Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 372 Rich Man Link (610)

Chapter 372 Rich Man Link (6/10)

On the Internet, news such as "scumbag Link" and "buy albums to support Taylor and help Taylor raise children" have not yet cooled down, and another piece of news has squeezed into the top three hot search lists of major news platforms with an extremely domineering attitude.

The cause of the incident was that on September 12, Tesla was listed on the Nasdaq (stock code: TSLA), becoming the first independent manufacturer of pure electric vehicles listed in the United States.

Tesla issued 13.3 million shares, accounting for about 14.3% of the total share capital, with a price of US$21 per share, corresponding to a market value of US$2.38 billion. On the opening day, Tesla's stock price increased to US$28 and the highest increase was US$35.

Tesla's market value successfully exceeded US$3 billion.

If it was only US$3 billion, Link, as a major shareholder of Tesla, would not be noticed by many media.

But in the following week, Tesla's stock rose steadily, from the issue price of $21 to $38, and Tesla's market value also grew to $4.28 billion, reaching a peak of $6 billion.

When Tesla's stock broke through $4 billion, the Wall Street Journal published a piece of good news on the front page, not congratulating Tesla on its market value breaking through $4 billion, but congratulating Tesla's second-largest individual shareholder, Mr. Link Baker, on his net worth breaking through $1 billion and becoming a self-made billionaire.

The Wall Street Journal used a lot of space in the article to introduce Link's investment in the Tesla project, claiming that Link had spent nearly $200 million since the beginning of the year and had successively bought more than 11% of Tesla's shares.

After Tesla's successful listing, Link Baker still owned 10.3% of Tesla's shares, becoming the second-largest individual shareholder in Tesla's equity, Tesla's global image spokesperson, and the fifth-largest voting director on Tesla's board of directors.

According to the current market value of Tesla, Link's 10.3% Tesla stock has a market value of more than 400 million US dollars. Including Link's Link Music, which is currently worth 520 million US dollars, as well as Dynasty Promotions, Link's investment in Twitter, and the more than 100 million US dollars he earned from boxing matches.

The Wall Street Journal estimates that Link's current net worth is firmly over 1 billion US dollars, between 1 billion and 1.2 billion.

The Wall Street Journal also published the words of Elon Musk in the article. Musk first introduced that he and Link are neighbors. They both live in the Bay Villa District, less than three miles apart.

Musk also said that he is Link's boxing fan. He initially found Link to ask for his autograph, not to attract investment. Later, the two had a good chat. He asked Link if he wanted to invest in Tesla. Tesla is a great company that can carry people to Mars in the future.

Link said it was cool and immediately proposed to join.

Musk said that he was very excited at the time and felt that he had found a like-minded person.

Finally, the reporter asked Musk how he evaluated Link.

Musk said that Link is a visionary friend, a sharp-eyed, steady and bold investor, and a partner with firm convictions. He also said that Link is one of the investors who played a key role in Tesla's difficult times.

In addition to Musk, the Wall Street Journal reporter also interviewed other Tesla shareholders, including Google founder Larry Page, who said that Link is one of the best and most exciting young people he has ever met.

Michael Moritz, senior partner of Sequoia Capital, also said a lot of good things about Link in an interview with the Wall Street Journal reporter.

The purpose of these people was to use Link's fame to promote the news of Tesla's listing and drive up Tesla's stock price, and they did achieve their goal.

Because Link is famous enough, the news reported by the Wall Street Journal is also explosive enough. After the article was published, news such as "Link's net worth exceeds 1 billion US dollars", "Link becomes the world's youngest billionaire", and "Link ranks among the 500 richest people in the United States" quickly topped the hot search list of major news websites.

These articles focus on Link's investment in Tesla. From the beginning of the year to August, he invested more than 100 million US dollars and bought 11% of the shares from Musk. But just a few months later, after Tesla went public, his shares nearly tripled.

Relying on this successful investment, his current net worth is steadily over 1 billion US dollars.

At the same time, he also surpassed Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz to become the world's youngest billionaire. At the beginning of the year, Moskovitz became the youngest billionaire in the United States with 1.4 billion US dollars and ranked 290th on the Forbes American Rich List.

According to the American Rich List released by Forbes at the beginning of the year, Link's current net worth is expected to be among the top 500. He is a real rich man, not just a singer or boxer.

So when many netizens were still scolding Link for being a scumbag and clamoring to buy Taylor's album to help her raise her children, they suddenly saw this news on the Internet. Many people were surprised. Link is only 21 years old and worth more than 1 billion US dollars? Is it true?

Some people didn't believe it and looked for relevant news everywhere. As a result, they found that not only the Wall Street Journal, but also large media such as Business Week, Vanity Fair, and the New York Post used solid data to show that it was true.

Business Week said in the article that 1 billion US dollars is just a conservative number.

With the Tesla shares, Twitter shares, Link Music, and Dynasty Promotions in Link's hands, Link's total net worth has exceeded 1 billion US dollars.

Taking into account his boxing match income this year, world tour income, album income sharing, movie company profits, movie remuneration, and other investments, his worth should be between 1.2 billion and 1.5 billion. By next year, Forbes When the rich list is announced, he is expected to be among the top 300.

