Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 338 Finalizing Captain America

"The Ellen DeGeneres Show", also known as "The Ellen DeGeneres Show", is a popular talk show on CBS in the United States. The content combines current affairs, celebrities, musical guests and human stories. It is the most popular talk show among American people. One of the popular talk shows.

According to data released by Olson, this show had an average audience of 3.62 million viewers per episode in 2010, and Link's talk show had 10.15 million viewers that day, breaking the show's highest ratings record.

The news that Link announced on the show that he planned to retire from the music scene after the release of his fifth album quickly became the most sensational news in the American entertainment industry and even the global entertainment industry after the show was broadcast. It was reported and discussed by many media and was also discussed by many netizens on the Internet. Talking about this.

Some people think it is a hype, Link created a gimmick to promote the album "The Woman I Love", so that more people will buy his album.

Some people regret this. Link's first three albums were all of high quality, and his songs are also very good. Retiring from the music scene too early is a loss to his fans.

There is also support for this.

These people are mainly Link's boxing fans. They hope that Link will put down all his work and concentrate on boxing training. In the future, he will have a great chance to become a boxing superstar comparable to Ali and Tyson. Being a sports superstar is more worthy of being remembered than a singer. .

Link's fans gathered on Link's Twitter to ask about the situation, hoping that what he said on the show was not true.

Many fans confessed online that they like him because his songs are good. No matter whether he is a playboy or not, no matter how many girlfriends he has, they will not care about those media reports. They hope that he will not be under too much pressure and continue to create music.

There are more than 100,000 such messages, and the top one has as many as 338,000 likes.

Link was also a little moved when he saw the messages from fans.

He posted a new tweet, telling fans that he would not quit the industry immediately, but after releasing two albums.

In the coming time, he will work with several producers from Link Music to carefully produce these two albums to give fans better music.

In addition, he also told fans that when he has good songs in the future, he will give them to other singers to sing, or release new singles online, but he will not release a new album.

Within 24 hours after this tweet was posted, it was retweeted by 1.03 million people, received 830,000 comments, and liked 4.27 million times, setting a new record for likes and retweets on the Twitter platform, and the shortest time to receive more than 800,000 Tweets with comments.

The number of fans of Link's Twitter account officially exceeded the 60 million mark on June 26, 2010, reaching 60.69 million.

He has become the user with the largest number of fans on the Twitter platform, and is also one of the users with the largest number of fans on all social platforms on the Internet, including Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, Weibo, ins, etc.

After the show aired, many acquaintances called to inquire about the situation. Link said it was true. He had been too busy in the past two years and had no time to rest and deal with some personal matters.

After releasing two albums, I retired from the music scene and will have more free time.

Paul Walker and others said that he would think about quitting the industry because he made too much money, but he would never do this if he had no money.

Link didn't deny that what they said was right.

Musicians such as Lady Gaga and Adele suggested that he make the last two albums into deluxe editions with 50 songs each, and release one every three to five years, one for the price of five others.

Link said he could consider it.

Selena and Da Lei, several familiar singers, called and said they hoped he could give more advice on their albums in the future and help their albums sell tens of millions of copies.

Link also said it was okay.

Even Taylor, who usually ignored him, took the initiative to send messages.

"Do you really want to withdraw? Why, I thought we agreed last time."

"Really? My album sales are too high. If I don't quit, none of you will be able to get ahead. I think you should be happy."

"You are too arrogant. You only have better sales for this album, not every one. My new album will definitely surpass you in sales."

"National sales? Impossible, you don't have that chance."

Link remembers that her third album didn't sell more than Eminem's, somewhere between two and three million copies.

"How about we make a bet. If you lose, you will take back your words about quitting the music scene."

"Did you lose?"

"you say!"

"Come back! Continue to be my girlfriend!"

"Where are Ivaca and your rumored girlfriends? Are you willing to kick them out? Scumbag!!"

"I mean, one."


"You're such a shameless bastard."

Taylor sent three messages in a row saying, "If I lose, do whatever you want."


Link also sent two messages, "Are you serious? You should know what kind of person I am. I am definitely not a gentleman."

"I know who you are, you pervert, and I also know what will happen if you lose, but I never believe that I will lose."

Taylor said.

"You asked for this. How do you calculate the time? It cannot be ten years later."

"My new album is scheduled to be released on July 22 next year."

"It's been too long. April 14 next year will be the day you leave the Bay Villa."

"April 13th, 13 is my lucky number, I will definitely win you."

"You are such a competitive woman."

Link shook his head and sent another message asking her if she had a boyfriend. He hoped she didn't. Taylor replied that it had nothing to do with him.

"Remember the last time we had sex on April 14, you asked me if you succeeded in the future and I didn't get married, would we have a chance to get back together or even get married?

I thought about it seriously during this period of time, and the answer is yes. Even if you become a notorious woman or a failed singer in the future, I am willing to accept you. I found that I really can't forget you, a willful and stubborn stinky woman."

"You are a stinky man, a stinky pervert, and a big scumbag! I will not become a notorious woman, nor a failed singer, and you will never see that day."

"I hope so, come on!"

"Get lost! Stinky man!"

