Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 345: Meeting a Beauty Backstage

The Hong Kong Island trip ended.

Link led the tour team to Taiwan Island to hold five concerts.

He has collaborated with singers such as Zhou Huajian, Wang Lihong, Mayday, Cai Yilin, and Mo Wenwei. The number of people at each concert is more than 30,000. The number of spectators at the Taipei Arena reached 68,000, which was a huge crowd.

Before coming to China for the concert, he also opened a Weibo account in advance and arranged for his assistant to update the concert information every day.

Many Chinese fans left messages below saying "Welcome Hanzi brother to return", "Welcome Quan brother to China for a concert", "Welcome Link to China to taste delicious food", "Link, see you again".

Because he saved people during the 2008 Olympics and was praised by the official newspaper, everyone was very friendly to him.

The media also gave him a lot of space, mentioning his winning the 2008 Olympics, saving people during the Olympics, and returning the Olympic gold medal to China.

It also highlighted his identity, world boxing champion, European and American singer with the highest album sales in the world, European and American music king-level figure, movie star, etc.

In just ten days, his number of Weibo fans exceeded 10 million, making him the foreign singer with the most fans on the Weibo platform.

There are also many people using Twitter in Hong Kong and Taiwan. During the concert, his Twitter account fans soared by more than 8 million. According to the Twitter data department, 80% of these fans are from China.

After the concert in Taiwan and two events, he led the team to fly to several major cities on the southeast coast of China for concerts.


After the concert at the Fukagawa City Stadium, Link was resting backstage and writing thank-you cards for all the fans who sent gifts. The phone on the table rang. The caller was Chris Liu.

"Chris, I'm listening!"

"Link, are you still backstage?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"I, I have a friend who wants to come backstage to get your autograph, but your bodyguard won't let him in. Can you tell them?"

"It's a small matter. Ask your friend to tell me your name and I'll greet them."

"Okay! Tell me quickly."

After hanging up the phone, Link called Wallace and Bob to let someone named 'Chris Liu or Yifei Liu' come in. Wallace said there were two people, two Chinese girls, wearing masks, and acting mysterious.

Link said it didn't matter, Chris Liu's friends couldn't be assassins.

Link continued to fill out the cards, handed them to the assistant, and gave them to the fans waiting outside the backstage. They couldn't come in vain.


"Come in!"

Link put down his pen, the door of the reception room was opened, and the assistant brought in two girls wearing masks.

The one in front was a little shorter, just over 1.6 meters tall, wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans, with a petite and slender figure, a ponytail, blinking a pair of bright almond eyes and staring at him, her eyes full of curiosity.

The one behind was a little taller, wearing a blue long skirt, with long black hair, revealing white and slender arms, delicate shoulders and collarbones, and a white mask on her face. Her beautiful phoenix eyes blinked at him again and again, with joy and excitement in her eyes.

Both of them were holding flowers in their hands.

After looking at the two of them, Link hooked his lips, asked his assistant to put away the flowers and asked: "Two beautiful ladies, thank you for your flowers, do you speak English?"

The one behind pushed the girl in front, and the girl in front rolled her eyes at her and said in English: "Yes, we know some English, Mr. Baker, I am your fan, we just watched your concert in the audience, it was great."

"Thank you! Do you need an autograph?"

Link sat down, picked up the pen and asked.

The girl in front glanced at the girl behind and nodded her chin.

"Miss, what's your name?"

"Shu Chang, Jennifer Shu!"

The girl in front spelled out her last name.

Link nodded and quickly wrote on the card with a pen: "To the beautiful Miss Jennifer Shu". He looked at the slightly taller girl again, "Miss, what's your name?"

The girl blinked and said nothing.

Link smiled gently and continued to write "To Miss Chris Liu who does not want to reveal her name".

"Did you recognize me?"

The tall girl pulled down the mask on her face, revealing a beautiful and delicate face, phoenix eyes, red lips, and a white cheek with pink, like a peach fairy. She blinked her beautiful big eyes and looked at the card, and then looked at Link with a smile.

"Hi, Chris, long time no see, do you want a hug, just like when I left in 2008?"

Link stretched out his hand and smiled.

Chris Liu looked at him, stepped forward, and leaned on his chest with a red cheek.

Link also hugged her gently. She smelled fragrant and her body was thin and light, like a soft doll.

Shu Chang looked at the two of them in surprise. Feifei was a very reserved girl. Except for filming, she would never hug any boy so intimately. But now she didn't mind being hugged by Link, and so intimately.

Shu Chang felt that their relationship might not be that simple.

"Why didn't you call in advance when you came? I asked my assistant to pick you up."

Link asked the girl in his arms.

"I wanted to give you a surprise, but your bodyguards are too strict. We have no chance to get in."

