Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 346 Hotel Night Chat (Part 1)

After getting in the car, Link looked at his watch. It was past nine o'clock, and it was time for him to rest. He asked where the two lived and asked the driver to take them back and talk tomorrow.

Chris Liu said that she lived in the Five Seasons Hotel on Fuhua 3rd Road, not far from here, and asked him which hotel he lived in.

Link said that he lived in the Sheraton Hotel in the central area, which is also a five-star hotel.

Chris Liu said that they had not talked enough, and asked him if he wanted to go to the hotel where they lived, eat snacks, drink and chat together.

Link said yes, and looked at Shu Chang and asked her if it was convenient.

Shu Chang was stunned for a moment, and immediately nodded and said it was convenient.

Link told the driver to drive to the Five Seasons Hotel. Chris Liu also reminded him not to forget to buy snacks and beer, and Link agreed.

Shu Chang looked at Chris Liu next to him and was very speechless.

Originally, Link said that he would take them back, and today's matter would be over, but Feifei insisted on making trouble and invited a man to the hotel room to drink. Didn't she understand the meaning of inviting boys to the hotel at night?

Well, Feifei is simple and may not know what's going on, but when she thought about living in the same room with a grown man like Link at night, her heartbeat quickened.

"Sing, what do you want to eat? Hey, your face is so red, is it hot?"

Chris Liu touched her smooth and fair cheek with the back of her hand.

"A little bit."

Shu Chang took her hand away and said to eat something casually. Seeing that Link asked his assistant to get off the car to buy snacks, Shu Chang took out his mobile phone and typed a few words to Chris Liu.

"What are you going to do? How can you invite Link to the hotel at night?"

Chris Liu blinked, took the phone and typed a few words.

"Lin Ke and I haven't seen each other for two years. Is there anything wrong with inviting him to the hotel to chat?"

"He is a big strong man, and we are two little girls. Do you think it's normal for us to stay together at night?"

"Why is it abnormal? Are you worried that Link will bully us? You think too much. Link is not that kind of person at all."

"How do you know? I heard that foreigners are very open in this regard, not to mention that Link is a playboy. What if he touches us?"

"Shang Chang, do you think too badly of people? I don't know about others, but I can guarantee that Link is not that kind of person."

Shu Chang thought about it for a while, thinking that Feifei and Link are old acquaintances and old friends, and they should know him very well. Since Feifei dared to say that, she believed her once. She continued to type on her mobile phone, which said 'No drinking'.


Chris Liu replied, hugged her waist, and kissed her red face.

Shu Chang pushed her away with disgust, and the car got back on the road.

Link and Chris Liu continued to talk about movies and music, and invited Chris Liu to develop in the United States.

Shu Chang listened to a few words, took out his mobile phone and searched Link. He just heard Link say that the movie "Scandal Plan" he invested in made 200 million, and he was curious whether he was bragging.

After searching, he found that he was not bragging. "Scandal Plan" was released in North America for the fourth week, and it received a box office of 6.74 million US dollars. The North American box office accumulated 57.22 million US dollars. It was called the biggest dark horse in the North American summer season this year.

And Palm Beach Pictures, one of the producers of "Scandal Plan", was invested by Link. According to this calculation, he can really make 200 million from a movie.

Shu Chang searched for news about Link's boxing matches by the way and found that it was true.

The first match with the famous boxing champion Roy Jones Jr. earned 48 million US dollars, and the next four world boxing champion defense matches earned nearly 120 million. The five matches took less than half an hour in total, but earned 170 million US dollars. The media called it a money printing machine in the boxing world.

Seeing this, Shu Chang subconsciously covered her red lips. It was too exaggerated.

"Business Weekly" also said that Link had made a lot of investments in the past two years, including new energy vehicles, the Internet, music, and movies. At the beginning of the year, his net worth was 320 million, and now his net worth has doubled. It is estimated to be more than 800 million US dollars, which is equivalent to 500 million or 600 million Chinese yuan.

Shu Chang blinked in disbelief. Link is only 21 years old this year, but his net worth is as high as more than 5 billion. According to the ranking of this year's domestic rich list, he can also be ranked in the top 200.

And Link is very different from the rich people she has met.

Many rich people in China are worth tens of millions, just like emperors, with no boundaries.

Link is worth billions, but he accompanies the two little girls to stroll on the street, holding drinks and snacks for them, without any airs.

Shu Chang thought about how she just took the snacks from Link casually without a thank you, and her face was flushed.

She couldn't help but secretly glance at Link, and saw his fair and handsome face under the light, deep and bright blue eyes, high nose bridge, and when he was talking to Feifei, he always had a sunny and clean smile on his face. He really didn't look like a bad guy.

While watching, Link also glanced at her, and Shu Chang immediately blushed and lowered her head, playing with her mobile phone.

"Is Jennifer also an actress?"

Link asked in a clean and magnetic voice.

Without waiting for her to answer, Chris Liu put her shoulder and smiled: "Yes, we are the same age. Jennifer has filmed more than ten TV series and is also a big star in China."

"It can be seen that both of you are very beautiful."

Link looked at the two girls who looked like sisters, one was a lady from a big family, and the other was a beautiful girl from a small family, each with their own beauty.

"Link, do you really think we are beautiful? It is said on the Internet that Europeans and Americans like Asian women with high corners of eyes and high cheekbones, and our corners of eyes are not high at all."

