Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 353 Japanese Female Teacher (1010)

Chapter 353 Japanese Female Teacher (10/10)

On the evening of August 16, Link's first concert in Dahai City ended.

According to media reports afterwards, there were 85,000 spectators on the scene that day, and thousands of people outside the stadium. The scene was very popular and it was the largest concert in the music industry in the past three years.

In addition to the large number of spectators, this concert also contributed to many social hot news.

The first one was that Link and Fairy Sister Chris Liu performed on stage, and the relationship between the two caused more people to speculate.

Many domestic media brought some of Link's gossip from American newspapers.

It was claimed that he was a playboy, had more than 20 rumored girlfriends in the European and American entertainment circles, had a chaotic private life, was not as perfect as the rumors said, and was slightly worse than domestic stars in terms of morality.

At the same time, it also wildly hinted that Link and Chris Liu's relationship was not pure.

After seeing these news, Chris's fans said in frustration that Fairy Sister was likely to have been polluted by Link, the pervert.

Some radical fans even put up slogans in the forum, "Link, get out of China, give me back my fairy sister."

The second hot topic was the Chinese song "When You Are Old" sung by the two on stage, which was later praised by many Chinese fans, who thought it was a classic Chinese song.

Universal Music launched Link's best-of album for Chinese fans at the right time.

There are twelve songs in this album, all of which are songs that Chinese fans like, including "See you again", "Give me reason", "Despacito", "All of me", "unstoppable", "never say never", and the English version of "When You Are Old".

The Chinese version of "When You Are Old" is not suitable for the English version of the album, so it was given to Chris Liu to sing.

Universal also signed a record contract with her and prepared to help her create a Chinese album around the song "When You Are Old".

The second hot news was that Link held a concert in Dahai City, and many stars came to the scene.

According to the photos taken by paparazzi, more than 40 stars came to watch his concert, including movie actors, singers, models, athletes, etc.

The front-page news of Southern Metropolis Daily said that Link's concert in China shocked half of the entertainment industry, and many suspected stars were published in the newspaper, including Zhou Xun, Sun Li, Deng Chao, Li Chen, Yang Daming, Tang Yan, Zhou Yadong, Xu Wei, Zheng Jun, etc.

Most of them did not admit it, only a few female stars, including Yang Daming, Tang Yan, Wang Luodan, etc., publicly stated that they were fans of Link and liked Link's songs very much.

Actor Zhou Xun also publicly praised Link as a great singer, listening to his concert is a pleasure, and will continue to watch his next concert.

Actor Li Binbin also said in an interview that she likes Link's songs and mentioned cooperating with Link in filming. She said she is looking forward to working with Link.

The third is Link's singing skills and his professionalism in music, which has aroused heated discussions in the domestic media.

First of all, he sang for two hours on the stage, and he was still able to maintain his high passion afterwards. He performed very steadily and his singing skills were absolutely first-class.

In addition, he is very good to his fans. When he comes to overseas concerts, he will learn the language and songs of the region in advance. It is said that he knows six foreign languages, including English, Spanish, Thai, French, Italian, and can understand some Cantonese and Chinese.

It is said that he is currently learning Korean and Japanese to prepare for the upcoming Peninsula Concert and Japan Concert, and he is very dedicated.

Many media also want domestic singers to learn from Link, actively improve their own strength, bring more and better songs to fans, and strive to make Chinese songs break out of Asia and go to the world.

For these news in the newspapers, especially the third hot spot, Link is very helpless, which is to roast him on the fire.

He knows Thai because he has lived in Thailand before, and he already knows it, so he doesn’t need to learn it specifically for the concert. The same is true for Cantonese and Chinese.

But with the media’s propaganda, he is promoted as a diligent and dedicated singer, saying that every time he goes to a place to hold a concert, he will definitely learn the language of the region in advance.

This also led to representatives from companies hosting concerts in South Korea and Japan to meet him, asking him about his progress in learning Korean and Japanese, what local songs he was going to sing at the concert, and whether he needed a singer to cooperate.

He also said that fans from both countries were looking forward to him singing a local song at the concert.

Link was overwhelmed by what he heard. In order to sell more albums, he had to find time to learn two more languages.

When he heard that he was going to learn Japanese, the Japanese agency quickly took out a stack of female singers' information and photos, hoping that he could choose one of them to be his Japanese teacher and also as a guide for his concert in Japan.

If possible, they also hoped that he would promote one or two.

Link was originally going to refuse, because when he participated in a boxing match before, the organizer stuffed more than a dozen beauties with him, and the purpose was not pure. He was worried that the Japanese side would play some tricks.

But he saw that there were many famous female singers in the information sent by the other party, and it didn't seem to be fooling people.

He carefully selected and chose a more aesthetically pleasing one, Yui Aragaki.

He is 22 years old this year and 169 cm tall.

In 2007, he became famous for starring in the movie "Love Letter" and won the Newcomer Actor Award at the 31st Japan Academy Awards for the film.

In 2008, he released his first single "Make my day", which ranked second on the Oricon chart and topped the Japanese Billboard charts.

In 2009, he released two albums and became an amphibious artist. He is a popular star in the Japanese entertainment industry and can speak fluent English.

"Is this ok?"

Link asked Tahara Yasue, President of Marketing Department of Universal Music Japan Division, holding the photo.


The other person didn't even look at it, just nodded and said yes.

Link was a little surprised. The Japanese side was so sincere. The popular little flower said that he would send it to him as a Japanese teacher.

"Mr. Tahara, is it convenient?"

"Hi! It's her honor and her luck that Mr. Baker chose her. It will never be inconvenient. Mr. Baker, look at the other people. These singers are very happy to be Mr. Baker's Japanese assistant. Please give them some help. An opportunity to serve you.”

Tahara Yasue said politely.

Link took a look and found that although the rest were all good, some were too old, some were too young, and some were married. In terms of appearance, they were not as pure and outstanding as Xinheng Yui, and their fame was not as great as hers.

He said that having a Japanese teacher would be enough.

Tahara Yasue nodded yes, took back the information, and said that he would arrange for Yui Shinheng to come over as soon as possible.

The Korean record company also sent someone over with a bunch of information and said they could help him arrange a Korean teacher.

Link refused. On the one hand, Korean management companies are strict with female artists, which has led to many artists having accidents. He did not want to be implicated afterwards.

In addition, after the concert, he will join the cast of "Snowflake and the Secret Fan". Then he can learn Korean from Jun Ji-hyunxi without having to trouble other people.

Just after seeing off the people from the Korean company, Wendy Deng called and asked if he had time to have a meal together.

By the way, I would like to introduce the director Wang Ying and the two leading ladies of the crew to him. Getting familiar with them in advance will make filming more convenient.

Link first apologized to Wendy Deng. He had been too busy in the past few days in Dahai City. He had been so busy with rehearsals, concerts, record signings, and press conferences that he had no time to visit her. Link proposed that he would treat her to a banquet. with director Wang and the two leading ladies.

Wendy Deng smiled and said that she was a landowner and asked him to do as the Romans do and guests do as he pleases. It would not be too late to treat him next time when he was not busy.

Link agreed.

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