Chris Liu looked up at him and smiled.

Link smiled softly and told her that when he held a concert in Southeast Asia, several fans pretended to be staff and sneaked into the backstage, which almost caused an accident on stage. For his safety, the bodyguards had to be on guard.

In addition, when they come here for a concert, many people come over with notes, claiming to be the daughter of a big boss, a second-generation official, etc. They want to go through the back door to see him, an international star, and take photos with him to show their status.

In order to avoid trouble, he proposed to the organizer not to meet any contacts during the tour, nor to accept any informal invitations to cocktail parties. If he could not do this, he would consider ending the tour early.

After chatting for a while, he asked Chris if Liu and Shu Chang were busy. If they were not busy, they could wait here for a while while he finished signing the cards on the table, and then they could go out for a walk and have a light meal together.

Chris Liu nodded and said she was not busy and would wait for him here.

Then he sat down and continued writing the card.

Chris Liu brushed her skirt, sat opposite him, and looked at his face quietly, with her tall nose and bright and deep eyes. Every time he raised his head to look at him, Chris Liu He immediately turned his head and looked to the side, his cheeks were red, and he was playing with his hair.

"What are you looking at?"

"I didn't see anything. You seem a little more handsome."

Chris Liu said.

"You are more beautiful too. Has anyone said you look like an elf?"

Link asked as he wrote.

"No, but fans call me fairy, ha, they are kidding."

Chris Liu covered her mouth and laughed.

"Fans are very discerning, you are indeed a fairy."

"Did anyone say you were a prince?"

"Of course, I'm still Superman."

"Yes, you are so powerful. I only knew you as a boxer before. I never thought you would become a boxing champion. Even Tyson was not your opponent. Later, you became a big singer. When I first saw those news When I was there, I couldn’t believe that you were the same person, and I even specifically searched for your information on Baidu.”

Chris Liu babbled on about what she wanted to say to him in the past two years but had no chance to say it.

The reception room was brightly lit, with flowers on the surrounding counters. The two of them were sitting on a coffee table, one writing and the other talking. The scene was very warm and loving.

But next to him, Shu Chang was secretly worried.

She checked her phone. It was around eight o'clock in the evening. There were two missed calls and a message on her phone. The person who sent the message was Feifei's mother, asking her if she had finished the concert and had she returned to the hotel? Ask her to call back as soon as she sees the message.

Shu Chang pulled Chris Liu's slender and white arm, and Chris Liu stopped talking and looked back at her doubtfully.

"come here!"

Shu Chang grabbed Chris Liu's arm and came to the corner of the room. He took out his mobile phone, opened the message and showed it to her, asking her how to answer.

"Don't worry about her!"

"Are you sure? Aren't you afraid that Aunt Xiaoli will pinch you?"

"Don't be afraid, I will dodge."

Chris Liu smiled slightly, and took out her cell phone that was set to silent and took a look. There were three missed calls and twelve unread messages, all from her mother.

She didn't even look at it, and casually replied, "Go to bed, good night."

After sending the message, she was ready to go back and continue chatting with Link.

Shu Chang grabbed her thin white wrist, pulled her and lowered his voice and said, "Do we really want to stay here and wait for Link? When we came out, your mother said many times that we were not allowed to see Link in private. , saying that Link is a very dangerous man and it will do no good for us to get too close to him."

"My mother said nonsense. Link is a very nice person. How could he be in danger?"

"Don't you think Link is dangerous? He is so handsome, an Olympic champion, a world-class star, very talented, and a billionaire. He has very good conditions, but he is also a playboy and has many girlfriends. Aunt Li is worried that you will be deceived by him. "

"No, Link and I are just good friends. He won't do anything to me. Also, foreigners have different tastes from us. We are both beauties in China, but in Link's eyes, we might just be the same person. Ordinary girls, as well as our figures, are not hot at all, and Link may not like our type.”

Chris Liu lowered her head and looked at her chest, which only had a B. She was very envious of those D-cup girls in Europe and the United States, and her buttocks were only a little bit raised, which was several laps behind the beautiful buttocks of Link's girlfriend Evaka.

"But he just complimented you like an elf, which means he also thinks you are beautiful."

"Hey, in Link's eyes, am I also a beautiful woman?"

Chris Liu touched her beautiful cheek and blinked happily.

"Definitely, I just saw him being very involved when he hugged you, which means he likes you too."


Chris Liu excitedly pulled Shu Chang, glanced at Link who was still signing, and asked in a low voice, "Chang Chang, do you really think Link likes me too?"

Shu Chang felt helpless when he saw her so excited.

The divine sister, even if she is not the most beautiful woman in domestic entertainment, is still ranked in the top ten. There are at least 100 million boys who like her in the country, but in front of Link, she is like a little girl worried about gains and losses.

