Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 379 Bob's Countermeasures


On Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, in front of the office of the president of Weinstein International Pictures, Bob Weinstein reached out his hand and was about to knock on the door, when he heard the sound of glassware being smashed from inside the room.

He retracted his hand, lit a cigarette at the door, and waited for four or five minutes before the room returned to calm.

Dong, dong, dong!

He reached out and knocked on the door.

"Get in!"

The person in the room roared loudly, like an angry lion.

When Bob Weinstein opened the door, he saw glass fragments all over the floor, and even Harvey's favorite crystal statue of a naked woman was smashed, while Harvey himself was sitting in an office chair with cold eyes and anger on his ferocious fleshy face.

He breathed heavily, and with his breath, his big belly and short and thick double chin would swell up at the same time, like a bullfrog in a swamp.

Bob himself also had a big belly and a double chin, but compared to his brother Harvey's image, he thought he was a few points more handsome.

"What happened to Harvey?"

Bob used his foot to cut through the glass fragments on the ground and took two steps forward.

"Linkback! Damn Linkback!"

Harvey slammed the table and yelled hysterically.

"Link? How did he offend you?"

Bob asked in confusion.

He also knew Link, a very dazzling young man who had made great achievements in the boxing and music circles. It was said that he had come to Hollywood to develop and founded a film company.

As for Link's approach, Bob could only say that he was too naive and too idealistic, thinking that if he did well in other fields, he could also do well in Hollywood.

This was impossible.

The water in Hollywood was deeper than the boxing and music circles.

For example, two years ago, David Ellison, the eldest son of Oracle President Larry Ellison, came to Hollywood to invest in movies with 50 million US dollars.

The first movie, "Invincible", cost 60 million US dollars to produce and had a global box office of 17.83 million. It lost all the 50 million US dollars and became a joke in the circle.

Billionaire Larry Ellison couldn't stand it anymore, so he found Paramount Pictures' boss Ray Stone and arranged for David Ellison to go to Paramount to learn, asking him to first learn the skills of making movies, and then come out to invest in movies.

So in Hollywood, money alone is useless.

Many people think that Link will be the next Hollywood joke after David Ellison. Although the first movie he invested in, "The Scandal Project", was a big hit, no one believed that he would continue to be lucky.


Hearing his brother Bob's question, Harvey's face was gloomy and he talked about being irritated by Link.

Before calling Jennifer, he thought that with his status, he only needed a few words to make the new actress Jennifer obey. He had used this trick on many actresses and it worked every time.

But it didn't work with Jennifer.

Not only did it fail, but Link heard all his big words and mocking Link.

It was so annoying.

Jennifer was so disappointing.

The reason why he called Jennifer was that he had high hopes for her. She was 20 years old this year, but she showed good acting skills. She was a very promising actress and worth exploring.

Secondly, he also wanted to use this incident to take revenge on Link.

Everyone knew that Link was the most charming man in the world and was extremely attractive to women.

As long as he could hug his rumored girlfriend Jennifer and appear in public, he could make Link lose face and let everyone know that even if Link was handsome, rich and strong, he was the only king in Hollywood.

Unfortunately, the plan did not succeed. Instead, he was threatened by Link, the bastard, and forced to transfer the film copyright to him.

Harvey was very angry. He had been in Hollywood for more than 30 years, from an unknown person to the most powerful person in Hollywood. No one dared to disobey him for many years. Today, he was confronted by a 21-year-old young man. It was really hateful.

"What did you say? Link has evidence of your sexual assault on several actresses? Is it true?"

Bob asked seriously.

"I'm not sure, but it feels true."

Because Link scolded him for having no balls and needed to inject drugs to become a man.

Only people who had a very close relationship with him would know this kind of thing.

And the three actresses mentioned by Link were indeed persecuted by him.

In addition, Link is a billionaire, the son-in-law of the Thompson family, and has friendships with Amanda Hearst, the eldest daughter of the Hearst Newspaper Group, and media tycoon Murdoch.

With his strength and connections, if he is determined to search for relevant evidence, he will definitely find it.

This is what Harvey is worried about.

"Harvey, I told you a long time ago that if you want to play with women, you can go to prostitutes, don't mess around in the company. This is the 21st century, not the 1950s and 1960s. Your way of doing things is very dangerous, but you didn't listen. What's going on now?"

Bob shouted with his neck puffed.

"Shut up! I am Harvey Weinstein, the savior of modern movies, the most powerful producer in the world. Many good movies on the market now are produced by me. My contribution to the film industry is unparalleled. What's wrong with playing with a few actresses?"

Harvey shouted in a louder voice.

Bob shook his head helplessly.

Harvey was hyped up by the Hollywood media. Although he made great contributions to the development of modern movies, he was not an indispensable figure.

In addition to him, Jerry Bruckheimer, David Heyman, Kathleen Kennedy, Scott Rudin, etc. are also top producers.

In terms of box office performance, Harvey is not among the top ten producers.

He is just a little better than them in competing for Oscar awards, and is known as an Oscar-winning actor and actress-making machine, which also makes Harvey more and more complacent.

"Harvey, now that Link has dirt on you, what are you going to do? He is not Elsa Argento. It will be difficult to get rid of women like Rose McGowan who have no foundation."

Bob asked.

Harvey sat on the office chair and took a deep breath. His neck and belly bulged again, and the flesh on his face trembled slightly.

