Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 369 Whose child is it (510)

Chapter 369 Whose child is it (5/10)

"There are also many posts online discussing whether Taylor's pregnancy is true or not. Some people think it is true, while others think it is hype. Since 8 a.m., this news has been on the top three hot search lists of Google, Yahoo, Twitter and other platforms, and the popularity has remained high. As of 10 a.m., Taylor has not made any explanation."

Ms. Mandy handed over a tablet and said.

Link flipped through it.

After the Hollywood Reporter broke the news, many netizens posted Taylor's event photos, saying that before last year, every time she attended a public event, she would wear slim-fitting clothes to show her slender waist curve.

Taylor also said in an interview program that she had body anxiety. As long as she weighed one pound more, she would punish herself by not eating until she lost the extra weight.

But from her recent photos, her figure is obviously getting fatter, and her exposed cheeks and backs of her hands are a bit fleshy.

So netizens believe that the news of "Taylor's pregnancy" is 80% true.

Link looked at the photos, scratched his forehead, and felt a little upset.

If Taylor was really pregnant, who was the father of the child?

If it was him, it would be a good thing, but if it was not his?

Link clenched his fists, and felt even more upset.

After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and called Taylor, and the microphone sounded a prompt tone that the number could not be connected.

He opened the WhatsApp software and sent her a message, asking if the child was his, and if so, he was willing to take responsibility.

After sending the message, he regretted it. He shouldn't have asked if it was his. He should have been more tactful and asked how many months pregnant she was.

Taylor had a bad temper to begin with, and now she was pregnant, she didn't know if she would be angry when she saw this message.

He wanted to withdraw the message, but failed to withdraw it, indicating that the message had been read by the other party.

"Your face is a little rounder and more beautiful. Are you really pregnant?"

Link asked.

"What does it have to do with you?"

Taylor replied.

"I haven't seen any news about your recent boyfriend, and you're not the kind of girl who would mess around outside. If you're pregnant, the child can only be mine. I'm the father of the child, so it's naturally related to me."

"You think you know me well? Unfortunately, you're wrong this time. In April and May, after we broke up, I was in a bad mood and went to the bar to get drunk. Later, I slept with a random man, and then I got pregnant. I think this is a gift from God, so I'm going to give birth to the baby. Everything has nothing to do with you, and you don't have to think about it."

Taylor replied.

Link was so angry when he saw this message that he almost crushed the screen of his mobile phone.

"I didn't expect you to be this kind of woman"

While editing the message, he suddenly thought whether this was Taylor's angry words. Every time he chatted with her, she would make him want to hit someone, and this time might be her angry words.

He deleted the message, turned to Mrs. Andrea's phone number, called her, and the phone rang twice before hanging up.

"I've said it's not yours, it has nothing to do with you, what else do you want?"

Taylor sent a message.

"I know it's mine, but I can't tell you the reason now."

"What reason?"

"I can't tell you now."

"Asshole, did you do anything with the condom that time?"

Ding-ling-ling! Before he could reply to the message, the phone rang. It was Taylor's phone.

As soon as Link picked up the phone, he heard Taylor's scolding, but her scolding vocabulary was relatively poor. She kept saying assholes, damn guys, etc., without even a word starting with F.

"Taylor, don't be angry first. Things are not what you think. I swear to God that everything I do is because I love you."

"You asshole, liar, I swear, I will never let you see the child in this life."

"Dear, listen to my explanation"


The call was hung up. Link called to explain, but he couldn't get through twice.

He sent a message to Taylor via WhatsApp, and was blocked again. MSN, Facebook, etc. all showed that they were not friends.

Link pinched his forehead. He knew he should have been more tactful just now.

In fact, before he said that, he also expected Taylor to be angry, but if he didn't say that, he couldn't be sure whether the child was his. Now Taylor was very angry, and it was basically certain that it was.

As for using that method to make Taylor pregnant, it was indeed a bit despicable.

But Taylor didn't take contraceptive pills afterwards, and didn't take any measures after finding out she was pregnant, which also showed that she was willing to accept the child.

