On August 16, at the Dahai City Stadium, Link's global tour concert in Shanghai.

Although there have been many news reports on the Internet recently about Link being a scumbag, which has brought some negative impact on his reputation, his concert was still crowded that day, with more than 83,000 people in the audience seats, and even thousands of people outside the stadium to watch the concert.

Because there were too many people, the organizer had to arrange more than 500 security personnel to maintain order on the scene, and more than ten ambulances and fire trucks were on standby at the east gate of the stadium, ready to be dispatched immediately in case of any unexpected situation.

At the beginning of the concert that day, Link led the performance team to the stage and first sang five popular English songs, "Never say never", "Unstoppable", "Trouble I'm In", "Keep On Movin'", and "This Is Me".

Singing and dancing, singing and dancing, brought the atmosphere to a higher level.

Every time he opened his mouth to sing, the audience would shout "Link! Link! Link!" ’

Especially the female audience, every time Link walked to the edge of the stage, they would stretch out their arms and scream loudly. Once, Link bent down to shake hands with them and was almost pulled off the stage by several enthusiastic female fans.

“This is too handsome. I would have become a singer if I had known.”

In the middle audience area, Lin Genxin held a glow stick and looked at the guy on the stage who was wearing gorgeous performance clothes and singing passionately.

When I saw his photo two days ago, I just thought he was very handsome, a little more handsome than myself, but now sitting in the audience and watching him, I feel that this guy is so handsome that there is no limit.

At this time, he is like a huge magnet. No matter where he goes, it will cause a strong reaction. The audience will boil, stretch out their arms towards him, and scream continuously.

And when he waves, more than 80,000 people at the scene will follow him to wave the glow sticks in their hands. When more than 80,000 people wave glow sticks together, the scene is like the glittering sea, with waves, magnificent and shocking.

In the past, Lin Genxin thought being an actor was great, as he could make money and be liked by many fans. But after seeing Lin Ke's concert, he suddenly felt that compared with singers, actors' influence on fans was far less than that of singers.

"Da Lin, what did you say?"

Zhou Fang, his roommate sitting next to him, turned around and asked.


"Oh, Lin Ke is so handsome! Look, Lin Ke is coming, Lin Ke! Here!!"

Zhou Fang waved his hands and shouted excitedly.

"Lower your voice! Don't forget that you are also a man."

Lin Genxin looked at him awkwardly. This guy was shouting like the girls around him. His voice became high-pitched and sharp, and his face flushed with excitement, which made people's scalps numb.

"What's wrong with being a man? Can't men chase stars?"

"Your goddess Liu Yifei may have been slept with by him."

Lin Genxin added.

Zhou Fang put down the light stick and glared at him unhappily, "So what? Sooner or later, the goddess will be slept with by someone else. It's better to be slept with by Link than by those little bastards."

".Okay, as long as you don't mind."

Lin Genxin shrugged his shoulders.

"Look! Those are two seniors from the 2006 class, and several juniors from the 2008 and 2009 classes. They are dancing with Link."

Roommate Pu Bajia pointed at several girls dancing on the stage and shouted.

Lin Genxin took a look and found that they were indeed classmates from the school, including Ma Danni, Lan Xinyan, and Lou Yixiao. They walked and danced beside Link, but compared with those dancers from the United States, their performances were a little immature.

After Link sang "This Is Me" on the stage, he waved his arms to the audience, took the stage elevator, and temporarily left the stage. Local singers such as Zhang Liangying and Jin Sha, who were arranged by the organizer, sang two songs on the stage.

However, the two were new singers, and it was their first time to perform in front of more than 80,000 people. They were a little nervous, and their control of the stage was not as good as Link's, and the lively atmosphere on the scene slightly decreased.

After the two left the stage, a dazzling burst of fireworks suddenly appeared on the stage, and then a pleasant piano sound came from the white mist, which was the prelude to "all of me".

When the white mist dispersed, Link was seen sitting in front of the piano in a sexy suit, playing with ten fingers on both hands, looking very handsome.

When the audience saw Link appear again, they shouted excitedly, but as Link's sexy singing came from the speakers, the audience consciously quieted down and listened to his songs quietly.

What would I do without your smart mouth

What would I do without your sweet words

Drawing me in,and you kicking me out

You are sometimes passionate and sometimes cold

Got my head spinning,no kidding,I can't pin you down

You make me crazy and unable to catch

"Lin Ke is so handsome!"

Tang Yan, an actress from Dahai City, sat in the front row of the audience, staring at the man on the stage. Seeing his handsome profile and upright posture, playing and singing by himself in front of the piano, she felt that this man was too charming.

Not only is he good-looking, he also has a very attractive temperament that makes people unable to take their eyes away after taking a look.

"I heard that he is worth 7.8 billion U.S. dollars. If converted into 5.6 billion Chinese dollars, he is a real rich man."