The New York Post claimed that the Wall Street Journal's investigation was seriously wrong. This year, Link's income from boxing matches, world tour income, and two albums alone has exceeded 300 million U.S. dollars. It is said that Link still has There is an unknown amount of Amazon stock worth at least 1.5 billion, not the 1 billion predicted by the Wall Street Journal.

The melon-eaters were stunned when they saw this number.

It turns out that Link is not only a world boxing champion, a music superstar, a movie star, but also a rich man worth more than one billion US dollars.

Is it too much for such a rich man to be too carefree?

Shouldn't this kind of life be the goal that all men strive for?

By the way, it seems that there are still people clamoring to save money on food and clothing to raise children for Link these days.

With Link's worth and Queen Taylor's worth, their child will at least be a billionaire after birth. Does such a person need to be raised by others? are you crazy?

"I was wrong, I was a joke."

"Idol Link, please forgive my ignorance and accept my knee."

"I declare that from now on Link will be my father, no, my role model."

Many people who had scolded Link on the Internet changed their tune after seeing this news, and instead praised and even licked Link.

In Link's Twitter comment area, more than 100,000 comments originally scolding him dropped overnight.

There were more than 200,000 comments congratulating him on becoming a billionaire and expressing admiration for him.

There are also many people leaving messages asking what Link’s next investment plans are, and everyone is ready to follow suit.

Link replied ‘Tesla’.

Thanks to the publicity of the Wall Street Journal and other media, Tesla's reputation has greatly increased and it has become a star stock on the Nasdaq stock market. In three days, its market value exceeded US$6 billion, almost three times the amount before its listing.

Link's net worth has also skyrocketed, and he has been touted by the media as a billionaire or two billionaire, which is like a big bubble.

After Tesla rose to 6 billion, many shareholders saw profits and were worried that no one would take over the price. They immediately sold a large number of shares. Only then did Tesla's stock price slowly drop to around US$38 per share, and the market value was stable. Around US$4 billion.

"Cathy, how much did we make this time?"

In a cafe at No. 45 Wall Street, Link looked at the pretty Ms. Cathy Wood and asked.

"Not much. As of now, we have a total balance of more than 65.5 million US dollars."

Cathie Wood held her coffee cup and smiled reservedly.

"More than sixty million? It's really not much."

Link nodded.

Ms. Cathie Wood was stunned for a moment. In less than half a month, she made a net profit of more than 60 million US dollars just by buying and selling. Isn’t that much?

Originally she didn't say much, just to be reserved in front of his boss and not to boast about her achievements.

It turned out that Link really didn't take more than 60 million in his eyes.

Well, she suddenly remembered that the man in front of her made thirty or forty million in a boxing match, and more than sixty million was really not much for him.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have been humble to him.

"Link, I think 60 million is quite a lot. In addition, we also took advantage of the downward trend in Tesla's stock price to acquire nearly 1.6% of the shares, which is about more than 60 million. Counting this part, our investment this time The operation earned more than 120 million U.S. dollars.”

Ms. Cathie Wood said with suppressed excitement.

After Tesla went public, Link believed that Tesla's stock price had room to rise and suggested buying some more shares while Tesla's price was not high.

Since Link had shown a precise vision when it came to buying Tesla shares, Cathy was more confident in his words.

So after Tesla went public, she led her asset management team to buy a large number of Tesla shares at low prices. When the stock price exceeded $60, she followed the big sellers and sold them all. Later, she bought several Tesla shares near $36. One million shares, one bought and one sold, netted more than 60 million and 1.6% of Tesla shares.

This was the most profitable and successful time in her career. With her operations during this period, she and her team also earned more than 10 million in commissions.

Now she is not only Link's asset manager, a senior partner of Vanguard Asset Management Group, a star manager of Wall Street investment banks, but also a multi-millionaire.

Although it had been two days since she became a multimillionaire, she was so excited every time she saw the money in her account and the stocks in her hands.

But after meeting Link, this excitement slowly cooled down.

Because Link didn't even blink when she heard that she had earned more than 100 million, and she suddenly felt that becoming a multimillionaire was nothing.

“How many Tesla shares do we have left?”

Link asked.

"The company has 6.5%, and you have 10.8%. According to our department's prediction, Tesla's stock price will fall a part in the future. If you still have confidence in Tesla, we can continue to buy in the low-price area. "

Cathie Wood said.

Link nodded, thinking this was a good suggestion.

At present, Tesla still has not launched a flagship product, and the recent surge in its stock price is also the result of capital operations. It is expected that the market value will fall below 4 billion US dollars in the near future, and it will be too late to buy part of it by then.

He remembered that Tesla's market value exceeded 10 billion in 2013, 100 billion in 10 years after listing, and 1 trillion in 11 years. If everything goes well, it will not be difficult to become a 100 billionaire in the future.

He asked about Bitcoin again. The current price of Bitcoin has just risen to 3 US dollars, which is still a relatively low price.

Cathie Wood said that he has hoarded 100,000 Bitcoins, which is almost the most Bitcoins in the market. Asked him if he would continue to hoard?

Link nodded, hoarding and selling at the same time, keeping 100,000 coins is about right. It is useless to have more. No one on the Forbes list has become the world's richest man by hoarding Bitcoin. The focus of investment should continue to be on corporate stocks.

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