Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 367 The Thirteen Women of Nanjing

"She's in there!"

"Can I see her alone?"

In the hospital, in the dimly lit corridor, Nina Lily stopped in front of a ward door. Joseph looked at her and slowly walked into the ward. Lying on the bed was Sophia Snowflake, who had just had a miscarriage not long ago, and whom he loved. A woman who has lived.

Joseph looked at the unconscious Sophia quietly, with sadness on his handsome face, and a touch of melancholy lingering in his deep eyes. The lights in the ward poured down from the ceiling, and the profile of his face was like a piece of exquisite art. Taste.

Seeing Link's performance, Director Wang Ying nodded with satisfaction. It is indeed very good for a boxer to practice his acting skills to this extent.



After arriving on the set of "Snowflake and the Secret Fan", Link continued filming. It took about six days to complete the filming of Joseph's scene in the film.

Bang bang bang!

After filming the last scene, the crew put down their work and applauded him.

On the one hand, he has been very dedicated to the crew these days. He is a world-class superstar and has a busy work schedule. However, he has never been late for any filming these days, and he has not missed any rehearsals.

During his time on the set, he also had a very good attitude towards the staff. He would not refuse even if the cast and crew wanted him to sign autographs and take photos with him. He didn’t have any pretensions to being a world star and was very kind. This made the whole crew have a good impression of him. .

On the other hand, his acting skills are also great, and he is very serious about his performance. Sometimes he feels that he did not perform well and needs to make adjustments. He will find director Wang Ying to discuss it, hoping to shoot it again and try to do his best. This is also Be responsible for the film.

When Link saw everyone applauding him, he also clapped his hands, bowed to everyone, and took a group photo with everyone.

"Link, there is a great director who wants to meet you. Do you have time to chat?"

After taking the group photo, Wendy Deng walked over with a smile, followed by a thin director with gray hair but bright eyes.

Link looked over and recognized the other person at a glance. Director Zhang Damou, whose representative works include "Ju Dou", "Alive", "Hero", "House of Flying Daggers", "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit", "The Golden Armor", etc. .

If one were to select a director with the greatest influence and the best representation of the development of Chinese films in the world, it would be him.

He was also the chief director of the 2008 Olympic Games opening ceremony.

Link had also seen him at the Beijing Olympics, but he had not said hello. Now that he saw Wendy Deng bringing Director Zhang Da to the set, Link was a little surprised. Why did he come to see him?

He took the initiative to step forward, shook hands with the other person, and said, "Director Zhang, it's Situ Mi's oiling." Director Zhang replied, "It's Situ Mi's oiling." Next to her, Wendy Deng smiled.

Then, with Wendy Deng's help, the three of them went to the teahouse next door to chat.

Director Zhang Da is also a straightforward person. When he arrived at the teahouse, as soon as his butt touched the chair, he announced that he was here to make a movie. "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" tells the story of a group of Chinese people who were not afraid of Beijing during the Japanese invasion in 1937. A story of sacrifice and brave resistance to the invaders.

There is a foreign character in the movie, an undertaker, a drunkard who regards wealth as his life, but at the critical moment he disguises himself as a priest and saves the "Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" in the church. He is also a character similar to "Oscar" · Schindler's character.

Director Zhang Da thought he was good and invited him to play the leading role.

"Director Zhang, is it appropriate for me to play a priest?"

Link flipped through the script with some hesitation. He had played a boxer, a writer, a diver, a student, a groom, a mercenary, a businessman, and now he was a priest. He felt a little pressured.

"Mr. Baker, I think it's very appropriate. Although you are a foreigner, you have a humble and harmonious Chinese temperament. Standing among a group of Chinese people, you will not look out of place. This is very rare.

In addition, John Miller was not a priest originally. He pretended to be a priest under special circumstances. If you agree to play, we can redesign the character according to your image, for example, design it as a playboy who comes to China to do business, or a playboy who comes to China to do business. For wandering musicians looking for opportunities in China, these can all be discussed. "

Director Zhang Da said sincerely.

It sounds great, but Link still has some concerns.