So the arrival of this child was the common will of the two, the fruit of love, and it was not a conspiracy.

Seeing the nanny car driving into the coastal avenue, Link wanted to see Taylor, but he didn't know where Taylor was. After thinking about it, he called the little round face, and the call was connected after two calls.

"What are you doing?"

Selena's voice was soft and glutinous, with some bubbling sounds.

"Are you still sleeping?"

"Ahem! No, how could it be, I just came back from running outside, panting, how are you in Korea, it should be midnight now, right? What's the matter with the call?"

Selena asked with a fake breath.

"I'm in Los Angeles."

"Ah? Oh, I remember now. Yes, you said you'd come back today. I just washed a plate of strawberries for you. Come back soon to eat them."

"Do you know that Taylor is pregnant?"


The sound of something falling to the floor, accompanied by an ouch sound.

"Are you okay?"

"What did you just say?"

Selena asked.

"Do you know that Taylor is pregnant?"

"How is that possible? I saw her last week, and she seemed to have gained some weight, and her belly was a little bigger."

"You saw that she was fatter and her belly was bigger, but you didn't ask her what was wrong?"

"It's okay to be a little fatter. Sometimes I get a little fatter and have a little chubby belly. How could I have thought that she was pregnant? Is this true? How did you know? Is it fake news? Whose child is it? No, it's yours. So I'm going to be an aunt, hehehe, hahaha, I'm going to be an aunt, great."


Link covered his forehead, "It should be mine. Now I want to visit Taylor, but I don't know where she lives. She won't answer the phone. Can you..."

"I'll call right away and we'll go together."

Beep! Selena hung up the phone.

Link looked at Ms. Mandy across from him. He wanted to ask her to take care of her daughter, but it was too late to do so now that the little round-faced girl was already eighteen years old.

"Link, is it really yours? Are you sure?"

Ms. Mandy asked in surprise.

"It should be, but I can't be 100% sure."

Link said hesitantly.

"So I'm going to be a great aunt? Catherine is going to be a grandmother? But what if I'm not prepared at all?"

Ms. Mandy asked with a frown.

Link looked at her speechlessly. I, as a father, didn't say anything. What should you, as a great aunt, prepare?


Selena called, and as soon as the call was connected, she shouted: "Link, what bad things have you done? Taylor is very angry now. She said she doesn't want to see you, and she doesn't even want to hear your name. She also said that if I dare to tell you where she lives, she will break up with me. Bad guy Link, I stand with Taylor in this matter. You must have done something bad to make Taylor so angry."

"Then do you know where Taylor lives?"

"Yes, oh, I don't know!"

"Selena, Taylor won't let me go to see her, and I can't force my way in. Now I can only trouble you to go see her. This is an important task. Can you help me complete it?"

"Of course, wait for my good news. Wait, tell me first, what gift do you bring me this time?"

"Uh, it's a very beautiful Korean dress, with very beautiful cuffs and very delicate accessories. I think you must look very beautiful in it."

"That's about right, wait for my good news."

Selena hung up the phone happily.

Link thought that the box of SAT simulation test questions in the box would be given to Selena later.

"I'll go with Selena. She's clumsy and doesn't know anything."

Ms. Mandy smiled.

Link thought about it and thought it was a good idea. Ms. Mandy was Selena's mother. Taylor wouldn't be angry when she saw her.

After a while, Catherine called and said excitedly that she wanted to go see her grandson.

Link felt helpless. He couldn't be sure if the child was his. Why would he go see his grandson at this time?

But Catherine and Mrs. Andrea were acquaintances. When she heard that Taylor was pregnant, it would be nice to go and see her.

So not long after Link returned to the Bay Villa, Catherine, Ms. Mandy, and Selena left in the car. Only Link and little Annie were left in the villa.

He took little Annie, who was wearing a Tang-style court skirt, for a walk on the lawn and took pictures.

Little Annie was already very cute. She looked even cuter in a pink hand-embroidered skirt, an apple head, and a pink ribbon tied in her hair, like a doll in a Tang suit.

