Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 352 Sweet Backstage (910)

Chapter 352 Sweet Backstage (9/10)

"Link, you are so awesome, the audience is fascinated by you."

After the performance, as soon as Link walked into the lounge backstage, Chris Liu greeted him and congratulated him with a sweet smile.

The girl wore a white lace dress, revealing her delicate collarbones and slender arms.

The plump part of the chest is also half exposed, standing tall and trembling.

Under the knee-length skirt is a pair of white and slender chopstick legs. The knees are tightly together without any gaps.

Looks a little sexy.

"What about you? Are you fascinated by me?"

"Of course! I'm a big fan of yours and have been fascinated by you for a long time."

Chris Liu smiled coquettishly.

Link smiled softly, hugged the girl, and kissed her red lips, which smelled a little like cherry, like jelly.

Chris Liu looked at him in surprise, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, but she didn't dodge. She looked at him shyly with red cheeks, and a trace of expectation flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Link did not disappoint her. He held her slender waist, leaned against the wall, and kissed her hard until the girl was breathless from the kiss.

When Liu Li came over, she saw her daughter holding Link's neck and talking affectionately, with a happy smile on her face. Link also held Feifei's slim waist and rubbed her body with his hands, which was a little excessive.

She wanted to shout that it was time for Feifei to leave, but the words were taken back when she reached her lips.

Ever since Link and Feifei participated in "Date with Yulu", there has been a lot of speculation about their relationship in the circle. Some said they are ordinary friends, and some said Feifei is Link's lover, because Link is a world-famous Huahua. Young Master, most people prefer the latter.

At first, Liu Li wanted to make a clarification.

But today Feifei appeared at Link's concert and sang the love song "When You Get Old" with him. The two were very close.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that the two have a close relationship.

Clarification at this time is basically useless.

Moreover, after Feifei and Link showed their close relationship, people in the circle became enthusiastic towards them again.

Not only old acquaintances have regained contact, but there are also calls from the media, advertisers, and film and television companies. Some want to interview Feifei, some offer cooperation invitations, and her mobile phone number has become a hotline again.

From this point of view, Feifei's relationship with Link is also a good choice.

In addition, putting aside matters related to interests, Link is indeed a very outstanding young man. He has almost no shortcomings except for being carefree. For a successful man, being carefree is a very common thing and is nothing. shortcoming.

Now that Feifei has grown up, she will always come into contact with some men. This is inevitable.

Being in a relationship with an outstanding man like Link, even if you lose the most precious thing, even if you have no fame or status, is still a hundred times better than being in a relationship with a dedicated man.

Liu Li thought for a while and realized that she had no reason to persuade Feifei. She simply pretended not to see it, took out her phone and got busy again.

In the lounge, Shu Chang also looked at Feifei, who was held in Link's arms, with some envy on her face. She knew that Link might be a little interested in her body, but he would not like her as much as Feifei.

Although she knew this, she was not depressed.

Compared with the female celebrities outside who are vying to get to know Link, I not only know Link, but also gave him my first time and had the most intimate contact with him. Now I can get along with him like a friend. Those people are much luckier.

"Boss, is it convenient for you to answer Selena's call now?"

Ms. Anna asked as she came over holding his cell phone.


Link reached out and took the phone. As soon as he connected it, Selina's cute and annoying voice came from the phone.

"Link, is the concert over? Are you picking up girls backstage?"


Link glanced at Chris Liu next to him and Shu Chang who had just sat over, and shook his head decisively.

"Hmph! Don't try to lie. Don't forget that I am a priestess of a Mexican temple. I just asked the gods what you are doing, and the gods told me that this bad guy is picking up girls."

"Don't talk nonsense, little witch! What did you call me for? Tell me quickly. I'm busy here."

Link was not lying when he said he was busy. After the concert, many fans sent gifts, and there were fans waiting outside, hoping to get his signed photos and signed records. He needed to sign hundreds of autographs here. leave.

"Do you know what day it is?"

"Tell me, don't make me guess."

"The new Billboard singles chart has been updated. Have you seen the ranking of "We don't talk anymore"?"

"Oh, don't tell me, I almost forgot, what's your ranking?"

Hearing Selena's words, he remembered that the latest single "We Don't Talk Anymore" collaborated by the two was released last week. This weekend, "Billboard" magazine will update the list on this day.

