Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 359 Link's Promise (210)

Chapter 359 Link’s Promise (2/10)

Link finished dealing with Emily Yang in the restaurant and returned to the hotel room with some food. Jennifer opened the door for him, pointed in the direction of the bedroom, and whispered to him that Liu Li was here and that she had seen Feifei's injuries. The expression is very bad.

Link nodded, handed her the breakfast, and came to the bedroom.

Liu Li sat on the edge of the bed with her back to him. She didn't turn around when she heard the noise, but Chris looked at him with a smile, and the affection in her eyes almost overflowed from her eyes.

Link smiled softly and greeted Liu Li. Naturally, he didn't get a positive response, so he didn't mind. He leaned over and hugged Chris hard, kissed her red lips gently, and kissed her for more than a minute. Hearing a cough from behind, he let go of the girl in his arms.

"Mr. Baker, I think we need to have a chat."

Liu Li said with a cold face.

Link nodded and asked Jennifer and Chris to have breakfast in the bedroom. He and Liu Li went to the living room next door.

Seeing the two people leaving, Chris was a little worried.

"Sing, sing, will they quarrel?"

"Don't worry, Link has a good temper, and Auntie Xiaoli is not an unreasonable person, so she won't make a quarrel."

Shu Chang handed her a glass of hot milk.

Chrissy nodded, looked at Shu Chang and said, "Chang Chang, thank you for last night, otherwise I wouldn't be able to hold on."

Shu Chang's face turned red, he sat down and hugged her and said affectionately: "No need to say thank you, we are good sisters."

"Yes, we are good sisters."

Chris smiled slightly and gave her a pop on the face.

Here Link and Ms. Liu came to the living room. He asked the other party what drinks he wanted. Ms. Liu did not answer. She folded her arms and looked at him with a cold face, as if she was looking at a bad person.

Link looked helpless.

When it comes to dealing with women, he has always adhered to the principle of love first and then going to bed. He has never forced anyone, not Jennifer Shu, nor Chris Liu.

Now he has to be treated as a bad guy, which makes him feel a little aggrieved.

"Lina, how about black tea? By the way, I don't know if you have had breakfast. How about I ask the waiter to bring you a breakfast? Let's chat while we eat."

Link said.

"No, Mr. Baker, things have happened. I want to know how you handle the relationship between you and Chris. Should you treat it as a one-night stand and break up after the fun, or will you give Chris a formal status? We in China Women value status more than life.”

"Name? What do you mean?"

Link asked pretending to be confused.

"Mr. Baker, you should be able to tell that Chris loves you very much. I want to know how you are going to treat her and who you will treat her as. This is important to both Chris and me."

Ms. Liu said seriously.

Link nodded and poured a cup of black tea for Ms. Liu, asking her to calm down and not get too excited. He would give Chris and her an explanation for his treatment of Chris.

He had two proposals.

The first is to take Chris back to the United States, buy her a villa in Miami or Los Angeles, let her live there, and give her a living allowance every month. If she wants to continue filming, he will do his best. support.

Ms. Liu objected to this. She has lived in the United States for five or six years and knows what the situation is like there. Feifei, a Chinese actor, has basically no room for development there.

Asking Feifei to follow him to the United States is tantamount to asking Feifei to be his lover, the canary in the cage.

Feifei is the daughter she has worked hard to cultivate, and she never wants to see her daughter become such a person.

Link made a second suggestion. He was going to buy a courtyard house in the capital to accommodate Feifei. At the same time, he also knew that Feifei loved acting and was ready to make some achievements in her acting career.

However, the situation in the entertainment industry is complicated. If a beautiful girl like Feifei does not have strong capital to rely on, sooner or later she will become the target of capital hunting like other actresses.

In view of this situation, he is planning to spend 100 million to start a film and television company. On the one hand, he will invest in Huaxia Film and become a capital party. On the other hand, he can obtain more film and television resources for Feifei and protect her career.

Ms. Liu fell silent when she heard the second point.

Compared to the first point, the second point is much better.

It's just that with the rise of the mainland's film and television industry, there have been more and more Chinese film companies in recent years. Many coal bosses have invested tens of millions in the entertainment industry, without even a splash. Lin Ke, a foreigner, founded a film company in China. How long can it last?

Ms. Liu expressed her concerns that it was not a good idea for him, a foreigner, to invest in movies in the mainland.