The actress next door, Yang Dami, also looked at Link without blinking, as if looking at a glittering golden mountain.

"How did he do it? I heard that he used to be poor, but he earned 7.8 billion US dollars in two or three years. It's amazing."

Actress Zhao Liying also looked at Link, with admiration on Xiao Yuan's face.

"I know that Link is also a very powerful boxer. He earns 40 to 50 million U.S. dollars from a boxing match. He played five games in the first half of this year and earned 170 million U.S. dollars. The American media calls him a humanoid money printing machine. "

Actor Li Chen clenched his fists and the muscles on his shoulders bulged. Although he was a rich second generation, he was very envious of Link's earning power.

"Earn 170 million in half a year? Or in US dollars?"

Several people around who didn't know the news covered their mouths in surprise, some couldn't believe it, and repeatedly asked Li Chen if it was true, could it be a rumor?

Li Chen used his mobile phone to search out the news on the spot and showed it to everyone. After reading it, when everyone looked at Link again, they felt like he was covered in golden light.

"Link doesn't just make money from boxing, he also has a music company with several top-tier singers under him, with a market value of 4 to 5 billion US dollars. Also, do you know how much his appearance fee is for each performance of this world tour? Each performance At least 1 million US dollars, and 30% of the ticket revenue. Since last year, he has played more than 100 shows, earning a conservative income of 200 million US dollars. "

Another well-informed industry insider broke the news.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and numb. This guy is not only handsome, talented, super strong, and can make money super fast.

If you could marry such a man and have fame, wealth, and status, you would probably wake up from your dream with a smile.

When the female stars in the audience looked at Link again, their eyes became even hotter, with admiration and ambiguity in their eyes, and some even showed greedy eyes.

On the stage, Link finished singing "All Of Me", and there were waves of applause and cheers, which lasted for more than a minute. Link sat in front of the piano, waved to the audience, and spoke into the microphone. explain:

"It's an honor to perform in Dahai City, and I'm also happy to see so many lovely fans here. Thank you for your applause and cheers. Next, I will bring you a new song, "When you are old", It is sung by me and my friend Ms. Liu Yifei. I hope everyone likes it!”

Bang bang bang!

There was a burst of warm applause from the audience.

"Mom, what should I do if I'm a little nervous?"

Standing in the elevator, Liu Yifei held her chest and took deep breaths, her cheeks turning pink.

"Are you nervous at this time?"

Liu Li looked at her helplessly. It was about to go on stage. There were more than 80,000 people sitting outside. Stage fright at this time was a major stage accident.

"Feifei, don't be afraid. Link is on the stage. He is so powerful and will definitely take care of you."

Shu Chang encouraged.

Liu Yifei blinked her beautiful red eyes, thinking that she would see Link after taking the stage. She gradually calmed down, took a few deep breaths, and sat on the elevator to slowly rise.

After a brief period of darkness, when she opened her eyes again, she found herself on a brightly lit stage, with the big screen behind her flashing brightly.

In the vast audience area under the stage, the dense crowds and dense glow sticks are like countless fireflies in summer, and more like the stars in the sky.

Liu Yifei stared blankly at the stage, so nervous that she stopped breathing.

She is an actress and has released three albums, but she has never performed in front of so many people. When a person faces 10,000 people, any small problem will be magnified 10,000 times. If there are more than 80,000 people, it will be More than 80,000 times, do you really want to sing here?

When she heard the prompts in her ears, she felt even more nervous. This place was completely different from the rehearsal.

"Oops! Something is going to happen to Yifei."

Backstage, Liu Li saw her standing on the stage like a stake and wanted to go up and kick her in the butt.

"Hey Chrissy, are you ready? I'm going to get started."

Link laughed.

Liu Yifei looked at him, reacted quickly, followed the rehearsal steps, waved to the audience, and said, "I am Liu Yifei, and I am honored to work with Link here."

Although it was two seconds late, it was not a big problem.

"Yifei! Yifei!"

"Sister Fairy! I love you!"

Her fans in the audience cheered loudly and applauded her when they saw her appearance.

Liu Yifei waved her fair arms, held up her skirt and walked to the piano to stand. She stopped looking at the audience and looked directly at Link. Seeing the indifferent smile on his face, she admired him very much. He was a It's amazing that a person can still perform so brilliantly in front of tens of thousands of people.

Link also looked at her, smiled softly, played the piano with both hands, and sang "When you are old" in English first.

When you are old and gray and full of sleep

And nodding by the fire, take down this book

And slowly read, and dream of the soft look

Liu Yifei sang the second time. She heard Link singing it again at the piano. She couldn't help but think of the scene when the two were recording songs in the recording studio. Her heart gradually calmed down. She picked up the microphone and sang softly:

When you get old and can't walk anymore

Napping by the fire reminiscing about youth

How many people have loved you when you were young and singing happily?

