Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 343 The world tour continues

"Boss, Miss Liu just called."

Anna handed over the phone and said during the break after the rehearsal at noon.

Link wiped the sweat off his neck and called Chris Liu on the other side of the earth to ask if she had slept.

Chris said she hadn't slept, she had just finished supper and was enjoying the cool in the yard. She asked when his concert in Huaxia would start.

Link said he would be in Huaxia next week.

This tour will first go to Southeast Asia, with about 18 shows, and will only go to Huaxia after that. He asked Chris Liu how the new song he sent to her last time was going.

In order to cater to the audience in Huaxia, he prepared four Chinese and Cantonese songs, including classic old songs and original Chinese songs, and collaborated with Beyond, Wakin Chau, Faye Wong, Chris Liu and others.

In addition to the Beyond band and Chris Liu, other guest singers and warm-up singers were arranged by Universal Music. Link had the right to choose. When Universal Music sent the list and singer information, he selected several singers with good reputation and strong ability.

Chris Liu said that she had been practicing singing for the past few months and practiced very well. She also said that it was her vocal teacher who said so, and she was not bragging.

Link asked her if she could sing it once.

"Sing now? I am not prepared and I don't have accompaniment."

Chris Liu said nervously.

"No need to prepare, just sing a few lines casually. You have a beautiful voice, I believe you will sing very well."

Link encouraged.

"Okay! Wait for me for a minute."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for more than ten seconds, and then Chris Liu asked again, should we sing in English or Chinese?

Link asked her to sing in Chinese first.


Then a sweet singing voice came from the microphone.

When you are old, your hair is white


When you are old, you can't walk

Nap by the fire, recalling youth

How many people have loved you in your youthful joy

Admire your beauty, false or true

"Link, how is it?"

Chris Liu sang two lines and asked.

"Very good, Chris, with your ability, you can definitely be a singer."

"Ha, don't praise me, I'm not that good."

"Really good, Chris, you are so beautiful, and you sing so well, the only thing you lack is confidence, if you are more confident and not too nervous, you will sing better."

"Really? I believe you, this song is great, the music and lyrics are great, did you write it?"

"I also participated, but it was not entirely written by me."

The lyrics of this song are adapted from the poem "When You Are Old" by Irish poet William Butler Yeats, and later composed and sung by singer Zhao Zhao, becoming a relatively famous Chinese song.

After finding the poem, Link wrote a piece of music and gave it to Universal Music, who then gave it to the musicians of Universal Music's China branch, who translated it into more fluent Chinese lyrics.

"You are so amazing. My mother said that this song is very nice when she heard it, and she also said that it was a pity to let me sing it. Every time I sing it, she will find fault with it, which is very annoying."

Chris Liu said.

"How can your mother say that? You are already very good, much better than your peers. She should praise you more often instead of denying you. Do you want to give your mother the phone number so that I can talk to her?"

"Ah? Forget it, she is that kind of person. She likes to nag me every day when she has nothing to do. She doesn't have any bad intentions. Let's not bother with her. Can you really come to China in August?"

"Really! It won't be postponed this time."

Originally planned to go to China for a concert in June, but an accident forced it to be postponed for two months.

"Chris, I'll be able to see you in ten days, I'm very excited, how about you?"

"Me too! When you come, I can treat you to a lot of delicious food. This time I'll treat you and you'll pay the bill, because you lied to me last time and said you had no money."

Chris said in a sweet and lively voice.

"No problem!"

Link was about to speak when he heard a cry from Chris Liu, 'Mom, when did you come? ', 'Link, let's talk later'.

A few minutes later, Chris Liu sent a message.

"Oh no, my mother heard our conversation and she's very angry now."

"Is it serious? Do you want me to explain to her mother?"

"No, we often do this. Sometimes she doesn't talk to me when she's angry, and sometimes I don't talk to her when I'm angry. It's not too serious."

"Interesting, the way you get along with your mother is like sisters."

"Yes, but she said you're a playboy and thinks I shouldn't contact you privately, worried that I'll be cheated by you."

