Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 374: The Overlord Takes the Hook

After leaving the cafe, he bought a bouquet of flowers and drove to the downstairs of Link Music Company.

More than ten minutes later, Iwaka was seen walking out of the company door wearing a light blue dress and high heels, looking enchanting.

He honked the horn, started the car and stopped on the side of the road.

When Ivaca saw him, the corners of her sexy lips were slightly raised. She held her bag and opened the car door. When she saw a bouquet of tulips on the passenger seat, she couldn't help laughing and covered her lips with her palms. , the sexy breast outline also fluctuates.

"why are you laughing?"

"It's okay, I just didn't expect you to know how to create romance. I find it very interesting."

Ivaca said holding the bouquet.

"I already understand romance, but I have too much work and no time to implement it. You can't treat me like a rough guy who doesn't understand anything."

Link shrugged and started the car.

Ivaca looked at his profile, with a faint smile on her lips.

"You came to pick me up from get off work and gave me flowers. Is there some conspiracy?"

"Of course not, don't think about it."

Link shook his head and changed the topic, and took the initiative to chat with Ivaca about the asset management company, saying that he had too much work and many things to handle recently.

He planned to remove Ms. Mandy from Link Music and put her in full charge of the Palm Bay Brokerage Company, as well as the Palm Beach Pictures side. Katherine was also in charge.

Ms. Anna has done well in the past two years and can take over from Ms. Mandy as her executive broker.

Ivaca didn't have any objections to this, she just mentioned that she had just called Wendy Deng.

Wendy Deng praised him highly for more than half an hour on the phone, saying that she followed his advice in August and bought some Tesla shares in advance. After Tesla went public, she made a net profit of 40% from those shares. With more than one million US dollars, Link is said to be a man favored by the goddess of wealth.

"Tesla was in a bad situation at the beginning of the year. It was rumored that there was a risk of bankruptcy. No one else dared to invest. How dare you buy so many Tesla shares?"

Ivaca asked.

"Of course it's because I am favored by the goddess of wealth."

Link took the back of Ivaca's white hand and kissed it. It was more fragrant than flowers and softer than marshmallows.

Ivaca rolled her eyes at him coquettishly, asking him to pay attention to driving, and then said: "My father is a little dissatisfied with you, saying that you know Tesla has good potential, why don't you take him to play with you, he said that you have already regarded you as a fool. As a family, you want me to tell you that if you have any good investment projects next time, you must tell him.”

Link smiled softly, a little speechless at Old Mr. Thompson's integrity.

After the media revealed that Taylor was pregnant a few days ago, the relationship between Link and Ivaca also turned red. A reporter asked Mr. Tom Lao for his opinion. Lao Tang pouted and said that Ivaca had broken up with Link and was currently dating. He was dating little Kunas, and he favored little Kunas more than the playboy Link.

But in the blink of an eye, Ivaca came to Los Angeles and stayed at the Bay Villa. She used practical actions to prove that Lao Tang was talking nonsense, which made Lao Tang lose face.

"Are you still blaming my dad?"

Ivaca asked, staring at him.

"Of course not. I understand him, and Mr. Tomp is a very lovable person with great character. I respect him as always."

Link laughed.

Satisfied with his answer, Ivaca leaned over and kissed him on the face.

When the car arrived at 43rd Street, Link stopped the car and went to Wal-Mart with Ivaca to buy a lot of vegetables, fruits and seafood. After returning to the Woolworth Building apartment, he personally cooked a sumptuous meal for Ivaca. candlelight dinner.

Ivaca enjoyed her meal but did not rate it highly.

Ivaca said that he is an artist, entrepreneur, and athlete. He usually works too much and can rest when he has nothing to do at home. There is no need to waste time in the kitchen.

She does not encourage this behavior, nor will she give him points for this delicious meal, nor will she praise him as a 'virtuous' man, because her man does not need to have such qualities.

Link looked at her bright and charming face and secretly sighed that this woman was too difficult to take care of. He wanted to make a delicious meal to comfort her for her hard work during this time, but she didn't appreciate it.

"Don't you think it's great for us to eat and chat under the stars?"

Link looked at the sky outside the observation deck. When he looked up, he saw the bright stars in the sky. When he looked down, he saw the neon city of Manhattan. He didn't look up or looked down. Opposite him was Miss Ivaca, who was more beautiful than the starry sky or the night market. He thought it was beautiful.

"It's great and very romantic, but this kind of romance is based on you needing to be busy for an extra hour. This is not what I want, so I don't encourage you to do this."

Ivaca said.

Link was silenced by her words. Sometimes this woman's words and actions are not easy for others to understand, but she can often get to the essence. It would be very difficult to get a woman like her if she didn't do it voluntarily.

After the meal, all the plates were still placed on the table, which was Ivaca's request.

Ivaca said that the most important thing in a capital society is that everyone performs their duties. He is a singer, an excellent investor, and an athlete, so he should do his job well, such as writing more good songs, studying more company management, and doing more Physical Training.

The cooking and housework should be left to professionals.

If he does everything, the income of those chefs and service staff will be reduced and the quality of life will be reduced. They will need to do more part-time jobs to maintain their lives, and will not spend more time on studying cooking skills and providing good services.

This is bad for everyone, so after he has more capital, he should learn to give others opportunities and be a conscientious capitalist.

Link found it funny. He just wanted to wash a few dishes, but Evaka gave him a lesson.

What made him even more helpless was that Evaka's words seemed to make sense. He was worth more than 1 billion, and it was indeed a bit too much to compete with chefs and waiters for jobs.

Before going to bed, the two sat on the sofa and watched the ninth season of "American Idol". A singer was holding a guitar and singing his "Girls like you".

He saw that the atmosphere was good tonight, so he took the opportunity to put his arm around Miss Evaka's shoulders and tried to kiss her to deepen their relationship.

Unfortunately, he failed.

Evaka rejected him very unkindly, saying that his points were not enough, and told him that if he dared to use force, she would consider dissolving their relationship, and took out a bottle of anti-wolf spray from the sofa.

Link said that he knew she had had several relationships before, and he didn't care if she had any tattoos or something like that.

Ivaka smiled indifferently, saying that there were no strange tattoos on her body, and all parts of her body were as white and clean as her arm skin, and there was nothing to make her feel ashamed. His provocation did not work on her.

Ivaka said that he was not short of women now, but a partner, a comrade who fully supported him, and she would rather be such a role.

"If you need a woman, I can help you arrange two models."

Ivaka said as she picked up the phone sideways.

Link shook his head: "Why do you want to find another woman? I am curious, am I, who is known as the sexiest man in the world, not attractive at all in your eyes, or are you cold as Paris and the others said?"

"Of course not, we are an agreement couple, and we can only maintain this relationship until you get enough points. This is the rule of the game. If you don't abide by it, I won't abide by it either. What is the meaning of the rules set in the past?"

Ivaka said with her arms folded.

"Okay, how many points do I have now? How many points can we become a real couple?"

"-20 last month, +20 this week, the current score is 5 points. To become a real couple, at least 80 points are needed. You are still far away."

"The scoring power is in your hands. You can give me extra points at any time. Otherwise, give me 80 points now."

Link held her waist and threatened.

"No, using force will only reduce points."

Ivaka pointed at his nose and warned.

Link saw that there was a bit of pride in the corners of her lips, and he couldn't help hugging her and kissing her hard. When Ivaka picked up the spray and pointed it at him, he had already gotten up and went to the gym.

Ivaka leaned on the sofa with her long legs, blinked her spring-like eyes, and raised her red lips slightly. In an instant, her cheeks were as rosy as peaches.

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