pictures sent someone to see her and said that Harvey Weinstein had seen her acting. "Winter's Bone", I admire her acting skills very much, and if she performs well, I will consider giving her the role of the heroine in the new movie.

“Someone from the Weinstein Films?”

Jennifer was a little excited to hear about Weinstein.

Weinstein Pictures is a new film company founded by the Weinstein brothers in 2006.

Since the 1970s, the two brothers have launched dozens of classic films and more than 600 niche art films.

Including "Pulp Fiction", "The English Patient", "Gangs of New York", "Infernal Affairs", "Chicago", "Kill Bill", "Cold Mountain", "Shakespeare in Love", "Good Will Hunting", "The Lord of the Rings", etc. The films he participated in producing and distributing have been nominated for more than 300 Oscars and won more than 70 Oscars. He is known as the "savior of modern movies".

The Weinstein brothers also made directors such as Soderbergh and Quentin Tarantino famous, as well as actors and actresses such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Russell Crowe and Renee Zellweger. They are praised by the media as "Oscar actress and actor maker" and "gold medal producer".

Being spotted by Weinstein Pictures is an excellent opportunity.

But there is also a problem. She is ready to change jobs. Weinstein Pictures is a resource pulled by IMG. Can she still play the role of Weinstein Pictures after changing jobs?

Thinking of this, Jennifer is in a dilemma.

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