Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 360 Golden Shell Investment (310)

Chapter 360 Golden Shell Investment (3/10)

After finishing some personal matters, Link continued to hold concerts.

In half a month, he held twelve concerts in China, from south to north, from east to west, almost one concert every day, and his schedule was very busy.

And his concerts were almost always full, with an average of 52,000 spectators per concert, and more than 500,000 tickets sold for the twelve concerts, which was more popular than the concert tickets of many first-line singers in the mainland.

Link's fame in China is also growing, and his fans are increasing.

In half a month, three albums sold 470,000 copies in the mainland, including three English songs, which successively topped the Pepsi Music Chart, and 18 songs entered the top ten. In the same period, there were songs by singers such as Jay Chou, Lin JJ, Hu Yanbing, and SHE.

"Southern Metropolis Daily" called him a new force in the Chinese music scene, with a huge influence on the Chinese music scene, comparable to the first-class singers in the country.

At the same time, there were more news reports in the media that he was a playboy. He was almost a half-red and half-black star in the country.

During the concert, he took on three commercials and earned more than 12 million US dollars in endorsement fees, including car, beverage and insurance company advertisements.

In addition to performance fees, ticket revenue sharing, etc., he earned more than 40 million US dollars, about 320 million Chinese yuan, including Hong Kong Island and Taiwan Island.

After paying a large amount of taxes, the remaining money was transferred to Hong Kong Island.

He registered an investment company called "Golden Shell" in Hong Kong Island, and then used the name of Golden Shell Investment Company to invest in Wanda Pictures and Dolphin Bay Agency.

The former is a subsidiary of Wanda Group, mainly engaged in cinema film investment, film investment and publicity, TV series and games.

The current market value is about 3.2 billion. After officially listing in 2015, it has passed a series of mergers and acquisitions and became the first stock of China Cinema Line. The market value once exceeded 200 billion, which is a relatively promising project.

Link took out 30 million US dollars to acquire about 7.2% of Wanda Pictures' shares, joined the board of directors of Wanda Pictures, and became the third largest individual shareholder of Wanda Pictures.

He also reached a number of cooperation agreements with Wanda Pictures in the name of Palm Beach Pictures. Since he had no time in China, Ms. Liu became his agent in Wanda Pictures.

Ms. Liu also registered a film studio in Beijing, responsible for the performing arts agency of Chris and Shu Chang.

The registered capital is 3 million, with Golden Shell Investment holding 49%, Chris Liu 41%, and Shu Chang 10%.

The second investment is Dolphin Bay Agency, with a registered capital of 5 million, Golden Shell Investment holding 75%, and Emily Yang holding 25%.

The business scope involves actor agency, actor business development, actor publicity and promotion, film and television drama publicity and promotion, etc.

This is the positioning of Dolphin Bay at this stage. If Emily Yang wants to become bigger and stronger, she needs to show more ability and help him make money, and Link will continue to invest and support her.

In addition, he spent more than 22 million US dollars to buy several properties.

Including a large courtyard house and two luxury apartments in Chaoyang District.

He also took twelve high-end apartments in the prosperous area of ​​​​Dahai City and registered them under the name of Shell Baby Real Estate Management Company.

Originally, he wanted to invest in Ali, Tencent, Baidu, but unfortunately, these three companies have been listed. It is difficult to become a shareholder now, and the income will not be too much. It is better to invest in American companies to earn more.


After dealing with these things, he came to the crew of "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" on the Bund in Dahai City to film.

The role played by Link is Joseph, a wealthy businessman from America, who is young, handsome and rich.

The main part is that he falls in love with the second female Sofia Snow Flower played by Jun Ji-hyun, but the person Snow Flower likes is the first female Nina Lily.

Although Sofia Snow Flower maintains a close relationship with him on the surface, she always thinks about Nina Lily in her heart, and even aborts her child with Joseph for this.

But Joseph still loves her, and is also moved by her love with Lily.

This movie is adapted from the novel "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" written by Chinese-American writer Lisa Kwong. It was published in 2005 and sold more than 1 million copies. It has been translated into more than 30 languages ​​and is a relatively best-selling novel.

After Wendy Deng failed to seek a more important position in News Corporation, she turned her attention to the film and television industry. "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" was her first film as a producer, and she also regarded it as a stepping stone to enter the film industry.

After Link joined the group, Wendy Deng often found him and asked him how the film was and whether it would be a big hit?

Link said he didn't know.

Wendy Deng didn't believe it, saying that the film "The Scandal Project" he invested in was released for one month, and the global box office was close to 150 million US dollars. He invested 8 million and earned 150 million in the box office. The reputation was also good, which also showed that Link had some vision in film investment.

Link said that the affairs of Palm Beach Pictures were mainly left to Catherine, and "The Scandal Project" was also a project she pulled in. He was only responsible for investment, and he really didn't know about the others.

However, as far as the film "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" was concerned, it was a small film and could not be publicly screened in China. And with a Chinese background, Asian faces, and a niche subject matter, it would not perform well in the European and American markets.