"I'm not a playboy, it's the media that is framing me, just like they once framed MJ Luan Tong, described Madonna as a slut, and promoted Britney Spears and Lady Gaga as neurotic. In the eyes of the media, no popular singer is normal, so that they can sell their news products."

"Yes, those paparazzi are the most annoying."

After replying a few more messages, Chris Liu said her mother was urging her to go to bed quickly, and the two ended the private chat.

Link continued to rehearse.

Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

After the rehearsal ended at around four o'clock in the afternoon, Link invited Daddario to have dinner together. The horror movie "Shadow of Death" starring her was released last week. Due to too many summer blockbusters, the box office performance was average.

Daddario is looking for new scripts recently, but her eyes are more dramatic and her appearance is too beautiful, so she is not suitable for supporting roles for other actresses. Most of the scripts she received are thrillers and erotic films.

“Haven’t you found the right role yet?”

In a Spanish restaurant on Fifth Avenue in the Upper East Side, Link was eating a cold dinner of Iberian ham and looked at Daddario opposite and asked.

Daddario is wearing a white suspender dress, with thick black wavy hair hanging on her shoulders. She has big eyes and a straight nose. She looks more delicate and beautiful than Barbie. With her figure, even among the beauties She is also considered a top beauty in the film industry.

But she didn't become popular, which is also a strange thing.

"No, I'm still reading the script."

Daddario brushed her hair around her ears and held a spoon in her hand. When eating, she would carefully brush her hair and slowly feed the food on the spoon and fork into her mouth. Her movements were very cute. Very elegant.

"Yani, there is a role in my MV that suits you very well. Do you want to make a guest appearance?"

"No, you are so popular. There must be a lot of girls who want to be in your MV. There is no shortage of actors, right?"

Daddario smiled.

Link smiled softly. The women who played roles in his music videos in the past were all popular, including Doutzen Kroes, Emma Stone, black female model Jourdan Dun, etc. Every time he filmed a music video, he would attract actresses. Pay attention, it will be the same this time.

"But you are the most suitable."

"I don't want it anymore. I feel like it's fine as it is now. If there is a suitable role, I will play it. If not, I will slowly look for it. I have never thought about becoming a big star."

Daddario insisted.

Link nodded and looked into her beautiful eyes, "Yani, we are friends. I am willing to do something for you. Do you want me to do something?"

Daddario thought for a moment and chuckled: "I like to run with you, play tennis with you, chat with you, and listen to you sing. If I have time, I hope to see you more, okay?"


Link reached out and gently wiped her smooth and delicate cheeks with his fingers, "Yani, you are so beautiful. If I had a palace made of gold, I would definitely let you live in it and not let anyone see you. except me."

"You are imprisoned, my father will not let you go."

Daddario winked and smiled.

"Yes, I almost forgot that you also have a super awesome father."

Link smiled softly and talked to Daddario about his future arrangements. He would start a world tour next week and would not be able to accompany her for about two months. He apologized to her, but after the tour, the two of them would have a meeting. More time together.

Daddario looked at him quietly, holding his hand across the table, his face full of deep affection.

Link stopped and looked into her beautiful eyes. The moment their eyes met, the two stood up at the same time and left the restaurant holding hands.

The waiter in the restaurant thought that someone wanted to eat the Overlord meal. Just when he opened his mouth to call someone, he saw two US dollars on the table, which was enough to pay for the meal and tip.

Link and Daddario couldn't wait to kiss each other as soon as they got into the car.

Daddario's thin silk skirt was almost torn to pieces by his rough palms.

The Ferrari sports car cab is gradually becoming more restrained.

Because they were worried about being photographed by the paparazzi, the two only had sex in the car for more than ten minutes. At Daddario's suggestion, he started the car and drove to her newly rented apartment in Brisbane.

Unfortunately, I had bad luck and met Daddario's lawyer mother there.

At that time, the two entered the house kissing and kicked the door shut. Just when something wonderful was about to happen, they turned around and saw a lady in formal clothes sitting on the sofa.


Daddario shouted nervously as he adjusted the hem of his skirt.

Link looked at Daddario, then at the serious-looking lady, and thought to himself that today's date would probably be ruined.


The next day, Link boarded the plane with unresolved anger to start a new round of world tour.

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