With her like this, if Link really launched an attack on her, she probably wouldn't be able to stop him in one round.

"Sing, sing, why don't you speak?"

"Yes, Link seems to be interested in you, but he is a playboy, and being liked by him is not a good thing."

"Link is not a playboy, it is the American media that is framing him."

"It's impossible that it's all false accusations. The media said that he has more than 20 rumored girlfriends. Even if there are not 20, there must be at least 2 or 3. He has a girlfriend. We are celebrities. It's not good to get too close to him."

"But Link and I are just friends. I have never thought about being his girlfriend."

"If Link wants you to be his girlfriend, or even more seriously, to do that kind of thing with you, will you refuse?"

"Of course, I'm not a casual girl."

Chris Liu patted her chest confidently.

Shu Chang looked at her helplessly. In front of other boys, Feifei is a cold girl. Even a smile is like charity. But in front of Link, she is completely a little fan girl. If Link really wants to do something bad to her, Shu Chang feels that she probably won't last for a few seconds.

"Chris, Jennifer, I've kept you waiting for a long time."

Link put down his pen and handed over more than 100 cards he had just written to his assistant.

"It's okay."

Chris Liu replied, pulling Shu Chang and lowering her voice,

"Don't worry, Link is really not a bad guy. I've known him since 2008. He's an athlete, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, and doesn't take drugs. He rarely goes to bars and has a very healthy lifestyle. And we're together, so even if he wants to molest me, you can help push him away."

Shu Chang thought about it and it seemed like that.

From the news, Link has no other problems except being a little philanthropic. He is also a big philanthropist who donates more than 10 million US dollars every year, which is 100 million in Chinese currency. It's too exaggerated.

A big man like him shouldn't force himself on a little girl like Feifei.

Besides, I'll be watching by the side, so I can help if something unexpected happens.

"Okay, we'll just go shopping with Link, have a midnight snack, and go back to the hotel to sleep after eating, okay?"

"That's it, let's go!"

Chris Liu pulled her best friend Shu Chang over.

Link was also done with his work.

He arranged other work, changed into ordinary sportswear, put on a baseball cap, called Chris Liu and Jennifer Shu, sat in the car prepared in advance, and left the Fukagawa Datong Sports Center in a low-key manner.


Arriving at Zhujiang Commercial Street in Fukagawa City, the three got off the car and walked along the long pedestrian street, chatting.

There were many people on the street, the public security was also very good, and the lights were bright everywhere, very prosperous.

When they met a snack bar on the road, the three would stop and buy some local snacks, beef balls, double skin milk, spicy shrimp, ginger vinegar eggs, etc.

But because of gastrointestinal problems, Link didn't dare to eat casually. He only ate a portion of fresh shrimp wontons. The rest of the time, he carried a snack bag and beer, walked between the two people, and watched the two eat.

Link also took the opportunity to ask Chris Liu about her development in the past two years.

Chris Liu said that it was not very smooth. She was banned in the past two years and didn't shoot any movies. Most of the time she was in school.

Only in March did she collaborate with Wang Lihong on a campus love movie "Love Announcement". The movie was released in mid-August. Chris Liu asked him if he had time and invited him to attend the premiere ceremony. Link agreed.

Link asked her if she wanted to develop in the United States. He had a film company there, which was doing well and had some resources.

"Gossip Plan" released last month was produced by his company, and the global box office has exceeded 100 million US dollars.

Chris Liu and Shu Chang listened and praised it again and again. 100 million US dollars is converted into Chinese currency, which is 700 to 800 million. A movie with a box office of 700 to 800 million can rank among the top three in China.

Shu Chang asked how much the movie was invested.

Link said that the production cost was 8 million US dollars, and his company invested 5 million, which could get 35% of the North American box office and 10% of the international box office. A subsidiary of Warner Pictures invested 3 million, and the film was also distributed by Warner Pictures.

Chris Liu and Shu Chang calculated that he could earn 30 to 40 million US dollars from this film project, with a 6-8 times return ratio, which is equivalent to 200 to 300 million Chinese yuan.

Chris Liu praised him repeatedly, saying that he could earn 200 to 300 million from a film, and asked him how he could be so amazing.

Link said it was nothing, he had fought five boxing matches this year and earned 170 million US dollars, which was more than 1 billion Chinese yuan.

Chris Liu and Shu Chang were shocked, others made 100 to 110,000, but he directly used 100 million as the unit.

While chatting, Wallace called and said that there were unidentified people around them following them, suspected to be paparazzi, and suggested that he get in the car first.

Link told Chris Liu and Shu Chang about this and asked for their opinions.

Chris Liu nodded and agreed, and Shu Chang hesitated for a moment and got in the car.

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