After Tesla went public, Link's public image gradually became more glamorous as his net worth rose.

In addition to being praised by Mr. Thompson, Mr. Swift, Wendy Deng and others, netizens' attitude towards him also changed 180° on the Internet.

Netizens who used to call him a scumbag are now learning to understand and admire him.

I think he is only 21 years old, strong, famous, and rich. It is normal for a man like him to have some scandals.

Just like Howard Hughes, the Hollywood tycoon in the 1930s and 1940s, he had scandals with actresses such as Katharine Hepburn, Jane Harlow, and Ava Gardner.

The lack of scandals makes him seem to lack masculine charm and is not cool at all.

Many netizens posted online asking Link how to become as successful as him. I hope I can learn a few tricks from him.

Link replied in unison and practiced boxing.

Some netizens supported him, saying that he would practice boxing, become the next Link, and earn a lot of money to pick up beautiful girls.

Some netizens also issued a 'disfigurement warning' and posted a photo of the famous movie star Mickey Rourke.

Before becoming a professional boxer, Mickey was a famous handsome guy in Hollywood. His popularity was no less than that of Brad Pitt. After becoming a professional boxer, he could only play ugly roles in "Iron Man 2", "Once Upon a Time in Mexico" and "Sin City". villain role.

It is almost impossible for ordinary people to replicate Link's success.

Some netizens said that Link should quit boxing now that he is rich and protect his handsome face.

This statement is supported by many female fans, who believe that being handsome is more important than getting a gold belt.

Because of these remarks, many media predicted that he would retire from boxing after becoming a billionaire.

This unconfirmed news also became a hot news before the MTV Video Awards.

On the red carpet of the TV Video Awards Ceremony, a reporter asked him this question and asked him if it was true.

Link rejected it outright, saying that boxing is his favorite sport and his lifelong career. Even if he fights until he is fifty years old and can no longer fight, he will not easily step down from the ring.

Fans who liked to watch his boxing matches made loud noises and applauded his answer.

"Mr. Baker, let me ask a digression. A few days ago, you admitted on Twitter that Taylor is pregnant with your child. After the child is born, will you consider getting back together with Taylor or taking on the responsibility of a father?"

Outside the Nokia Theater, live host Johnny Dessen asked with a microphone.

Link looked at him helplessly. This was the red carpet of the MTV awards ceremony. This guy didn't ask about winning awards, but only asked about some gossip.

This is also the disadvantage of too many scandals. Every time he attends an event in public, he will be surrounded by reporters asking questions, which has led to him rarely participating in public events now.

Link thought for a moment and answered in the affirmative, saying that he was still negotiating with Taylor to obtain the right to visit her and the child. After the child was born, if Taylor was busy with work, he would consider taking the child to take care of her.

"Mr. Baker, will this affect your relationship with Miss Ivaca? The last time Miss Ivaca took the initiative to come to Los Angeles to visit Taylor, does it mean that she has accepted the child? And the last time Miss Ivaca and Taylor met, do you know what they were talking about? "

Johnny Dessen asked.

These questions were obviously beyond Link's cognitive scope. He waved his hand and said, "Johnny, this is an MTV scene. You are the host. Can you please stop asking questions that have nothing to do with MTV?"

"Uh, haha, okay!"

Johnny Dessen changed his mind and asked other questions.

For example, he received 11 nominations for this year's MTV and how many awards he plans to win. This time, Link Music's singers, including him, received a total of 19 nominations, accounting for almost a quarter of all nominees. This year's MTV video The award was also nicknamed the Link-MTV Award by many media. What did he think of it?

Link never thought about winning several awards. For a singer, if his album sells four to five million copies in the United States and one to twenty million copies worldwide, this is the best reward and the most valuable reward. , other awards are the icing on the cake.

This is one of the reasons why when he releases albums in the past two years, he will spend all his energy on publicity and hype, try to sell as many albums as possible, and rarely do awards public relations.

Regarding the second question, a relatively large number of singers under Link Music were shortlisted for MTV awards this year, which is also due to their strength.