First of all, he has too much work next year. In addition to boxing matches, his fourth album, and a lot of movies to be shot.

Including "The Wallflower", "The Bureau of Time", "Captain America", "Friends", "You're Still Here", "Rust and Bone", plus this one "The Thirteen Girls", next year will probably be very busy. .

But it would be a pity to turn it down.

First of all, this is a patriotic movie. I have become a foreigner in this life and cannot do anything for the country. It is also very meaningful to take on this kind of movie and use my fame to help Chinese movies go global.

Secondly, this movie seems to have a good reputation and is the box office champion of the year.

In addition, director Zhang Da is an internationally renowned director with good directing skills. Working with him will also help my acting skills to a certain extent.

Link asked Director Zhang Da when the film was shot.

Director Zhang Da said that he only has a few scenes in February and March and can finish them in about half a month.

Link thought for a while and said that the movie script is very good, but he will have too much work next year. Whether he has time to take over the filming of this movie depends on the specific work arrangements. He will give him an answer next week.

Director Zhang Da expressed his understanding.

After seeing off Director Zhang Da, he called Mandy and Anna and told them about being invited by Director Zhang Da to star in a new movie, and asked them if he would be free in February or March.

Ms. Mandy told him that the filming dates for "Captain America" ​​are between October and February, and "Friends with Friends" and "Time Administration" will be filmed in February and March.

He will release a new album at the beginning of the year, and February and March are the awards season. If he takes over the filming of "The Thirteen Hairpins", he probably won't even have a day off.

Link felt numb after hearing this. After thinking for a while, he could discuss with Director Wil Guler whether the filming of the film could be postponed for a month or two. If not, he could also find a new male protagonist.

Palm Beach Pictures is one of the producers of this movie. As a boss, it is not a problem for him to ask the crew to postpone the filming for a month or two.

If the crew is ready and it would be more expensive to postpone the shooting, you can also change to a leading actor.

This kind of commercial film does not have high requirements for the protagonist. He must be handsome and popular. There are many people in Hollywood who can do the job.

Ms. Mandy said yes, as long as he is not tired. He is the core of the entire team. If he works harder, everyone will get more bonuses and shares.

Ms. Anna told him on the phone that the promotion work for the world tour in South Korea has begun. According to negotiations between Universal Music and South Korea, the originally planned five concerts in South Korea will be upgraded to eight.

Link felt helpless. He already had a lot of work, and Universal Records kept adding more workload. This was a rhythm that would make him die of overwork.

Anna continued to say that Universal Music also promised to give him and the performance team an additional US$500,000 in appearance fees for each additional show as originally planned, and also guaranteed that the audience at each show would not be less than 30,000, and all the performances would be less than 30,000. The number of people attending will be divided according to the ticket price of 30,000 people.

Link closed his mouth again when he heard this.

With one more concert, you can get an additional 1.5 million performance fees, and the ticket share is more than 300,000 US dollars per show. Three more concerts will be more than 5 million, which is higher than the salary for one film.

In addition, the more concerts held in a region and the more tickets sold, the more it shows that the singer is well-known and popular in the local area.

Holding more concerts is actually what singers want to see most.

Many singers said before they held a concert that they would hold a hundred shows, but when it came to the actual concert, no fans came to support them, and the last few shows ended hastily.

Concerts are also a way to promote singers and albums. Before and after the concert, the singer's fame and album sales in the region will also increase.

Just like when Link came to China for a concert, not counting Hong Kong and Taiwan, but only in mainland China, the total sales of his three albums reached 620,000, which was more than 30 times higher than in July. The effect was very significant.

It is said that the pirated tape CDs of his three albums have sold more than 8 million copies and were bought by many middle school students as English listening tapes.

Link doesn't care much about this matter. When these pirated fans have a certain financial ability, they may be converted into genuine fans. In the future, they may be able to shout out like Master Xing that everyone owes Link a genuine album.

He was about to go to South Korea for a concert. Link first visited two Japanese teachers and studied Japanese in the apartment for a day.

