Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 342 Little Leo's Jealousy

"Link, have you slept with Ivaca?"

"Of course! We're living together."

"This is so rare. Ivaca is very picky about men. If there is even the slightest problem, she will stop talking to them. We always thought she was frigid."

At the cocktail party, Paris Hilton, Amanda from the Hearst family, Georgia Bloomberg from the mayor's family and other eldest ladies surrounded him and asked questions. There were also sisters Kim Kardashian and Amanda around. Seyfried, Lindsay Lohan and others are surrounding the outside.

"Link, how do you feel about having sex with Evaka? Can you do push-ups on her for an hour?"

"I thought more than that, they both looked like very sexy people for maybe three hours."

"Link, next time you ML, can you let us observe it on site?"

Several women said it as if they were joking and yet seriously.

Link listened helplessly. Originally, he wanted to pick a few questions that he could answer, but after listening to more than a dozen questions, no one was healthy enough to answer.

He didn't want to talk about this topic in public, so he asked them if they had time. Several MVs for the third album's champion single were being filmed and a large number of actresses were needed.

Among them, the song "Girls Like You" requires more than thirty female stars, one appearing every few seconds, similar to the original Magic Red band's MV.

Paris Hilton and others were very interested after hearing this and enthusiastically signed up to participate.

Link said everything can be arranged.

Actor Amanda Seyfried also took the initiative to find him and said that she had won the heroine of "The Time Bureau" and that there would be opportunities for the two to collaborate in the future.

Link said he would be happy to work with her.

Amanda is one of the most popular actresses in the current film industry. She debuted in 1999, rose to prominence with "Mean Girls" in 2004, became popular with "Mamma Mia" in 2008, and last year starred with Megan Fox in "Jennifer's" Body》Stabilize the coffee position.

At the beginning of the year, Vanity Fair named her, along with Kristen Stewart, Emma Roberts, and Blake Lively, the four most noteworthy actresses of the new generation.

Link remembered that the other party was also the original heroine of "Time Planning Bureau" and her acting skills were pretty good.

Kim Kardashian also took the initiative to chat with him. She was accompanied by her two sisters, Kourtney Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian, both in their twenties and thirties, with fleshy figures.

Compared with Paris Hilton and other celebrities, the Kardashian sisters are from middle-class families. Their father is Robert Kardashian, a defense attorney in the Simpson case, and their mother, Kris Kinner, is a famous Hollywood television producer.

The Kardashian sisters initially followed Paris and other celebrities and gained a certain amount of attention. In 2005, they became famous with the reality show "Keeping Up with the Kardashians". In 2007, Kim Kardashian became famous for her private video with her ex-boyfriend.

In the past two years, he has relied on hype to become a celebrity in the entertainment industry.

But at large cocktail parties, they are still relatively marginal characters. If they want to talk to Link, they have to wait for others to finish talking before they can find a chance.

When Link saw the sisters, he did not look down upon them. Women like Kim Kardashian, who have earned more than a billion dollars through their own abilities, are worthy of praise no matter what method they use.

Link asked them what they were doing recently.

Kim Kardashian said she was filming a TV series that Link had never heard of, and she also said she was starting a personal luxury brand.

Link thinks that the idea of ​​starting a personal brand is a good one, and she also has this plan. She also said that if she lacks funds, she can invest as long as the brand planning is good.

When the Kim Kardashian sisters heard his words, they both looked surprised.

Just now, they saw that Link only had a few words with Paris Hilton and the other eldest ladies, so they thought he was an aloof person who was difficult to deal with.

But Link spoke to them in a gentle manner, agreed with Kim Kardashian's impromptu idea, and said he wanted to invest in them.

Kim Kardashian was very excited. Seeing that he was so handsome, rich, and such a nice person, she wanted to bring her sisters and stick to him.

At the reception, Link also chatted with Eminem and Usher.

As soon as they met, Usher said that he admired his hype methods. He also claimed that he was from SB Entertainment and Link Music. He hoped to get his guidance when releasing albums in the future.

Link had no way to point out the other party, but he graciously agreed. Being modest in this situation would appear hypocritical.

Eminem also advised him face to face to be careful with some women, because some people wanted to use women against him.

Link said that he understood that he only contacts and accepts women with clear backgrounds, and will not accept women who come to his door casually.


After the reception, Link continued his boxing training and concert rehearsals.

During this time, he also attended several film premieres, including "Salt" starring Angelina Jolie, Michelle Rodriguez and Jessica Alba, Lindsay Lohan He also starred in "Machete" and "Inception" starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

Among them, "Shot" and "Machete" were released at the same time. In terms of box office results, the former won the weekly box office championship with 36.5 million US dollars, while "Machete" only had 11.3 million in its first week, which seems to be much worse than the former.

