It rained all night in Dahai City.

In the morning, the sky gradually cleared up, with blue sky and white clouds, and the sun became particularly clear.

Link ran 15 kilometers on the treadmill in the gym, did 20 sets of strength training on the weightlifting machine, 10 sets of sit-ups, and skipped rope for half an hour.

He was sweating, his muscles became full again, and he felt full of strength. This feeling made him very satisfied.

He wiped the sweat and returned to the hotel room. He met Jennifer Shu coming out of the bedroom. She was wearing a light T-shirt, a sexy skirt, white shoes, and a bun. She was dressed very fresh.

Link picked her up, lifted the hem of her skirt and white T-shirt and leaned against the wall. By the way, he asked her how Chris was doing.

Jennifer hugged his neck tightly and trembled and said that it was nothing.

She would be fine after applying the medicine and resting for a day. She was in a better condition than she was that day.

Link nodded and continued his actions.

Jennifer continued to say that Liu Li had just called to ask about the situation. Feifei said that she was fine. Liu Li heard her voice was a little hoarse, and she was worried and had to come to see her.

Feifei couldn't get her to give her a perfunctory answer, so she could only tell her the room number and Liu Li would arrive later.

Link thought that Liu Li would arrive later, and it would be awkward to meet here. He told Shu Chang that he would go to the restaurant downstairs to have breakfast, and wait for Feifei's mother to see the situation later, and asked her not to leave yet, as he wanted to talk to Feifei's mother.

Jennifer nodded and agreed.

Link came out of the bathroom, changed his clothes, and went to the bedroom to visit Chris.

Chris was still sleeping, with her eyes closed, breathing shallowly, her little face pale and delicate, her skin like translucent cream, and the whole person was like Xiaolongnu sleeping on an ice bed, more beautiful than last night. He kissed the girl's forehead and went to the restaurant downstairs to have breakfast.

The Hilton Hotel's breakfast is very rich, with French, Italian, Japanese, and all kinds of Chinese food, all displayed in the window for guests to enjoy.

Link had a luxurious meal last night, and was a little greasy. He wanted to eat some vegetarian food, so he only took a glass of boiled water, a few pieces of toast, boiled eggs, and corn cobs.

Wallace and Bob, who came with him, were different. They filled their plates with a lot of grilled fish and steaks, and ate breakfast as lunch.

Link sat down in the small compartment with his plate. When he started eating, he heard someone talking outside. It was a woman who told Wallace in not very fluent English that her name was Emily Yang, a friend of Link and Chris Liu, and she wanted to talk to them about something.

Wallace asked her if she had an appointment?

Emily Yang said no.

Wallace said Mr. Baker was having breakfast and it was not convenient to see guests now.

Emily Yang said she could wait outside.

Link ate a few pieces of bread, wiped his hands, and said to Wallace outside, "Please invite Miss Yang in."

Emily Yang pushed open the glass door and walked in, wearing a sling dress, a ponytail, catfish whisker bangs, and light makeup, looking much fresher than last night.

"Good morning, Mr. Baker, I'm sorry to interrupt your meal."

Emily Yang greeted calmly.

"Hello, Miss Yang, what can I do for you?"

Link reached out and shook her hand, inviting her to sit across from the dining table.

Emily Yang looked at his face, took a deep breath, and said in not-so-fluent English: "Mr. Baker, I saw from the news that you are not only a singer, boxer, and actor, but also an excellent entrepreneur and very good at investment. I would like to ask if you are interested in investing in the Chinese entertainment industry.

Since 2008, the Chinese entertainment industry has been developing faster and faster. In 2005, the box office of mainland movies was only 3.87 billion yuan, but it has grown to 6.206 billion yuan last year. This year's film market is even better. In the first eight months, ten movies have already exceeded 100 million yuan at the box office. This shows that the Chinese entertainment industry is developing faster and faster and is an industry with great investment value."

Emily Yang seemed to have done her homework in advance. She talked to him eloquently about the development of the domestic film, television and music industries in recent years, and told him that investing in the Chinese entertainment industry would definitely make money.

But she didn't do much homework, or it was not in-depth enough. The information and data she took out were also collected from magazines, which had little reference value.

