Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 341 The Peaches Picker (610)

Chapter 341 Peach Pickers (6/10)

At this cocktail party, in addition to friends and partners, there were also a few uninvited guests.

There are Peter Peltz, David Zuckerman, Luther Detzky, Josh Epstein who came with Kunas, and Usher who was brought by Scooter. Minam came over to join in the fun for 50 cents.

Kunas Jr. is the vice president of Atlantic Records Publishing Company and cooperates with Link Music. He came on behalf of Atlantic Records, and the other four people came completely uninvited.

"Hey, Link, congratulations on your album. You did a great job singing."

Little Kunas said with a watery smile.

She didn't look at him when she spoke, and her gray-green eyes stared directly at the beautiful Miss Ivaca with undisguised covetousness.

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Kunas!"

Link smiled faintly, intertwined their fingers with Ivaca, and stood side by side, like a couple.

Compared with the two of them, the little Kunas are tall, short, fat and thin, with small eyes, big mouths, drug-addicted faces, kidney-deficient faces, greasy faces, and so on.

"Huh, it's just relying on marketing and hype to sell records. It's nothing special. Without those means, you wouldn't be able to sell a million copies."

Drug-addicted Peter Peltz looked at Link arrogantly, as if he didn't take him seriously.

Hearing this mean voice, Link immediately guessed that the other person was someone A who kept sarcastic to him in the Broadway theater that day.

He was an ugly guy who didn't speak well, but his sarcastic words basically did zero harm to Link, and he even felt like laughing when he heard them.

"Haha, Eva Link, Peter is joking, don't mind."

Kunas Jr. said.

"It's okay. I've seen this kind of comments too many times online. They're quite interesting."

Link pulled Iwaka who was about to speak and smiled casually.

"Interesting? What's interesting?"

Peter Peltz felt very unhappy when he saw that he could still laugh when he was being ridiculed.

"Mr. Peltz, celebrities rely on fame and publicity to sell their items. What you say is like assuming that Van Gogh is not famous and that his paintings have a similar price to your paintings. This assumption is interesting but meaningless. "

Link chuckled.

When Peter Peltz heard what he said, he still didn't quite understand what was so interesting.

"I've said before that this kind of talk is useless to Link. He has heard it a lot and is used to it. We might as well get straight to the point."

The speaker was Person B, David Zuckerman, a young man with a slightly fat body and small eyes. He was holding a champagne glass and looking at the beauties at the party boredly.

"What's wrong with you?"

Ivaca asked with a frown.

"Evaca, we are all friends and we also want to play in the music industry. Link Music is doing well. We are going to invest in Link Music. What do you think?"

David Zuckerman said.

"Oh, how much money do you have?"

"Forty million, according to the current market value of Link Music, how about giving us 10% of the shares?"

David Zuckerman said.

"The current market value of link music is 480 million!"

Ivaca said.

"Eva, we know how much Link Music is worth, but in addition to having money, we will also provide Link Music with media, advertising and other resources. These resources are priceless. I think this is a good deal."

Someone Third Luther Detzky said.

His father is the president of EMS Advertising Company and advertising industry tycoon Donny Detzky.

Iwaka raised the corners of her lips and smiled slightly, and told Link that although these four guys came from good backgrounds, it was a pity that they did not cherish the resources they once had, did some stupid things, and were disliked by their families, so they had We don’t have the resources we want. If they are their brothers and sisters, we can still consider them.

When Ivaca spoke, her expression was calm and her voice was normal, and she didn't care about being heard by a few people.

When Peter Peltz and the other four heard her words, their faces suddenly fell. Others would say bad things behind their backs, but Ivaca exposed them directly to their faces without giving them any face. It was so irritating.

"Ahem, Eva, we are all friends, but the four Peters are in a bit of trouble right now."

"$100 million!"

Before Little Kunas could finish speaking, Ivaca raised a jade finger and said, "For 100 million U.S. dollars, I will sell you 10% of the shares."


"Link Music is worth less than 500 million, and you want 100 million for 10% of the shares. Eva, are you blackmailing?"

"Eva, we are not fools, don't think of us as being taken advantage of."

Peter Peltz trio exclaimed.

Only little Epstein was holding his arms, with a half-smiling expression on his long and narrow face.

"I'm very busy and don't have time to joke with you. 100 million is not a random quote, but Link Music is worth it.

First of all, Link Music was founded two years ago. At the beginning of 2009, it was only worth 10 million. At the end of 2009, it was worth 280 million. Now it is worth nearly 500 million U.S. dollars, doubling every year.

At the current pace, we are confident that the company will reach 1 billion in three years and 2 billion US dollars in five years. If you invest 100 million US dollars now, in another five years, the income will more than double. This is definitely a great deal. investment. "

Ivaca said in a calm voice.

Peter and the others wanted to refute, but after thinking about it seriously, they found that what Ivaca said was not an exaggeration.

At the beginning of 2009, there was a joke among New York's wealthy circles. Ivaca of the Thompson family founded a music company and was preparing to enter the music industry across industries.

