Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 333 News about the female undercover agent (410)

Chapter 333 News about the female undercover (4/10)

"Act 22, 4 shots, 1 shot, action!"

In Burbank County, Los Angeles, on the set of "Bridesmaids", Link was wearing a gray suit and a tie, with a black woman beside him. The other party was Maya Rudolph, the third female lead in "Bridesmaids", who played the bride Lily in the film. install.

And he plays the groom Doug, a handsome second-generation rich man.

Today's scene is about when the bride Lillian holds an engagement party, she invites her best friend Annie to attend. Annie is the female lead, played by Kristen Wiig, who is also the screenwriter and producer of the movie. .

In the film, Annie is an older leftover woman who has suffered emotional setbacks and whose life is in a mess. When she comes to the engagement party, she sees that her ordinary-looking black best friend Lillian has a young and handsome rich second-generation fiancé, and she is a little shocked.

"Are you kidding? He is your fiancé and you want to marry him?"

Kristen Wiig asked, pointing her finger back and forth between the two.

Link and Maya Rudolph, who plays the bride, looked at each other, embraced and kissed.

Kristen Wiig wrinkled her face, with a weird expression as if she was choking on dog food, and her movements were exaggerated, which looked a bit funny.

"Okay, I believe you two love each other very much."

Kristen Wiig shouted.

Link let go of Maya Rudolph and smiled, looking like a sunny man.

"Annie, welcome."

Off set.

Emma Stone, who plays the fourth female lead, held a water bottle and looked at the performance on the set and said: "Link's acting skills seem to be better. In the past, he acted harder and there were signs of acting. Sometimes he looked stiff. Now his performance is very natural. Once he stands in front of the camera, he can quickly get into the role and act like it."

Catherine smiled slightly, "I heard from Anna that when Link was in Paris, he was pressured by Director Allen to shoot every day. Sometimes a simple scene would be shot twenty or thirty times. There were several times when he was almost forced to shoot. The collapse happened like this because it was forced.”

"I heard that Director Allen has very strict requirements for actors. It's amazing that Link can persist under his hands until the filming is finished. I used to play with him and I could easily suppress him and mess up his rhythm. Now I'm afraid it will be difficult. Next time I play against him, I will have to be more careful to avoid being overpowered by him."

Emma Stone pursed her lips and said distressedly.

"It doesn't matter. You are a professional actor. The more you act, the better your acting skills will be. Link is just a part-time actor, so he will definitely not be as good as you in acting."

Catherine patted her back and smiled.

Emma Stone was not comforted at all when she heard this. Link, a part-time actor, has such good acting skills, but she, a person who relies on acting for a living, can barely match him in terms of acting skills. How can she survive like this?

no! I must spend more time honing my acting skills to get better, so that I can continue to crush Link next time I film on the same scene with him.

Emma Stone secretly made up her mind.


"Well done, this one passes!"

yelled show director Paul Feig from behind a monitor.

Seeing Link coming, Emma Stone handed over a bottle of water in time.

"Boss, drink water!"

The weather in the Los Angeles area was very hot today, and there were a lot of people on site. In order to ensure exposure during shooting, several fill lights were turned on. Link stood in front of the camera in a suit for more than ten minutes, and he broke out in a layer of hot sweat.


Link opened the water bottle and drank a third of it in one gulp.

"Boss, you are already so good, why do you still have to work so hard? Your hard work makes it even harder for us actors."

Emma Stone took out a fan and fanned him, blinking her pine green eyes and smiling.

"My goal as an actor is to win the Oscar for Best Actor, but now I haven't even received a nomination. How can I do it if I don't work harder."

"It sounds like this, but I think it is a bit unrealistic for you to win an Oscar. Just like Madonna, she filmed "Mrs. Peron" in 1996. Her acting skills were also very good, and the movie theme was also good. She was very popular at the time. But the Academy didn’t even give her a nomination, so I think it’s more difficult for you to win an Oscar than it is for her.”

"That's why I have to work hard."

Link shrugged his shoulders, took the small fan in her hand, fanned himself, sat on the folding chair and said, "Do you have any goals as an actor?"

Emma Stone tilted her head and thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "How about joining the multi-million dollar club?"

"It's too low and not worthy of your talent. How about I set a small goal for you, to equal Katharine Hepburn and win four Oscars for Best Actress?"

"Four times?!!"

Emma Stone was so frightened that her voice broke, and she didn't dare to look at him confidently, "Is four Oscars for Best Actress a small goal? Just kill me."

"It is precisely because the goal is too difficult to achieve that it is worth pursuing desperately, so come on, Miss Emma, ​​I am optimistic about you."

Link laughed.

"Huh, I won't talk to you anymore. I'll have a few words with you. I'm even more stressed."

Emma Stone rolled her eyes at him, snatched the fan from his hand, held up her skirt and left in a gust of wind.

After walking a few steps, she suddenly stopped and slapped her forehead in frustration. She felt that she was too stupid. She had planned to find a way to seduce Link while he was filming in the crew and help her win more roles to avoid being cheated by Jennifer. · Lawrence exceeds.

But after chatting for a while, she somehow ended up talking about Oscar, and she even contradicted Link. If this continued, how could she seduce Link?

Emma felt that she should find someone to learn how to seduce men.

The venue manager informed her to make preparations, so she could only put her worries aside for the time being and go filming first.


