Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 366 Bloodstained Rags (410)

Chapter 366 Bloodstained Rags (4/10)


Yui-chan trotted back to the bedroom, closed the door, and slowly sat on the floor with her back against the door, knees bent inward, and her chest kept breathing heavily.

When she went upstairs, she looked back secretly and saw Link-san hugging and kissing Xi-chan.

It was like a French kiss, and the movements were very passionate. Just one look made her blush and she dared not look at it again.

Although Yui-chan had not experienced adult affairs, she also secretly watched a small movie under the instigation of her roommate Ishida Mirai-chan, and felt very ashamed.

Now Link-san and Xi-chan must be doing something very shameful.

Yui-chan held her hot cheeks, and some strange images popped up in her mind involuntarily.

Puff puff!

After some time, Yui-chan heard a clear sound of footsteps coming from the corridor on the second floor, approaching her room. The footsteps were heavy, not like the light steps of Xi-chan.

Yui-chan's heart tightened. Is it Link-san who came up? Wasn't he making out with Nozomi downstairs? Why did he come up at this time?

Is he here to find me?


The footsteps stopped in front of her room. The heavy footsteps made the person outside the door look like a wild beast, and his breathing could be heard.

Yui-chan stood up nervously, holding her breath, and pressing her thumping heart. Link is the world boxing champion, very strong and physically strong. If he breaks in to bully me, how should I resist?

"Link-san, my room is over there, and this is Yui-chan's room."

Nozomi's soft voice came from outside the door.


The footsteps left, and then the door next door was opened and closed heavily.

Yui-chan breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the carpet. Just now, there was only Link-san's footsteps outside, but she could hear Nozomi talking. Yui-chan could imagine the scene outside. Nozomi should be in Link-san's arms or on his back.

‘It should be in her arms. Link-san is so strong that he should be able to hold Xi-chan with one hand.’

Thinking of this, Yui-chan hurriedly shook her head. How could she let her mind wander at this time? She opened the door and looked outside. There was no one. But at this time, a strange sound came from the bedroom next door. It sounded very much like the sound in the small movie she had seen before, but the sound was more intense.

Yui-chan's cheeks became hot after listening for a while. She hurriedly closed the door, but after quieting down, she seemed to still hear a little bit. Yui-chan covered her ears and lay on the bed. After a while, she gently opened the door and quietly came to the small living room downstairs.

But after seeing the scene in the small living room, Yui-chan couldn't help covering her mouth. The original small living room was in a mess. One of the two screens fell to the ground, and the fruit plate booklet on the low table was also overturned on the ground.

There was also Xi-chan's small suit, skirt, black stockings, and white T-shirt on the floor.

Most of them turned into pieces of cloth at this time.

Link-san's shirt and jeans were also thrown on the ground casually.

Seeing these things, Yui-chan couldn't help but think of something else in her mind. It was a very brutal home invasion crime scene. Link-san was the brutal criminal, and Xi-chan was the victim.

Just thinking that Xi-chan did this to get the seed, Link-san became the victim without knowing it.

Yui-chan felt that it was wrong to define Link-san as a criminal. She shook her head, knelt on the carpet, picked up the fruit plate and brochures, and also put away Link's clothes, folded them and put them on the sofa.

Seeing Xi-chan's broken uniform, Yui-chan felt a little sad. Xi-chan did this for the country and the nation, and hoped that her efforts were worthwhile. However, when sorting out the scraps of Xi-chan's white skirt, she was surprised to find a piece of rose-colored liquid on it.

Yui-chan held the piece of cloth that looked like a flag and was stunned for a long time. She heard that this pattern would appear when a girl becomes a woman. Was Xi-chan a girl before?

Yui-chan couldn't believe it. How could she still be a girl when she looked so coquettish, with such a raised butt, twisting her body when she walked, and wearing makeup and dressing in a mature and sexy style?

She didn't know the reason, but she thought that this piece of cloth must be very important to Xi-chan, so she used the dryer to blow it dry and folded it carefully.

