Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 340 Album Celebration Party

"Hi, Link! Selena!"

Angelina Jolie came over to say hello and asked if he had time next week, inviting him to attend the premiere of her new movie "Salt".

Link wasn't sure if he had time. After two boxing championship defenses, he was going to continue his world tour, and he had to rehearse during this period.

But seeing that the other party invited him personally, he didn't refuse.

Angelina Jolie and her fiancé Brad Pitt are both top stars in the film industry. Being friends with them is also a network.

"Hey, she's gone and you're still staring at her butt. You're so lecherous!"

Selena raised her little hand and shook it in front of him.

"Who stared at her butt? I just think she's pretty good. She's doing well in her career and family. You should learn from her."

"I don't believe it. You were just staring at her butt."

Selena rolled her eyes and pulled little Annie to continue looking at the fish school on the seabed.

Link shook his head. He really didn't stare at her butt just now.

Seeing Angelina Jolie reminded him of several other big stars in the entertainment industry: Jessica Alba, Anne Hathaway, Charlize Theron, etc.

These people used to be top beauties in the entertainment industry, but now they are in their thirties and forties, have children, and are no longer as beautiful as they used to be.

From this point of view, Link suddenly felt a sense of urgency.


On the eve of Taylor's new album release, Link also started rehearsing before the tour.

Originally, after the tour ended in January, he would continue the world tour and promote the new album when the new album was released in March or April.

But after the private video in the dressing room was exposed, many work arrangements were disrupted.

He had to suspend the tour and go to the Paris crew to avoid the limelight.

Now that the breakup storm has subsided and the boxing matches have ended one after another, he plans to finish the remaining 107 concerts as soon as possible while the third album is still in the promotion period.

The remaining concerts are mainly in Asia and Europe, and finally in the United States.

Because the performance team had been off for nearly half a year, some people left and some joined, so in order to avoid stage accidents during the performance, concentrated rehearsals in advance were essential.

During the rehearsal, Link Music held a celebration party in the club of the Temple Building in New York to celebrate the third album "The Woman I Love" which sold more than 4 million copies in the United States and more than 15 million copies worldwide.

Those who received the invitation were mainly those who provided some help for the album to sell well.

Including singers, record producers, sound engineers, assistants, and publicity and distribution staff under Link Music.

Tiffany Temple and Paris Hilton, Amanda Hearst, Georgia Bloomberg, Amanda Seyfried, Lindsay Lohan and more than a dozen other celebrities who participated in the "Falling and Showing Wealth" marketing.

And several singers in New York such as Lady Gaga and Eminem.

There were also representatives of distributors in various states, heads of the distribution department of Universal Music, heads of the distribution department of Atlantic Records, packaging companies involved in the production of albums, album imprinting companies, MV directors and main actors, senior executives of media publishing houses, etc., a total of more than 800 people.

In addition to various delicacies, 100 bottles of Ace of Spades champagne were opened at the reception, and 1 million US dollars in cash were drawn on the spot.

Link, Lana Del Rey, Mars, Wiz Khalifa, Justin Bieber, and the newly joined trainee Charlie Puth, performed on stage one after another, and the scene was very sensational.

"Is Charlie Puth the newly signed singer of your company?"

At the reception, Lady Gaga held a wine glass and looked at the young man who was playing the piano on the stage and singing "Here With You". He was less than 20 years old, looked young, wore a suit, and had an obvious scar on his right eyebrow.

"What do you think?"

"The voice is good, the piano is also good. But the person you like must not be bad."

Lady Gaga smiled.

Link shook his head and dared not accept this praise.

After the albums of Lana and the other two sold well, the media promoted him as the Midas Touch in the music industry, saying that he was good at training singers. No matter what kind of singers were in his hands, they would become best-selling singers, and he made him sound like a god.

In fact, he knows nothing about training singers.

The main reason why Lana and her two friends were able to become stars and platinum record singers from unknown people is that they are strong and unpolished talents.

Such people can become stars without anyone's guidance after a long time.

His help to them is limited to helping them find the right type of music, arranging a few songs that suit them, and getting their careers on the right track in advance.

Compared with Lana and her two friends, Charlie Puth is younger, 19 years old this year. In terms of musical ability, personal experience accumulation, and way of thinking, he is not as good as Lana and her three friends for the time being.