Link smiled lightly. He used to be nervous when he saw Taylor angry, thinking about how to comfort her, but now he feels very happy. This is probably the difference between a girlfriend and an ex-girlfriend.


During the release of "The Scandal Project", he participated in the second round of role auditions held by Marvel Studios. There were eight participants in this round, which mainly examined the actors' performance ability and line skills.

In the audition, Link performed the conversation between Captain America and his superior Ms. Carter before they said goodbye.

This is the end of the movie. In order to save the city of New York, Captain America decided to drive the out-of-control plane equipped with nuclear bombs into the Arctic Ocean.

Before the plane crashed, Captain America asked Agent Carter to dance, and Carter agreed with tears.

The plot was very touching.

Because he had practiced well in the crew of "Midnight in Paris" during this period, he was very good at performing emotional scenes, and he also performed this scene very well, with good lines.

He got a good score for performance in the second round of auditions.

He also successfully entered the third round, along with Will Smith, Chris Evans, and Channing Tatum.

Seeing that there were still four people selected, the third round was not necessarily the final round, and he announced through Ms. Mandy that he would give up this role and would not participate in the next round.

After becoming famous, the film company knew what kind of actor he was. He had good looks, good temperament, high popularity, good acting skills, and high box office appeal.

Based on these external conditions, the film company had a role suitable for him, so they directly submitted the script to the agency, and even agreed on the salary in advance, without any audition.

But Captain America, a very useless role, auditioned again and again. He didn't have the time or patience, and he also hated the feeling of being picked.

But on the day he announced that he would give up the audition, Joe Johnston, the producer and director of "Captain America", called and said he wanted to talk to him.

Link asked the other party if he had the power to decide who the role belonged to. If so, he would talk to him, otherwise it would be useless.

Director Johnston said yes.

Link agreed, and at noon the next day, he met Director Johnston and another producer Stephen Broussard in an Italian cafe on Hollywood Boulevard. The other party had served as a producer in "The Incredible Hulk".

The three met and greeted each other.

Link looked at the two producers who were looking at him and said, "Gentlemen, can I ask you a question?"

"Excuse me!"

"I have a top-notch image, superb acting skills, and box office appeal comparable to that of a first-line movie star. I am also strong enough to fight. I am the representative of the American dream, a national idol, and my salary is not high. Is it difficult for me to play Captain America?"

Link asked seriously.

Director Johnston and Producer Stephen were stunned and looked at each other in surprise.

After meeting Link, they were still thinking about how to introduce the topic to make the atmosphere of the meeting better.

But Link got straight to the point and went straight to the core of the problem, asking why he couldn't play Captain America?

This question is also a topic that has been repeatedly discussed within the production department of "Captain America" ​​recently. What are the disadvantages of Link playing Captain America?

On the writing board of the production team, Link has three main shortcomings:

First, he is not a professional actor. He is a top singer with great influence in the music industry and around the world. Letting a singer play Captain America will have certain risks.

Second, he is a part-time actor. He has only starred in three movies, "The Fighter", "The Blue Sea 2", "The Scandal", and the unreleased "The Expendables". Among these movies, except for "The Fighter", he performed well, and the other movies were not satisfactory.

In this regard, he is not as good as Hollywood's top movie star Will Smith and Chris Evans, who has starred in many comic movies.

Third, although he is very famous, except for "The Fighter", the global box office has exceeded 100 million yuan, and the other movies he starred in are average, and his box office appeal has not been demonstrated for the time being.

In addition to the above three major problems, there are some minor problems. His hair is not golden brown, he is a playboy, he looks too handsome and beautiful, etc., which are all deductions.

Despite so many problems, the "Captain America" ​​production team still regards him as the first candidate.

Because this guy is really excellent.

First of all, he is famous all over the world.

The art film "The Fighter", which was released at the end of last year, had an investment of 32 million US dollars and has currently earned 156 million US dollars at the global box office, of which overseas box office contributed more than 92 million. According to surveys, many viewers went to see the film just for Link.

Literary movies starring Link can earn hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office. If it is a commercial movie, playing a comic character with many book fans, the box office results will definitely be higher.

With him playing Captain America, no matter how bad the movie is, his fans will push up the box office results.

This is a box office guarantee.

Secondly, Link is an extremely physically strong guy.

Olympic champion, boxing superstar, and swimming star, he is called ‘Superman’ by the media.

He is synonymous with strength.

With him playing Captain America, this is a dream combination that will give movie fans a strong sense of expectation.

When promoting the movie, there are many topics worthy of hype.

Third, "Captain America" ​​comics author Stan Lee thinks Link is good.

Because of these advantages and disadvantages, there was endless debate within the production team. The debate was originally going to continue, but Link suddenly sent word that they would not play anymore.

After hearing Link give up, the production team suddenly unified their opinions and thought it would be good to use him to play Captain America.

Although Chris Evans has good acting skills and has experience in playing comic book characters, his box office appeal is not as good as Link's, and Chris himself is not particularly willing to play this role.

As for black Will Smith and several other actors, they are too problematic and even more inappropriate than Link and Evans.