Thinking of what Xi-chan had just said about cooking, Yui-chan was worried that the two would be hungry when they came out, so she found some ingredients in the kitchen and made a sushi, a pot of miso soup, and a fried pork chop.

Yui-chan thought that Xi-chan had just lost her virginity and needed to make up for it. She took out her mobile phone and searched the Internet and found a food suitable for Xi-chan. She called the maid in the apartment and asked her to buy some ingredients.

It took nearly an hour for the maid to deliver the ingredients to the apartment. Yui-chan thought that Link and Xi-chan would come down from upstairs in advance, but they didn't. After she prepared all the food, Link-san came down in shorts and a T-shirt.

"Teacher Yui, please."

Link said as he looked at the neatly folded clothes on the sofa.

Yui-chan glanced at him, blushing and shaking her head. Originally, she should have blamed Link for bullying Xi-chan and being a bad guy, but when she thought that Xi-chan was stealing his things and she was an accomplice, she felt a little guilty.

"Link-san, I made some Japanese food, would you like to try it?"

"Okay, Yui-sensei, you are such an excellent lady. Not only is your acting great, but you also cook Japanese food very well. Whoever marries you will be very happy."

Link sat at the low table and praised the dinner made by Yui-chan.

"Not that great, I can only cook these few dishes, and the taste is average."

Yui-chan said modestly.

Link smiled lightly, and talked to Yui-chan about her work while eating. After Yui Aragaki and Nozomi Sasaki came, he did not intend to get to know them more out of caution. He only planned to learn Japanese with them, go to Japan to hold a concert, and then go their separate ways and never see each other again.

Just now, he heard part of the conversation between the two through the closed-circuit monitor. Because the two spoke Japanese, he could only understand a small number of words, such as steal, seed, fall in love with him and other short sentences and words.

The conversation between the two also aroused his curiosity.

In order to find out the purpose of Tahara Yasue as soon as possible, he took a certain risk to pounce on Nozomi Sasaki, and the result was indeed a little unexpected.

The first is Nozomi Sasaki's body, which looks mature and sexy, but is actually very immature, like a green peach dyed red on the outside.

The second point is the purpose of Tahara Yasue sending them here.

Originally, Nozomi Sasaki was unwilling to explain, but under his "torture", Nozomi finally told everything. It turned out that the Japanese side saw that he was strong and wanted to borrow some genes.

It was the same purpose that the Japanese organizers arranged more than a dozen girls to help him bathe during the boxing match in June.

He didn't really care about this matter. Although illegitimate children also had some inheritance rights, as long as he was still alive and had legitimate descendants, he didn't have to worry about being robbed of his property. In addition, he should have a lot of assets in the future, and it would be a good thing to have more children and grandchildren to share the property.

And if he was strong, his descendants would be as strong as he was and become a stronger class among the human race, so why not have more children while he was young?

Giving birth to hundreds of children would all be powerful humans. After several years, there might be a chance to unify the world.

After Nozomi finished explaining, she also asked him not to tell Yui-chan and Tahara Yasue about this. If Yui-chan knew about it, she would probably be too ashamed to see him.

Link agreed to her request.

However, after leaving the room, he thought about it carefully again, and felt that the plan of Tahara Yasue and others was probably not as simple as borrowing seeds, and there might be deeper intentions. Although he didn't know whether the other party was plotting Link Music, it was always right to be careful of the Japanese.

"Teacher Yui, I'm done with my meal. Thank you for your rich hospitality. I have a night show tonight and can't stay here any longer."

Link put down his chopsticks and said politely.

Yui saw the five empty plates and food boxes on the low table, and her mouth opened slightly. This was the meal she prepared for three people, but Link sat here for less than ten minutes and sent it all into his stomach, without any soup.

Yui was very happy that he finished the dishes she cooked, which was a high recognition, but his appetite was too large, which also surprised her.

"Link-san, are you leaving?"

Seeing Link stand up, Yui also stood up quickly.

"Yes, I'm filming at the Bund these days. Because time is tight, I have to shoot multiple scenes in a day."

"Oh! I wish Link-san a smooth filming."

