Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 370 Link's Counterattack

After his tweet was sent out, relevant news and public opinion set off a new climax on the Internet.

At a glance, this news is on the hot search lists of all major news platforms, and even the news that the United States continues to send more troops to Afghanistan has been overshadowed.

First of all, before Link posted this tweet, "Taylor is pregnant" was only speculated by netizens based on recent photos and news of Taylor, and no one had the exact information.

Now Link directly posted a message saying that this was a surprise, thanked Taylor, and said that he would be responsible to the end, which shows that "Taylor is pregnant" is confirmed.

Immediately afterwards, many news websites urgently changed their headlines.

It was said that country music queen Taylor Swift was pregnant. Link announced the good news online and said that he would be responsible to the end. Some media said that the relationship between the two has taken a new turn due to Taylor's unexpected pregnancy and that they may get back together.

In the comment area of ​​Link's Twitter, the criticism and accusations against him reached a new level. In three hours, the number of retweets reached 170,000, the number of likes reached 1.02 million, and the number of comments reached 430,000, which is extremely exaggerated.

In the past, black people only called him a scumbag and a demon in the entertainment industry when commenting. Now, many black people have begun to attack him personally, saying he is not worthy of being a father, getting out of the music scene, banning scumbags, and using many swear words.

For this reason, Twitter has specially set up a sensitive word blocking system for his account. All swear words and personal attack comments cannot be displayed in the comment area.

However, the actions of the gangsters have not stopped. They have moved their attacks on Link from Twitter to MySpace, Facebook, Yahoo community forums and other websites. They have made various revelations and trolls, and some have turned Link into a little black man. posture.

"Haha, Link, look, this man's scolding of you is so interesting, saying that you are a..."

"Shut up!"

In the study room, Link glanced at the little round face and continued to flip through the textbook in his hand. Now is a critical moment. The more fierce the public opinion is, the more likely it is to destroy him. The more he needs to calm down, so as not to react. Ever changing.

"With so many people scolding you, are you going to quit the entertainment industry?"

Selina blinked her big black eyes, with a silly smile on her round face.

"Have you finished the mock test paper? If you haven't finished it, just do it quickly."

"Humph, no!"

Selena was holding the latest iPad, lying in front of his desk, and said with a click of her lips, "I told you to be a good man, but you didn't listen and insisted on messing around outside. It's okay now." , you became the biggest scumbag in the music industry.

I suggest you make an apology video as soon as possible, sincerely admit your mistake to all netizens and fans, and promise not to do it again in the future. I hope the fans will give you a chance. What do you think? "

"What did i do wrong?"

Link asked as he flipped through the book.

"You, you have done so many bad things, including cheating and cheating, all of which are capital crimes. Why do you still think you are not wrong?"

Selena said in surprise.

Link shook his head and told her that every one of the girls he had dated was willing and true love. His feelings for them were all pure. There was no cheating or playing around, so he had done nothing wrong. No need to apologize.

"True love? You, a scumbag, have the nerve to say true love. You are so thick-skinned."

Selena clicked her lips and said.

Link raised his hand and flicked her smooth forehead. Selina covered her forehead and took two steps back, staring at him angrily. She also took out her tablet to surf the Internet, saying that she would call on all fans to call him a scumbag.

Boom, boom, boom!

Ms. Mandy knocked on the door and came in.

"Link, there is a response from Taylor, have you read it?"

"I'm watching."

Selena, who was sitting on the floor, hugged her tablet and shouted, "Three minutes ago, Taylor tweeted that this was an unexpected gift and a difficult decision. In the end, she chose to accept it calmly and face it alone. As for everything, it has nothing to do with other people. I also hope that a certain gentleman will not be sentimental and make random comments to gain a sense of presence.

Haha, what Taylor said is great. Link, you are just being sentimental and looking for a sense of presence. Repost, you must repost. I will also write to support Taylor and defeat the scumbag Link. "

Link frowned as he listened, looked at Ms. Mandy, and asked her, did Taylor really say that?

Ms. Mandy spread her hands and said with a smile that this was more or less what she meant.

Link shook his head and asked Ms. Mandy how Scout was going to deal with this?

Ms. Mandy said that there are too many negative news on the Internet now, and no matter what you do, it will not have much effect. Scooter suggested to deal with it coldly and keep silent, and then think of other ways after a period of time, guide public opinion step by step, and eliminate the negative news. Influence.

Scooter also said that having the reputation of being a "scumbag" is not entirely a bad thing. People including Clinton, Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant and others are considered to be "manly" and "desperate" after many scandals. Being aggressive' will get support from many male groups.

And this is also true. Ms. Mandy said that during his relationship with Taylor, most of the people who bought his albums were young women, accounting for about 80%. After April, the number of male fans who bought his albums increased significantly, accounting for 80% of the total. More than 30%.

