Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 351 Super Hardcore Singer

Seeing her face flushed and even her neck was red, Liu Li comforted her softly, "It's okay, Feifei told me about this, you don't have to be shy, and no one else knows."

"That day we talked until very late, and there was still thunder in the sky. It was not safe to go out, so I took the initiative to let Link sleep in the bed next to me."

Shu Chang said with his head down.

"Just like that? Didn't anything else happen at night?"


Shu Chang shook his head slightly, lowered his head and blinked, and the dim room flashed in front of him again.

There were two beds. On the big bed by the window, a girl with delicate features was dreaming sweetly, like a sleeping princess.

On the other side of the bed, under the thin blanket.

A petite figure was held in the arms of a strong and muscular figure.

Biting a ball of silk skirt.

The blanket was undulating.

Thinking of this, Shu Chang couldn't help but clamp his knees.

Dare not to recall again.

In fact, there is not much to recall.

Thunder suddenly broke out outside the window that night.

Her body trembled, as if she was hit by Link, and then her whole body turned into a cracked egg and turned into a pool of liquid.

There was no memory in her mind.

It was almost dawn when she woke up.

She lost consciousness from the waist down, and her whole body was sore and numb.

She applied the green ointment sent by Link and lay down for two days before gradually recovering.

Although there was nothing to recall, she would spend her whole life savoring the experience of that night.

"Mom, I'm back!"

"Sing, how was my performance just now?"

Chris Liu lifted her skirt and floated into the lounge, with a smile on her delicate face.

"Fei Fei, you performed very well."

Shu Chang stood up and pulled her and smiled.

"Haha, I think it's good too."

Chris Liu sat down and talked excitedly about the feeling of going on stage. She said that when she first went on stage, she suddenly saw that the audience was densely packed with people. She was numb all over, her mind was blank, and she didn't know who she was, where she was, and what she was doing?

Fortunately, Link reminded her and she slowly recovered and followed the rehearsal process. However, she was still very nervous to sing in front of more than 80,000 people. She couldn't even open her throat. Fortunately, Link accompanied her, otherwise she would have made a fool of herself.

"But I'm much braver now. Now if you ask me to sing at a concert with 10,000 or 20,000 people, I won't even take a breath. I feel like I can also hold a concert as a singer."

Chris Liu waved her slender arms and said confidently.

Liu Li rolled her eyes at her. This is called being carried away by success. However, Feifei's psychological quality will indeed be greatly improved after experiencing this big occasion. In addition, Feifei's fame will also be greatly improved. It will not be as easy as before for those people to ban Feifei.

Link really helped Feifei a lot in this matter.


"What's wrong?"

Liu Li looked at Feifei who was playing with her mobile phone and asked.

Liu Yifei handed the phone to Liu Li and Shu Chang to take a look. There were many unread messages on the phone, all from people in the circle, including Yang Daming, Huang Shengyi, and Wang Luodan, who were also the four little beauties, as well as actresses with whom she had connections, such as Tang Yan, Liu Shishi, Zhao Liying, Gao Yuanyuan, Liu Tao, Dong Jie, Li Binbin, and Fan Bing, as well as many male stars in the circle.

Some of these people sent messages to congratulate her on her successful performance, and some asked about her relationship with Link and whether she could help introduce Link. They claimed to be fans of Link and wanted to meet him.

"Mom, how should I reply to them? Link said that he would not accept private banquets or attend gatherings of strangers during the tour."

Chris Liu asked.

"Huh, don't care about them."

Liu Li said with a cold face.

Now seeing Feifei appear at Link's concert, everything is different.

Link is the king of the European and American music scene and a world-class superstar. It is said that a singer took out one million and wanted to be a guest at Link's concert, but was rejected by Link.

But Link invited Feifei, an amateur singer, to the stage. Feifei was also the only singer in China who was personally invited by Link, except for the Beyond band.

This shows that the relationship between the two is indeed very good, and they are not just ordinary friends as rumored outside.

In addition, Link is worth 500 million or 600 million Chinese yuan, which is higher than many tycoons in the entertainment industry. He also has film and music companies.