Admire your beautiful pretense or sincerity

There is only one person who still loves your pious soul

Liu Yifei's singing skills are average, but her voice is sweet and shy. In addition, she is very beautiful. She wears a lily-style dress, revealing her white and tight shoulders. Her long black hair is also gathered on the top of her head. She has a fair and slender swan neck and a beautiful figure. Her appearance and temperament made her look more beautiful, and her singing seemed to sound better.

Hearing her singing, the male audience members shouted excitedly, no less loudly than the female audience members cheering for Link before.

"Hey, this song is pretty good."

In the front row audience area, actor and singer Zhou Xun listened to it again and said with some surprise that when he listened to Link's English version before, he felt it was a bit average. After listening to Liu Yifei's Chinese version, he found that the song was unexpectedly good. Not only was the song good, The lyrics are great too.

"It's very nice. Who wrote this song? How can a foreigner sing it?"

Actor Chen Kun crossed his legs and nodded.

"Listen, my colleagues at Universal Music said that the music was written by Link, and the lyrics were adapted from the poem of the same name by Irish singer Yeats. The Chinese lyrics were adapted by Link by asking domestic musicians."

Gold medal music producer Zhou Yadong stammered.

"Link can even write Chinese songs. It's amazing. He's much better than many domestic singers. Domestic singers only drink and brag all day long, but they can't write a song that you can listen to all year round."

Zhou Xun and Dou Ying clapped their hands and praised.

Zhou Yadong, Pu Shu, and Dou Peng, several domestic male singers nearby, couldn't help but blush when they heard her words, but they couldn't refute it. Link's song "When You Get Old" is very hit in terms of music and lyrics. It seems that none of the popular saliva songs in China this year can compare with it.

After Liu Yifei finished singing on the stage, Link left the piano again, took the microphone, and took Liu Yifei's hand to the middle of the stage. This time Liu Yifei sang the English version, and Link sang the Chinese version.

When you get old and your hair turns gray


When you get old and can't walk anymore

Napping by the fire reminiscing about youth

How many people have loved you when you were young and singing happily?


"sounds amazing!"

When the fans heard Link singing in Chinese, they couldn't help but applaud excitedly. After watching "Date with Yulu" before, everyone knew that Link knew a little bit of Chinese, but they didn't expect that he could sing in Chinese and it sounded so good. .

Although he has some problems with pronunciation and pronunciation, his singing ability is obviously much better than Liu Yifei's. His voice is deep and magnetic, full of emotions and sincere, very contagious, and he sings Chinese songs better than many male singers in China.

"Yadong, I understand why Link is famous. He is not only talented, but also very dedicated. I heard that he held a concert in Thailand and sang a song in Thai. When he held a concert on Hong Kong Island, he used Singing "Glory Days" in Cantonese, holding a concert in China, and personally composing and singing a Chinese song, this means that before holding a concert, he needs to learn various languages ​​​​in advance and study songs from various places carefully. If it is you, can you Can it be done?”

Zhou Xun turned to look at the singers and asked.

Several male singers tilted their heads in embarrassment and did not look at her. It would be too difficult to follow Link's example and learn a new language every time they go to a concert. If they had this kind of learning talent, they would still It is better to go back to school and become a scientist.

"This is the gap! You sigh every day and act like you are underappreciated. It seems that others owe you. In fact, it is your own problem. You don't work hard enough, don't love music enough, and don't love fans enough. You deserve to be left alone."

"Brother Xun, stop talking and save some face for these grown men."

Dou Ying persuaded from the side.

Zhou Xun glanced at a few men with flushed faces and sweat on their foreheads, and suddenly felt so good. She saw Link and Liu Yifei walking over, and imitated the audience around them, shouting "Link, I love you."

Link was singing on the stage, and when he saw a few familiar faces in the audience, he smiled softly and waved to them.

After singing "When You Get Old" on stage, Link waved and took Chris Liu's hand to leave the stage.

The scene erupted into a burst of warm applause, which lasted for more than two minutes and did not end.

Backstage, Liu Li saw Liu Yifei getting off the stage smoothly, and her tight body suddenly relaxed. Only then did she realize that she was covered in sweat and even her skirt was a little wet.

"Aunt Xiaoli, it's hot, please wipe off your sweat."

Shu Chang handed over a wet wipe.

Liu Li said thank you, took the wet wipe and dipped it on her forehead. On the backstage monitor, she saw Link and Liu Yifei coming off the stage. They hugged each other in the elevator before they separated. They were very intimate. She held the wet wipe and looked at Shu. Sing asked:

"Sing, sing, Feifei said you three would sleep in the same room that night?"

Suddenly hearing this question, Shu Chang was stunned for a moment, then lowered his face and his cheeks turned red.

Even though several days had passed, she still couldn't help but tremble and feel hot every time she thought about her experience that night.

My mind also became dizzy, and I seemed to smell his good smell again in my nose, and the sound of his hot breathing could be heard in my ears.

"Sing, sing, what's wrong with you?"

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