In the past three months, he has been rumored to have affairs with actresses from many countries and is considered an enviable and very charming man.

Just like Leonardo and Brad Pitt, even though they change girlfriends or get divorced and get married, female fans still like them, while male fans think they are sexy, charming, and role models for men, and they start to Worship them.

And Link is also considered to be a new generation of male gods in the entertainment industry, following several big stars.

"How can you do this?"

After hearing Ms. Mandy's words, Selena first shouted dissatisfied, "How can their men do this? He is a scumbag, a playboy, a bad guy, how can he be worthy of worship? If this matter is done to us girls, they Do you still think so? This is sexist and unfair."

Link shook his head, "If I ignore it, I will probably lose some of my fans."

"Yeah, Scooter thinks it's a fan purification process because your fraternity label is already there."

"He's a scumbag, not a philanthropist."

Selena retorted.

"Shut up!"

Ms. Mandy raised her hand to pat her, Selena held her head and hid aside. Ms. Mandy continued, "Because that label already exists and it is an unchangeable fact. Unless you completely accept it, it will be difficult to restore it." The fans who support you because you are a good man.

After these fans leave, the remaining fans are real fans. No matter if you are a scumbag or not, as long as your music is good enough and your boxing matches are exciting enough, they will continue to support you, just like Tiger Woods and Kobe Bryant. After encountering those things, their annual income not only did not decrease, but became more stable. "

Kobe Bryant's "Eagle County Incident" happened in 2003. Afterwards, the media reported that Kobe had to pay 5 million US dollars in compensation. It took almost half a year's salary to put the matter to rest. After 2003, Kobe was still involved in scandals, but in the NBA The reputation is also growing.

Later, he surpassed Shark O'Neal and became the most famous NBA star after the millennium.

Also last October in Florida, Tiger Woods had a car accident in front of his home. It was later revealed by the media that he had been keeping a mistress outside for a long time and was discovered by his wife. His wife took a golf club and wanted to hit him. Tiger Woods hurriedly got in the car and went out. He opened it and accidentally hit the big tree at the door.

Since last October, the media has successively revealed that Tiger Woods has more than 100 mistresses, including models, reporters, waitresses, female neighbors, etc., as well as more than 20 illegitimate children.

Tiger Woods also ranked second on the "List of the Most Disliked Stars in American Sports" published by Forbes magazine in February, followed by Kobe Bryant and James.

But Tiger Woods was also the highest-paid sports star in the world last year, slightly higher than Link.

This also shows that the private life of male celebrities has little impact on their careers.

"It's not fair. Why do male celebrities become more famous and make more money when they are bad, but we female celebrities can't do the same?"

Selena protested with a round face.

Ms. Mandy ignored her and continued to say that Link is a singer. Many singers in the music industry will consider transformation after releasing a few albums or reaching a certain age to adapt to the growth of fans and broaden their fan base.

Most female singers have changed from innocent, sweet and cute to mature and sexy, such as Madonna, Britney Spears, Beyoncé, etc. Male singers have also experienced style transitions, some from country to rock, and some from innocent to sexy. Mature men, some good boys turn into bad boys.

After releasing three albums, Link can also consider transforming from a good man to a scumbag. As a mature man, he can also attract many mature fan groups.

Link thought for a moment, and it sounded good, but being beaten passively was not his style.

“It would appear too passive to wait until the opponent’s attack is over before starting to clear up, and you will also lose too many fans during this period.

First of all, investigate who is hiring trolls to attack me. If you can find the mastermind behind it, it’s best to find a few of the most active platforms and users and investigate whether they have made excessive remarks. If there is any infringement, send a lawyer’s letter to They use legal weapons to protect my legitimate interests.

Secondly, if there are any entertainment scandals or political scandals in the industry recently, bring them out and hype them up to distract the public.

The third and most important point is that this wave of public opinion is relatively hot, and it would be a pity to waste it.

We should actively guide public opinion and find ways to shift the attention of netizens from criticizing me personally to me and Taylor’s album chart competition. We should turn this invisible controversy into album sales data and call on all netizens with righteous minds. Unite, go buy Taylor's new album, join forces to defeat this scumbag like me, and let good defeat evil. "

Selina heard his words and her eyes widened in surprise, "Are you so kind?"

"I told you, I truly love Taylor."

Link said.

"Okay, I remember, there is one more thing, Ivaca just called, she will be in Los Angeles later."

Ms Mandy said.

"Ivaca? What is she doing here?"

Link asked in surprise.

"Link, you are miserable. Iwaka came here to break up with you. You got kicked twice in one year. That would be so funny."

Selena narrowed her eyes with laughter.

Link glanced at her, suddenly stretched out his hand, pinched both sides of her face, and pulled her face to both sides, turning her round face into a doughy face.

Selina was stunned for two seconds, then she yelled and hit him with her little fist.

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