The albums released by Lana, Mars, Wiz Khalifa and Justin Bieber since the end of last year have all sold one million copies in the United States. In the 2009/10 album sales list, the four of them can also rank Enter the top twenty.

They also all have the ability to win awards.

However, when answering, he would only say thank you to the MTV Awards jury. Link Music is born for music and will continue to make better music to thank fans and everyone for their support.

At the end of the interview, Link left the red carpet area and walked into the Nokia Theater lobby, where this year's MTV Awards ceremony was held.

Because it came late.

When he arrived, almost all the nominees were there.

lady gaga,beyoncé,kesha,katy perry,rihanna,pink,lana del ray,mars,eminem,kanye west,justin timberlake,justin bieber,black Eyed Peas, Linkin Park, Green Day, etc., all familiar faces.

There are also some new faces, including Jaden Smith, who became popular with "The Kung Fu Dream", Jesse Eisenberg, the leading actor of "The Social Network", Andrew Garfield, and Sofia Vergara, who became popular with "Modern Family". Emma Stone of "Scandal Project" fame and more.

Although there were many big stars at the scene, when Link arrived, everyone's eyes involuntarily shifted to him, mainly because he was so popular this year.

From the beginning of the year to the end of the year, Lady Gaga, who is known as a global phenomenon, received less than half of the coverage in the US media and less than one-fifth of the number of hot searches. This is according to a systematic survey by Nielsen Data Company. data.

If Lady Gaga is a world-class phenomenon, Link is the most dazzling superstar in the United States this year.

"Vanity Fair" commented that he is the 'sun'. You can see news about him by turning on the TV and the Internet. He also has so many auras that the superposition of them produces a light that is hard to look at.

"Link, why are you walking on the red carpet alone? You don't think that others will think of you as a scumbag by doing this, do you?"

Katy Perry teased.

The people around couldn't help laughing when they heard her words.

Before April, everyone said that Link was a good man, the most perfect man in the world.

After April, everyone called him a scumbag.

But due to his status, no one dared to call him that to his face.

Now everyone found it interesting to hear Katy Perry calling him a scumbag, and they also looked at Link to see his reaction.

Link smiled softly, but naturally there was no reaction. He hugged Katy Perry, and said hello to Lady Gaga, Kesha, and Eminem next door.

He explained that he originally accompanied Selena on the show, but Selena abandoned him midway because she disliked his bad reputation, so he could only walk the red carpet alone.

Everyone was amused again when they heard him laughing at himself.


"how so?"

In the second row of the hall, Kanye West looked at Link and Katy Perry, frowned and said, "Last week, Katy Perry and others publicly expressed their support for Taylor and called Link a scumbag. Now, How can you act like nothing happened?"

Lil Wayne, T.I., and Chris Brown are also confused.

At that time, not only netizens across the Internet were scolding Link and asking him to get out of the entertainment industry, but dozens of popular actors and singers in the film and music circles also called Link a scumbag and expressed their support for Taylor.

Seeing them all scolding Link, Kanye West couldn't help but step on Link a few times, praised Taylor a few times, and even helped his opponent Taylor promote his new album to attack Link.

"The Hollywood Reporter" also commented that "Link has become alienated from everyone in the entertainment industry and has no foothold. Retiring from the music industry early may be a good choice."

At that time, Link was almost a street rat, and everyone shouted for him to be beaten.

Seeing Link become like this, Kanye West feels that his bipolar disorder has also been cured.

Lil Wayne and T.I. were also very happy. Since last year, they had been slapped in the face many times by Link and suffered a lot. Now they can finally let go of their bad breath.

But the subsequent changes left them stunned.

First, Link's scandal was distracted by other news.

Immediately after Tesla went public, the scumbag Link transformed into a tycoon. Link was rumored to be worth more than one billion U.S. dollars and ranked among the top 300 on the Forbes list of America's richest people.

Although Jay-Z and Beyoncé also have a total asset of one billion, their assets are mainly in the music industry, and their potential is lower than that of a rich man like Link who owns stocks in a large company.

After Link became a millionaire, the negative reports about him in the media quickly dissipated like snow meeting the scorching sun.

