The third apology

After Nozomi Sasaki sat down opposite, she smelled a charming perfume.

The short skirt also rubbed against the skin, making an inaudible sound, like a lover's red lips gently brushing against the earlobe, just like Lao Tzu's "great sound is rare" in the "Tao Te Ching".

From Link's perspective, he could just see the kneeling figure of Sasaki.

With knees together, sitting like a duck, the skirt rolled up a little.

It seemed to have some tempting white.

For this reason, Nozomi Sasaki had to pull down the hem of her skirt many times, but the hem seemed to be elastic and curled up more.


When Link was peeking, another teacher also stared at him with eyes full of scrutiny, as if he wanted to test whether he, the student, had the willpower through this incident.

Link smiled gently. In order not to disappoint Yui-chan, he straightened his back, concentrated, and began to learn the names of various furniture in Japanese from Yui-chan. The wardrobe is Yofukudansu, the kitchen cabinet is Shikidan, the double bed is Dublubed, etc.

Seeing his performance, Yui-chan nodded with satisfaction, and felt that Link-san was a moral and cultivated person. People like him, even if they are playboys, are not his fault, but some bad women are seducing him.

Thinking of bad women, Yui-chan glanced at Sasaki Nozomi next to her with dissatisfaction. This is a classroom, and she, an assistant teacher, is dressed like this. It is too indecent. If you don't know, you might think they are shooting an adult movie here.

Sasaki Nozomi didn't care about her eyes, and she also looked at the booklet attentively, listening to Link's Japanese learning.

Whenever she heard Link's pronunciation was wrong, she would turn her body and correct his mistakes in a sweet but serious voice, and teach him to make sentences with the names of the new furniture she had learned.

For example, a double bed is a bed that can accommodate two people. Two people must lie flat and cannot sleep on top of each other. Only a single bed can accommodate two people sleeping on top of each other.

Bathtub: After the teacher finishes work every day, he will take off his clothes and lie in the bathtub.

The faucet is the place where the water pipe is discharged. Depending on the function, some are a few centimeters long, some are dozens of centimeters long, and there are various shapes.

Yui-chan didn't find the problem at first, but after listening for a while, she found that these examples were a little wrong and it was easy to make people think about it.


Yui-chan coughed lightly, tightened her cheeks, and tapped the table lightly with her fingers, asking her to pay attention.

Sasaki Nozomi didn't look at her at all, and taught Link Japanese by herself. Sometimes she would lean over to get close to Link, or pout her pink lips and blame Link in a tender voice, making some very tempting movements.

And her skirt

Yui-chan couldn't help but quietly help her pull it down to cover some places that shouldn't be exposed.

But her thighs were plump and she couldn't pull it down.

Yui-chan endured it for a long time, and finally it was half an hour's break. She asked Link to continue reciting the newly learned words and sentences here, and pulled Sasaki's arm to the living room next door.

Close the door.

"Xi-san, what are you doing?"

Yui-chan stared at Sasaki Xi and asked angrily.

"Yui-san, what are you doing?"

Sasaki Xi asked back lightly, holding her arms.

Her net height was one centimeter lower than Yui-chan, but at this time she was wearing high heels and was two centimeters taller than Yui-chan, so she could look down at Yui-chan's eyes with a provocative smile on her lips.

"Me? Of course I'm in class, and now I'm asking you, please answer me."

Yui-chan looked at her without showing any weakness.

"I'm in class too!"

"But, but you're dressed like this, and you're still seducing Mr. Baker. How can you be considered in class? You're clearly seducing Mr. Baker. Don't forget that Mr. Baker is our student now. Do you look like a teacher when you do this?"

Yui-san pointed at her exposed cleavage and long white legs.

"Yui-chan, have you forgotten Mr. Tahara's mission? How can we complete the mission if we don't do this?"

Sasaki Nozomi said.

Yui-chan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered Mr. Tahara Yasue's mission, which required them to get close to Link and find a way to get seeds from him to improve the gene pool of the Dahe ethnic group. Sasaki Nozomi was doing this to carry out the mission, and it didn't seem wrong.

"But, we can do that slowly, such as cultivating feelings first, deepening understanding, liking each other, and then willingly having sex. Isn't that good?"

"Cultivate feelings?"

Sasaki Nozomi smiled coldly, leaned over to look at her face, almost touching her nose.