With Link as a friend, everyone in the circle knows that Feifei is not far from returning to the entertainment industry, so they took the initiative to send messages to make friends with her, and some people also wanted to get to know the rich man Link through Feifei.

Liu Li knew exactly what these people were thinking.

"Mom, is it appropriate to pretend that you didn't see it? We are all friends."

Chris Liu said.

Liu Li rolled her eyes at her and asked her to reply to the congratulatory text messages. It was inconvenient to explain other situations involving Link.

As she spoke, Liu Li's own mobile phone kept vibrating. She took it out and saw that many old acquaintances who had not contacted for a long time also sent messages, wanting to get to know Link through her.

Even Shu Chang received the message.

The three of them looked at each other and laughed softly.

"Don't worry about it, watch Link's concert first. Watching the concert is the most important thing at this time."

Chris Liu threw down her phone and shouted willfully.

Liu Li and Shu Chang also followed her advice and looked at Link on the stage. Link was wearing a microphone and carrying a guitar in the middle of the stage, singing the rock song "Give Me Reason". There was also a rock band on the stage playing accompaniment, and the rhythm of the music was very intense and high-pitched.

So give me reason to prove me wrong

To wash this memory clean

Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes

Give me reason to fill this hole

When Link, with his guitar, sang this song with all his might and with the accompaniment of the band, the passion of the audience was ignited again. Many fans followed and screamed loudly. Some even took off their clothes and ran around in the audience until they were held down and taken away by several security guards.

"Link is so amazing."

Chris Liu looked at Link on the stage and said excitedly, "I used to think that he was very strong and had a hard fist. No one could beat him. Now I know that his heart is even stronger. He dares to stand in front of tens of thousands of people alone, sing and dance, and act so relaxed. He is really amazing."

Liu Li has studied Link's information and naturally knows how amazing he is. It would be great to have such a boy as a friend. It would be a powerful foreign aid. If he is a boyfriend, there might be no good results.

She really doesn't want Feifei to be affected by Link, let alone fall in love with him.

But she also knew that it was difficult. Link was so handsome and outstanding that even if she was 20 years younger, she would still fall in love with him, not to mention the simple-minded Feifei. It would be difficult to stop Feifei from dating Link.

All she could do now was to protect Feifei as much as possible and prevent her from getting hurt too much in this relationship.

Shu Chang, who was standing next to her, also looked at Link infatuatedly. Seeing him shining brightly on the stage and being worshipped by thousands of people, she felt that her body and soul seemed to be completely filled by him again. She couldn't help but tremble slightly and hummed softly in her nose.

In the second half of the concert, Link also sang seven songs, "Girls Like You", "The Rose", "Give me reason", "Closer", "Stay With Me", "Promises", and the last song "Legends Never Die".

Because the audience followed Link to shout and jump in the previous hour, they used a lot of strength, and many people's voices were hoarse, and their wrists were sore from waving the fluorescent sticks.

By the last two songs, many people had no energy to shout anymore and were ready to take a break and save some energy to leave.

But the last song was "Legends Never Die", Link sang hard with his guitar, his voice still high and explosive.

There were more than 50 dancers behind him, performing on stage as good as the Super Bowl, singing and dancing, bringing the atmosphere to a very high level.

The audience who were originally ready to rest, driven by the atmosphere, could not help but continue to shout and jump.

The final result was that many fans had no energy when they left, and felt that watching Link's concert was more tiring than running a marathon.

"Lin Ke is so awesome!"

"It's really amazing. A foreigner holds a concert in China. A stadium with more than 80,000 people can be filled. He is better than many top singers in China."

"That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about his strong physical strength and energy. He sang for more than two hours in a row. At the end, he was able to sing a very difficult song like "Legends Never Die" and performed well. This is awesome. Who of you can do it?"

"He is the world boxing champion, not an ordinary person. Of course, we can't compare with him."

Rock singers such as Xu Wei, Zheng Jun, and Chang Kuan looked at the audience who were reluctant to leave the stage for a long time, sighed with envy, and stood up and left the audience.

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