Hearing that Iwaka was coming, Link could still continue reading. He took out his mobile phone and called Iwaka. It showed that he could not be connected. He thought she was on the plane.

He asked Ms. Mandy if she knew what Ivaca was doing?

Ms. Mandy said she didn’t know, but she would not break up with him as Selena said. Ivaca was not the kind of impulsive person.

Link nodded. He was not worried about being kicked out by Evaca. He and Ivaca were partners. They both prospered and suffered losses. As long as Evaca was still in Link Music, being kicked out by her would not affect him. .

He was just curious as to why Ivaca was flying to Los Angeles at this time?

In order to find out the purpose of her coming, Link personally drove to Los Angeles International Airport to pick her up. At the VIP channel of the terminal, he met Ivaca, whom he had not seen for a long time.

She still wore exquisite makeup and wore a custom-made dress, which not only brought out her sexy figure, but also looked dignified and serious. She wore sunglasses and carried a small satchel in her hand. She was tall and beautifully dressed.

When walking, her legs kept crossing like scissors, and she was so fierce that she became the center of attention as soon as she appeared in the square. Everyone on the scene looked at her, and the people next to her also took the initiative to move out of the way for her.

Behind her were two female assistants in formal suits, which also made her aura even stronger.

"Ivaca is so cool, how can I be as cool as her?"

Selena said through the car window.

"You can ask her."

Seeing Anna coming with Ivaca, Link opened the car door, picked up Ivaca and got into the car. The two assistants took the other car.

"Ivaca, you are so beautiful, I am your fan."

Selena smiled sweetly.

Ivaca smiled slightly, pulled Selena and praised her beauty, asked her if she had a boyfriend, and said that there must be many boys pursuing her, making Selena happy.

"Iwaka, you are so good, why would you fall in love with this guy Link? Apart from being pretty good-looking and singing pretty well, he has no other advantages."

Selena asked in a clear voice.

Evaka raised the corners of her rosy lips and looked up at Link who was driving in front of her. Her expression was calm, neither happy nor angry. Link felt a little uncomfortable, "Eva, do you have a job in Los Angeles? "

"I'm going to talk to Taylor."


Selena screamed, blinked her big eyes and asked, "Eva, you said you wanted to talk to Taylor?"

"Yes, I have wanted to talk to Taylor for a long time, but I just didn't find the right opportunity. Now is a good time."

Ivaca said calmly.

Link held the steering wheel, feeling like a light on his back.

Taylor and Ivaca are both strong women with strong personalities. They should be the kind of characters where the king cannot see the king. Now Ivaca said that she wanted to meet Taylor and talk to her, which made him, the middleman, a little chilly.

"Eva, this is my business. I can handle it. You'd better not interfere."

Link said.

"This is not only your business, but also mine. We are business partners. Your public image has encountered a crisis of public opinion. It is my responsibility to find a way to solve this matter and tide over the crisis.

Secondly, you are my boyfriend and possibly my future husband. Taylor is pregnant with your illegitimate child. I think it is necessary for me to come forward and talk to her. Don’t worry, Taylor is not an ordinary person. I will not and cannot do anything to her. Finally, it is my personal reason. I admire Taylor very much and hope to have the opportunity to make friends with her. "

Ivaca said slowly.

Selena next to her was dumbfounded when she heard her words, feeling that she didn't have enough brains.

"Eva, Taylor is recuperating and probably doesn't want to see you."

Link thought for a moment and said.

"I've reached out to Taylor and she promised to talk to me."

Ivaca said.

Link was stunned for a moment. Taylor agreed? How did this woman do it?

When the car arrived in the city, Ivaca's assistant took over the steering wheel and drove Ivaca and Selena to Taylor's villa.

Before leaving, Selina pulled Link's arm and whispered softly in his ear, complaining that he had such a powerful girlfriend like Ivaca and dared to mess around outside. She really didn't know how to spell the word "death" and said that he was like this. Dead for once.

Link looked at the car going away and got into the second car back to the Bay Villa.

Not long after he came back, about an hour or so, Ivaca and Selena also returned to the villa.