After hearing the news, everyone was laughing at Evaka, saying that she didn't understand music and record operations, so she invested money in an unfamiliar field, which would definitely make the Thompson family's poor economic situation worse.

Some people also think that Evaka has experienced several years in the family group and founded several brands. She has good abilities and may be able to do something.

However, competition in the music industry is fierce, and it would take at least five years for an outsider like her to start a new record company.

But no one expected that Link Music, a small and broken company, would be the one to take action.

The first album sold six to seven million copies worldwide.

The second album directly sold more than 10 million copies worldwide.

The third album is even more impressive, with a conservative 20 million.

In addition, all the singers under Link Music are talented and sing well. Any album they release will be platinum, as if they are hanging on the forefront of the music market.

The market value of Link Music has changed over the past six months. It was 10 million at the beginning of 2009, 280 million at the end of 2009, and expanded to 480 million in June 2010.

too exaggerated.

If this situation continues, it is entirely possible for Iwaka to achieve a market value of 1 billion within three years as he said.

Investing 100 million at this time seems to be a good deal.

"Eva, your statement is too idealistic, as if you are living in a vacuum without obstacles. First of all, if Link Music develops too fast, it will inevitably compete with the five major record groups. They will not let Link Music develop.

Secondly, Mr. Baker said not long ago that he would retire from the music scene after releasing two albums. Without him, how much value would Link Music have? "

Little Epstein said in a lazy voice.

“The first point can be completely avoided through commercial operations, such as in-depth cooperation with the five major records and introducing shares of the five major records.

The second point is that Link will no longer release albums. He will have more time to focus on the singers under Link Music and create more better-selling albums for them. He will also have more time to select and train new singers. On the contrary, I think Link's music will develop faster if Link retires from the music scene. "

Ivaca said unhurriedly.

It seemed reasonable to a few people.

Link is considered to be the golden touch in the music industry and has a first-class eye for selecting people. If he concentrates on selecting and cultivating singers, there will be a steady stream of best-selling singers under Link Music in the future, and the market value of Link Music will continue to rise.

"One hundred million is too much. We don't have that much money."

"Then we can talk about it after you have enough funds."

Iwaka said hello and walked toward the crowd holding Link's arm.

Looking at the backs of the two people leaving hand in hand, the faces of the few people left behind varied.

Little Kunas looked at Iwaka's sexy and graceful figure, and her fingers intertwined with Link's, the gesture was very intimate, and her heart felt like a knife.

"How could Iwaka do this? Link is the major shareholder of Link Music, not her. If she agrees to our investment, we will be able to fully control this company together in the future. I think she should be with us, not Link is an outsider.”

said Greasy-Faced Luther Detsch.

"Hmph, she probably thought she was Link's wife. Unfortunately, Link is a scumbag and she made the wrong bet."

Peter Peltz said.

"What should we do now? Do we still want to invest in Link Music? We don't have that much money at all."

asked David Zuckerman.

"We came to talk to Link about cooperation with good intentions, but unfortunately they didn't accept it. Then we will arrange a few romantic encounters for him according to the original plan. As long as we can catch him, he will obediently hand over the link music. shares.”

Little Epstein sneered.

"Okay, let's do it!"

Several people looked at each other and laughed.


"I'm sorry you wasted a few minutes over there with me."

At the cocktail party, Eva pulled him and said softly.

"No, every second I spend with you is meaningful. I will never feel bored or wasted."

Ivaca glanced at him, curved her lips and smiled.

"Although Peter and the others are not valued in their family, they are in the New York business district, and my company and Link Music also have cooperative relationships with several of their subsidiaries, so even though I hate them, I can't ignore them."

"I understand. Seeing you fight one against five, overwhelming them with your momentum and IQ, as your boyfriend, I feel great."

"Thank you. Seeing that Kunas and the others want to share the link music, do you think that people in the upper class are insidious and shameless?"

Ivaca asked softly.

Link shook his head. No matter in which era or country, there will always be a group of second-generation people who are lazy but good at trying to steal the fruits of victory from others. He has seen and heard too many tricks like this, so he is not surprised.

"On the contrary, after seeing the performance of several of them, I feel that you are even more valuable. You are a great woman."

Link held her hand and said seriously.

"I'll give you five more points!"

Ivaca said with raised corners of her lips.

"How many points do I have now?"

"Five points!"

"Huh? I remember adding ten points before."

"It turns out you lost ten points."

Ivaca pulled her hair around her ears and smiled.

Link reluctantly accepted the reality.

"Hey, Iwaka, Link!"

Paris Hilton and several other celebrities came over, looked at the two and smiled, "Evaka, isn't it enough for you and Link to be together every day? Can you lend him to us? We all want to know how powerful Link is?"

"Yes, I heard that Link can do push-ups for three hours in a row. I really want to see if it's true."

"I also want to see Link do push-ups."

The other celebrities also laughed.

"No problem! Just watch and use it!"

Evaka pushed Link and smiled.

Link shrugged his shoulders. Seeing that several people had helped him, he could only bite the bullet and deal with it.

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