Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 332 It’s all Link’s fault

"Drake, Chris, what's going on over there?"

Drake and Chris Brown were just turning a corner in the aisle when they saw Beyoncé standing out front.

Beyoncé wore a fashionable plaid shirt and a knee-length straight skirt, which exposed her plump breasts and full hip curves. Her slender and flexible waist was tied with a white belt. She looked fashionable, sexy and very hot. .

Drake was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses and said, "Diddy brought a few people to see Jay-Z."

"Oh? Who?"

"It's the Josie Epsteins."

Drake named several people.

Beyoncé raised her thick and slender eyebrows and looked at Drake and Chris with her charming eyes. Her eyes fell on Drake, "Why are Eminem and 50 Cent so embarrassed? They had a conflict. ?”

Drake hesitated for a moment and repeated what he had just heard, as well as what Eminem had said against Diddy to persuade Jay-Z.

"They are going to use this method to deal with Link? Jace agrees?"

Beyoncé asked, batting her long eyelashes.

"Jace didn't object."

Drake said.

Beyoncé pondered for a moment, asked the two a few questions about the album and new songs, then twisted her sexy waist and left on high heels, leaving behind a charming fragrance.

Derek couldn't help but swallow as he looked at the plump and voluptuous curves of her buttocks.

"Jess just told me not to tell anyone else about this, but you told Beyoncé."

Chris Brown said.

"Is Beyoncé someone else? She's the boss's wife, and I also think it's inappropriate for Jay-Z and Diddy to do this. Beyoncé knows about this and may persuade him."

Drake said.

"Oh, it's all the fault of that bastard Link. If it weren't for him, our group wouldn't be in the trouble we are now. Damn it!"

Chris Brown cursed.

Derek shrugged, not disagreeing with his words that this was indeed Link's fault.

He is a Canadian who first started his career as an actor, playing small roles in films and TV series such as "The Next Generation of Degrassi" and "Charlie Bartley".

Started singing influenced by Jay-Z.

Since 2006, he has released many original rap songs through the Internet and gained the attention of Lil Wayne. In 2008, he became a signed singer of Lil Wayne Records and also joined the East Coast rap team.

When I first joined, among the East Coast rap team, Jay-Z was the boss, and Beyoncé, Eminem, Kanye, Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, T.I., Usher and others were all top-notch. singer.

Rihanna, Chris Brown, Pharrell Williams, Ludacris, Alicia Keys, Nicki Minaj, etc. are also best-selling singers.

At that time, the East Coast rap group was extremely powerful and influential in the music scene.

Even superstars such as MJ, Madonna, Mariah Carey, and Justin Timberlake have come to ask for cooperation.

At that time, Drake felt that East Coast rap was very cool. If he followed them, he would be as successful as them in the future.

But starting in 2009, the situation gradually became worse.

In addition to changes in the music market, pop music and country music have developed rapidly, causing the rap music market to be squeezed to a certain extent. Another important reason is that it is against Link.

When Link entered the music scene, he had just defeated Tyson and Jermaine. He was very famous in the boxing world and wanted to cross over to singing.

Kanye and the others were unhappy with Link and wanted to embarrass him, so they publicly disparaged Link's new album.

I thought that Link, a new singer, had little ability and that a casual suppression would make his album unsaleable.

But what happened next was beyond everyone's expectation.

The quality of Link's new album is unexpectedly good and it is very popular in the market.

U.S. sales exceeded one million copies in the first month, which was better than the album sales of many top singers. It also surpassed the new albums of Kanye, T.I., and Usher on the Billboard 200 Album Chart. .

This time Kanye and others were angered. They thought Link was just a little bug in the music world and could be crushed to death with one kick.

As a result, I stepped on it and found out it was a Transformer.

Knock them out and embarrass them in the media.

This also led to Lil Wayne attacking Link on the 2009 Grammy Awards podium.

I thought Link would give in, but unfortunately they were wrong. Link is a real hard nut. Outside the Grammy Awards venue that day, he not only accused Kanye and Lil Wayne in person, but also pointed the finger at Washington. Directly detonated public opinion.

For more than a month, they mobilized many black celebrities and fans to try to stigmatize Link with racial discrimination, so that Link could soften, apologize and withdraw from the industry.

It's a pity that Link still didn't. He wrote a song "give me reason" to refute the situation under the huge pressure of public opinion, making the matter even bigger and becoming a social incident.

In the end, even Washington had to stand up, hoping that the East Coast rap group would take a step back and stop making trouble.

Later, Lil Wayne and 50 Cent were forced to stand up and apologize, which also represented the first round of the struggle between the two parties. Link won and East Coast Rap lost.

In the second round, Link announced his entry into the rap industry, and East Coast rap teamed up to fight against the enemy. However, they were beaten to the punch by the song "See You Again". For three months, the rap industry couldn't hold its head up.

In the third round of the album chart battle between Link and Jay-Z, although Jay-Z found many top stars to help promote in advance, he still couldn't beat Link's series of tricks, such as boxing matches, raffles, swimming competitions, gossip hype, etc.

This round, East Coast Rap lost again.

The battle continued until the beginning of this year. East Coast Rap joined forces with the little king Justin Bieber and the marketing expert Scooter, and arranged three albums to encircle Link's new album, thinking that they could defeat Link and regain some face.

The result was too miserable.

Not only did the album never sell, but even Scooter and Justin Bieber were recruited by Link Music and directly became Link's subordinates. Kanye and Usher were also controlled by Link and indirectly became his subordinates.

Kanye was completely depressed and ran to Hawaii to recuperate and write songs, trying to regain his face with the next album.

The dream album created by Usher and 15 gold medal producers has been sold for more than two months and has just exceeded one million copies, which is less than a quarter of Link's new album.

Usher almost became depressed and stayed at home all day.

After four defeats, the once prosperous East Coast Rap Group was broken into pieces.

Now Jay-Z is preparing to launch the fifth round of counterattack, but before it even started, it encountered internal strife in the team. Even Eminem and 50 Cent didn't play here.

Drake shook his head helplessly. Link was indeed not a good person. If it weren't for him, the East Coast Rap Group would not be like this now.

"Let's go, let's drink."

Chris Brown shouted.

Drake shrugged his shoulders, glanced at the sexy figure disappearing in the aisle, sniffed and followed down the stairs.

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