Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 380: Captain America filming

When Link and Jennifer were making love in bed, Harvey called.

He asked him when he would come to Los Angeles so that they could talk face to face.

Harvey also praised him for several minutes on the phone, saying that he was young, handsome and romantic, and was the best young man he had ever seen, and that he couldn't wait to talk to him face to face.

Hearing Harvey's enthusiasm, Link felt a chill from his coccyx to his brain stem, and couldn't help shivering on Jennifer's body.

Harvey was not a good person. Although his tone was somewhat relaxed when he called before, he could feel the anger and hatred mixed in his words through the phone.

In this call, Harvey's tone became very normal, and he couldn't wait to talk to him about cooperation. This change made him alert. The reason why the other party was so eager to meet was that he had already dug a pit and set a trap, waiting for him to jump in.

So should he go to Los Angeles to talk to Harvey about cooperation?

If he went, he might fall into the pit.

If he didn't go, it would seem that he was afraid of Harvey, and he would miss a chance to make money.

Link put his arm around Jennifer's waist, thought about it carefully, and decided to go to Los Angeles.

Although Harvey was a bad guy who liked to use his power to take advantage of actresses, intimidate victims, and was suspected of workplace bullying and bullying, after his fall, it seemed that he had no other serious crimes except these problems.

In terms of danger, he was a step behind Epstein Jr., P. Diddy, and others.

It would be nice to go to Los Angeles and talk to him.

He said he would go next weekend.

Recently, in addition to practicing boxing in New York, he was also filming "Captain America".

Captain America Steve Rogers is from Brooklyn, New York. He lived here before he became Captain America. He has more than 20 scenes here, and has filmed seven or eight scenes so far. The crew will move to Los Angeles next week.

After hanging up the phone, Link leaned against the head of the bed, and gently combed Jennifer's messy long hair with his palm.

After intense exercise, her fair skin was pink, and the blush near her apple cheeks was deeper, as if she had just come out of a sauna. Even her original freckles were covered by the blush and disappeared, and her whole face seemed to be more beautiful.

This is true. Jennifer is the kind of girl who is not delicate but very attractive.

Her figure has the unique wildness, vitality and sensuality of American Western girls, which is a different feeling from Taylor, Marion Cotillard, Emma Watson, and Nozomi Sasaki.


While looking at the girl sleeping in his arms, the phone rang again. It was Evaka's call, asking where he was and why he didn't come back at night.

Link said he was sleeping in the Yorkville apartment and asked her what was wrong.

Evaka asked him which woman he was fooling around with?

Link said Jennifer Lawrence, and told her that Jennifer came to New York for an audition today.

Evaka snorted and said to deduct 5 points.

Link protested. First, before they started dating, she said she didn't care about this kind of thing. It was unreasonable to deduct points. Secondly, he was a normal man with normal physiological needs. If his girlfriend didn't want to have sex with him, he could only go out to eat. How could he be deducted points for this kind of thing?

Evaka said that she had the right to score, and she had the final say on whether to give or deduct points.

Link felt helpless and planned to find a time to hide her anti-wolf spray, and then teach her a lesson, so that she could fill up the points directly.

Evaka said that her brother Edward Thompson had a birthday tomorrow and was holding a birthday party at home, and asked him if he wanted to attend.

Link asked if there were any extra points.

Evaka said no.

Link said he would attend, and asked about the time of the party, what gifts to prepare, etc.

The two talked about some work matters. Lana's second album "Born To Die" was being produced, and asked him if he had any suitable songs. Charlie Puth successfully entered the second round of "American Idol", and there was also work in Link's music publicity department.

Scooter is now the director of the publicity department, and he also has to manage SB Entertainment. It is often difficult to take care of both ends, and many tasks are not done properly.

Evaka suggested changing a publicity director, allowing Scooter to concentrate on running SB Entertainment, and handing over the operation of Charlie Puth and Ariana Grande to SB Entertainment.

Link agreed.

SB Entertainment is also an asset of Link Music. The development and growth of SB will also increase the market value and influence of Link Music. Scooter plays a greater role in SB Entertainment than in Link Music.

After chatting for more than half an hour, Link hung up the phone and fell asleep with the girl beside him.

The next day, he woke up at six o'clock on schedule, washed and changed clothes as usual, and went for a morning run outside Central Park.

Since Daddario was filming on the crew and was not in New York recently, he could only wear headphones and run alone under the golden sunrise, alone.

When I got home, Jennifer had already gotten up and was training in the gym. She was wearing a sports vest and stretch pants, and was working out her arms and waist on the stretcher. Jennifer said her forearms were a bit thick and her belly was a bit fat, and she wanted to be slimmer.

Link said it was better for her this way.

A fat belly is sexier than a thin belly. She is 170cm tall and has strong and slender legs. This is also what makes her different from the four exquisite young actresses Emma Roberts and Amanda Seyfried. She is more like a powerful actress than a youth idol.

Looking at Jennifer who was exercising, he thought of the movie "The Hunger Games" that made her famous all over the world.

After Jennifer won an Oscar for Silver Linings Playbook, The Hunger Games trilogy made her one of the top actresses in Hollywood, earning more than 20 million.

Jennifer's money is also equal to the money earned by Palm Bay Agency.

Link thought he should say hello to Catherine and see which film company has the copyright of the film.