Link finds Ivaca and asks her what she told Taylor.

Iwaka said this was a woman's business and he, a man, didn't need to know.

Link asked Selina again. Selina rolled her eyes and said that Ivaca and Taylor were having a secret conversation in the study. She lay at the door and listened for a long time, but she didn't hear a word. She was so angry.

When Link was curious, he received a message on WhatsApp from Taylor, but when he opened it and looked at it, there was only a reminder on the chat interface that the message had been withdrawn.

After waiting for a while, I didn't see Taylor send a second message. He sent a message to ask what happened, but it showed that he was not a friend.

Link was so angry that he almost crushed his phone to pieces. These two women were too difficult to deal with. If he had known better, he should have found a silly girl to fall in love with.

Not long after Ivaca arrived in Los Angeles, relevant news and pictures appeared on the Internet. Link was also photographed picking up the plane at the airport, which aroused heated discussions among netizens, who were all speculating about what Evaca was doing.

Later, paparazzi broke the news that after Eva got off the plane, she went directly to Taylor's villa, accompanied by Selena, and stayed for about an hour.

Since Taylor and Eva Ka are both big celebrities and the two heroines in the current public opinion storm, the news of their meeting quickly rushed to the hot search list of several news websites, attracting countless netizens to discuss.

Many people are curious about what the two talked about when they met. The song "Devil" in Taylor's album is believed to be a reference to Eva Ka. Will the two fight when they meet?

Unfortunately, the two parties kept silent about this matter when they were interviewed in public afterwards, resulting in Link, the male protagonist, being unable to eat melons through the Internet.

However, after the two met, the mainstream public opinion on the Internet was guided from attacking him personally to a contest between the two on the album chart.

Many netizens clamored to defeat the scumbag Link, support Taylor's new album to win the annual album chart championship, and said that they would save money to buy Taylor's album and help Taylor raise children.

There are also insiders who broke the news that Link and Taylor made a bet before they broke up to see whose new album would sell the most in the United States. As for what the bet was, only the two of them knew.

On the same day, Link Studio released a piece of good news. Link's third album "The Woman I Love" sold over 4.5 million copies in the United States and 19.33 million copies worldwide. Both the sales in the United States and the global sales were the top of the album charts in 2010.

And this week, Taylor's third album "Last Kiss" has sold 3.225 million copies in the United States, which is still a long way from Link's 4.5 million copies.

Some fans believe that Link Studio released this good news at this time to mock those who support Taylor for not knowing their own strength, and to take advantage of Taylor's pregnancy to bully Taylor, bullying a woman who is pregnant with his child.

This guy is so shameless and immoral, and he is a complete scumbag.

Netizens were indignant and scolded Link as the worst man in the 21st century, and expressed their support for Taylor to defeat him as a scumbag.

In order to support Taylor, Selena publicly auctioned off her collection of Link's autographed deluxe editions of "The Woman I Love", "Go Forward", and "The Fighter" on Amazon.

She bought 20 copies of Taylor's new album "Last Kiss", indicating that she would support her friend Taylor with practical actions and defeat her cousin Link.

Kristen Stewart, Emma Roberts, Blake Lively, Carrie Underwood, Katy Perry, supermodel Doutzen Kroes, Taylor's friends Jaime King, Jessica Alba, etc., also publicly expressed their support for Taylor to defeat the scumbag Link.

Even Beyonce said in a public event that she liked Taylor's songs and was ready to support her.

After Beyonce, Kanye West, 50 Cent, Lil Wayne, Drake and others were also exposed to privately encourage fans to buy Taylor's new album.

There is also a group of people who admire Taylor or are unhappy with Link, including the Jonas Brothers, John Mayer, Jamie Foxx, Will Smith and others who have expressed their support for Taylor on different occasions.

The Hollywood Reporter commented that in this battle for the charts, Link has been "abandoned by everyone" and has become a "lonely man" in the music industry.

Driven by these celebrities, Taylor's new album sales rose against the trend, selling 210,000 copies in the new week, and topped the album chart again after two weeks.

