Chapter 349 Worried fans (8/10)

"Yu-Lu Youyue" is one of the most famous interview programs in China, with a viewership rate of about 0.08% for each episode.

After the show in which Link and Chris Liu participated was broadcast, the viewership rate hit a new high of 0.35%, ranking first in the same period, and Link's fame in China also rose.

In the past, Chinese audiences knew about Link, but their cognition was scattered.

People who like to listen to English songs think he is a singer, those who like boxing think he is just a boxing champion, those who have seen his movies think he is a movie star, and many more people still know him as they did two years ago, thinking he is an Olympic champion.

After this show, everyone knew that he was a man who combined the world boxing champion, music king, and movie star in one, a billionaire who was only 21 years old.

At the same time, many of Chris Liu's male fans expressed their concerns about Link's appearance. Link is too handsome, handsome, rich and talented, and his lethality to women is almost 100%.

Will Chris Liu be harmed by him if she makes friends with such a person?

When the male fans thought about the fairy sister being harmed by a foreigner, they felt more and more uncomfortable. They flocked to Chris Liu's Weibo to leave messages, hoping that she would calm down and not fall in love with a foreigner. It would be best if they were just ordinary friends.

But soon a group of people's messages tore their fantasies apart.

Most of these people are European and American students. They told domestic netizens not to be fooled by Link's words on the show. Although the European and American media reported Link's scandals inaccurately, Link is really a scumbag and has had scandals with many female stars.

Including British top actress Emma Watson, French Rose Marion Cotillard, Victoria's Secret supermodel Doutzen Kroes, gold digger Amber Heard, Hollywood new actress Jennifer Lawrence, Hollywood beauty actress Alexandra Daddario.

The above six are confirmed rumored girlfriends.

There are more than a dozen actresses suspected of having an affair with him, including Kristen Stewart, Emma Roberts, Emma Stone, Katy Perry, Keira Knightley, Gal Gadot, Adele, Lady Gaga, etc.

The group of international students not only listed the names of several female stars, but also posted their beautiful pictures online.

Domestic netizens saw the beautiful pictures of Emma, ​​Marion, Doutzen, Amber, Jennifer, Daddario, Kristen and others.

They were drooling.

This is too beautiful. Although the fairy sister is also beautiful, she is not much more beautiful than them.

Since these women have been conquered by Link, how long will Chris Liu be conquered?

Male fans feel very disappointed.

But some netizens also defended Link.

They claimed that European and American media like to report negative news about celebrities. The more famous the celebrity is, the more negative news there is. For example, MJ and Madonna were once the ceiling of the European and American music scene. The former was described as a child and the latter was humiliated as a slut.

Link is so famous now that European and American media will definitely not let him go. He is too good and has almost no shortcomings. The media can't find a breakthrough, so they slander him as a scumbag.

In fact, Link is a very good man.

International student netizens refuted that in Europe and the United States, "Link is a scumbag" is almost a consensus, but because he is very strong and talented, no one cares about his private life.

Chris Liu has been dating him for more than two years, and the probability of not being a scumbag is basically zero.

Male fans continue to feel very disappointed. The fairy sister seems to be dirty. Should we continue to like her?

When everyone was struggling, some netizens posted the schedule of the two people's activities. In the past two years, Link has been developing in Europe and the United States and has never been to China. Chris Liu has been in China. The two have almost no communication and it is impossible for them to have any relationship beyond friendship.

The male fans thought about it and it was indeed the case, and their hearts warmed up a little.

But then someone broke the news that they had met Link at the Five Seasons Hotel in Shenchuan four or five days ago. At that time, there were two girls with him, one of whom seemed to be Chris Liu. The time was more than nine o'clock in the evening. He and his girlfriend could testify.

The male fans' hearts clicked, not only cold but also a little painful.

But someone refuted that there were no photos or videos, and a word "seemed" slandered a girl's innocence. Only a fool would believe it. In addition, when Link held a concert in Shenchuan, he stayed in the Sheraton, not the Five Seasons Hotel.

The male fans were hot and cold because of these news, and their hearts were very uncomfortable.

Due to the limited information on the Internet and the low credibility of the news, they didn't know who to believe, and didn't know whether the fairy sister was cheated?

For safety reasons, some fans posted the slogan "Protect the Fairy Sister" on the forum. This slogan was almost universally responded to, and more than 300,000 people liked it in one day.

"Ha, these fans are pretty cute."

Onlooker Chris Liu lay on the sofa, hooking her white and tender calves, happily reading the comments on the computer, and also liked the post "Protect the Fairy Sister".


Just when she was having fun, her butt was slapped.

Chris Liu turned around in surprise and saw her mother staring at her with a gloomy face.

"Mom, what's wrong again? Can you not have a gloomy face every day? It's scary."

