Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 339 Weekly Box Office Champion

"The Scandal" is in its second week of release.

It earned $18.36 million in 2,926 theaters in North America.

It dropped less than 15% from last week, and it also exceeded several movies released during the same period.

It became the box office champion this week.

The cumulative box office in North America is $39.46 million.

The second place is Selena's "Monteroca", which, relying on the fame of several leading actors and the strong publicity and promotion capabilities of Disney, earned $10.63 million in the second week, with a cumulative box office of more than 25 million, which is equivalent to the production cost.

The third place is "Resident Evil 4" starring Milla Jovovich, which earned 10 million this week, a drop of 63%.

The box office of movies such as "American Citizen" and "The Robbers" is less than 5 million this week.

"The Scandal" earned nearly 40 million in North America in ten days after its release. Compared with the cost of only 10 million US dollars, this movie can be said to be a big hit.

Generally, if the cost of a movie is more than three times the box office revenue, it can be called a hit, five times can be called a big hit, and ten times can be called a hit, the dark horse of the year.

Variety Magazine predicts that the North American box office of this movie will be around 70 million, and the global box office will be 120 million, which is a box office dark horse.

According to the habit of the film industry, after a movie is a big hit, it will often be analyzed by many professional media to study the reasons for the success of the movie and point out the direction for other movies. This can also be called "market trend analysis".

When analyzing the reasons last week, the media believed that the key to the success of this movie was that the crew chose the right heroine.

Emma Stone's wonderful performance added a lot of luster to the movie. If it was replaced by other actors, it might become a cheesy campus comedy.

The second is that the script and director Will Guerrero have good foundations.

The third is that the big star Link and Lisa Kudrow, one of the stars of "Friends", joined the movie, which brought a lot of fame to the movie.

This week, when analyzing the reasons for the box office success of the movie, the media promoted Link to the same level as Emma Stone.

The main reason why the box office of the movie this week did not drop much is that Link is famous and has strong appeal, and his fans contribute a lot to the box office of this movie.

In addition, his several hot searches have increased the exposure of the movie, which is very critical during the release of the movie.

Without Link's participation, the box office of the movie this week would have dropped by at least 35%.


"Does your nose feel uncomfortable?"


At the table, Selena rolled up pasta with a fork, and her little round face glared at him angrily.

"Last year I invited you to play a role in "Monteroca", but you refused. If you could come, the box office of my movie would be better and become the weekly box office champion. It's your fault that I didn't win the championship."

Link was amused by her words.

"Don't you know that I was very busy last year? And I remember that there was no role suitable for me in this movie. Do you want me to play Zero?"


"What are you thinking about? How can we play lovers as brothers and sisters?"

Link raised his hand and patted her smooth forehead.


Selena puffed up her cheeks and glared at him, snatched the apple pie from his hand, took a big bite, and smiled proudly with her face up.

Link shook his head, picked up another apple pie, and asked little Annie next to him where she wanted to go today. He was free and could accompany her for a day.

"Go to Disneyland. I have a VIP card. We can play there all day."

Before Annie could speak, Selena shouted impatiently.

"It's none of your business. How old are you and still want to go to the amusement park?"

"Humph, when I was a child, I had to go to class and attend training at the Disney training camp. I didn't go to the amusement park many times a year. It was a pity. Now I have time, I want to make up for the regrets of my childhood."

Selena shouted.

Ms. Mandy glared at her. "Many of your training camp courses are in Disneyland. You go there once a week. Catherine and I often take you to the amusement park. There are three photo albums of your childhood photos in the amusement park. Do you want to take them out and show them to you?"

Selena was stunned for a moment and scratched her round face with her claws.

"Who remembers childhood things? Okay, let's not talk about this. Annie, cute little Annie, tell us quickly, where do you want to go today?"

Selena shifted everyone's attention to little Annie again.

Little Annie blinked her big eyes, thought for a while, and said softly: "Go to Disney?"

"Haha, look, Annie thinks the same as I do. We are really good sisters."

Selena pouted her greasy mouth and kissed Annie's face. Link pushed her head away with disdain and wiped Annie's Q-elastic little face with a wet wipe.