At the same time, he also arranged for the company's staff in Japan to buy an apartment in a relatively luxurious area of ​​Tokyo in advance.

On the one hand, it can be used as a place to stay in Tokyo in the future, and on the other hand, it can also take care of Sasaki Nozomi-chan.

Nozomi Sasaki is beautiful, has a sexy figure, her skin looks like it has been soaked in milk, and her voice is very sweet when she speaks. She also has the gentle temperament of a Japanese woman, which gives people a great sense of psychological and physical satisfaction.

Link felt it would be nice to have a Japanese lover.

In addition, in order to thank Yui-chan for her help, he wrote a piece of music based on his impressions and gave it to musicians under Link Music to perfect it. He created an English song "Good Time" suitable for male and female duets, and prepared to accompany Yui-chan in Tokyo. Singing a chorus at a concert.

There are also several English songs in the two albums under Yui-chan's name. The sounds are sweet and warm, and they are more suitable for songs like "Good Time".

Yui-chan was very happy after receiving the invitation. Every time she saw him, she would show her eight white teeth. She also took the initiative to apologize to him, saying that she was learning Japanese on the low table because she wanted to prank him and asked for his forgiveness.

Link smiled and said he didn't care.

Yui-chan felt so sorry that she specially cooked a large table of Japanese food to apologize. She also said that she would treat him to dinner again after coming to Tokyo.

Link asked her if she was a playboy and would be misunderstood by the media and fans if she made friends with him, and asked her if she wasn't worried?

Yui-chan said she didn't care and praised him as a very good person, not a playboy as the outside world said.

He also said it was an honor to be friends with him.

Several times Yui-chan almost couldn't help but tell her the purpose of coming here, but every time she was about to say it, Sasaki Nozomi-chan would interrupt her.

Seeing Yui-chan so innocent and cute, Link sometimes has the illusion that he is a little bit bad.

Before flying to South Korea, he also took a trip to Beijing and stayed at Chris Liu's house for two days. He accompanied Chris and Jennifer to visit a courtyard house that was being renovated, as well as a high-end apartment in Chaoyang District. Slept in the apartment for two nights.

But because they were not strict, the paparazzi took photos of the three of them walking hand in hand and watching a movie.

After the photos were exposed, there were a lot of negative opinions about him on the domestic Internet. Many netizens were indignant and called him a "scumbag" and a "playboy", asking him to leave China and never come back.

When he came to China, netizens welcomed his arrival in unison, calling him Brother Text and Brother Boxing.

But now, they are all clamoring for him to leave early.

This is really thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west.

Despite this, before leaving China, he and Link Music donated 50 million Chinese yuan to the China Charity Federation, China Youth Development Foundation, and Link Charity Foundation China Branch to support China's charity and public welfare undertakings, leaving almost all the money earned on this trip on this land.

This incident was immediately reported by many official media in China, praising him as a philanthropist who is enthusiastic about public welfare and welcoming him to come to China for exchange activities again.

Netizens' attitude towards him has also changed slightly, thinking that except for some flaws in his private life, he is almost a perfect idol in other aspects.

So before he left, when he used Weibo to say goodbye to his Chinese fans, the comments section was in chaos. Within three days, the number of comments exceeded 120,000. Some welcomed him to come back, some did not, and some said that as long as he did not pick up girls, he was welcome to come back.

He became a controversial foreign star who was half famous and half black.

Because of this controversy, he gained extremely high popularity and fame among the Chinese people. In the subsequent foreign celebrity popularity voting event held by Weibo, he beat Leonardo, Lady Gaga, Kobe, Jordan, Avril and other cultural and sports stars to become the first.

Even the endorsement offer given by domestic advertisers has increased from 7 or 8 million US dollars to more than 12 million after tax.

Many Chinese companies saw that he was famous and profitable, so they actively contacted Dynasty Promotion, hoping to get the right to host his next boxing match.

The appearance fee was also given to more than 20 million US dollars.

This is the highest appearance fee that a foreign boxer can get in a domestic competition.



As the plane took off, Link looked out the window at the vast land of China and said softly, I will come back again.

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