Yui-chan took his coat from the hanger and handed it to him.

"Thank you! I will."

Link said in Japanese. When he walked to the door, he told Yui-chan that Xi-chan was very tired now and would probably sleep for a while before waking up. Please help take care of Xi-chan when she wakes up. He will not be able to come to see them until tomorrow.

Yui-chan didn't understand why Xi-chan was so tired, but when she heard his request, she quickly agreed, saying that Xi-chan was her companion and it was her duty to take care of her.

The two said goodbye at the door.

After closing the door, Yui-chan breathed a sigh of relief.

Link is a very good man, but she came to him to steal his things, stealing things from a good man. Every time she thought of this, Yui-chan didn't dare to face him.

Back in the small living room, Yui-chan saw the empty plate and her stomach growled. She could only make another meal. Fortunately, vegetables and fruits are abundant in China and much cheaper than in Japan, so cooking is also very convenient.

While cooking, she went upstairs to see that Xi-chan was indeed sleeping. The bed in the bedroom was messy, and Xi-chan's hair was loose, her cheeks were rosy, as if she had just finished a sauna, and her eyebrows, eyes, and nose seemed to be more beautiful.

Yui-chan stood by the bed and stared at her face for a while, full of respect in her heart. Xi-chan was like a real warrior in ancient times, brave and fearless, not afraid of sacrifice, much better than a selfish guy like herself.

Yui-chan brushed her bangs, went back to the restaurant to eat, and looked at the landscape painting album sent by Link-san for a while, thinking about what to give as a return gift.

When it was almost dark, she came to the second floor, wanting to see if Xi-chan woke up, and if she woke up, she would send dinner up.

But when she walked to the door, she heard Xi-chan making a phone call.

".. Director Tanabe, I have done what you said. I hope you can help my father solve the problem of usury as agreed. I know that he owes a lot of money and will gamble again in the future, but he is my father. I heard that the government encourages people to immigrate to Brazil. I want to help my father apply for a quota, okay?"

". I fainted and don't know if I will get pregnant, but Link-san said that he likes me and will take care of me. I think I still have a chance to get pregnant with his child."

". Director Tanabe, please take care of my father's affairs, Arigato."

Hearing the voice in the house, Yui-chan covered her mouth and stood at the door, not knowing whether to go in or leave.

"Yui-san, come in."

Sasaki Kisan said in a hoarse voice.

"Xisang, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your phone call."

Yui-chan stood at the door and said with a blushing face.

Nozomi Sasaki leaned on the bed and glanced at her.

"Did you hear everything?"

"Yes, I heard something, Hisang, you were also forced to take on this task because of your father's affairs, right? It turned out that I was the same. They said that my father was corrupt and wanted to sentence my father to prison. Later, Mr. Tahara found me and said As long as I agree to be Lin Kesang's teacher, I will help solve my father's problem. Is this how your father owes a high-rate loan? Is this because they are deliberately setting us up? Should we call the police?"

Yui-chan said angrily.

"When I was young, my father worked in a bank, and my family had a villa in Shibuya. Later, my father's investment failed. He first lost his job, and then became addicted to gambling. The villa, car, and car were also sold, and he still owed more than 100 million to the casino. Loan sharking, I have been working outside to make money in recent years, and I am also helping my father pay off his debts. It is not a recent thing, and I think your father's financial problems at work are not new. "

Nozomi Sasaki said.

Yui-chan lowered her head and thought for a moment. It seemed that Xi-chan was right. After her father was arrested, her mother still complained on the phone that her father shouldn't be greedy for a small amount of money.

In this way, it is indeed not Mr. Tahara's fault.

"Xi-chan, I made mutton blood soup. Do you want to eat it now? I'll bring it to you. By the way, I'll give this back to you."

Yui-chan took out the blood-stained cloth from her pocket and placed it on the bedside. She smiled sweetly at Nozomi-chan, walked out of the bedroom and closed the door.

Nozomi Sasaki picked up the piece of cloth on the table, looked at it quietly, and carefully placed it under the pillow.

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