If it is well made, it may win some awards internationally like "Lust, Caution", but it is unlikely to make hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office.

Wendy Deng said that she does not want to make hundreds of millions at the box office, but 40 or 50 million and a few awards will be enough.

Lin Ke said that he could give it a try. He did not know how much the movie originally made at the box office, but with three international movie stars, himself, Alice Lee and Jun Ji-hyun, joining the team, 40 or 50 million should be no problem.

"Mr. Baker, it's your turn to get ready."

The crew manager came over and reminded me.

Link nodded, said hello to Wendy Deng, and walked into the set to perform.

He doesn't have many scenes, there are mainly five scenes. The first scene is singing "Can I Give Me a Kiss" in a high-end bar in Dahai City, using this song to express his love to Sophia Snowflake.

Link is a singer and can sing both English and Chinese songs well.

Wearing a black suit, he stood on the stage with a microphone and said to the drinkers in the audience: "Ladies and gentlemen, I want to sing a song dedicated to the most maddening and stubborn person I have ever encountered. Woman, this song.”

There was a burst of laughter and applause from the audience.

Link also smiled and continued: "Yes, she knew I was talking about her even in the audience. Let others take a guess. This song talks about my situation when we were dating, which is to plead with her. A kiss, music!”

The live music sounded, and Link tapped his fingers and sang the English version of "Give Me a Kiss" along with the accompaniment.

give me just one kiss, yes or no

kiss on my face, leave a love mark of you

give me just one kiss, yes or no

The extras under the stage also danced gracefully.

The lighting for this scene was handled by a "Star Trek" special effects artist. The effect was very good and looked very high-quality.

Link walked off the stage, singing and shaking his shoulders, performing very relaxedly and effortlessly.

Director Wang Ying saw his performance and nodded slightly.

He is worthy of being an actor who has worked with the great director Woody Allen. During his performance, his movements, language, expressions, and even micro-expressions were all just right, without any feeling of forced acting.

Originally, when Wendy Deng said that this role was given to Link, he was still a little worried. He felt that Link was not suitable as a boxer and singer, and the filming might take a lot of effort.

Now it seems that the original worries were unnecessary.

Alice Li also sat at the scene and looked at Link who was performing, with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

She had watched "The Fighter" starring Link. Although Link's performance in that movie was good, he was only good and still far from a first-rate actor.

But only half a year later, his acting skills have improved tremendously, his acting style is more mature and his performance is more stable.

And he has the aura of an international superstar, which makes him look very charming.

"How about it? I said this guy is very powerful and can accomplish anything. Do you believe it now?"

Wendy Deng said.

"I believe it, but it's a pity that he is too young. If he is older, I will definitely chase him."

Alice Lee joked.

"You are only in your thirties, not old at all. Do you know Marion Cotillard? You are fourteen years older than Link, and the two of them are still fighting fiercely. This shows that Link doesn't care about age when picking up girls. Binbin, you If you want to chase Link, you have a chance."

Wendy Deng smiled softly.

After listening to Wendy Deng's words, Alice looked at Link in the middle of the dance floor. She couldn't help but jump in her heart. She had the urge to try it, but she knew it was wrong. She quickly stopped her thoughts and said angrily:

"Sister, please stop being so angry. If I run into his room in the middle of the night and scare him away, and no one comes to film the movie, don't blame me."

"No, Link has a big appetite. If you dare to go to his room in the middle of the night, he will definitely eat you up."

Wendy Deng chuckled.

Alice suddenly remembered the way Link had his hands in his pockets when they left at the seafood restaurant that day. She couldn't help but feel her face getting hot, thinking that if she went to Link's room at night, there was a real possibility that she wouldn't be able to get out.

She rolled her eyes at Wendy Deng and asked her to stop talking, as she would be distracted while filming.

Wendy Deng patted her on the shoulder and told her that Link had spent huge sums of money to invest in Wanda Pictures just to support Chris Liu.

This news has spread among the entertainment industry’s capitalists, and everyone knows that Chris is Link’s person. Those who bullied Chris and blocked Chris in the past, in order to avoid being in trouble with Link, are now probably plotting Détente with Chrissy.

Alice asked Link how much money he invested in Wanda Pictures? This information has not yet been made public, and ordinary people do not know the inside story.

Wendy Deng raised two fingers.

Alice asked twenty million?

Wendy Deng said calmly and added another zero.

Alice's heart trembled when she heard this, and secretly sighed that Link, a playboy, was too rich. He spent more than 200 million on picking up girls. If the 200 million were divided, he would be two billionaires, but he spent it on one woman.

Alice didn't understand what Miss Qianjin meant before, but now she understands that Chris Liu is worth 200 million.

"Isn't this guy afraid of losing money?"

Alice looked at Link in the field and thought to herself.

"Give me a kiss, can you?

Kiss me on the face and leave a love mark

Give me a kiss, can you?

Kiss me on my heart and make me miss you

Even if I stare at you, you won’t agree.”

