Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 356 Blurred Night (110)

Chapter 356 The confusing night (1/10)

On the streets of the Bund of the big city, the neon lights are bright and the night is charming. However, what is even more charming is the girl beside him.

At the dinner table, when Link was talking to Wendy Deng and others, she just listened quietly and never interrupted. Every time she saw him wanting to eat seafood, she would use her white and tender hands to help him handle it, acting very special. Clever.

Under Alice Li's persuasion just now, she also drank two glasses of red wine, her cheeks became pink, Danfeng's eyes were gleaming, she leaned on his shoulder and exhaled the sweet smell of wine, and her whole body became fragrant and soft. If there is no bone.

"Boss, after we came out of the restaurant, it seemed like there were cars following us, like paparazzi."

In the passenger seat, Wallace stared at the rearview mirror and said.

"It's okay, keep driving."

Link put his arm around Chris's shoulders and said softly, "There are paparazzi watching us. Do you want to go back to the hotel with me?"

"I'm not afraid!"

Chris looked up at him with her delicate and lovely cheeks, her black and white eyes were shining brightly, reflecting the light outside the window. She looked very brave and persistent, and a little cute.

Link smiled softly.

He lowered his head and kissed her jelly-like lips.

I also tasted the delicacy and mellowness of Trazzi red wine.

After kissing for a few minutes, Link told Wallace to find a way to get rid of the paparazzi and try not to let them take photos of Chris following him into the hotel. He was a playboy, and one or two more tidbits would not have much impact.

But Chrissy is different. She is a fairy sister. Her main character is pure and fairy-like. She will also develop in domestic entertainment in the future. Too many scandals will be detrimental to her development.

Wallace took out his cell phone and called the driver of the backup car and another bodyguard, asking them to find a way to stop the suspected vehicle behind him.

Chris listened to his arrangement, hugged his neck, and took the initiative to kiss him.

Link smiled softly.

The little girl is the kind of person who is very playful and loves to play.

Never kissed before.

If it lasts a little longer, you will be out of breath, your cheeks will turn red, and your body will become limp.

Link was a good teacher, so he could only tutor her over and over again.

From the car to the Hilton Hotel, I encountered a small incident when entering the hotel elevator.


When Link stood in front of the elevator with Chris Liu in his arms, he suddenly heard a joyful call from behind.

The person who came was a woman in her twenties who was wearing a brown bra-wrapped skirt with her breasts half exposed. She had medium straight hair and wore high heels. She had a pair of slender legs with chopsticks. She shouted "Feifei" in her mouth, but her eyes were staring straight at her. She looked at Link with infinite affection, as if she fell in love with him at first sight.

Link glanced at the other person, who seemed to be the actor Yang Dami.

"Feifei, is it really you? What a coincidence."

Yang Dami said in surprise.

"Mimi? You are here too."

Chris Liu looked at each other in surprise, smiled sweetly, and held hands with Yang Dami affectionately.

The two have worked together in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "Sword and Fairy III" and are considered acquaintances.

Yang Dami glanced at Link, wowed, covered her lips in surprise, blinked her eyes and said excitedly: "Is this Mr. Link Baker? The big star Mr. Link Baker?"

"Yes, Mimi, this is Link, Link, this is Yang Dami, we are friends, you can call her Mimi."

Chris Liu put her arm around Link and introduced him without any scheming.

"Hello Mr. Baker, I am your fan. I like your songs very much. I was also in the audience at the concert the day before yesterday. Your performance was so wonderful."

Yang Dami said with a smile.

"Hello, Miss Yang!"

Link smiled softly, shook hands with the other party, and received a note in his hand.

He couldn't help but sigh that the other party was brave enough to use this trick on a foreigner. If he didn't understand this aspect of the business and took out the note and read it on the spot, he didn't know how embarrassing it would be.

When the elevator arrived, Yang Dami waved her hand and said goodbye to the two of them with a smile.

Chris Liu also smiled sweetly and said they would go shopping together when they had time.

Yang Dami readily agreed.