Link felt that if Taylor was pregnant with a girl, she would be as cute as little Annie in three or four years.

Just thinking about being a father, he felt confused about what to do next. If the child was really his, how should he explain it to Taylor and the child?

And Eva Ka, if she knew the truth, could they continue to be lovers?

If not, would Link's concert change?

And would Chris Liu, Daddario, and Marion Cotillard have any changes?

And in the media, if the matter was confirmed, it could be foreseen that his reputation as a scumbag would probably go to a higher level.

It is even possible that he would surpass Tiger Woods, who has 120 mistresses, and Kobe, who has multiple mistresses and was accused of assaulting a waitress, to become the number one scumbag in the sports world.

When he and little Annie were walking around the villa, the public opinion on the Internet reached a very high level after being spread and fermented for most of the day.

Before noon, when netizens were discussing this matter, they mainly focused on the topic of "Is Taylor pregnant?" Some people said yes and posted a lot of evidence, while others said no and also posted a bunch of evidence.

But after 12 o'clock, Taylor's side never made any clarification.

The public opinion supporting Taylor's pregnancy gradually gained the upper hand online, and those who supported her not being pregnant became a minority. As the minority fell silent, netizens had already regarded "Taylor's pregnancy" as an indisputable fact.

After confirming that Taylor was pregnant, energetic netizens began to discuss "who is the father of the child."

Ex-boyfriend Link was undoubtedly the top suspect, and several suspects were also listed, including singers Joe Jonas and John Mayer, who had collaborated with Taylor on stage this year.

However, before these speculations began to get lively, several people listed responded through their agents, claiming that they liked Taylor's songs very much, but they were just ordinary friends with Taylor and had no other relationship.

In the end, only Link did not respond.

There were also paparazzi reports that Link's cousin Selena, mother Katherine, and agent Ms. Mandy had formed a group to go to Taylor's residence in Los Angeles, suspected of visiting Taylor.

There were also maternal and child health experts who explained online the changes in women's body shape after pregnancy. According to Taylor's current body shape, the estimated pregnancy time is about 24 weeks, which is around April, when Link and Taylor were breaking up.

At this time, there is no need to discuss it anymore. Link is 100% the father of the child in Taylor's belly, and it was the product before the two broke up.

After confirming the father of the child, online public opinion entered the next stage.

How will Taylor treat this child? Will she have an abortion? Will Link accept this child? Will the two get back together because of this?

Regarding the question of whether Taylor would abort the child, netizens unanimously agreed that since Taylor had kept the child until now, it was obvious that she intended to give birth to the child. If she waited until the news was exposed before having an abortion, she would be criticized and pressured by public opinion, which would not be worth the loss.

The second point is whether Link would accept the child?

When discussing this point, netizens suddenly became irritable.

Many people brought up the past and scolded him as a scumbag. When he and Taylor were together, they were regarded as the "golden boy and jade girl", which made many people believe in love again.

But just over a year later, because of a fake private video and Link's improper behavior in private, the two broke up, which also made many people disappointed with couples in the entertainment industry again, and generally believed that there was no true love in the entertainment industry.

At first, many people felt that Taylor was making a fuss about breaking up with Link because of a fake video, and felt wronged for Link.

But then Link's performance gave many people a hammer.

After breaking up with Taylor, this guy was exposed to have more than ten rumored girlfriends in just three or four months, and there are five with solid evidence. He is really a scumbag. It is definitely a wise choice for Taylor to kick him out.

The only unfortunate thing is that she is pregnant with his child.

Now that Link has a child, how will he deal with it? Will he turn back and get back with Taylor?

Some netizens support the two to get back together and give the unborn child a complete home.

In addition, Link is now the number one male singer in the pop music scene and the singer with the highest album sales in the world music scene.

Taylor is the number one in the country music field at this stage, and is also one of the top singers in the American music scene with the highest album sales, and the youngest queen of the music scene.

Both of them are young, talented and good-looking genius players.

If the two can go hand in hand, they can definitely be called a dream couple in the history of the music scene.

The reasons given by netizens who oppose the reunion of the two are also very reasonable.

