Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 364 Beautiful Female Teacher

The high-rise apartment in Jianghai Building is a high-end apartment. The upper and lower floors are decorated in a classical European style.

From the floor and walls to the spiral staircase, ceiling, and floor-to-ceiling window design, everything exudes a luxurious and elegant atmosphere. The electrical appliances in the house are relatively complete and appear to be relatively modern.

Link looked around and felt that it was very good, but compared to Ivaca's apartment, both the room layout and the decoration design were more than one level behind. This gap cannot be made up for with money. What is important is aesthetics.

If you have time in the future, you can ask Evaka to help design it.

Coming to the small living room, Link handed the gift to Yui-chan. It was a hand-drawn Chinese landscape painting album. It was not very expensive, but it was unique and interesting, and it also had a certain collection value.

When Yui-chan saw the gift, she waved her hands and said that the business trip was paid and he didn't need to spend any money.

Link said it was a local souvenir, not worth much, and it was also his apprenticeship ceremony.

Yui-chan thought for a moment before reluctantly accepting the album.

Link looked at the small living room and asked where Miss Sasaki was?

Yui-chan said that Sasaki was upstairs and would come down later. He also said that he was busy with other things just now and did not do a good job to greet him. He was sorry and asked him to wait for three minutes.

Link nodded and said that he had more time today, so there was no need to rush, and asked her to take her time to prepare.

Yui-chan put her hands in front of her belly, bowed to thank him, and then slowly exited the living room.

Link took off his coat and hung it on the hanger. There were also clothes of the two female teachers on the hanger. Most of Yui-chan's clothes were relatively simple and elegant, dressed like an ordinary urban girl. Most of Sasaki Nozomi-chan's clothes were famous brands and fashionable. .

Out of politeness, he did not look at their clothes and returned to the small living room. There was a blue fruit, a pot of fragrant tea, and two celadon teacups on the small low table in the middle. The air was also filled with some dense fragrance.

"Mr. Baker, I kept you waiting."

Yui-chan hurried out of the study with her books in her arms.

Her mid-length hair was tied into a ponytail, she wore a light blue women's suit, and her slippers were replaced by white shoes. With her tall figure and sweet smile, she looked even fresher and more beautiful.

Link secretly praised Yui-chan as the ‘national wife’ in the hearts of Japanese movie fans, and she was indeed very beautiful.

"Mr. Baker, can you start class?"

Yui-chan lowered her head and brushed her hair around her ears, then walked to the small table and sat down on her knees.

"Teacher Yui, please give me your advice."

Link nodded and sat cross-legged on the soft stool opposite.

Seeing his awkward sitting posture, Yui-chan lowered her face in embarrassment, her ears slightly red.

When I first came to China, I was afraid of heights, not used to flying, and suffered from airsickness. I suffered a lot before I came here.

Because of her father's incident, she was in a bad mood. In order to take revenge on this playboy, when she started class, Yui-chan said that if she wanted to learn Japanese well as soon as possible, it would be best to change the desk to a Japanese-style low desk. Also sit on your knees on the carpet during class.

Link followed her suggestion and quickly arranged for someone to buy a low table, tatami mats, and two Japanese screens, exceeding her request.

But when it comes to sitting, Link said that he is an athlete and sitting on his knees can easily hurt his knees, so he can only sit cross-legged.

Seeing how cooperative he was, Yui-chan didn't continue to embarrass him. She felt a little secretly happy that she had successfully tricked the big shot.

But after a few days of contact, she discovered that the legendary playboy was not a bad person. He was handsome, elegant, intelligent, knowledgeable, talented, gentle and polite. He was very different from the imaginary pervert with a sinister smile on his face who only knew how to bully girls.

After getting to know him, Yui-chan secretly felt ashamed. If Link knew that she was playing tricks on him in the future, would he be very angry?

"Mr. Baker, if you are not used to sitting like this, we can sit over there, on the sofa. Although the effect is a little bit worse, it won't be much worse."

Yui-chan pointed to the small living room next door and said politely.

"It doesn't matter. It will indeed be calmer if you sit here and study Japanese."

Link said nonchalantly.

One advantage of sitting at a small table is that you can talk to Yui-chan face to face.

There was only a distance of three feet between them. Looking at her big black eyes and fresh and refined face, she showed eight white teeth when she laughed. When she smiled, the corners of her lips turned up high, revealing a shallow smile dimple. , appears sweet and soft, and also very contagious.

Being close to such a girl who can provide emotional value will greatly improve the efficiency of learning Japanese.

"Mr. Baker, if you don't mind, let's start class. Please turn the booklet to page 12. Today we will learn Japanese expressions for daily necessities."