After breakfast, Jennifer went to Russell's studio in New York to discuss the role. Link drove her there and then went to Brooklyn to continue filming Captain America.

At the beginning of the movie, Captain America Steve Rogers is a thin and sickly young man who has applied to join the US military many times, but was rejected because of his poor health and was often bullied by others.

When shooting this part of the scene, because Link is tall and strong, he can't achieve that thin effect even if he loses weight.

In order to solve this problem, the crew wanted to use CG special effects technology to change his body shape at first, but after repeated attempts, they found that the effect was not good, so they could only find two thin stand-ins for him, and then use editing technology to splice his performance with the stand-in's performance.

This also led to the slow progress of the crew in the early stage, and only one or two scenes could be shot every day. Link shot for nearly ten days on the crew and only shot eight scenes.


On a long street on the Brooklyn set of the "Captain America" ​​crew, Link sat in a car from World War II, looking at the alley outside the window, and said to Agent Peggy Carter beside him,

"I don't understand how a beautiful girl like you can join the army, oh, no, I mean a lady, an agent, not a girl, you are beautiful, but..."

Link stuttered and said nervously.

Ms. Peggy Carter, who was wearing a military uniform, turned to look at him, "You have no idea how to approach girls, right?"

"This is the longest sentence I have ever said to a girl."

Link looked down at his fingers, and said in a depressed and somewhat inferior manner, "Girls will not agree to dance with someone who will step on their feet."

"You should try it."

Ms. Carter said.

"No, every time I think of asking a girl to dance, I feel terrible. In the past few years, I have been waiting."

"Waiting for what?"

"The right person."

Link hesitated and said.


"Keep this one, and do another one."

"Link, your voice should be softer. In Steve's eyes, Agent Carter is a goddess-like figure. At this time, he will be more inferior and sensitive when facing Ms. Carter. Your voice is too loud and will destroy that feeling."

Director Joe Johnston shouted while watching the shot just taken.


Link nodded and returned to the car to perform.

Director Johnston held his chin and continued to watch his and Hayley Atwell's performance.

In fact, Link acted well in the scene just now, but before working with Link, he specifically called director Woody Allen to ask him how to work with Link.

Director Woody Allen gritted his teeth and told him that Link was an olive-fruit type of actor. When filming with him, he had to squeeze and hit him hard. The harder he was squeezed, the better he acted. Once he relaxed, he would become a third-rate actor. So when working with him, he must not let him have an easy time.

After listening to this, Director Johnston seemed to have some enlightenment and felt that filming with Link would be more difficult.

Because every director has a different style, some have a good temper, some have a bad temper, some will scold the actors on the set when they encounter something unpleasant, and some like to play cold violence on the set.

And Director Johnston considers himself a person with a better temper. It is also a very challenging job for him to suppress a superstar on the crew every day.

For this reason, he consulted several directors who are known for their violent tempers before filming.

Ask them how to criticize actors in a more ruthless way without hurting the other party's self-esteem.

Some directors said this, some said that, and the directors who had a good relationship with him cursed directly, saying that he was mocking them.

Director Johnston did a lot of preparation before filming, but after filming, he found that the previous preparations were useless.

Because Link's performance was much more mature than in "The Fighter", some simple scenes only needed to be filmed once to pass, and he was no worse than several veteran actors in the same crew, and there was no need to suppress him at all.

This made Director Johnston both pleased and a little disappointed.

But in order to prevent Link from slacking off, he would be stricter with Link during filming, and he would comment on Link after each filming to put some pressure on Link.

After working together for a few scenes, he found that this method was really good. In the constant suppression, Link's performance was also stable and improved, and occasionally there would be a small explosion.

In addition, during filming, he also found that Link's inner drama was more delicate and explosive than the action drama, which also surprised him a little. A world boxing champion is actually better at inner drama?

Director Johnston shook his head and watched the performance of Link and actress Hayley Atwell on the monitor. Suddenly, he remembered something. He called his assistant Doug Coleman and told him to keep an eye on Link and not let him get too close to Hayley. He also notified their agents and hoped that they would keep their distance before the filming was completed.

In this movie, Captain America and Agent Carter are the kind of couple who want each other but cannot get it. Not letting Link and Hayley go to bed during the filming can maintain that feeling of wanting each other.

If they really went to bed, Director Johnston was worried that the two would have a bad time when filming the emotional scenes.


"Keep it! Next scene!"

After filming in the afternoon, Link changed out of his military uniform and prepared to talk to Miss Haley, who played opposite him, about tomorrow's scenes, but they were pulled apart by their respective agents after a few words.

Ms. Anna told him that this was Director Johnston's order, saying that given his reputation as a playboy, he should stay away from the heroine during filming, avoid scandals, and better help them complete the next scenes.

Link felt helpless when he heard it. He just had a strong desire, not a scumbag who flirted with everyone he met. Director Johnston's arrangement was redundant, and he also saw the shadow of Director Woody Allen in this matter.

He called Director Allen and asked about the post-production of "Midnight in Paris" and when it would be released. Director Allen's answer was simple, just saying that it was still early and asked him to wait.

Link asked how his performance was and whether he had a chance to win an Oscar. If so, he would ask Harvey Weinstein to help with public relations.

Director Allen said he was dreaming. Actor Peter O'Toole had been nominated for Best Actor eight times but never won. In his case, he would need to be nominated at least eighteen times to have a chance of winning, so he told him not to be anxious.

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