On the one hand, the attitude of netizens towards him has changed. Many people have changed from hating him to admiring and worshiping him. Even if there are still people who hate him, it is mostly out of envy and jealousy, not because they hate his philandering.

On the other hand, there is the weakness of the media. When facing capital, they will automatically avoid some issues and be more cautious in choosing words and sentences to prevent provoking a big shot like him.

Seeing that the tone of netizens and the media had changed, Kanye West and others could only shut up angrily, secretly scolding Link for being so lucky that he could still die and be resurrected despite being blackmailed by the entire Internet. Life is too hard.

Now I see Katy Perry and others treating Link with the same enthusiasm as before, and Link's treatment of them has not changed.

This gives them the feeling of falling into a pit.

Could this be Link's conspiracy again?

Not only did they think so, not far away, several singers who had publicly stepped on Link, such as the Jonas Brothers and John Mayer, also looked at Katy Perry in confusion.

Shouldn't Link feel like he was betrayed by all his relatives? Why did he become so harmonious again in the blink of an eye?

Could it be that all the scenes where Link was teased and trampled before were arranged in advance, and only a few of his unsuspecting people got involved and turned into clowns?

Kanye West covered his forehead and leaned weakly on the seat. Link, the bastard, had such a dark heart. He often dug dark pits that made it hard for people to guard against him. He didn't even know when he fell into his pit.

When you face him in the future, you must be more careful to avoid being tricked by him without knowing it.

Next to him, Jay-Z's face was even darker. The last time Link was attacked by the entire Internet, it was him, Puff Daddy, Little Epstein, and Peter Peltz who did it.

They invested more than 600,000 US dollars and hired a large number of trolls to besiege Link from various platforms. They continued to fabricate black materials and called on netizens to bully him, trying to turn Link into a little black man.

It would be best to let him quit the music scene and suppress the market value of Link Music.

It went well at first, but Link was so scolded that he couldn't hold his head up and could only hide in the villa for refuge.

Later, netizens' condemnation was supported by Selena, Kristen Stewart, Katy Perry and other big stars, as well as the support of Beyoncé, Kanye and others. Everyone called Link a scumbag.

They could almost see Link transform from a radiant world star, a youth idol, an American dream, to a stinking piece of shit.

It's a pity that God did not fulfill his wishes.

The crappy Tesla company that bastard invested in went public and was very successful.

Later, under the hype of Wall Street capital, Link transformed from a low-quality star in the entertainment industry to an upstart in the capital circle, a wealth idol, and an investment star. His reputation changed 180 degrees.

Compared with the group of capitalists on Wall Street, their power is very limited. Whether it is funds or connections, they are no match for the Wall Street consortium.

Seeing that the situation was over, they had no choice but to end the battle early and end it hastily. Not only did they lose hundreds of thousands of dollars, but they also indirectly helped Link gain several hot searches and help him sell tens of thousands more albums.

Every time he thinks about this incident, Jay-Z can't help but blush. Link's luck is so good that he can become famous again even though he has been blacklisted all over the Internet.

While he was secretly complaining about Link, he suddenly noticed that his wife Beyoncé, who was next to him, was also smiling and looking towards Link, her charming eyes were bright, as if she was very interested in what was going on there.

"What are you looking at?"

Jay-Z asked with a dark face.

Beyoncé looked back at him, lowered her lips and said lightly: "Nothing!"

Seeing her stop smiling, Jay-Z felt even more unhappy. He grabbed her wrist and shouted in a low voice: "I am your husband, don't treat me with such a face."

"Let go! You're hurting me."

Beyoncé glared at him, took her arm back, rubbed it and said, "I'm looking at Link."

"Fake, what do you think he's doing? Don't tell me you like that pretty boy too."

Jay-Z gritted his teeth and said.

"I'm looking at how hypocritical he is and how good he is at pretending."


"Of course, he encountered a black trend on the Internet a while ago. Everyone was attacking him, scolding him unscrupulously, and venting all the unhappiness in life on him. At that time, he stood alone on the opposite side of everyone, isolated and helpless. He is also under tremendous pressure. Do you think he has anger and resentment in his heart?