Yui-chan opened the booklet and said.

"Yo Xi~"

"Mr. Baker, it's not appropriate to use "Yoshi" to express "good" here. It's more accurate to use "Hi". You can also use OK."

Yui-chan corrected her seriously.


"I'm sorry, Mr. Baker, I'm late."

When the two of them were about to start class, there were several "Smimasai" apologies coming from behind, their voices were sweet and shy.

Link looked up and saw Nozomi Sasaki-chan coming.

She was dressed very sexy, like a female teacher in an island country movie. She was wearing round gold-rimmed glasses, a small white suit, a close-fitting skirt, and exquisite makeup. I don’t know if she was wearing underwear under the suit, and a strip of clothing was exposed at the collar. Snow-white career line.

The hem of the skirt is also relatively high, and it will roll up to above the thighs when you sit down for a while.

Wearing black stockings and high heels on her long, snow-white legs.

Taking a sexy cat walk, crossing her long legs back and forth while walking, she looks very fashionable and sexy.

But her face is very pure and delicate, and her expression is very serious, even a little cold, with a hint of an abstinent lady.

A bit like a high-end version of a female teacher.

Link took a look and greeted in Japanese, "Good afternoon, Mr. Sasaki, your clothes are very beautiful."

"Arigado! Linksang is also very handsome today."

Teacher Nozomi Sasaki smiled sweetly and bowed slightly. The career line under his coat became more conspicuous, like a white line in the valley on a snowy day, shining brightly.

Link smiled softly, feeling a little more wary.

Nozomi Sasaki is also a relatively famous female star in the Japanese entertainment industry.

After entering the entertainment industry last year, she became popular in Japan with her sweet appearance and sexy figure. She was praised by many Japanese media and netizens as Japan's number one beauty and "dream lover".

Now when the other party was teaching him, he dressed up so sexy, as if he was trying to seduce, which made him have to be vigilant.

The vigilance here is not timidity, but based on the consideration of past mistakes.

The front car is MJ.

In the 1980s, MJ successively bought the copyrights of The Beatles and other popular songs through his ATV Music Publishing Company, and there were about more than 200 hit songs.

In the early 1990s, Sony Records, coveting the copyrights of MJ's music, proposed a merger with ATV Music Publishing Company, and the copyrights of all songs were divided half and half.

That is to say, Sony Music also owns 50% of the copyright of MJ's songs and The Beatles' songs, and MJ owns 50% of the copyright of all songs under Sony Music.

But later, as Sony Music developed and expanded, acquiring the copyrights of more than two million songs from around the world over the past few decades, the value of Sony/ATV music copyrights increased from hundreds of millions of dollars to between four and five billion dollars. .

According to the 1995 merger agreement, 50% of it belonged to MJ, and MJ was worth more than 2 billion US dollars.

This was a huge fortune. Sony believed that MJ was taking advantage of it and asked to change the original agreement. MJ refused, and the relationship between the two parties became intense.

Later, MJ was exposed a lot of dirty information, got into a lot of trouble, and almost lost his reputation.

According to reports from European and American media, there are also reasons for this.

After MJ passed away, Sony Music used various methods to buy back the shares and the copyrights of all MJ's songs from MJ's estate, becoming the largest music copyright company in the world. If this was a war, Sony would undoubtedly be the biggest winner.

The situation on Link's side is similar.

He is the largest shareholder of Link Music and the owner of all song copyrights under Link Music, including his three albums, albums by Lana, Mars, Wiz Khalifa, and Justin Bieber.

The copyright of these songs is the most valuable asset of Link Music Company, and it is also the reason why Wall Street continues to increase the market value of Link Music.

Comparing Taylor's song copyrights from his first six albums, which were sold for US$300 million in 2018, the copyrights of all Justin Bieber's songs were sold for US$200 million in 2021.

The copyright value of the albums of Link and several singers under Link Music will be conservatively estimated to be no less than US$1 billion after 18 years.

This is a big cake worth hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars. No one is not greedy. Since last year, some people have been eyeing Link Music and proposed financing and acquisition plans, including the five major record companies. Part of the reason is to own the copyright of these songs. .

In fact, Link and Iwaka never thought of owning these copyrights for a long time. Two or three years after the release of these songs, the subsequent income will be greatly reduced, and they can make a lot of money by selling the copyrights.

But before he voluntarily sold the copyright, he didn't want anyone to touch the cake, nor did he want to be blackmailed.

So after seeing Yasue Tahara sending two popular Japanese actresses to be Japanese teachers, he became more wary. When he saw Nozomi Sasaki coming to class wearing a sexy female teacher suit, he felt even more wary. Some.

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