The cumulative sales of "Last Kiss" in the United States reached 3.44 million copies. This album was released less than two months ago, and the number of sales in the United States is not bad compared to the sales of "The Woman I Love" in the first two months.

The Chicago Tribune commented that if Taylor was not pregnant, it would only be a matter of time to surpass Link's "The Woman I Love" if she did more promotion during the promotion period.

The Los Angeles Times commented that from last year to this year, Link has competed with many singers on the album chart, including Kanye, Jay-Z, Justin Bieber, Usher, Drake and others. Let's call these people his "enemies".

When he was about to dominate the music scene, his former lover Taylor stood on the opposite side of him and began to become his opponent. Link seemed to be walking a lonely road to becoming a king. Whether Link can still win this time is an unknown.

But surprisingly, in the midst of pessimistic public opinion, the sales of "The Woman I Love" also fell last week, reaching 45,000 copies, 39,000 more than the previous week, almost 8 times.

This data made many netizens angry. At this time, why are there still people supporting Link? Do those who buy Link's albums have no bottom line?

"Is this a hype?"

In a black metal bar in New York, Chris Brown pointed to Billboard magazine, "I mean, Link and Taylor broke up in April, and now there are pregnancy rumors. Is this a complete hype? We all know that according to the quality of Link and Taylor's albums, even if they can sell a good number, they will definitely not sell more than three or four million copies. This is too exaggerated."

"Damn, all he knows is hype and public opinion. A garbage album can sell more than four million copies. People like Link should be kicked out of the music scene."

T.I. said unhappily.

Last week, he released his new album "No Mercy". He just stayed at the top of the list for a week, and was knocked down by Taylor's album, which made him very unhappy.

"Maybe it's not hype. How could anyone have a child just for the sake of hype?"

50 Cent said.

"Whether it is or not, I think we should all learn from Link. At the last celebration party, Link said that now is the Internet era, the pace of life is getting faster, and the fans' perceptions and tastes are also constantly changing. Our music Creators must keep up with this change so as not to be eliminated.

He also said that the Internet is a double-edged sword. People's attention is easily distracted by the massive information on the Internet. But if used well, the Internet is also a powerful tool to focus people's attention. Therefore, publicity and hype through online platforms also become It was extremely important. After thinking about it, I felt that he was right. "

Usher said.

Lil Wayne and the others frowned when they heard this. Even though they were dissatisfied with Link, they had to admit that this guy was right.


"Mr. Baker is really great. In terms of public opinion and hype, I am not as good as him."

In the office of Link Music Company, Scout sighed while flipping through the newspaper.

"Boss, I don't think this is your fault. You and Mr. Baker are in different positions and have different perspectives on the problem. Mr. Baker and Miss Swift are an old couple. He doesn't mind helping to promote Swift in publicity. Miss Swift’s album, and you don’t know the relationship between the two and Mr. Baker’s attitude towards Miss Swift, so you don’t think about it.”

Assistant Alex said.

Scout shook his head. Although Alex's words were correct, he felt that he was much worse than Link when it came to using the Internet to hype and create news topics.

"Alex, go notify the people in the publicity department to hold a meeting. When this crisis is over, we should consider how to reshape Mr. Baker's new image. These things must be done well, otherwise President Ivaca will think that I am incompetent as the marketing director. ”

Scout said with a frown.

During the work meeting in the morning, President Ivaca asked him what he thought of this incident.

He expressed his opinion on the spot that Link's planning was better than cold treatment, and said he would learn from Link.

Afterwards, President Iwaka told him that Link was busy with work and had no time to take care of publicity matters. If this happened again in the future, the publicity and marketing department must take responsibility and not always trouble him.

President Ivaca's words doubled his pressure, and he had to hurry up and find a way to make up for it.

Link and Taylor's album chart battle and the news of "Taylor's pregnancy" were highly reported by the American media for about a week. Later, under the guidance of Link's music promotion department, the media and public attention was transferred to the Weinstein Films Founder Harvey Weinstein accused of sexual harassment.

The pressure on Link was also greatly reduced.

But before he could completely relax, another incident pushed him to the forefront of public opinion - Tesla went public.

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