"Guess it, you're quite busy, so I won't let you guess. "We don't talk anymore" ranked second on this week's singles chart, yes! That's great, it topped the list in the first week of release. Second, I’m so awesome, haha~”

Selina's happy laughter came from the phone.

Link raised his brows and said with a smile, "Shouldn't it be that I'm very powerful?"

"No, you said you gave me this song. This song is mine, and the results are mine. You can't go back on it."

Selina said crisply.

"No regrets, but you also said that you would get a good score in the SAT exam in December and go to a good university. There are less than four months before the exam. How are you preparing?"

Selena took an SAT exam in May and did very badly. In order to train his sister to be a top student, he took great pains and even exchanged a good song for it.


"Selena, are you still listening?"

"No! You are so annoying. You force me to read books even across the Pacific Ocean. Are you a devil?"

"Okay, let you go this time. Whose song is the champion of the singles chart this week?"

"Of course it's Taylor! "Blank Space". Taylor is so amazing. This album has been released for three weeks and has four champion singles. It will soon catch up with your "The Woman I Love". What do you think? Are you afraid?"

"No, all the songs in her album are about me. Even if all 14 songs are champion singles, I helped her get them. I have half the honor."

Link joked while writing his signature.

"How shameless! I'll tell Taylor in a minute that you said it was your credit that her song won the championship."

"Whatever you want, when will your new album be released?"

"Next Monday, remember to promote it for me on Twitter."

"Ok, is there anything else?"

"Yes! Don't pick up girls outside. After Taylor's new album was released, the whole world now knows that you are a scumbag. As your sister, I am too embarrassed to see anyone. And little Annie, little Annie also said she is too embarrassed to go out and see people. This is all your fault."

"There are a lot of fun things here in China. Do you want any gifts? Oh, by the way, Chinese people are good at taking exams. They are world-class in writing test papers. Do you want me to bring back a hundred sets of SAT simulation test questions for you to do?"

"Don't come back, you're so mad, you pighead!"

Selena hung up the phone angrily.

Link smiled lightly and asked Ms. Anna about the situation of the major Billboard charts this week.

Anna took out her portable tablet and told him that Taylor's new album "Last Kiss" sold 328,000 copies this week.

It has won the sales champion of Billboard Album Chart for two consecutive years, with cumulative sales of 2.586 million copies in the United States, ranking fourth on the annual album chart.

It is less than 100,000 copies away from Eminem's "Recovery" in third place, and only 180,000 copies away from the second place "Need you now". It is expected to rush to second place next week.

Twelve songs in the album "Last Kiss" remain in the top 100 of the singles chart, and four songs are in the top 10, and the popularity is still very high.

The US media predicts that Taylor's third album is expected to sell around 4 million copies in the United States. If it continues to promote and hype, there is a great hope to catch up with Link's third album.

This week, "The Woman I Love" sold 12,400 copies in the United States, with cumulative sales of 4.382 million copies and global cumulative sales of 17.32 million copies.

His second album "Go Forward" was released in the United States for a year, with a total cumulative sales of 3.58 million copies and a total global sales of 16.67 million copies.

During the global tour, the overseas sales of the three albums have increased. In two years, the global total sales of "The Fighter" is expected to exceed 10 million copies, and "Go Forward" is expected to become a double diamond record.

After hearing Ms. Anna's report, Chris Liu and Shu Chang looked at each other, and their faces showed a very impressive expression. When they looked at Link, they were full of admiration.

"How is the box office of "Scandal Plan"?"

Link continued to ask.

"This week's box office is 3.41 million US dollars, the cumulative box office in North America is 60.53 million US dollars, and the cumulative global box office is 135 million US dollars."

"It sounds good."

Link nodded and continued to write autographs to thank the fans who supported him.

Chris Liu and Shu Chang were diligently helping him beside him, like his little secretaries.

Link smiled gently, leaned close to Chris's ear, and asked her if she wanted to go to the hotel to drink and chat again in the evening.

When Chris heard his words, she recalled what happened that night. Her cheeks gradually turned pink, and her beautiful eyes became misty. She shyly said that her mother was here and she needed to ask her opinion first.

Link was not in a hurry and said he would wait for her news.

Shu Chang, who was beside him, took advantage of Chris's absence and bowed her head to say that she could come over in the evening and asked if he needed it?

Link signed and nodded.

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