Sign him to Link Music in advance and give him a contract worth millions of dollars.

Whether this will force the other party to grow too fast, change his attitude towards music, and whether his creation will regress, Link has no conclusion.

What he can do is to invite professional musicians to teach him and cultivate him into a talent instead of being buried.

"Taylor's new album has a strong pre-promotion, and the data of the first promotional single is also great. This year's album chart is probably far ahead of you two."

Lady Gaga said.

"Will it? Will Taylor's new album surpass Eminem's "Recovery" and "need you now"? "

"It's very likely! Taylor's new album has more topics than your third album."

Lady Gaga looked at him and said, "Fortunately you broke up. If you didn't break up, the music scene would be monopolized by you two in the next few years."

"Too exaggerated."

Link smiled lightly. Although he was very popular, he still couldn't reach the level of a phenomenal superstar, while Lady Gaga was.

In terms of global popularity, he and Lady Gaga are on par, but in terms of the influence on world pop music, Miss Gaga is undoubtedly better.

Now many people will shout 'oh, my Lady Gaga' when they exclaim, and even many people who have never heard her songs know her name. This is the charm of Miss Gaga.

Link admits that he can't compare.

"Hey, Link, Joanne, can we take a photo together? You two are superstars. If I take a photo with you, I'm sure I'll get a lot of likes."

Internet celebrity Tiffany came from the lively crowd with a selfie device, her round face red, looking very excited.

Link and Lady Gaga did not object, and stood there to take a few photos with Tiffany.

"Where's your sister?"

"Over there, my dad got the news from somewhere and came over to join in the fun. Eva was worried that he would talk about politics at the party, so she was watching him from the side."

Tiffany pouted and posed.

What a filial girl!

Link smiled gently and said goodbye to Lady Gaga went to Mr. Thompson to say hello.

When Mr. Thompson saw him, he pouted and pulled his face, looking a little unhappy.

Link didn't care and asked him how he was doing? Was his work going well?

Mr. Thompson stared at him for a few seconds before sending Evaka away and telling him seriously that he actually didn't agree with Evaka dating him, but he didn't object because Evaka insisted.

Mr. Thompson said solemnly that if he really wanted to date Evaka, he'd better change those bad habits and not be half-hearted and do something to hurt Eva.

He also said that even if Link is now worth hundreds of millions of dollars and is very famous, it doesn't mean anything in his eyes. If he dares to hurt Evaka, he will never let him go easily.

Link quickly said that he would.

Although the other party is a somewhat exaggerated old man, his deeds are often ridiculed by others, like a joker.

But no one will deny that he is a very powerful character.

Based on the things he has done, no matter good or bad, each one is not something that ordinary people can do.

If Mr. Thompson really wants to deal with him, with the other party's skills and connections, Link may not be able to stop him without Ivaka's help.

After the other party finished speaking, Link politely added champagne to him and asked him what he was busy with recently? Has the matter in Atlantic City been dealt with?

After the financial crisis, many businesses of Ivaka's family were affected, mainly hotel and tourism businesses, entertainment companies, and real estate companies.

For this reason, Mr. Thompson had to deal with a number of loss-making businesses and sell them. Two buildings to maintain the capital turnover of the head office and minimize the loss.

After more than a year of struggle and adjustment, the Thompson family's industry has basically returned to normal, with a loss of about 500 million US dollars.

But because Eva Ka did well in Link Music, she was worth hundreds of millions of US dollars and became a model second generation in the rich circle, the child of other people's families.

Mr. Thompson was also proud of it, which was why Mr. Thompson took the initiative to attend the company's cocktail party. It felt like a parent-teacher meeting.

Hearing Link ask him about his business.

Of course, Mr. Thompson picked the good ones to say, such as making 100 million from the investment fund last month, and then talked about politics, asking Link what faction?

Link didn't want to talk to him about these boring topics. After thinking about it, he leaned over and whispered a few words.

After listening to his words, Mr. Thompson was instantly With a red face, she patted his arm, praised him for his good vision, said he was a good young man, and would become a great man like him in the future.

Perhaps inspired by his words, Mr. Thompson clinked glasses with him, drank the champagne in one gulp, asked him to tell Ivaka, and then left the party without looking back.