"The news said that Taylor released the first promotional single of the third album today. Have you heard it?"

Catherine put down a plate of black seed watermelon and asked.

"Oh! I almost forgot."

Selena picked up a piece of watermelon and bit it in her mouth, then ran outside quickly. After a few seconds, she came back with an Apple laptop.

"This single is called "The Story of Us", Link, it's obviously about you guys, wow, it's been uploaded for less than two hours, and the number of views has exceeded 1.65 million, which is too exaggerated, let's listen to it."

Selena chattered and opened the music player, and Taylor's light, sweet and warm voice came from the computer speakers.

I used to think one day we'd tell the story of us

I always thought that one day in the future, I would tell people about our story like this

How we met and the sparks flew instantly

The moment our eyes met for the first time, fireworks bloomed quietly

And people would say they're the lucky ones

Everyone will say: Look, they were so lucky to find each other

I used to know my place was a spot next to you

"Wow, that sounds great!"

Selina shouted with a face held high.

Everyone ignored her, quietly eating fruit and listening to Taylor's new song.

miscommunications lead to fall out

Mistakes lead us away from love

So many things that I wish you knew

There are many, many things I hope you know

So many walls up I can't break through

There are many obstacles, I hope I can overcome them

I don't know what to say

I have nothing to say

since the twist of fate when it all broke down

Ever since those destined to be shattered

And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now

The story about us has ended like a tragedy

The end

"This song is so well written, Taylor is amazing."

Selena said after the song was played.

"It's a really good song, Taylor is very talented."

Ms Mandy said.

"Link, how do you feel about being the hero of the song?"

Catherine laughed.

"Yes, Link, tell me how you feel after listening to this song."

Selena lay on the dining table, holding her round face and looking at him, her big eyes blinking.

"Taylor is a person who is very emotional in creation, but very indifferent in real life. She is like an observer rather than a participant. People like her are suitable to be singers, writers and poets, not anyone else's girlfriend."

Link said while eating some fruit.

"What's the meaning?"

Selina tilted her head and thought for a moment, not understanding what he meant.

"The song is good, but the people are not that interesting."

Link said simply and in summary.

"This is what you said. I will tell Taylor in a moment that you said she is boring."

Selena clicked on the player and played the song again.

This song seems to summarize the relationship between the two. Taylor admitted that both of them made mistakes in this relationship, but Link made more mistakes. She also said that she had made a lot of efforts to save this relationship. , there was a lot of reluctance, and in the end the two of them still walked away from each other.

She also said that when she was thinking of ways to heal the pain of a broken relationship, another person was already out having fun, which made her start to reflect on whether this relationship was worth it.

When listening to this song, I feel that Taylor is very serious about relationships and very persistent. Unfortunately, when he meets someone he is not kind to, all his infatuation and sincerity are misplaced.

She secretly accuses Link of not being serious about relationships and betraying her love for him.

Link shook his head when he heard it. Taylor was a spiritual lover. In her heart, her feelings were sincere and strong, but when she was really in love, she seemed very cold and heartless.

This kind of character makes it difficult for people to understand whether she is affectionate or ruthless.

"If you don't listen, how about we go to the amusement park?"

Link wiped his fingers and asked little Annie.

Little Annie nodded repeatedly.

Selena walked around with her big eyes, carrying her small satchel, and followed quietly.

While the three were hanging out in Los Angeles, Taylor's new song "The Story of Us" became an instant hit in the United States.

The playback volume on Amazon, iTunes and other music platforms increased linearly, and it soon broke the first-day playback and download records of several popular songs released before June.

Including Link's "all of me" and "sorry", Antebellum's "need you now", Kesha's "animal", Justin Bieber's "baby", Wiz Khalifa's "Black And Yellow", Beyoncé collaborated with Lady Gaga on the single "Telephone", Eminem's "Not Afraid", and Lady Gaga's version of "Legends Never Die".

It reached third place on the first-day single download list in 2010, with 1.42 million times.

The first is Link's "Legends Never Die", which was downloaded 4.65 million times on the first day.

The second is Eminem's second promotional single for his seventh album released in May, "Love the Way You Lie" in collaboration with Rihanna, which has 1.51 million daily downloads.