In fact, Link also knows that there is not much profit potential from investing in the domestic entertainment industry. It is better to buy a few buildings in coastal cities before real estate prices rise sharply.

But Chris likes to be an actor rather than a housekeeper, so he plans to set aside part of his funds to invest in movies and acting agencies, and the rest will be used to hoard real estate and invest in several potential companies.

He told Ms. Liu that he had two plans.

The first is to invest in existing domestic film companies in the name of foreign capital, take part of the shares, and hand them over to Feifei to hold on behalf of Feifei. This company can serve as Feifei's backend in China.

According to the current situation in the domestic entertainment industry, a large number of film and television companies hope to cooperate with Hollywood film companies to allow domestic films to go abroad, earn foreign exchange, and win awards internationally.

Including those top directors and first-line actors, after establishing a foothold in the domestic film industry, they want to go to Hollywood, but most of them are unsuccessful.

If you agree to invest, and promise to jointly produce Hollywood blockbusters with domestic film and television companies in the future, you can help promote and distribute domestic movies.

It would be difficult for these film and television companies to refuse such an attractive offer.

The second point is to establish a small film studio to mainly invest in Chrissy's films. If there are good film projects, you can also invest in one or two films every year. You don't need to make a lot of money, just enough to protect your capital.

Link asked Ms. Liu what her opinion was.

Because in the future, the company will be handed over to Chris or to be held on behalf of her. To be more precise, it will be handed over to Ms. Liu.

The two became partners.

Ms. Liu thought for a while and said she needed to think about it.

But from Link's words, she also heard that this guy is not someone who just lets go after playing. When he was dating Feifei, he seriously considered how to arrange Feifei and how to help Feifei's career, like a Very responsible man.

But the more this happened, the more uneasy Liu Li felt.

If Link is a scumbag and lets go after playing, Feifei may have been hurt in this relationship and may have matured and no longer be as innocent as before, but Link will not let go and is ready to treat Feifei as his lover in China.

Although Feifei knows that he is a scumbag, she is reluctant to let him go because she loves him and will continue to be entangled with him.

The deeper and longer the entanglement lasts, the greater the influence Feifei will have on Link, and this influence is likely to last a lifetime.

Ms. Liu looked at Link in confusion.

"Mr. Baker, I have a question. We all know that you are a playboy and have many beautiful lovers all over the world. All of them are top beauties. I don't understand why you fall in love with that simple silly girl Chrissy? "

"I love Chrissy, Lena, it's true."

Link said seriously.

Ms. Liu snorted lightly, not believing what he said.

Even if he likes Feifei, he also likes her delicate oriental face and slender figure.

She never believed that a foreigner could really fall in love with a Chinese girl whom she had only met a few times, let alone that this guy was a scumbag, and scumbags did not deserve love.

Link smiled carelessly: "Lina, you should know that in the European and American media, I have a bad title, playboy, and there are many rumored girlfriends. Do you know why after I became a recognized playboy, I still Do many girls love me?"

Ms. Liu snorted, of course this guy is handsome, strong, famous, and worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

These points are what women dream of, and they are like luxury, which have a fatal attraction for them. This is why those girls are still fascinated by him even though they know that this guy is a scumbag.

"Lina, if you think they love me just because I am handsome and rich, then you are wrong. They love me because I love them too. When I am with them, no matter who they are, I will love them wholeheartedly. They love each other without a trace of deception. Only when they feel my love will they accept me and love me. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Chris if she can feel my love for her. I think her answer is yes. of."

Link said.

Ms. Liu glanced at him helplessly. He was obviously a scumbag, but he thought he was a lover. He felt like a compassionate murderer.

"Mr. Baker, I believe you also love Chris, so during these days when you are still in China, I hope you can behave like a lover and spend more time with her."

"I will!"

Link nodded seriously and told Ms. Liu about investing in the film and television company. He hoped that she could make a decision as soon as possible and about buying a courtyard house in the capital. If she had good suggestions, she could tell them. If she didn't like them, she could tell them. You can also buy a high-end apartment in a courtyard house.

Ms. Liu responded expressionlessly.

One last thing, he told Ms. Liu that no safety measures were taken last night, and Chris didn’t want to take medicine. If Chris got pregnant unexpectedly, he wanted to ask Ms. Liu to help take care of it. No matter what the outcome, Link said he would be responsible. in the end.

After hearing his words, Ms. Liu looked at him angrily, pointed at his nose, snorted heavily, opened the door and walked out.

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