The groom Doug, played by Link, does not play much in the film. He has eight scenes before and after, which is equivalent to a large supporting role.

After filming one scene, the crew continued to film other characters' scenes. He took out his phone and looked at it, and found a message from Beyoncé, which was ten minutes ago.

Beyoncé asked him what he was doing? Talk to him about something important.

Link replied that he was filming on the set, what's going on?

After a few seconds, Beyoncé replied: There is important information, very important, related to your reputation and future. How are you going to repay me?

Link smiled softly: Tell me!

Beyoncé: Recently, a lot of media have said that you are a playboy who plays with women’s bodies and emotions. Do you know who did this?

Link: Jay-Z?

Beyoncé: No. Do you know Josey Epstein, Peter Peltz, David Zuckerman, Luther Detzky?

Link looked at these four names and felt a little impressed.

Last time at the Broadway theater, Kunas was surrounded by three people named Peter Peltz, David Zuckerman, and Luther Detzky.

Afterwards, he asked Ivaca the identities of the three people.

Ivaca told him that Peter Peltz is the son of New York investor Nelson Peltz. The Peltz family has a wide range of investments, including the Internet, automobiles, real estate, and Berkshire Hathaway. Shareholder, worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

David Zuckerman is the grandson of Mortimer Zuckerman, the owner of the New York Daily News, and a New York publishing industry tycoon. Their family is also worth more than one billion U.S. dollars.

Luther Detzky is the son of Donny Detzky, the president of EMS Advertising Company, and he also comes from a wealthy family.

All three were friends of young Kunas.

“Who is Josie Epstein?”

Link asked.

Beyoncé quickly replied to the message and told him that this man was the nephew of Jerry Epstein. He once sexually assaulted and detained a male model, causing the latter to commit suicide by cutting his wrists. After the incident, he was arrested by the police and later relied on Jerry Epstein. With his connections, he was easily released from prison.

When Link saw Big Epstein's name, he felt dazzled.

This man is of the same family as Kunas Jr. He initially hung out in Wall Street investment banks and established an asset management company to specifically serve the rich with a net worth of more than 1 billion. Rich people with a net worth of less than 1 billion were ignored at all.

The main business is to hold wealthy parties and act as a business and political broker.

Relying on his superb business skills, he joined the upper class of America and became a billionaire many years later. At the same time, he also did many bad things and was arrested and imprisoned in 2008. He relied on his connections to easily get through the difficulties.

Later, he was arrested again in 2019 and died suddenly in prison.

After his death, a little black book was released with the names of many big names on it.

This also shows that the other person is a very energetic person.

Link didn't want to have anything to do with this kind of person, not even someone with the same surname as him, but the other person came to him.

"In addition to the four of them, there are also Diddy and Jay-Z. Not only do they want to make you look bad, they are also planning to use underage girls to frame you and ruin your reputation. They will also find ways to steal your link music. You have recently Be careful and don’t mess around outside.”

Beyoncé said.

Link fell silent at the message.

During this period of time, I have been a little indulgent in my personal life, which has allowed my opponents to see the opportunity and want to use this trick against me.

Fortunately, I don't have that kind of habit and won't make mistakes in this kind of thing.

However, Beyoncé’s reminder is also very useful. You should be more careful when getting along with strangers of the opposite sex in the future.


"Just thank you?"

Beyoncé was dissatisfied and said, "I risked my life to find out this news, and you just said thank you?"

"Thank you very much. I'll treat you to a drink when I get the chance."

Link thought for a moment and then added.

Tell Beyoncé not to take the risk of seeking out this information. If Jay-Z and others find out, it will put her in a dangerous situation, which is not cost-effective.

He also told Beyoncé that he is not a little person who can be bullied. Now that he has money and the ability to protect himself, there is no need for Beyoncé to take such risks.

Beyoncé: I want to help you, okay?

Link: Are you in love with me?

Beyoncé: Are you kidding me? Would I fall in love with you, a 21 year old boy? Don't be too confident, you're not that charming, I just think you're interesting, that's all.

Link: Well, then I can only express my thanks again.

After chatting for a few more words, Link told Beyoncé that he had to film a movie and would chat next time. When he put away his phone, he received another message from Eminem, who told him to be careful. Someone is going to deal with him.

Link didn't ask who it was, he just wrote back to express his gratitude.

It’s really interesting that Eminem can report the news at this time.

After thinking for a moment, he sent another message to Ivaca, telling her that the recent public attacks were on Kunas Jr., as well as Josie Epstein, Peter Peltz, David Zuckerman, Luther Detsch, Diddy and a few others did it.

They want to destroy themselves and divide link music.

Link tells her to be careful, maybe those people will target her.

Because Ivaka is in charge of Link Music, even if his reputation is ruined, these people will not have the opportunity to touch Link Music. He is worried that these people will jump off the wall and attack Ivaka.

Ivaka quickly replied to the message, saying that she knew and would pay attention to safety. She told him to be careful recently and not to mess around outside. If he really likes to play with women, she can help arrange some models, which will be safer.

Link looked at her and covered his forehead. Sometimes the things this woman said and did were speechless.

"Mr. Baker, you need to appear in the next scene."

The stage manager came to remind him.

Link nodded, replied a message to Ivaka, put away his phone and went to the set to shoot.

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