"First of all, stabilize him. I have agreed to give the heroine of "Silver Linings Playbook" to Jennifer Lawrence, and also promised him to co-invest in this movie. I have shown enough sincerity that I believe he will not follow me for the time being. "Tear apart."

"What's next? The evidence is in his hands. Next time he threatens you with those things, are you going to give him the next role or the next movie to produce? This will never work."

Bob is also a shareholder of Weinstein Pictures, and he strongly disagrees with Harvey's practice of easily handing over roles to others and projects to others for collaboration without consultation.

Harvey's doing this is obviously harming the company's interests, that is, his interests. Even if they are brothers, they must clearly distinguish between interests.

"Damn it, I brought this movie to you, don't talk to me in this tone."

Harvey said dissatisfied.

"Silver Linings Playbook" was about a cocktail party where he met director David Russell and asked him about his new works. David Russell talked about the new script.

He sounded very good and asked to cooperate. At that time, Director Russell was still a little hesitant. He immediately threw out the bait and said that he could help compete for the Oscar award, and Director Russell immediately agreed.

This is his approach to dealing with Hollywood filmmakers.

In the film industry, all actors and actresses have an unusual obsession with the statuette. It seems that having a statuette will make them nobler than their peers.

For this reason, many people do not hesitate to sacrifice their dignity and body, and even lose their moral bottom line in order to get the statuette.

If someone else were to use statuettes for fishing, those actors and directors might hesitate, but he is different. The films he has participated in the production and distribution of have received more than 300 Oscar nominations and more than 70 statuettes, which is unprecedented in the history of film.

So every time he fished with the Little Golden Man, almost no one could resist his temptation.

Except for that bastard Link.

"Okay, what can you do to deal with that bastard Link?"

Bob asked, spreading his hands.

"Go tell Bruce Cohen to increase the cost budget of this movie and double it on the original basis. Doesn't Link want to cooperate? Then just hand over the money obediently. When he hands over the money, hum, I will It will let him know how deep the water is in Hollywood, and let him know the consequences of offending me.”

Harvey's eyes were angry, the flesh at the corners of his eyes twitching, and a cruel light flashed in his gray eyes.

"Is this feasible? Although Link is a newcomer, the people at Palm Beach Pictures are not. They have participated in the production of "Scandal Project" and know how to calculate costs and box office. It is very difficult to cheat him on the cost. Big, and he has some dirty information about you. Will you anger him if you do this before he hands it over?"

Bob took out a cigarette and knocked it on his desk.

Harvey frowned when he heard what he said. Bob was right. Link didn't understand movies, but there must be someone around him who did. Only then could he choose a box office dark horse among many movies and invest millions to earn a few dollars. Ten million.

To deal with such experts, raising costs and making false accounts will not work.

What if something goes wrong and Link knows about it, and that bastard chooses to rip off his face and reveal the dirty information.

Harvey is not worried about the dirty stuff.

As long as the one in Washington is still there, there is no need to worry about being liquidated.

But after the black material is exposed, it will definitely have a certain impact on his image and affect the production and distribution of the company's movies.

There are currently many hidden dangers within the Weinstein Films, including a shortage of funds and huge loans. If the release of the film is affected and the return of funds is delayed for a few months, the capital chain will be broken. In more serious cases, it may even cause the company to go bankrupt.

So you can't break up with Link at this time.

"Bob, you have a smart mind. Do you have any good ideas for dealing with Link?"

Harvey asked looking at his younger brother who had a hooked nose and always liked to squint his eyes.

Bob lit the cigarette, squinted his eyes and took a sip and said: "Link is a billionaire. He makes tens of millions from a boxing match, one to two hundred million from a concert tour, and has a lot of cash flow, and our company is developing Just short of money.

For us, Link is not a good partner. After reaching cooperation with him, we have become a community of interests. We both prosper and suffer. Exposing your dirty materials means going against the dollar bills. He will also Do this? "

"Cooperate with him? Is he worthy of a young man who knows nothing?"

Harvey said disdainfully.

"He has money and doesn't know anything. This is a good thing for us. Do you want to cooperate with someone who is very knowledgeable and let him dictate our movie?"

Bob asked, holding a cigarette.

Harvey held his chin and thought for a while. It made sense. He stretched out his hand and asked his brother to continue.

"I heard that Link is lustful. After you reach a cooperation, you can definitely find an opportunity to arrange for one or two actresses to contact him, trick him, and get his dirty information. In this way, you not only don't have to worry about being threatened by him, but also You can hold him back."

Bob pinched the cigarette butt and sneered.

Harvey couldn't help but nod when he heard his brother's clever idea.

This is indeed better than breaking up with Link. Besides, Link is lustful, so it won't be too difficult to get his dirty information.

As long as he could get Link's dirty information, Harvey smiled coldly, and he would definitely let him know the consequences of offending him.

Seeing that Harvey agreed with his suggestion, Bob was also relieved. The company was not developing smoothly at present, with internal and external troubles. If he faced a rich and famous billionaire like Link, even if he could win, it would be a disastrous defeat.

Now turning enemies into friends and giving the company a strong partner is definitely a good thing.

As long as Link agrees to cooperate, the two parties will become a community of common interests, and the black material in his hand will no longer be a threat.

Bob also secretly applauded the idea he came up with.

Boom, boom, boom!

A scantily clad woman came to the door of the office. She was Harvey's female assistant, holding a syringe in her hand.

Bob took one look, shook his head, stood up and left.

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