The elevator door slowly closed, and Link took out the note and looked at it. It was a message written in English. There were more than 300 words in it. There may be many grammatical and tense errors due to his limited English proficiency.

Yang Dami first complimented him, and then said that the current development of domestic entertainment is getting faster and faster, and investing in domestic entertainment will definitely be very profitable. She hopes to have the opportunity to meet him and talk to him in person, which will definitely satisfy him. The ending is: String phone number, MSN number, email number.

"Where did the note come from?"

Chris Liu asked curiously.

"Given it by your friend."

Link handed her the note and asked her to learn the rules of survival in the entertainment industry.

"Mimi? She is always so smart, but I am even luckier. Now I am the only one who can rely on you like this."

Chris Liu leaned on his shoulder and smiled.

Link smiled softly, lowered his head to kiss her, and carried her into the penthouse luxury suite.

Originally, his body was strong and his energy and blood were sufficient. After eating food that replenished his yang energy and being intimate with Chrissy, his body reacted even more.

He took off his coat, revealing his strong muscles, and slowly approached the girl.

Just when it was about to start, Chris hugged him and said nervously that it was her first time and asked him if he would mind?

I heard that in the United States, girls who have not completed their coming-of-age ceremony in their twenties will be embarrassed and not cool at all. I asked him if that is the case?

She also nervously explained that China is more conservative in this regard. Chastity is very important to a girl, even more important than life. Her mother is strict, so she has never experienced such a thing at the age of 22.

Of course, Link would not mind. He hugged the girl in his arms and kissed her, and whispered a lot to her.

When she relaxed, he gradually got to the point.

The night outside the window was getting deeper. A flash of lightning streaked across the night sky, knocking a hole in the airtight night. In the darkness, the sky sprinkled some drizzle.

But this was not enough.

The second, third, fourth, and hundredth lightning bolts struck the sky, as if the Thunder God was waving a long whip like a silver chain outside the sky, one whip after another, intending to split the sultry night sky into pieces, and it was like the Thunder God standing on the nine heavens, holding a huge fist, and violently punching the sky under his feet, one punch after another, with great force.

The sky was shaking and crying.

In the darkness, the raindrops got bigger, clattering against the glass windows of the Hilton Hotel.

In a room more than 20 stories away from the presidential suite, Yang Daming looked at the heavy rain outside the window, drank two glasses of red wine, and didn't hear her phone ring. She sighed softly, did she come here in vain today? Should she continue to wait?

She didn't understand why she came here.

After her contract with Xindarong expired this year, several brokerage companies contacted her and offered her generous contracts to join.

But after working under Xindarong for more than five years, she had some understanding of the things in the entertainment industry. To be an artist in a big company, internal competition is inevitable, and intrigues for a role, and big companies are also more exploitative.

Going to a small company with too few resources will limit your own development.

Regardless of whether it is a big company or a small company, you are working for others and listening to others' orders.

Yang Daming doesn't want to be that kind of actor. She is the master of the house, and wants to be the master of others and order others around.

But she is currently only a quasi-first-line in the circle, and she doesn't have much capital in her hands. It's not easy to be the master of the house.

Just when she was about to sign a contract with Yamei Entertainment, she suddenly saw a report about Link in the news.

After reading it, she found that Link was not only handsome, but also very powerful. He was only 21 years old and worth 500 million or 600 million RMB, which was stronger than all the brokerage companies in the circle.

He was not only a singer, but also a world boxing champion. He also had film and music companies under his command. He was very successful, much more successful than many big bosses in the domestic entertainment industry.

If it was just that, it would not arouse her interest. Later, when she learned that Link was a playboy and had an ambiguous relationship with Yifei, she felt that this was an opportunity and might be worth a try.

In the past two days, she used some connections to find out the hotel where Link was staying, which led to this encounter.

Fortunately, she got in touch with Link, but unfortunately, Link had not called her yet. She didn't know if this was a waste of effort.


Suddenly, the mobile phone on the bed rang, and Da Mi put down the wine glass and jumped on the bed.

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