Netizens think that Link is a scumbag and is not worthy of a good girl like Taylor.

Even if the two are together because of the child now, Link will continue to cheat when he wants to. If Taylor cannot accept it, the two will face a breakup again.

In this case, it is better to go their separate ways and never see each other again. This kind of thing is also very common in the entertainment industry.

As for the child, just treat it as a beautiful accident. Taylor cannot sacrifice her happiness and accommodate a scumbag because of the child. That is too unfair to Taylor.

Link saw these remarks and shook his head speechlessly.

So far, Taylor has not yet admitted the pregnancy, but netizens have already thought about the name and affiliation of the child. It is completely unnecessary to worry about it.

"Link, do you know that your reputation is worse than durian now, it is simply stinky."

In the villa, Selena lay on the sofa, eating the grapes he had just washed, and sniffed her nose.

"Don't talk nonsense! You just saw Taylor, how is she?"

Link asked while holding the ice cream for her.

"It's true. Taylor is really pregnant. Her belly looks like this."

Selena picked up a plate and put it in her clothes to gesture, "Katherine said it's at least four months, but Taylor also said that her pregnancy has nothing to do with you. She won't tell the child who his father is in the future, so the child will become a fatherless child. Link, you are such a bastard. What bad things did you do to make Taylor so angry?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I just made a mistake that all men would make. I didn't do anything bad."

Link said.

Selena rolled her eyes and suddenly clenched her fist and hit him on the shoulder a few times, saying that she hit him for Taylor and the child.

Link was too lazy to argue with her. He just told her that the gift he brought from Asia was on the counter in her bedroom.

When Selena heard about the gift, her big eyes lit up. She stuffed the grapes into his hand and ran up to the second floor in her slippers.

At first, there was a burst of joyful cheers from upstairs, but after a few dozen seconds, it turned into a series of distressed shouts.

"Bad Link, I will never tell you about Taylor again, I swear!"

"I brought it back from the other side of the earth, remember to finish it."

"I will never!"

Selena shouted angrily.

Link shook his head, and when he saw Ms. Anna coming over, his face looked a little bad.

"What's wrong?"

"Boss, after Taylor was exposed to be pregnant, there were a lot of negative opinions about you on the Internet, saying that you are the number one scumbag in the music industry, and calling on fans to boycott your albums, so that you can't gain a foothold in the music industry."

Ms. Anna said.


Link sat cross-legged on the carpet, turned on his computer and flipped through it. Although he was prepared in advance, he was still shocked by the huge amount of negative news after seeing the public opinion on the Internet.

A lot of negative news about him appeared on news websites and forums such as Yahoo, MySpace, and Entertainment Online, including his past black materials and his recent gossip.

The comment section of these news was also filled with a lot of angry comments, such as banning him as a scumbag and making him unable to gain a foothold in the music industry.

Link opened Twitter and took a look. Under the previous tweet that released the poster of the Seoul concert, there was also a lot of abuse.

This situation reminded him of the scene in March last year when he was cyber-bullied by fans of Kanye and others because he offended the black group.

At that time, his Twitter account had only one or two million followers, and there were 30,000 to 40,000 people scolding him.

Now the Twitter account has 72.5 million followers, and the number of negative comments has also increased to hundreds of thousands.

At a glance, all the comments are filled with negative energy, with a kind of posture of being pointed at by thousands of people. If a person has poor psychological quality, he may be scolded to collapse by these comments.

But Link will not. From his debut in the boxing arena to now, he has had both flowers and a lot of thorns along the way, with both applause and a lot of abuse.

He has been criticized too much, and his heart has become very thick. These negative comments have little effect on him, and they can't even make him frown.

"Boss, these negative comments are very similar. It should be someone who is instructing the water army to guide public opinion and wants to use the power of netizens to attack us."

Anna analyzed.

Link nodded, thought about it, and sent a new tweet, saying that this was a big surprise, thanking Taylor, and saying that he would be responsible for what he had done and would never let everyone down.

By the way, call Scooter and let the Link Music Marketing Department take charge of this matter.

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