However, the production cost of "Agent Shot" was 110 million, and it was released in 3,226 theaters during the same period. The box office in the first week was lower than the expected 40 million.

The production cost of "Machete" was only 10.5 million, and the money was repaid in the first week. It is obviously a profitable film project.

This week, "The Scandal Project" earned $11.02 million at the box office, a drop of more than 40%, and a cumulative North American box office of $50.48 million. According to the current situation, during the release period, the North American box office of this movie has a great chance to reach $70 million.

If it earns $70 million in North America, Palm Beach Pictures will earn more than $20 million from this movie.

"Inception" was released in mid-July, with a box office of $62.3 million in the first week, directly suppressing all movies of the same period. This movie is of high quality, with cool plot design and special effects production, and the performances of several leading actors are also wonderful.

As soon as it was released, it was sought after by movie fans and was rated as the best science fiction movie in this summer by "Movie Variety".

"Hey, Link, you should thank me."

At the movie premiere, Leonardo showed a half-smile on his greasy face when he saw him.


"Look who that is."

Leonardo patted his arm and pointed at Marion Cotillard in the crowd. She was wearing a red dress, showing her beautiful shoulders and back. She was like a delicate rose in the crowd, outshining all the female stars in the audience.

"I have seen your gossip, is it true? There are many paparazzi in Hollywood, and you can't meet these two days. I invited you here to help you create opportunities. What do you think? Am I helping you?"

"Yes, you are such a kind person."

Link teased.

In fact, Marion came to the United States earlier, but she was relatively low-key when she came just to prevent being photographed by paparazzi.

On the day she came, Link personally picked her up on the avenue outside the airport and took her to drive on the coastal highway on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean.

The two were together the night before yesterday and last night.

They separated only three hours ago, and Leonardo didn't need to be a "matchmaker".

And Leonardo invited him to the premiere, and he was definitely not helping to make connections. Judging from his expression, he was more of a fun person.

"Link, actually I should thank you too."

Leonardo shrugged and said.

"Go on!"

"Before, people called me a playboy, which made me feel very stressed. Now that you, a real playboy, are standing in front of me, my scandals suddenly become bland compared to yours."

Leonardo laughed.

Link shook his head, too lazy to pay attention to him, and went to greet Tobey Maguire, Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Scarlett Johansson and other acquaintances across the street, and of course did not forget Marion Cotillard.

When the two hugged each other openly in the crowd, everyone looked over, with a face full of gossip.

"This scumbag!"

Leonardo looked at the two with a dark face, and his expression was very unhappy.

Tobey Maguire beside him asked in confusion: "Why are you scolding Link?"

Leonardo snorted lightly, put his hands in his pockets and asked in a very stylish manner: "Tobey, who do you think is more handsome and charming between me and Link? Don't be shy, just say what you really think."

Tobey Maguire looked at his increasingly round face, and then looked at Link's facial features not far away, which could be called a work of art. It was clear who was more handsome.

But out of politeness, he still said against his conscience:

"Of course it's you!"

"Yes, I know that too, but when filming "Inception", Marion ignored me and was very cold, but now she is so close to Link, why? Just because Link is physically strong? What a superficial woman, doesn't she know that an interesting soul is the most important?"

Leonardo stared at Marion Cotillard's face full of French style and her generous temperament, and became even more annoyed. He clenched his fist and whispered,

"And Link is a big scumbag who likes to play with women's feelings. Doesn't she know? Why does she want to degenerate? Why?"

Tobey Maguire saw him suddenly angry and said with some surprise: "Leon, I remember you don't like girls over 25 years old."

Leonardo snorted lightly. It's not that he doesn't like girls over 25 years old, but women over 25 years old often mention getting married and having children. He doesn't want to get married, so he doesn't date older women.

But this doesn't prevent him from appreciating those older and more attractive women.

For example, Marion Cotillard, a beautiful French rose, who doesn't like it? If you can be appreciated by the other party, it is a proud thing.

Unfortunately, the other party does not appreciate himself, but appreciates Link, a young man of only 21 years old.

Leonardo looked at Link unhappily. He felt that Link was a threat when they first met, and now he is more certain.

"Hey, Leon!"

When Link brought Marion to talk to Leonardo, the other party just smiled far-fetchedly and left.


After attending several movie premieres, Link returned to Lincoln Center to continue rehearsing.

I need a girl like you

I spent last night

On the last flight to you

Took a whole day up

Tryna get way up ooo

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