Now that he has gritted his teeth and overcome the difficulties, do you think he will take revenge on everyone who participated in the attack on him? "

Jay-Z heard her words and thought thoughtfully, "You mean Link has not forgiven Katy Perry and others, but he just doesn't care about it on the surface, and is actually preparing for revenge?"

Beyoncé shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know, just put yourself in someone else's shoes, would you forgive those who have hurt you when you encounter setbacks? Not to mention that Link is still a very vindictive and aggressive man."

Jay-Z thought about it and probably wouldn't forgive him.

When Kanye just said in the media that his album was rubbish, he held on to Kanye and countered that Kanye was ill. So the harmonious atmosphere there was all an illusion. How many people were at odds with each other?

But Link's acting skills are really good, and it doesn't look like he's pretending at all.

Next to her, Beyoncé held her long legs between her legs and continued to look at Link with wide eyes, her charming cheeks gradually turning rosy.

Link also noticed Beyoncé, looked at her and quickly avoided it.

This woman is so difficult to deal with. Yesterday morning, she called him and asked where he was. He only replied that he was training in the boxing ring. But by the afternoon, Beyoncé had touched her.

The fire in his body that was stirred up by Evaka, after suppressing it for a night, not only did not subside, but became even more intense. After Beyoncé came over, the two of them fought fiercely in the underground parking garage. field.

After the battle, there were several holes in the leather seats dug out by her nails, the window glass was broken by her high heels, and the seat belt had to be replaced because it was pulled too hard.

Link shook his head, getting rid of the mosaic images in his mind, and continued to chat about music and gossip with Katy Perry. The atmosphere at the scene was very good. In fact, this atmosphere was real and not what the outside world thought. Pretending.

In fact, the reason why Katy Perry and others agreed to help support Taylor was because he took the initiative to contact her. On the one hand, it helped Taylor, and on the other hand, it also eased the relationship between them.

After hearing his proposal, Kristen Stewart was the first to express her support and took the opportunity to ridicule him. Unexpectedly, she thought she and Link had some big grudge.

The same goes for everyone else.

Later, Taylor held a celebration party at the Beverly Hotel and invited several of them to attend, including Selena, Katy Perry, etc. Even Doutzen Kroes was invited, but he was not invited.

It was as if he, the mastermind behind the scenes, had been forgotten.

"Hey Link, I have a question for you."

Miley Cyrus poked him on the shoulder and said, "You have a girlfriend in France, one in the UK, one in China, one in Japan, one in South Korea, one in Singapore, one in the Netherlands, plus a few in the United States," some tabloids said Is it true that you are forming a United Nations girlfriend group?”


Miley's words just fell, there was a burst of laughter around.

"Yes, Link, do you want to work harder and get enough for a United Nations?"

"Link, Russia is a permanent member of the Security Council, you can't be without a Russian girlfriend."

"There are also many beauties in Germany, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil. When are you going to find one?"

Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and Carrie Underwood teased.

Link's face darkened, "This is all slander. I admit that I have a few foreign friends of the opposite sex, but the main purpose of dating them is to learn foreign languages ​​and facilitate concert promotion. It's not like what people say on the Internet, I have a relationship every time I go to a country. I don't have that much free time."

"Really? How many girlfriends do you have now? Three? Is it tiring to date so many girlfriends at the same time? I don't mean anything else, I just want to collect some materials and write them into songs in the future."

Lady Gaga laughed.

Link shook his head. People in the music industry, both men and women, have rich emotions. Except for Taylor, almost all popular female singers who frequently change boyfriends have this problem.

Including Madonna, Britney Spears, Avril Lavigne, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, etc., almost all had four or five ex-boyfriends before the age of 30.

The only difference between me and them is that they date one and dump one, just like retail investors in the stock market, while I date four or five at the same time, hold them for a long time, and eventually become a major shareholder.

So Link didn't really agree with being called a scumbag by them.

When he was about to make a few quibbles, someone shouted, look, Taylor and Selena are here.

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