Also, she only mentioned that the domestic movie box office was growing, but she didn't say what the reason for the growth was, what the potential and challenges of the domestic film industry were, and what the advantages of Chinese entertainment were compared with the American entertainment industry? If she gets investment, where will she start?

These are the points that investors want to hear the most, but unfortunately she didn't mention them at all.

Compared with the managers of Wall Street investment banks, she seems extremely amateur in attracting investment.

However, Link is still willing to give her a chance, because she is ambitious, capable, and dares to think and act. Based on these points, she is much better than many actresses. Her success in the original time and space also shows that she is indeed a woman with potential.

"Ms. Yang!"

Link interrupted her, picked up an egg and handed it to her and asked, "If I give you 10 million US dollars, how much can you earn for me in a year?"

"10 million US dollars?"

Emily Yang was stunned for a moment, a little confused by his sudden question, and also very surprised.

In fact, she came here today just to try and see if there is a chance to get in touch with Link. When she said those words just now, she herself had no confidence.

But she didn't expect Link to say that he would give her 10 million US dollars for investment.

Everything seems to be easier than she imagined.

She suppressed the excitement in her heart and thought about Link's question. If she could get 10 million US dollars from him, according to the current exchange rate, it would be more than 78 million. With this more than 70 million as capital, she could spend a year How much can you earn back?

Emily Yang thought carefully and gave an answer, five million US dollars.

If you have US$10 million as investment capital, it should not be difficult to earn US$5 million within a year.


Link curled his lips, feeling that this girl was quite honest.

At first, a Wall Street investment bank manager came to him to invest and talked about a bunch of profitable projects.

Link asked the same question.

The other party's answer was as little as 100 million US dollars or as much as one billion US dollars. Yes, investing 10 million US dollars would earn him one billion US dollars within a year.

The manager also explained in detail what he would do after he got money and how to make one billion.

If you really believe that person's lies and leave your money to him, after the other party gets his 10 million, he will use it as a threat to ask him to invest more. If he doesn't continue to invest, he will suffer even greater losses. , similar to kidnapping.

The main thing is to get the money first and then worry about how much money you can make afterwards.

After careful consideration, Emily Yang told him that she could earn him five million US dollars a year.

Although it is also made up, it is somewhat sincere.

"How are you going to make money?"

Link asked.

"Mr. Baker, I have two plans. The first is to invest in movies. The current movie industry is relatively profitable. I will use my contacts to invest in one or two good movie projects. I am sure that I can make money; the second is to invest in the entertainment industry. The entertainment industry is also very profitable. I plan to follow the example of South Korea's SM company and sign many potential artists for training. The entertainment industry is developing rapidly and more artists are needed. It will only take three or four years to make back the money."

Emily Yang said.

"Three or four years? Do you know how much I can earn from a boxing match? Do you think I will invest in a project that will only earn 5 million in three to four years?"

Link said calmly.

When Emily heard what he said, she suddenly remembered that this guy was a human money-printing machine. He could earn thirty to forty million dollars per boxing match. A small project like the one she mentioned that made millions every year really didn't require much investment. the value of.

"Mr. Baker, excuse me!"

Emily Yang stood up and bowed to leave. Just as she was about to walk to the door, Link shouted "Wait a minute." Emily Yang stopped and looked at him doubtfully.

"Ms. Yang, I have no interest in your investment projects, but I am a little interested in you as a person. If I invest in you, how will you repay me?"

Link said.

Emily Yang was overjoyed when she heard what he said. Link is a billionaire, and if he can take his fancy, this will definitely be a good opportunity to make a comeback.

She blinked and walked back to Link's dining table. She slowly untied her skirt, revealing her fair skin and black lace underwear. She was 166 centimeters tall and had a slender figure, but she had a C cup, which made her look a little impressive.

But compared to any of Ivaca, Daddario, Taylor, and Doutzen, her figure has no advantage.

"Is this your reward?"

Link wiped his fingers with a napkin without giving it a second glance.

"Mr. Baker, if you are willing to invest in me, I can do anything for you."

Emily Yang bit her lower lip, blushed and took off all the restraints. Although the restaurant was air-conditioned and the temperature was above 20 degrees Celsius, she still had goosebumps on her skin.

But Link still didn't take another look. Emily lowered her head, struggled for more than ten seconds, walked to him, and slowly lowered her body.

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