Chris Liu rubbed her butt and said dissatisfiedly.

"Liu! Yi! Fei! Tell me honestly, what did you and Shu Chang do after watching the concert last Wednesday night? I know everything, don't try to hide it from me."

"No, nothing!"

"You still dare to quibble and see what this is?"

Liu Li took out her mobile phone and pointed to a piece of news posted by a netizen, saying that she had met Link by chance at the Five Seasons Hotel, and there were two girls with him.

Others may not believe it when they see this news, but Liu Li cannot but believe it.

Because Feifei and Shu Chang happened to live in Wuji that day, they had agreed to let Feifei attend Link's concert. They had also thought that the two would chat in private, but they didn't expect that Feifei would be so courageous and dare to expose a person at night. When the foreign boy is brought back to the hotel, he is still a playboy.

What is the difference between this and luring a wolf into the house?


When Chris Liu saw that message, her face turned red unnaturally. She was very happy to see Link that day. Later, she went shopping for snacks and drank some wine. She became even more excited. When she was excited, she invited Link to the hotel to continue. Drink and chat.

Thinking about it afterwards, she couldn't help but blush. She was too bold that day.

Seeing her daughter's face, Liu Li understood everything instantly. Feifei really brought Link back to the hotel that night. When she thought of her well-behaved and sensible daughter bringing a man back to the hotel at night, she suddenly felt like she had lost control.

"Tell me! Who suggested taking Link back to the hotel, whether it was Link or Sing, and what happened that night, I want you to tell the truth."

Liu Li said while holding back her anger.

"Mom, don't be so nervous. Nothing happened that night."

Chris Liu combed her hair, sat up and talked about what happened that night, from backstage to shopping, to when she took the initiative to invite Link to the hotel, chatted in the hotel, and then fell asleep.

"Sleeping? How did you sleep?"

"How else can I sleep? The room Changing Chang and I booked has two beds. Changing Chang and I sleep on one, and Link sleeps on the other."


Liu Li looked at her in disbelief, "You three sleep in the same room at night?"

"Yeah, what's the point? Actually, I don't know. I was drunk that day, and I sang that Link carried me to the bed in a princess hug, very, very gently."

"Are you still drunk?"

Liu Li covered her forehead. Today's conversation was a bit beyond her understanding. Her daughter, who had always been well-behaved and sensible, not only brought the man back to the hotel, but also slept in the same room and drank without knowing who was going on.

This was no defense against Link.

When did my daughter become a silly girl?

"Then did he bully you? Did you feel any physical discomfort when you woke up the next day?"

"Of course not, Mom, you think too bad of me. She said that after I got drunk, Link was about to leave. Seeing that it was getting very late, she persuaded him to stay and gave him the other bed. , then Chang Chang and I slept together, and Link slept in another bed, and nothing happened in the middle.”

"Are you sure? Have you checked carefully?"

"Mom! I'm a girl. How can I not know if I'm being bullied?"

Chris Liu blushed and pushed her hand away.

Liu Li looked at her cheeks and eyebrows, and there was indeed no change.

"Does that mean Link slept with you guys at night and did nothing?"

Liu Li was a little surprised. Link, a playboy, would let go of the meat on his lips?

"Mom, I have told you that Link is a very good boy. He would never bully a girl. Also, look at his ex-girlfriend, his current girlfriend, and several rumored girlfriends. You Do you think he will be short of women?”

Chris Liu pointed to several pictures of beautiful women on the computer.

The first photo is of Taylor singing and dancing on the stage, and the fans in the audience cheer loudly. The aura is super strong.

The second picture is of the great beauty Evaka. Her figure, appearance, temperament, background, and knowledge are all top-notch.

And his rumored girlfriends are all beautiful and sexy beauties.

When Liu Li saw those photos, she also felt that Lin Keyan was very lucky. Maybe he was really not interested in Chinese girls. But when she saw her daughter's depressed look, she couldn't bear it and comforted:

"We, Feifei, are also beautiful women in the eyes of foreigners. Otherwise, Link wouldn't be friends with you and invite you to his concert. You must know that men are visual animals."


Chris Liu blinked and asked happily.

"Cooked! The costumes are here. Come out and try them on to see what needs to be changed."

Liu Li patted her and walked out.


Chris Liu put on her slippers and went out to try on the concert costume. It was made according to her body proportions and the size was perfect. No changes were needed.

After the fitting, Chris Liu remembered something. She called Shu Chang and asked her if her injury was healed. Shu Chang was taking a shower that night and accidentally fell to the ground, hitting her knee and hip bone. She was in the hotel. Rested for two days.

Chris Liu asked if she could go to the concert.

Shu Chang said it was much better and he could go tomorrow.

Chris Liu said yes, see you at the concert.

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