After comprehensive consideration, Director Johnston and Producer Stephen decided to meet Link.

"Link, you are a singer. When the audience sees the role you perform, they will be disturbed by your identity. This is the biggest problem."

Director Johnston replied to Link's previous question.

"I am a top singer. I think this is a plus. In addition, I have good acting skills. You can ask several directors who have worked with me. My performance will never disappoint people. I have this confidence."

Link said.

Director Johnston and Producer Stephen looked at each other, suddenly stood up and stretched out their hands and said: "Link, welcome to join the crew of "Captain America"."


This time it was Link's turn. He had prepared for this role for more than half a month and participated in two rounds of auditions. The crew also showed no intention of handing the role to him.

But now he just praised himself and changed nothing, but the crew decided to give the role to him.

The change was sudden.

He smiled softly, stretched out his hand and said:

“Happy to work with!”


After finalizing the role, the two parties discussed film shooting plans, fitness training, costume design, firearms training and other aspects.

The preparatory work for this film has been basically completed and will probably be shot between October and February next year. The filming locations will be in Los Angeles, New York, the United Kingdom and other places. Link needs to spare some time.

And Captain America will have very developed muscles after transforming into a super soldier.

At his current size, he still needs to add some muscle mass.

Link said there was no problem with this. The match between him and De La Hoya was a cross-level challenge, and it didn't matter if he was a little heavier during the match.

As for the remuneration, these matters will be discussed between Ms. Mandy and Marvel, and he and Director Johnston do not need to worry about it.

After the two parties reached an agreement, Marvel Entertainment also announced that Link would play Captain America, and Link also retweeted the tweet.

After the news came out, it caused a lot of sensation and controversy in the entertainment industry.

Link's fans are very happy. Link is already very handsome and powerful. If he plays a character like Captain America, his image will definitely be more handsome and explosive.

Also, Link is originally a top player in boxing and music. If this movie is successful, he has a great chance of becoming a top actor in the film industry.

By then he will be a superstar across the music, sports, and film worlds, which is cool to think about.

Seeing his increasing success, Link's fans were so proud that they all flocked to the Link fan club website to celebrate, directly paralyzing the website.

There is naturally support and opposition.

Opponents said that he is a singer, and it would be a bit of a surprise to have a singer play Captain America.

Some people also questioned his acting skills, thinking that he could not play the role of Captain America well. They believed that Will Smith should play the role, and using Link to play the role was racial discrimination.

But he has more supporters than opponents.

After the announcement, the Marvel Comics Club website launched a topic: Are you looking forward to Link playing Captain America?

Within three days, 2.04 million people voted to express their expectation, 362,000 people chose not to expect it, and 250,000 people were neutral.

From this point of view, everyone's attitude towards Link playing Captain America is positive, but there is also some controversy.

Controversy is also a good thing. For example, after Marvel announced the selection, Link and "Captain America" ​​remained highly popular, and were on the hot search lists on Yahoo, Twitter, MySpace and other websites for three consecutive days.

"Damn, this guy is trending again."

50 cents looked at the news on his mobile phone with a very helpless expression.

When Link announced his retirement from the music scene, the relevant news was on trending searches for four days, and newspapers and the Internet were full of news about him.

But before the popularity of the last news passed, the next one followed. It was so frequent that the hot search list seemed to be contracted by him.

In a situation like Link's, they couldn't even envy him.

"Oh, if I had had so many hot searches when I released my album, I would never have sold only 1.1 million copies by now."

Usher sighed as he held a glass of whiskey.

50 Cent glanced at him and found that he was becoming more and more like Kanye. He kept releasing negative energy to the people around him every day. Sometimes when he sat with Kanye, the atmosphere of the entire booth would be suppressed by them.

"Arthur, you are from SB Entertainment, which means you are Link's subordinate. Link is a hot search expert. If you want to be on the hot search, you can go to him for help. I don't think he will refuse."

50 Cent said teasingly.

Usher was drinking. He paused after hearing his words. Suddenly, he felt that what he said made some sense. He and SB Agency were in a cooperative relationship. Link Music was a major shareholder of SB Company. If he developed better, it would also be good for Link.

Maybe he could really ask Link or Scooter for help in hype.

As for whether he would be excluded by the East Coast Rap Group, he didn't care. As a singer, he could only gain a foothold in the music industry if he could sell records. Nothing else mattered.

Usher nodded, drank the wine in the glass, and got up and left.

50 Cent was stunned when he saw his back. Would this guy really ask Link to help him get on the trending search?

Oops, East Coast rap is going to break up.


"Miranda, how many copies of "The Woman I Love" were sold this week?"

In the office of the president of Link Music, Evaka turned around and asked the assistant.

"84,000 copies, third on the album chart, two places higher than last week, and the cumulative sales in the United States reached 4.224 million copies."

Miranda said while looking at the tablet.

"Not bad, let the publicity department continue to follow up and strive to sell 5 million copies of this album in the United States."

Evaka said lightly.


Miranda smiled slightly and left with the tablet.

Evaka stood in front of the French window, looking at the bustling streets of Manhattan downstairs, with a beautiful smile on the corner of her lips.

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