"Yui-chan, are you here for a romantic relationship? Our purpose in approaching him is to steal something from him. Does it matter if we fall in love with him or not? Do you think it is more noble to wait until we fall in love with him and then steal his things?"

Yui-chan opened her mouth, not knowing how to answer?

Their purpose in approaching Mr. Baker was not simple. They wanted to steal Link's things, very important things.

So whether they love each other or not, they are all thieves, and Link is the victim.

If they wait for Link to fall in love with them before stealing, they will not only steal the seeds, but also his love.

If they wait for themselves to fall in love with him before stealing, then they will use the name of love to hurt their loved ones.

No matter which choice they make, it is a shameful act.

So Sasaki-san is right. If they don't love him or be loved by him, simply having a relationship seems to hurt him less.

But having a relationship without love, Yui-chan can't pass the test in her heart.

"Xisang, don't you feel aggrieved by doing this? I know you are not the kind of casual person. Maybe we can discuss with Mr. Baker and make a deal. For example, let him take the initiative to give us a copy. I talked about it in physiology class, that thing is available every month and can’t be used up.”

Yui-chan blinked her big eyes, suddenly feeling that her proposal was great.

Mr. Baker is a very nice person and seems to be easy to talk to. If you tell him everything and ask him for help, he may not refuse, and he will no longer have to do bad things, and he will not feel guilty.

"Girl with a big face, how can you become a big star if you are so naive?"

Nozomi Sasaki asked, staring at her.


"Would you give your child away casually? Not to mention that Mr. Baker is a billionaire. According to the law, illegitimate children sometimes have inheritance rights. Do you think he would be willing to hand over some of his descendants to the Japanese government for future distribution? His property?"

Yui-chan thought for a while and felt that her idea was a bit naive. If Mr. Baker was really that generous, Mr. Tahara Yasue and the others would have obtained his genes long ago. But besides this method, is there any other good way?

"Yui-san, do you want to accept this mission? If you accept, we will compete fairly. If you don't accept, don't stop me and prevent me from completing the mission."

Nozomi Sasaki asked.

Yui-san blinked his big eyes, thought hard, and suddenly took two steps back, bent down and bowed solemnly to Sasaki Nozomi at ninety degrees.

"Hisan! Please!"

Nozomi Sasaki blinked expressionlessly and walked out with sexy steps. She looked very hot in a small suit skirt, perky buttocks, and white thighs.

When Yui-chan saw her like this before, he would despise her for being a coquettish woman, but now he only respects her.

Sasaki Kisan is willing to sacrifice his body for the country and the nation. Compared with a woman like me who only cares about her own feelings and personal love, regardless of the country and family, she is too great, and he is too selfish.

Yui-chan sighed, brushed her bangs, cheered up and walked out again.


In the small living room, Link used the remote control to close the display screen and continued to read Japanese.

When Yui-chan came to the living room, she saw that he was still practicing Japanese without moving. She secretly praised Link-san in her heart that he is a very good man. He is strong, outstanding, rich, and he is so hard-working, studious, and pursuing improvement. .

You should feel guilty for stealing his stuff.

Yui-chan sighed softly, regained her composure, and continued to teach Link how to read Japanese. Her voice was crisp and sweet, as if she was reading lines from a script.

Sasaki Kisan also gradually moved from the opposite side to Link's side, stretched out his white fingers, and taught him to read word by word, a hundred times more serious than his teacher in elementary school.

Sometimes when he says something wrong, Teacher Nozomi Sasaki will hold her fist and tap him lightly on the shoulder, scolding him to be more serious, but she keeps showing the scenery in her collar to his eyes, and gently rubbing her knees. touching his knees.

Link resisted the urge to rush and read the booklet calmly, wanting to see what the two of them would do next?


How about this song?


When did you leave Dahai City?


Is this your first time in Japan?

The teaching lasted for nearly an hour. Sasaki Kisan told Yui-chan that he would stay to tutor Link-san and asked Yui-chan if he could help prepare some food.

Yui-chan looked at her, blushed, picked up the book, and ran up to the second floor without looking back.

"Linxang, please turn the booklet to the next page and let's preview tomorrow's lesson."

Sasaki Nozomi-chan said in a sweet voice.

"Okay, Sasaki-sensei."

Link smiled clearly, stretched out his hand to pick up Xijiang's soft waist, lowered his head and kissed her cherry-like lips.

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