After singing the English version of "give me just one kiss", Link continued to sing the Chinese version of "Give me a kiss".


After singing once, Director Wang Ying called a pause and walked up to Link. He hesitated and said that his Mandarin was too standard and lacked a bit of flavor. He hoped that his pronunciation would not be too standard when singing.

Link was speechless.

After becoming Link, due to the different structures of the tongue and throat muscles, the pronunciation method is also different. Although he knows how to speak Mandarin in the most standard way, the Mandarin he speaks is still very difficult to pronounce, and it is also "foreign Chinese".

Before filming this drama, Director Wang Ying told him that he should learn this Chinese song in advance and practice it fluently. For this reason, he had to take time out to practice this song during the intervals of the concert, and asked Chris and Shu Chang to teach him how to pronounce.

He practiced for a long time to reach this level, but now Director Wang Ying said that he sang too well, which made his previous homework in vain.

But Director Wang Ying was right. A foreigner who can speak fluent Mandarin is definitely not more popular than a foreigner who speaks poor Chinese.

Link accepted the advice and changed to poor Chinese to sing "Give Me a Kiss". Although it was poorly sung, he felt much more comfortable when pronouncing it.

"Everyone sing together!"

Give me a bowl, intentional or not

The bowl is on my face, leaving a love sign

Give me a bowl, intentional or not

Link sang and danced, walked in front of Jun Ji-hyun, and looked into her eyes.

Link was wearing a black suit and a white shirt, handsome and extraordinary, Jun Ji-hyun was wearing a tight red dress, with long black straight hair, and a curvy figure.

The lights on the scene also hit the two of them, like the lights at the Oscars, which looked great.

"Even if I stare at you and you don't agree, I will still beg you Hey, everyone, look at how she played me."

Link slowly approached Jun Ji-hyun and wanted to kiss her, but Jun Ji-hyun turned her head away and avoided his kiss.

"Never sad!"

Link continued to sing.


Pa pa pa!

The audience applauded and cheered.

Jun Ji-hyun held his chin at this time and kissed him gently.

The whole audience cheered again.

Link smiled gently, took Jeon Ji-hyun's hand, and walked to the middle of the dance floor to dance.

Jeon Ji-hyun also took the initiative to kiss his lips, because Xuehua's role is the top of the group, and she behaves like a man in kissing.

Link hugged her, put his hand on her thin waist, and slowly slid it towards her curvy part. Jeon Ji-hyun's figure is not bad, with some curves.


"Not bad, another one!"

Director Wang Ying shouted.

Another one is not because the previous one is not good, but because I hope the two can perform better in the next one and make a breakthrough in performance.

Only when the actors perform better can the movie go to the next level.

Link didn't mind acting again, on the one hand to practice his acting skills, on the other hand to take time to learn Korean with Jeon Ji-hyun.

Originally, he also knew a little Korean and Japanese, but not much. If he wanted to master these two languages ​​thoroughly, he needed to practice more.

When Jun Ji-hyun taught him Korean, she was also quite serious. She first taught him daily spoken language and vocabulary, then taught him some more complex sentences, and also told him some Korean history and allusions.

After practicing for a while, Link still had some difficulties in speaking Korean, but he could understand more and more Korean sentences.

To express his gratitude, he proposed to treat Jun Ji-hyun to a meal, but was rejected by her. She also told him directly that she had a boyfriend and her relationship was relatively stable. Accepting his invitation would easily lead to rumors and make her boyfriend think too much, so she rejected him with regret.

Link felt it was interesting. After becoming a billionaire celebrity, few women would refuse his invitation, but now he hit a wall with Jun Ji-hyun.

However, he didn't care and continued to learn Korean from her. He also bought her a gem bracelet as a thank-you gift, about one thousand US dollars. Jun Ji-hyun didn't refuse this time.

Afterwards, she gave him a Sony music player in return, which contained more than 60 classic Korean songs and more than ten Korean daily conversations. The conversations were recorded by her personally. The gift was very thoughtful.

After a while, the two became friends.

Link did not show his intention to pursue the other party, and the other party would not refuse to make friends with him.

As for Japanese, Yasue Tahara, president of the marketing department of Universal Music Japan, also sent his Japanese teacher to Dahai City.

What surprised him was that there was not only Yui Aragaki, but also a girl named Nozomi Sasaki.

She was the same age as Yui Aragaki, 22 years old, 168 cm tall, 80/58/82cm in measurements, with a pure and fair appearance, long legs, and a curvy figure.

Nozomi Sasaki was a model and is now an actress. She has three works, "Water Drops of God" and "Angel Love", and is a relatively outstanding newcomer.

Yasue Tahara said that she was Yui Aragaki's assistant, and the two would be responsible for Link's Japanese work in the future.

Link was speechless.

The Japanese side was too enthusiastic, which made him feel that this might be a trap, such as corporate espionage.

So before he figured out their purpose, he just learned Japanese from them for the time being and didn't do anything excessive.


"Perfect! Next one!"

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