Not far away, Ivaka was watching the conversation between the two. At first, she saw Mr. Thompson's face was sullen, and she was a little worried. She wanted to go over to ease it, but Link gestured not to come over, so she endured it and continued to watch from the side.

But after waiting for a while, seeing Link say a few words, Mr. Thompson's attitude immediately changed. He smiled and patted Link's shoulder, looking close.

Ivaka was familiar with her father and knew his demeanor when he was perfunctory and close to people.

Mr. Thompson's behavior just now clearly showed that he really liked Link and showed closeness to him.

This change made Ivaka very curious. Seeing Mr. Thompson leave, she said hello to Georgia Bloomberg beside her and walked over in high heels.

Today is Link Music's celebration party, a very important day. Eva Ka also attended in a gorgeous dress, wearing a silver-gray off-shoulder dress, with her long golden hair tied up, revealing her fair shoulders and sexy and delicate collarbones.

A pair of gemstone earrings hung from her earlobes, which matched her cold and dignified face perfectly, making her look even more stunning and charming.

With her tall figure, long legs over one meter long, and plump breasts and hips, every smile, every move, will automatically become the focus of the whole cocktail party.

"What did you say to him? He looks very happy."

Evaka stood in front of him and asked.

"I told your father that he is a very powerful person. People like him will definitely become a great person in the future. I suggest that he stick to his goal and continue to do what he wants to do. If he needs my help in the future, I will fully support him."

Link smiled.

"You shouldn't say that. He is ambitious and thinks about politics all day long. If you encourage him like this, what will you do if he really wants you to spend money to support him in the future?"

Evaka scolded.

Link smiled lightly, took her hand and looked at the back of the figure walking out.

"I didn't flatter him, nor did I mean to encourage him. I really think your father is an amazing person. The two of us are far inferior to him. Since he has that idea and courage, we, as the younger generation, should fully support him."

Evaka turned her head and looked at his profile in surprise, blinking her curved eyelashes.

"Don't you think he is exaggerated and flashy?"

"Of course not. In the boxing ring, some people like to use straight punches, some like to use jabs, and many boxers like to use some tricks, secrets, and killer moves to win the game. For example, I used to like to use back throws.

No matter what moves, as long as it wins the game within the rules, it is a good move. Your father's doing this is also a trick. When he succeeds, you will admire him."

Link smiled.

Evaka looked at him, took his arm, and suddenly leaned over and kissed him on the face.

"Agreement boyfriend +10 points!"

"What plus ten points?"

Link asked, smelling the charming fragrance on her body.

"You are my boyfriend by agreement now. If you can get 100 points from me, I will consider accepting you as my real boyfriend and give you the treatment of a genuine boyfriend."

Evaka raised her delicate chin slightly, and a charming smile appeared at the corner of her lips.

"It sounds good. I accept this challenge."

Link pulled her soft palm and smiled.

"Hey, Link Eva look here."

Tiffany shouted with her mobile phone.

Link and Eva looked back at her, and Tiffany quickly pressed the button to take a photo of the two of them.

In the photo, Link was wearing a black suit and a bow tie. He was tall and straight, with a handsome and resolute face, deep and bright eyes, and his whole body was full of masculine charm.

Evaka next to him was tall, with white and flawless skin, dignified golden hairstyle and dress, and the whole person looked sexy and cool, not inferior to Link next to him.

In the past, Tiffany envied Evaka for being a big lady, her height, her looks, her temperament, her attitude towards life, her financial freedom, and now she has to envy her for having a good boyfriend.

It's unfair. They are born to the same father, but why is there such a big difference?

Tiffany looked at the photos and curled her lips.

"Don't send out the photos you took."

Evaka said.


Tiffany looked up and said, "The photos I took are all very beautiful. If you don't believe me, take a look."

"Now someone is staring at Link and keeps throwing dirty water on him, saying that he is a playboy. Publishing these photos is equivalent to providing fresh materials for those media. Don't publish them for the time being."

Evaka said lightly.

"But isn't Link a playboy? Does he need others to throw dirty water on him?"

"Hey! Tiffany, do you know Selena? I'll introduce you to her next time."

Link quickly changed the subject, dealt with the outspoken Tiffany, and pulled Evaka to greet other people at the cocktail party.

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