Compared with the previous popular songs, the reason why this song is so popular is not because of its quality and artistic level, but because it is very topical and can fully satisfy the fans' curiosity.

The popularity of this song also caused the media to revisit old stories and reinterpret the inside story of the two's breakup. Through the last "Ellen Show", Link attributed the breakup to work and personality.

In this song, Taylor believes that the reason is that Link is not serious about relationships, is a playboy, and has failed her love.

The two gave different explanations for the reasons for their breakup, which also caused some heated discussions on the Internet and in the media.

There are many media outlets that repeat the same old tune and continue to hype the news that Link is a scumbag. However, compared with the time in mid-June, there are far fewer media outlets that follow the trend and hype such news.

After the news of Link quitting the music industry and the controversy surrounding the casting of Captain America, everyone is no longer interested in the topic of whether Link is a playboy.

Seeing the media's reaction, Link also breathed a sigh of relief.

Many of the songs in Taylor's third album were composed by Taylor in the piano room when the two broke up. Many of them denounced him as a scumbag, with deep sadness and resentment in the songs. There is also a song called "The Devil in Love". Insinuations about Ivaka, Emma Watson and others will make anyone who can listen feel numb.

It is conceivable that after these songs are released, he will definitely be scolded by Taylor's fans and the media.

In addition, some people were hyping him up as a playboy some time ago, and the public opinion situation was very bad.

The combination of two negative public opinions will have a very bad impact on his reputation.

In order to protect himself, he decided to participate in the "Ellen Show" interview after discussing with Ivaca, Scooter and others, openly discussing the reasons for their breakup, detonating public opinion in advance and releasing the hostility of some fans.

Judging from the current situation, what he did last time was right.

"Originally "Devil" was going to be the first promotional single. Because you have a good attitude in admitting your mistakes, I changed "The Story of Us" to the first promotional single. However, the album will still be on the shelves, and those songs that criticized you will also be released. It will be released publicly, so be prepared to be scolded by the fans.”

Taylor sent a message saying.

"How many songs are there that curse me?"

"Emm, sixteen songs!"

"How many songs are there on your album?"

"The standard version has 14 songs, the deluxe version and the international version have 22 songs."

"In other words, the entire album is full of songs that curse me?"

"It's a bit excessive, but those songs are good. It would be a pity not to release them for the fans to listen to."

"It's really an irrefutable reason."

Link shook his head. When he decided to date Taylor, he was prepared to be scolded in songs, but a whole album was filled with songs that cursed him, which was beyond his expectation.

"Don't feel wronged. This is all your fault. If you hadn't cheated on me, I wouldn't have been able to write these songs."

Taylor added.

"Really, I am so important to you and can help you write so many good songs. Do you want to think again and come back to be my girlfriend? I cheated on you and you wrote songs. I kept cheating and you kept cheating. Writing songs, like a perpetual motion machine, doesn’t it sound great?”

"Go away!!! I have decided that I will continue to scold you in the next album. You brought this on yourself, you scumbag!"

"Okay, just kidding."

Link passed the message, but the chat interface showed that he was not a friend. Apparently he was blocked by the other party again.

Putting away his mobile phone, he saw Selina and little Annie clinging to the glass display window of the aquarium watching the fish. He took a few photos of the two of them with the camera.

While watching fish at the Cabriolet Marine Aquarium in Los Angeles, they also met celebrity mother Angelina Jolie with a group of children.

This woman is only thirty-five years old this year, but she already has six children, three biological and three adopted. The youngest twins, Knox and Vivian, are also over three years old. When their family came to the aquarium, there were more than ten children in the family. People, bodyguards, nannies, assistants, etc., and two photographers followed to take pictures.

"I will also have more children in the future, and there will be more people and excitement."

Selena looked at Angelina Jolie and the other children and said enviously.

"What are you thinking about? You are just a child."

Link ruffled her hair and pulled Annie forward.

Selena covered her head and stared at him angrily. When he took a few steps, she suddenly rushed up and hung on his back, preparing to mess up his hair, but unfortunately he had short hair again.

Not far away, Angelina Jolie noticed the movement on their side and glanced here with a surprised look.

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