Kris Liu pointed at the beautiful red phoenix eyes with her slender index finger.

"I don't know what they think, but I think you two are both beauties."

"Haha, Link, Jennifer doesn't have a boyfriend yet. Do you want to date her? I can help you."

Chris Liu hugged Shu Chang and smiled.

Shu Chang blushed and lowered his head, pinched her slender waist with his hand, and asked her not to talk nonsense.

"Sing, don't be shy. Link is a foreigner. Chat with him casually without any psychological burden. He doesn't care about this."

Chris Liu advised.

Shu Chang couldn't help but feel her face heat up after hearing this. She never thought about dating a handsome foreign man like Link.

And what Feifei said is right. Compared with those women in Europe and America, she is not that attractive in appearance and figure. People like Link who have had many foreign girlfriends may not be interested in her, which makes her in She always lacks confidence when facing Link, and even feels a little envious of Feifei's nonchalant attitude.

"Chris, you said Jennifer doesn't have a boyfriend, do you?"

Link looked at the girl with red cheeks, then looked at the peach-cheeked angel and asked.

"No, I want to fall in love, but my mother won't let me. In her eyes, there are no good men in the entertainment industry, and I don't know many boys outside the industry. How can I date them? I feel like my mother is so in charge If you stick to me, sooner or later I will become an old girl that no one wants."

Chris Liu said cutely with a wrinkled face.

"Then what kind of boyfriend do you want?"

Chris Liu looked at his face, and a smile quietly rose on the corner of her lips.

"Like me?"

"No, you are too good. Being your girlfriend will definitely be very stressful. I worry all day long that you will be snatched away by other women. That would be too uncomfortable. I hope to find someone who is a little worse than you. As good-looking as you are, but It’s okay if I’m not as powerful as you.”

Chris Liu pointed her finger at his face and smiled.

"Is that so? I didn't expect that being too good would make me lose my appeal."

Link smiled softly, and after hearing Chris Liu's words, he couldn't help but think of Taylor again.

When Taylor wanted to leave him, she also said that being around him was too stressful, saying that he was like a towering tree, which affected her growth.

After leaving him, Taylor also turned into a tree and began to fight with him in the ring. From Taylor's point of view, leaving decisively and stopping the loss in time was indeed a good choice.

However, compared with strong women like Taylor, Chris Liu and Jennifer Shue are just small flowers and ivy that will grow better if they are attached to a big tree.

The car arrived at the Five Seasons Hotel on Fuhua Avenue. Link asked Chris Liu's room number and asked Wallace and several bodyguards to book two rooms on the same floor to rest. If he wanted to leave, he would inform them. Get off the car with two bags of snacks and beer.

Shu Chang saw him carrying the bag, so he reached out to take one and followed Link carefully.

The room they booked was on the 16th floor, a neither high nor low floor.

The interior decoration of Five Seasons Hotel is relatively luxurious. Like Hilton Hotel, it is also a global luxury hotel chain group. It is headquartered in Toronto, Canada. Bill Gates and Prince Alwaleed of Saudi Arabia are both major shareholders. There are currently eight hotels in China. hotel.

While the three of them were waiting for the elevator, Chris Liu's cell phone rang. It was a call from her mother, asking where she was and if she was sleeping.

Chris Liu reluctantly said she was asleep and was lying on the bed. Just as she was about to fall asleep, she was woken up by the ringing of the phone.


The elevator has arrived.

Mother Liu immediately recognized the sound of the elevator, snorted coldly, and asked her why there was an elevator sound in bed? Ask her where she is going at night?

Chris Liu said helplessly that after watching the concert, she and Shu Chang went out to eat snacks and had just returned to the hotel.

Liu's mother asked Shu Chang if she was around and asked her to answer the phone.

Chris Liu rolled her eyes cutely, handed the phone to Shu Chang, took the bag from Shu Chang's hand, bumped Link's shoulder, and asked him, 'Do you think my mother is annoying? ’

Link shook his head and said 'your mother must love you very much'.

Chris Liu made a "weird" expression.

After Shu Chang answered the phone over there, Liu's mother asked her if Feifei had gone to see Link after watching the concert in the evening.

Shu Chang said he was going.

Mother Liu asked them what they had done and whether they got along in private?

Shu Chang glanced at Chris Liu and said no, she was always there.

Mother Liu wanted to ask more questions. Chris Liu grabbed the phone and said into the receiver, 'Mom, are you bothered? I just met with Link and came back. Why are you asking so many questions? If you are worried, then fly over here, Chang Chang is not your supervisor’.

Mother Liu scolded her like a bastard girl on the phone and asked her to come back quickly tomorrow, and if she came back later, she would break her legs.

Chris Liu said "I got it" and hung up the phone. She also turned off her phone and asked Shu Chang to turn off her phone so as not to be disturbed while drinking.

There was an episode when the three of them were waiting for the elevator. A carefree young man came over with a woman in his arms. He looked at Link, who was wearing a peaked cap, and then at the two people next to him who were wearing masks and had a good figure and temperament. beauty.

I quietly gave him a thumbs up and said, ‘Dude, you’re awesome! ’

Link glanced at each other, and the young man was stunned for a moment. When Link and the other three entered the elevator, they heard the man behind him curse, Damn, he's a gringo!

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